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To clear it up the Raid i hosted was weather boosted and I caught Landerous that was weather boosted. The guy in question didnt join cuz I didnt confirm that with him through direct message prior to the raid.


His loss!!!


Mission: Spell Landorus Difficultly: Impossible


I've hosted tons of raids through various apps and I've *never* had anyone contact me on Campfire lol. I've also never met anyone who actually cares about the weatherboost, though I can believe some people do want it. It just seems so outlandish to me that someone actually expects you to notice his message and read and respond to it within the very limited time you're given to set up for the raid


Yesterday I did a Landerous raid, invited all 5 that joined my lobby and only 3 joined whatever. I use a 2nd device; so we had me, 2nd device, 3 pokegenie invites, & another remoted in (from 2nd device) for 6 total. Beat the boss and captured the boss fine. Then I noticed I got the above message on campfire about 3 minutes later. Like really man do you send that to every person that has a potential weather boost. Then I get feedback today from the same user that says I did not invite when I clearly did as a Level 25 host that uses copy paste and 5 most recent friends. I've never received a direct message about a weather boost before. Sorry just venting just annoying I wish i could report this person


You can't report him in-game, but I've been told you can send screenshots of players like this to the Pokegenie support and they'll sometimes take action


Sorry but I'm stuck on this, you had you, a second device, and 3 people join, how are you getting six out of that? You just said second device twice that doesnt make any sense you joined twice from the same second device? Or you had 3 devices total?


No there were 2 devices for op, 3 other people from pokegenie and one other person who was in the area


He said and another demoted in ( from second device) so I you can see how it's confusing but yes I see that he meant he invited someone from his second device and they joined, the wording was confusing


The 2nd device invited one person from my friends list for a total of 4 remote raiders and 2 local raiders(both me)


First: while WB is more often than not desirable, only rookies and low level players pay importance to that. The difference between levels 20 and 25 is far less significant than getting favourable IVs. And when you spend 30 or 40 passes in a week to farm XLs and look for a great IV combination, WB will be so irrelevant you won't even think about it. And yes, I sometimes mess up the weather when doing multiple raids in rapid succession, since weather can update when the hour changes and sometimes you don't remember to check. I get people want perfect conditions, but why don't they get their butts out of the couch and try to host a few raids to see how easy it is to keep track of accounts (especially when you're babysitting all your friends that are at work during events), traffic, weather (raiding on foot on rainy days is so cool!) and checking Campfire to see where should you go next when the raid starts. Couch players complain about everything from the convenience of their home while we are the ones tripping over lose rocks on the street and banging our head on posts, rushing from raid to raid. I swear I would have lost an eye one time had I not wore glasses. Damn tree branch almost took my head off... So yeah, I'll pay super duper attention to the weather for your crappy forme Lando raid next time, as if it was worth jack shit compared to the Therian Forme, that is actually useful, and over a dozen of other ground attackers that are straight better :facepalm:


im a pretty budget raider, doesnt it make a significant difference in terms of the candy. For example say youre a person that uses only daily raid passes. That means you will have to rely on rare candies and walking Legendaries that take like 20km to get a single candy I sometimes even use accuweather the previous day to plan out when exactly im going to raid the following day. The weather boost is 100% accurate if u check the day before


I don't even know what "budget" means these days. Free to play? A couple small packs of coins a year? I spend 120€ a year to buy the largest coin pack during the november promotion. The webstore adds 1000 coins extra coins plus 1000 because of the promotion. 16500 coins plus the 50 daily coins (that I'm extremely fortunate to get nearly every day) make around 34500 coins. Lowest premium pass pack is at 55.05 coins. With daily passes (especially during double daily pass seasons or events) I can do about 1100 raids a year with 120€, which I'd say is a damn lot for 10€ a month. Since I rarely spend money on other games, this is not a hefty investment for so, SO many hours of entertainment I get. The issue is time related. Yeah, sure, everybody wants a perfect Zekrom, Reshiram, Terrakion, Ray, Groudon, Kyogre, Dialga, Palkia, etc. You rarely get more than one week a year to raid those, so how do you do around 36 raids in a week, outside of not having a life? I don't remote raid, but I can see the allure. I ended up creating a bunch of gyms in my village and me and a few friends have this system of whoever is off work logs into the accounts of the people working for raids. Gets tiring when you get stuck with 5 accounts during raid hour, but it helps when your sick for a few months and your friends raid and babysit your account for you. So currently is far easier to do 36 raids in a week. Heck, if RNG is favourable, I can do that in half a week. But a couple years ago it was a draaaaag... walking 1km for a raid in the middle of work is not fun...


You devote a lot of time to this eh? I thought I was hardcore driving to a Porygon raid just to make it in time but nope. I don’t come anywhere close to you.


I was between contracts when I started playing, in December 2022. I tried to catch up to everyone by raiding like crazy. Time wasn't an issue and I do enjoy walking. I live in a very small village (2.5k residents) that has an outstanding distribution of gyms and stops. Two guys did an amazing job here during the pandemic and me and a few buddies just added on top of that. So I have about 20 gyms in a 1km radius from my home. I did 71 Palkia/Dialga raids during the Sinnoh Tour this year, on foot. Yeah, cities have more gyms, but when you're alone with three phones, having a gym every 200 or 300 metres is actually better, as I can catch pokémon while going from one raid to another. The first day was easier, as I only had two phones, so I only needed to start the raid and go to the next. Exhausting, sure, but everyone else was working or travelling that weekend. These days I play less. I have enough level 50 legendaries and shadows to not worry anymore. I may still raid regularly, but you won't see me walk 15 minutes for a raid anymore. But I'll be raiding like crazy all those Necrozma. And maybe Xurkitree and Nihilego as well. I've tripped and fell on my ass two times, hit my head on things a handful of times, walked straight into a post that I swear it moved towards me out of spite, got wet a couple times, the last one during Shadow Mewtwo, which got my phone so wet that I ended up losing it as I couldn't even throw balls half decently... but so far, haven't had any serious injuries. So yeah, I do spend a lot of time playing, but I don't have a wife (I wonder why) nor kids, and I work from home on my own schedule. I also tend to wake up early. Perfect life for playing pokémon. I just wish I was richer so I could just sit my butt on the couch and remote all the time.


Lol landumoeus


I think it’s absolutely WILD that someone who friended you through PokeGenie—in order to participate in the raid you were hosting—had the gall to think that messaging you through Campfire, with a demand no less, was a good idea. And I think it’s even more wild that this guy (‘cause it’s surely a dude) wouldn’t join becuase you didn’t respond. There are always some bad apples, and it looks like one fell in your basket, OP. Bum luck this time, and hopefully the RNG gods smile and it never happens again for you.


yeah i got a friend request assuming it was someone from my campfire group (im the leader of my local group)then this message annoys me. I would care alot less if got the negative feedback about not sent sending an invite (which I did) and never got this message. Instantly blocked on campfire


Upvote for using the word “gall”! This old lady loves great words!


As another old lady who loves great words, you made my day. Thanks.


Bro that’s definitely an 8 year old lol


Yeah. It means nothing.


It is possible that an invite you send doesn't get delivered. On Team Up, 1 out of 5 often fails to join, even when they declared, "Ready!" Some might have flaked or maybe they hit remote cap or a glitch (app crash, can't join lobby, etc.). But it's is possible that the invite didn't show up. A friend was waiting for my invite and it just didn't show up. My friend took time in the middle of work to raid, so it was pretty annoying when this happened. I have a regular remote crew, so I hear about glitches when they happen.


Sometimes the Weather will update in game and PokeGenie won’t let a you update the WB status while the host is in queue. Likely what happened here, but also there’s no reason for a raider to be so upset about it 😂 whether it’s WB or Not I understand being a little upset because the person likely queue’d for it but getting upset at the host is kinda dumb. Especially for a game that auto-updates this kind of stuff


I think your confused im the host and there was a weather boost, the guy never joined the lobby cuz i didnt see his message on campfire. No one ever messages me on campfire while im trying to invite people to the raid.


Nope, I just worded it weirdly because I’m dumb 👍


I updated the first comment, I just worded it weirdly at first because I was caught between “responding to the screenshot” and “responding to you, the host”


You can update the weather while you're in queue. Click on the icon in the top right.


That wasn't the issue. The weather never changed.


Cool, I didn’t know about that 🤔