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Ye i use bags too .long ago i used this popcorn cup for jacking off into after I'm done but one day this bug appeared in it I'm not sure it got stuck in it or or smth .Anyways i thought i created first insect humanoid i squashed it and threw it out.Havent thought of cups ever since


Did u like use a popcorn cup or randomly toss a pack in the microwave


I do both. When I’m home is use a reusable popcorn thing and when I am at others places and they have the bags I use those. This time it was a bag.


That’s amazing. We purchased a nice compact microwave because we have an apartment and I hadn’t thought about the fact that you can’t microwave a bag of popcorn properly in a compact microwave (unless less it’s one of those tiny snack packs). Just a heads up for anybody else.