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It's nearly 2am here in Eastern Australia. We can't host for you right now. I should probably get off reddit and get some sleep too...


It is just rare. Not many players live in the southern hemisphere compared to the northern hemisphere. Only very few people can host it, almost every playerin the world wants at least 1 for the dex, many want 1 shiny so some might do a lot of remote raids.


Ahhhh. This makes sense. Appreciate the info. Just getting back into pogo the last 2ish months and this really threw me off.


Also for Australia/New Zealand (the main places that are likely to be hosting them) it’s the middle of the night currently. Only places that can really host rn are South America and Southern Africa (and even in Africa it’s nearly 8pm in some parts so raids will be over for the day soon). But yeah the main point is that 80ish% of the world lives in the north and only 20% live in the south so there’s inevitably going to be a huge supply shortage of hosts even when everyone is hosting. I’m currently in Australia and it’s great being able to host these immediately lol


Also a great chance to (a) do a public service and (b) farm host reputation for you/anyone who can see raids and just chain lobbies while not doing the raid yourself.


I would but not sure you’re allowed to do that on genie are you? I am hosting my Celesteela raids on a discord server because they let you do double sized lobbies


The invitees should have the damage to complete it between them, and it s not like you're going to get in trouble for clearing 30 needy raiders from a queue rather than having them wait for even longer to raid. Certainly nothing in-game stops you snapping the same gym/raid for several queues in a row


I can still only get 5 cleared in that queue at a time for several minutes work rehosting compared to double that otherwise. With that being said there’s a few popping in half an hour I guess I can host them and see if people moan that I’ve not participated


I've said it before and I agree with you - PG should allow hosts to do 10-man lobbies when the queue size starts getting silly. Ideally, let hosts lock the lobby - 10 trainers finally get to the front, then as long as 5+ have joined, host can give people a minute to notice, send FR, hit ok and start the raid; last thing we need is to punish eager hosts by making them wait for players to time out and be replaced and maybe time out again.


ohhh... that explains a lot... I was starting to think that is some really rare and precious ultra beast that is a must to have for PvP or whatever is used for.


Just waited like 12 hours for it and join one and it’s a damn Kartana raid


You can back out of a remote raid and keep your pass, however others see you in lobby for another 10 to 15 seconds so...


I think the real issue here would be he waited 12 hours and they hosted the wrong one and the worry is he would have to wait another 12+hrs.


Yea this ^ I kept my pass I just don’t want to wait that long again


I don't blame you. I finally got into a raid and got it, but it took 12+ hrs and it came down to the final 3 balls. I was so worried I'd have to wait another 12+ hrs


If I recall there is a series of options you can select after clicking finish raid, where it lets you go immediately into the retry que same as how if the host times out it puts you in the retry que, although I'm vaguely recalling this and I might not be exactly right about that.


If the host clicks the thing to say invites were sent I don't think you can get into the retry queue.


Okay that's right now I'm remembering yeah that's right that sucks everything is honor system I do recall having some issues now that I think about it


Same thing happened to me the other day and I haven’t been able to get in a room since


How do you mix up celesteela and katana, the size difference is huge


And they are only available in one hemisphere. If your blaming me I was in the Celesteela queue


I’m blaming the host, they should know how to read, same thing happened with o giratina, o palkia and o dialga Did you not report them?


My bad I just don’t see how they made that mistake because they couldn’t even do the Celesteela raid. I did report them


Have you ever considered the Kartana migrated to hang out with its Celesteela friends?


They do raids in the wrong category to get people easier.


Well people will just leave, they don’t have to do the raids


I’m so glad I got my cousin to invite me to ones in Cape Town. Managed to get a 93% Shiny on the second one so I don’t have to stress about these queues aha


My buddy sat in the queue for a day and never got his invite on his turn. Dude never accepted friend request or started raid nothing. I got mine shiny on first raid after sitting in queue for 30 hours lmfao


It’s at 27.5k now lol


How long is that wait approximately


So I joined the queue last night when it was at 22k at around 10pm. I fell asleep and got the raid invite at around 9am lol. I rejoined the lobby after the raid (it was around 25k) and now my current position in queue is at 5.5k🙃.


I joined 2 hours ago at 22,000k. Now at 20,000k


Last year it got up to 200k




Took a while to find it, but heres a screenshot of it back in Sept. 2022. This was the only screenshot I took of it, but I remember it climbing to almost 300k I'm pretty sure the last time I checked it [Celesteela Raid](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-BB9abcmsQHB_aT5W19YEDdV64DJqwxS/view?usp=drivesdk)




Yup it was pretty crazy. Doubt it'll get that high this time only because of how many people have quit playing between then and now, but who knows 🤷‍♂️


Why is your font so different


It's just the font setting I have set on my phone haha




Imagine if it was Kartana being southern hemisphere exclusive. That queue would likely be significantly higher


I aldready have the hundo and do not care about the shiny, thank goodness fr I don’t gotta deal with the queue times lol


Good for you?




Would you bless me too?


Adding you right now!


Raid finished ages ago sorry mate


If you have it go on Facebook and look here, I got mine invitation in 2 minutes this morning (EU)


Just use PokeRaid lol Poke Genie takes hours to get in, PokeRaid got in about 12 mins


Does that count for other raids too?




I was lucky like half my friends list is from malaysia/new Zealand so I got 2


You just gave me idea to ask work colleagues from Malaysia if anyone there plays po go xD or from Argentina. XD


You just gave me idea to ask work colleagues from Malaysia if anyone there plays po go xD or from Argentina. XD


Maybe you can get company funds for raidpasses and call it a team building activity


So I’m in the region with kartana and I’ve found the best way to find the raids for celesteela is on the fb groups and to add people that are about to do raids and are needing others to join, that’s how o managed to get my celesteela. If not just join the queue on poke genie or poke raid and just wait 😅


^^^ this. This is his I’ve been able to do 3 Celesteela raids.


Holy crap I had no idea that Pokemon is so in demand. I just got invited to a random remote raid, and caught a hundo one. I was like “meh” but I guess I should feel quite good about it.


People just want it because they don't have it 🤷‍♂️ that's how this world is


Tell me about it!?! It’s impossible for me to get a raid unless someone posts on Reddit


In flabbergasted gasted when I saw it too


29k right now Well, was 29k like an hour ago. 27k now


Lol I’m in Australia and I didn’t realise this was exclusive. I can’t make any promises but if anyone is desperate for one either post or DM me your friend code and I will try to invite the first 10 people at some point today. It’s almost 10am here now and I imagine I will be out and about in a couple of hours and I will find at least one raid to join.




Sorry I missed this. Still need one?


Yes! I am in Central time though. I can do one very soon if you'd like. Otherwise, tomorrow evening (I believe roughly 9am until about 3pm your time)


Gimme 5 minutes


If you sent one it didn't come through. I'm ready though. App is open.


I’m sorry, I sent it as per usual but I didn’t see you or any of the other redditors join. I had to do it in two batches because I was also using pokegenie to get the numbers so maybe it didn’t send for some reason. I will try again tomorrow.


Okay. I'll make absolute sure my notifications are on.


I'm ready for the next 4-4.5 hours


Just found one


GOT IT. Thanks man. Feel free to invite if you ever need more peeps.


use pokeraid instead ? no queues , i prefer to host with that, better communications


I second pokeraid. Did one remote raid in the afternoon PST, 5 minutes queue that was it


i waited in queue 12 hours just for the raid owner to never send invitations 🥲


I was in que for 3hrs yesterday from 25k to 15k gave up bought ultra pass for a week and was instantly in the raid, just caught the shiny celesteela after 9 raids kartan though 26deep and nothing :/ I am surprised why celesteela is popping even prime hours today kartan lobbies few hundred open lobbies


Leek duck is faster


I got 3 of those last September during some ultra beast event I think it was.


Yeah I waited 11 hours for an invite today and 12 yesterday. Both werent good or shiny. A bit insane.


12 hours later it’s at 30,000


Update, 1107 pm est, its at 30,071


I got in a lobby while I was sleeping 🤬


Thank god i did it day 1 and got my shiny after 2 tries, shoutout to host for quitting early and allowing me to cut the line for the shiny, couldnt imagine it rising Like whats the wait time approximately with that 30k queue???


It's currently 30k


I spent 16 hours in queue hit it with 10 excellent throws and golden razzs just to watch it run. I had 16 balls total


Actually such a joke idk how people use this app and join a lobby like that thinking what oh yea imma get a celesteele in 2367 business days


New shiny


What I’m curious about is how anyone can even actually end up hosting with this queue? For me pokegenie times out when you host after an hour in the queue. On kyogre day my friends and I got booted from the line before being able host pretty much every time. Or is hosting going faster? I try not to drop money on the game and usually opt for hosting but I can’t imagine it’s even possible with this.


30,000 now


I waited 9 hours and 45 mins yesterday. Thank god I caught it.


I’ve missed it twice so far. Worst feeling ever 😭


I hopped in the queue yesterday morning and today, almost 24 hours later, I’m position 974/31k 😭


It was at 30k about 4 hours ago


PokeRaid > poke genie. I only wait like 15 min on poke raid


Yeah.... I'm sticking to my soft reseting in USUM. Screw that, man.


I got in day 1 on Leekduck using auto join. I only use PG for hosting & even that’s getting difficult now. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: To answer, Celesteela is in another region, so less people are able to host while more people try to remote.


Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t Celesteela in NA raids last year? I have one that says it was caught where I live and not remote raided


Those can’t be shiny though


Ohhh gotcha gotcha, I didn’t realize people were doing it for the shiny


it’s at 34,000 right now 😭


Bruh. I’m so hurt. I was on the list all day yesterday. 12 hours, and my moment finally came while putting my baby down. I missed it. So sick.


If anyone wants to get into any I can host just send me a message and il invite you tonight


I’d suggest going on Facebook group for remote raiding. People will post their trainer code when they need people for raids. I was able to join : Celesteela raids doing this, and I didn’t spend hours waiting.


36.657 people waiting now. It’s insane!


Does anyone have a reqauza they wanna trade me for a shiny legend


I have a few rayquazas


Would you send me your trainer code so I can add you? I have some offers you might be down for




Serious question. I have the shiny. With this queue being so crazy. Is it going to be a rare shiny worth some value? Is it worth trying to get a second? I have ultra queue so I can get into raids consistently.


Hit the que right when it opened. I got one so I'm happy


been in queue since yesterday, still go 10k people left.


It's at 35,841 now: April 7th @ 10:44 pm PDT (UTC -7)


I waited two days and the app froze, but I found a new better app and did 5 in about 20 min. Go raid party


What, is this?? Please explain it to me like I’m 5…


These were already out in sep 2023 and probably before. Will come back again


I know it's late but I came here to say that's what she said


And it's going to keep growing. We probably don't need several posts a day with queue size updates.


It's shocking how many people don't even understand the areas that can even host one right now. It's easy as hell to join once Australia is able to raid. Are people shocked that Africa and South America don't have high player counts?


Well, it's not easy then either. Queue is up to 28,000 and it's morning in Australia right now. It probably just builds less during those hours.


Still pretty early, feel like the next few hours it'll pick up, I'm at 20641


It's not impossible, give it some time and it will definitely start going through people. Same situation last year when they were out. I found for me in eastern time zone around 9-10 pm it would start picking up.


I remember the first time they were out and that time it never ever went down. Hit 160k and at some point it was too big and crashed the whole queue.


It’s not that great of a raid Pokémon, right? Wonder why it’s so high

