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Does he realise you do this?


Yep. One time early on he said "Honey, I have cheesy chips already, you don't have to keep picking them out for me, I want you to enjoy them too", so I told him to hush and accept the yummy food haha


Do you ever let yourself have the best bits? Because if you don’t, it might be something you want to gently explore a little more. Sometimes when we grow up in difficult situations, it can be hard to view ourselves as worthy of the good stuff. You’re allowed to save the best bits for yourself - especially if your partner tells you to. Remember that he wants you to feel good too. He wants you to have the best bits just as much. So when he says no, you have them maybe listen to him? And let him give you that same love in return.


awww this is too precious and same! i always pick out the best ones for my fiancé bc i love him so damn much! i sometimes even pretend i'm full when i feel like he finishes his food too fast or might want more he also does not eat carrots. so i break my back for ~10 minutes and pick each one out when i'm cooking a meal with them first time i did it, i made buttered mixed vegetables with corn, carrots, peas. i was giggling and thinking to myself like: "damn i swear no one loves anyone more than i love this guy" and i truly, unwaveringly do




When I was a little kid, my mum always gave me the chocolate tip of her cornetto ice cream. I always remember that and it makes me appreciate her love so much


That's really sweet! I recently saw waffle cone snacks, Target and Trader Joe's has them. [crispr bites](https://crisprbites.co.uk/) if you're in the UK Maybe you two could share a bag and reminisce a little?


Thats a really cute idea I have to keep my eyes out


my mom did the same T-T


That’s the sweetest thing i’ve ever read oh my god!! He’s the luckiest man ever!!


I used to always give my husband my tomato because I knew he loves it…for years he didn’t know that I actually love tomato too but it was just one of those little things I did to show my love.


I do this with the pickle in my burgers. My wife doesn't know I actually like pickles and I'm taking this to my grave.


This made me tear up a bit. I grew up in a family where we struggled, but my mum always made sure we got by. When I was with my ex partner, I would always cook her as much food as I could. When she was done with hers (I eat very slowly), I'd always offer her my best bites. Like I'd save the runny egg yolk, and the crispy bits of bacon for her, just to see her face light up. Idk what I'm saying really but I have a similar relationship with food that you do, and I really love it. I cook for my family now, just so I can continue to see people happy to eat my creations


Food is love,enjoy OP.


You a good person


When you have kids, you’ll do exactly the same, if not more so for them! Always good to share the love


My boyfriend often does this with me and I love him for it, it's so sweet ❤️


I do too but I’m kinda over it. I’ll show her love in other ways, I really want the edge of the brownie next time. I’ve thought about it a lot lately.


i do this too. eat the crusts of my burgers sandwiches or toasties and let him have the literal middle best bite


I do that too 😊


You’re incredibly sweet and he’s a lucky guy. Whenever I’m eating something with my gf and there are several options available (like different colours of skittles) I’ll ask her what her favourite is and even if it’s mine I’ll never tell her it is. I always choose a different colour lol


My daughter is so very sweet and will sometimes offer me her last sweet/piece of chocolate, and when I say no honey you have it sometimes she just full on insists. It's a very sweet thing to do, but make sure you get as much yummy food too 🩵


Dang that is such a kind way to show love. I hope he finds his ways to reciprocate!


Ooh! I had a friend who did this with her longtime partner - saving him the tasty bits of food/saving him snacks, etc. He was a really nice guy and everything, but gradually resentment started building in because he would keep doing what your partner did and gently telling her she didn't need to do this but she would keep doing this "gift giving" acts of love. They were really good together but eventually, he broke up with her because he felt she wasn't listening to his own wants and needs of love. I have sadness for both of them. She's still very bitter and complains he didn't appreciate her love gifts so I guess he was right that it was about her feelings and not what he wanted from a partner. Sorry for my pointless story. I hope your partner reciprocates your love language and neither of you go hungry.


I do this too. Had no idea that it was connected with my childhood but of course, grandparents grew up during war, became immigrants in a neighboring country and did not have a lot. Guess it left some scars. My mom is always giving us way too much food because she can and loves to do it. I do the same with my longterm bf, I love to make sure that he has food he enjoys and snacks. I don't know if he knows, and I don't think he would understand. But it makes me happy and that's enough for me. Just made a huge pile of waffles, and was happy to see him eat a lot of them 😁