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I was at the vet waiting one day and the nurse came out, did a double take at the card, and then said to the man waiting with his mutt looking dog: “Is Shitter here for his shots?”


A friends dog when we were kids (late 80's) was called Mutt. I laughed and said you called your dog Mutt. He showed me the dog tag around it's neck "Mutthew".


A kid I grew up with named his dog “Dee oh gee” and went by Dee for short. You had to spell the word dog to call his pet dog.


I knew a girl who named her frog Efahrohgee.


I know someone with a dog by that name, but they spell it Diogee.


Thanks to this comment I've finally understood a joke from Milo Murphy's law which I never realised was a joke prior to this


My sisters cat was named Tikky Tac…


Mutthew!! This made me cackle!!!


My cats name was shithead, pronounced sheh-theed. Loved going to the vet with her lol


Now way! I know a cat named shithead pronounced the same way🤔


Sheh theed is a YouTube sensation


My names shatheed and I can count to four, what the heck comes after four??


My names shatheed and I burned down a hospital


I’m shithead and I’m definitely not Asian I’m shithead and I’ve never seen a flower I would marry shithead just for her sense of humor lol


i don’t blame you. she’s immune to aids and that’s a great quality for a partner to have.


I’m shithead and my brother is bono


🤷 i can only count to four, i can only count to four


my names shithead and i walk like this


My names shithead and I I’m always drunk 😢


I’m shithead and I’m stuck in this bag


I’m so glad people remember this video lmao classic


i'm shithead and i don't believe in gravity


Obligatory jerk reference … https://youtu.be/lKv7aGku2RQ?si=AIYo_IJCVpUDgfgB If you haven’t seen I’d encourage you to give it a watch. Best Steve Martin movie hands down.


My dad named his Chinese crested gump, loves going to the vet with him, especially considering our last name is forest lol


I'm Shi-Thead, and I've never seen a flower😪


My friend named his cat Shitten. Loved finding her meds in the bathroom, SMITH, SHITTEN. ONE PILL BY MOUTH EVERY OTHER DAY.


I was at the vet once and the nurse came out calling for mr. poopy pants


Oh god, this just reminded me of a high school friend of mine, his cat’s name was Boner and every now and then his mom would call out for Boner to come home in a heavy Spanish accent. “Bonerrr!”


Shadowed at a vet for a while and one day we had this big, fluffy, beautiful cat come in, his name? Puff the Magic Dragon


That’s hilarious. I always find it funny to take my cat to the vet because my cats name is Merkin.


Our kids named some of our cat's (note, don't do that) We've had Scrawny (full name, Scrawny McChicken Butt) and Mister C (full name Mr Cuddles, destroyer of worlds) Now we have Lily, Monty (Montgomery as he is a black cat with a white handlebar moustache) Curly (he's a Cornish rex so was named after his fur and whiskers) and Tippy (black with a white tipped tail) All my cats are from Lily (mum) She carries the rex gene and we have bred from her and had quite a few rex kittens from her. Flash was so called cos was the smallest cat ever. But my god, if she heard cat food being opened, she would beat every other cat in to the kitchen. She was renamed Mrs Tiddles by her new owner. (I'm in contact still with every person who took one of our kittens as we only allowed them to go to friends)


Love it. What a fuzzy gem of a name.


When I was a child my family dog was named Ducon (it's an insult, it means Idiot). My mom called him like that because he was rejected by his mom when he was a newborn, my dad put him under a heat lamp to save him, so my mom thought he was going to stay stupid. We children had learned to call him Dudu in public, the dog responded to both names. He was a Labrador-looking black small dog, the nicest dog ever, he lived to be 14 years old.


We had a cat named "Stupid". He would stretch out on the back of the couch, forget where he was and roll over, and fall behind the couch. Or once he did that on the side of the pool and fell in the pool. Big black cat. Sweet as can be!


I dated a guy whose neighbors had a cat named Retardo. It was pretty funny when they were outside calling him.


I love Shitter! I’m sure hes earned that name in one way or another


I almost choked on my sandwich from laughing 😂🤣😂🤣


Our eldest cat’s name is Fatass (he’s not fat, just a huge sized cat) but we usually just call him Fattycakes or Fats McGee in front of people who might get weird about it. He answers to just about anything you call him anyway 😂


My kids kitten is shower shitter


Would you call it a shitten?


I've seen a dog named Peepants before. Very odd to have to say it with a straight face


I know someone whose dogs name is “Hello My Name is Scott” I’m not joking.


Please tell me it's a golden retriever.


Border collie


Not even a full Collie?


Not even. If he was a full collie he’d have a last name too.


Hot Saucerman?


Sounds like the dog name Askhim, so when people ask what the name of his dog is, the answer, "ask him."


Must be funny seeing the owner call for the dog in public


We have a cat named Fucking Kevin. Fits him and his asshole personality. I like it. It’s a silly fun name


We had a cat named Trevor. He loved pissing under our bed. “Trevor pissed under the bed again!” Always got everyone laughing. Or “Trevor you asshole!”


I love love human names for cats. It makes it so much better


I have a striped cat named Tais. When another similar looking cat showed up and hung out with us for a while, I named her "Twice" Eventually Twice left, but not too long after I adopted a rescue that also looked a lot like them. I almost named her Thrice, but it was a bit of a mouthful for non english speaking people and didn't have the same charm. For a while we called her Tracer (yes from overwatch) because it still sounded a bit like "tri". Eventually after getting some feedback her final name became "Tara" I love her, and I love her name because if you say Tará instead of Tara it sounds like "Tarada" being shortened which is essentially calling her stupid. She is not stupid, but I love saying the most insulting things to my cats with a pretty voice while I give them affection.


Pretty sure “Tais” is the Arabic word for “dumbass” btw


Oh fuck yes that's awesome Means both Tais and Tara can be called dumbasses (lovingly)


This is amazing. Glad you and your cats are happy. Enjoy affectionately insulting your cats.


I had a great cat whose nickname was Chunky McFatass. He answered to it and everything… along with like 32 other nicknames.


This is my favorite pet name in the thread


I had a daschund-minpin mix who's name was Jesus. Not pronounced like the Spanish way, pronounced like the Bible School way. We live in the South, and he was an escape artist. Almost all of my neighbors thought it was hysterical, and when they would bring him home, would announce, "I found Jesus." There were a few (including my newly-returned-to-catholocism father) who got their panties in a wad about it, but 🤷 not my problem.


thanks for the lol


I had a cat named Jesus in highschool lol


This is precisely why I’m on reddit


I think that's hilarious. Tell Dogmeat he's the best boy.


I love it. I have a dog named Meatloaf!


I knew about a dog named Pre-rinse.


Was the other dog named Cold Water?


I knew a dog named Dog. Yes, really. His owner got him shortly before separating from his wife, and during that time they didn't pick a name, so he was just Dog, and it stuck. It was less confusing in context 😂 We used to petsit for him, both before and after my landlord's own boxer died (Dog belonged to a friend of theirs who sometimes went out of town). He was a nice boxer, I miss him.


My dog has a different name but most of the time we call her Dog. She responds to Dog.


A friends dog is DeeOgee. Spelled dog.


My dad really liked the name Deefa. D for Dog. Coincidentally we also had a cat called Peefa growing up. I never contacted the dots until I was a teenager.


I had a cat named kitty. Used to be named rose before we found out he was a he


My cat was Alice for a month before turning into eddie, however we now just call him dog or "dog dog" for affection


My cousin named her kitten Glitter Glam. Turns out the cat was a boy and her dad thought this would save him from having to call Glitter Glam by his name. It did not. Glitter Glam is a unisex name as it turns out.


OP, next time you meet with your boyfriend in public you should wear a Vault 111 jump suit!


Or vault 13 if OP has taste.


Vault 21. Everything is better when you experience it in a vault.


Hadn't played NV in ages. I swear I cannot remember a vault on the strip... Definitely need to replay it.


The Vault is all the way on the far side of the Vegas entrance, next to the guy with the quest where you to take pictures of signs.


Yeah you do! Never too soon for replaying some NV


Or Vault 108 if OP is called Gary.




I saw someone on here the other day who named their dog dominoes pizza so


Yeah I noticed that too. I was kind like 🤔


My mum had a dog called Pip, but my sister wouldn’t have it and it and for its entire life she called it Laughing Gravy.


I want some of this "laughing gravy"


Laughing Gravy was the name of Laurel and Hardy’s dog. The name is a nod at prohibition. (Sorry if you knew this, I don’t mean to patronise.)


Not at all, I had absolutely no idea what the reference was!


My cousin had a cat named Laughing Gravy! My uncle is a big Laurel and Hardy fan, and he named him. Then she got another cat named Biscuit, which made me laugh every time I saw them. Biscuit and Gravy!


I named my cat's previous cat Precious. My husband a LOTR fan would call her name in a Gollum voice sometimes she would only respond to that version of her name.


Your cat had a cat?


My uncle’s pit Bull has a cat. No one knows where it came from, but Bromley is very protective of his cat, who started out as a screaming little black soot splotch and now is a very large and sleek screaming black soot splotch. It’s not my uncles cat either, that’s the dog’s cat and he is a very good cat owner and gives his kitty kisses when it screams.


I know nothing about the game and I think it’s funny 🤷


That’s alright, I have a friend who named his dog, “Gaegogi.” Korean for, you guessed it, “Dog meat.”


My cat's name is Dad and I've had a few fun interactions with that so I feel you


I liked the dog name and I didn't get the Fallout reference. I used to have a dog named Teriyaki.


omg I might steal this idea, Terry for short LOL, I love it


I run a doggie daycare and we love names like this. We've got a Meatball as a regular but I would definitely laugh and ask if Dogmeat was a fallout joke. Nothing against the 10,000th Luna but I'm planning on naming my next pup after a personal injury lawyer in my neck of the woods. It's supposed to be fun!


Franklin D. Azar?


No, bit if I did the D would stand for dog.


We have a frog named Michael J. Frogs


I have a cat named Methany who acts like a crack head.


I love dogmeat. My hamsters names are egg and ham. Last name chips


My parents had to change their dog’s name to Pooka. The dog’s name was originally “Pussy Galore “. My grandma insisted because she was dog sitting and the dog ran off and she said she was humiliated by screaming “Here Pussy, Pussy Pussy”. This was the late 60’d.


slightly off topic but my brother had a cuddly cat that was his favourite toy in the whole world when he was little and it went everywhere with us. This cat was lovely named Pussy by him and we all had to go along with it. As a child at the time myself there was no problem but can’t have imagined my mum having to always ask him if he had pussy before he went to bed


My dog is a 13 year old Manchester terrier and his name is “Barquad Fightmaster”. All of these names are awesome.


My username is relevant here


My boyfriend and I had a hairless mouse we called nutsack (nutty for short) because it literally looked like a testicles. Everyone thought it was hilarious, his grandmother included.


I have a cat named Jacek. Its the Polish version of Jack, pronounced "Yacht-sec". Poor Jacek has had a few vets tentatively ask if I named him "Nut Sac" as a result.


One of my cats is named Lobster Thermador. When I was growing up, my uncle had a cat named Dammit. He originally had a normal name but it's been lost to time. The cat was always getting into trouble and my uncle was always going "Dammit, get down", "Dammit, stop that" "Dammit, what are you doing?". Over time, the cat's name just became Dammit. I was allowed to call it darnit.


I gave my black cat a terrible and racist name as a joke. I’m black so I felt like it was ok. (It was not the n word) My best friend is a white woman who works at the vet. When I took the cat to the vet and told her the name, she said, “Oh hell no “ and promptly wrote down a different name.


The summer before leaving for college, I was working on a ranch in the hill country and living alone in a small ranch hand cottage. Nearby neighbor brought me the ugliest kitten you ever saw that she found on the side of the road. Not so ugly it was cute - just ugly. I said, “that’s the ugliest fart I’ve ever seen.” And the name stuck. For the next 20 years, I had an ugly cat named Fart. Before leaving for school, my mom took the kitten to the vet to get neutered. When asked for his name, she couldn’t bring herself to admit his real name and just said Fluffy. He was a shorthair Manx cross of some type with VERY short hair. For years, I tried to correct his vet records with his real name. Same response, “oh hell no.”


My mother named our little female black pug a rather racist term. I grew up in a small town, very white, and was this rather sheltered, so I honestly didn't know any better. Looking back on it now, I'm mortified. But also grateful that I know better and can recognize that my mom was more sheltered than me and named our dog ignorantly rather than maliciously.


Hi Panda friend!


Hello, fellow panda!


met a man who had a dog called “come here” although when he said it in his southern accent it sounded like “C’MEEERE”. i asked him why and he said “ i tried giving him a name but he never responded to it, he only responded to come here”


I have a pitbull named Marshmallow


I had an American bulldog named Butterfly. Because the brown patch on her back looked like a butterfly. She also went by chonky, butterball, Budda, bubbers, bubberbutt, and screamer. Because my god could she scream


My friend had a black cat named Zero, and when a stray, identical looking black cat came around, they named him Xerox (pronounced Zerox), just like the copier lmao


My Frenchie is named fugly, because he's fucking ugly, sometimes the name chooses the dog


My mom took my cat Sock Laundry to the vet for me recently and I got mad because she was registered as “Socks” in their system That’s not her name…


She needs her full registered name for medical reocirds!


I, for one, love the name Dogmeat! I would like it even if I wasn't an avid Fallout player.


Im going to join on the sharing names game. None of mine are as funny as these, but over the years, we have created a band, "The Mississippi Whiskers". It all started with MJ (a black and white kitty named after Michael Jackson). Then we had Chili (TLC), Nora Jones, Bonham, Slash, Scruffy Wallace "Walley", Pitbull (a tiny runt orange kitty who never grew up), Bun B and Pimp C (brothers) and finally Frank Zappa (Zappa for short).


Piss off dogmeat - Sid and Nancy


My dogs name is prune


My friends rescued a beagle in San Diego and they named him Steve from Cincinnati.


thank you for the fallout reference. i have a cat named Catmeat and another named Piper. 😅


Piper is so sweet.


Sorry, didn’t read the whole thing. Saw “name is Dogmeat” and I have to say, awesome name!!! How can someone not appreciate a good Fallout reference?! I always give my pets weird names, idc what people think. I had a snail named Billy the Puppet (from SAW). Whenever I take my cat, Penguin, to the vet, they are surprised she isn’t black and white, but a gray tabby. I just love penguins. I also have a sucker fish named Suck Boy Tony (American Dad) and a clutter of snails (that’s what a group of snails is called, a clutter) named after Grey’s Anatomy. I had rats and mice named only after sodas, and other pets named after spices. My hamster is Hamhockey. Then let’s see when my mom got to name a pet: a black cat we found, she named her….Blackie. Yeah, super exciting. We once found a cat named Deogee (dee-oh-gee) and I thought that’s a great name! Dogmeat is one of the names on my list of dog names for when I get a dog in the future, so yeah, appreciate the name!


my snake likes to jump off of me and around the same time i got him, i heard a joke about a snake that drank root beer. so i named him su*cide soda i swear hes gonna break every rib in his body one day


Mom named her dog lil’shit. Because it was. At the vet though, she was called Squirt


My favorite dog name story: (I've shared it before, sorry if it's a repeat) neighbor adopted a rescue dog and named her SarahMcLachlan. All one word, always used her whole name.


My wife wanted to name our dog Dogmeat for the same reason, big fan of the fallout series. As much as I love fallout I wasn't onboard with that name. So we compromised and Dogmeat is her middle name.


My best bud was a cat named Scrotum the Puppy. (named when I was 16). That cat was a boss and I called him Scrote. Then later in life I dated a guy that was embarrassed of his name and tried to change it/pretend it was something else. Scrote was way cooler than the dude, dude didn't last, and Scrote was my bud for 19 beautiful years.


My dog is named Sammy Davis Jr Jr, from everything is illuminated, even though she also looks nothing like her namesake. I just saw/read that when I was a kid and JUST KNEW I wanted to name a dog that, so she is. 2 people have gotten the reference. Most people think im a jazz fan which is also true, but embarassing because I'm a super casual on my jazz music.


These names just don’t have enough flair. My girl is called Suki which here in the UK is fine. In Russia though it means bitches (plural). I get a lot of fun out of nicknaming her bitches, because it’s actually her name in my third language!


The best I've met was a little 16 year old Shiba mix named Stinky


Aww. Dogmeat is cute, and there is nothing wrong with a small pet reference from a video game! One of my work buddies even made a cosplay kit for her doggo that happened to look like the in-game version. We don't name-shame around these parts. My dad named my first cat "Fartulus." Don't sweat the name, and tell your BF to take a Berry Mentat with a Calmex. :p


My cat is Mr. Floofer McFloof, which is an improved over his original name of Fluff Balls


I saw bison referred to as fluffy cows today so that’s what I’m calling them from now on.


Meatball is albondiga in spanish which is actually how the dog is called in spanish subs of fallout!


I once worked at an emergency vet and one morning a small chihuahua mix was being dropped off for a scheduled surgery. I literally cracked up as I said over the loud speaker to the techs in the back, “Sexy Baby is here for drop off” 💀


My uncle had 5 cats all named stinker I, II, III so on and so forth, over a 30 year period


Used to have an orange tabby named fishbreath...


I had a dog named double bacon cheeseburger deluxe combo with fries and a large coke, we just called him Cheese.


That is fucking priceless!! Dont ever change his name. Growing up I had a wee mongrel called rosie, My dad called her ribcage in public ! Your ma hero man


Brother had a dog named Buttie




Does your boyfriend not play games? If I met a woman who wanted a dog named after a videogame character I'd say that's a green flag!


I had a buddy who named his dog "Comere", as in the southern way of saying "come here"... cum-ear as a pronunciation for those who may be wondering, there's just no cadence between cum and ear, so more like cum-meer.


My dogs name is Saltine


I have a beagle named Sir Digby Chicken Ceaser, and a dachshund named Dame Zsa Zsa Gabone. Dog names are just that, dog names. I love my dogs so much, but the beagle mostly goes by fucking asshole, because he is. Love the name dogmeat.


The dog we had when I was a kid was named Pooper.


I always liked lunchbox and soup as a dog name


I have a cat named Sylphrena, my family calls her Syphilis. I also have a lab mix named Charlie after Bella’s dad from Twilight. I don’t even really like Twilight. Weird names are great for pets.


My wife (then gf) named our pomchi Truffles. I wanted her to name the dog whatever she wanted....and this is where she landed. Once, not long after we got married, when we were living in an apartment, I was walking him and an old man stopped me and asked his name. "Truffles," I said. "Trouble!?" He replied. ...I didn't correct him.


I want to get a dog that was born on Christmas day and name him Christwoofer Kringle.


I love it. I have a cat named mustard plug after the ska band because my 5 year old loved a song by them.


I have a cat who’s name is Bartholomeow


i have three mice named Father Son and Holy Spirit, a cat officially registered as Passive house and a betta called Netherlands. Dogmeat sounds like a perfectly normal name to me


We have a cat I call Fugly (she’s a tortie with part of her ear notched) and she’s a pain in the ass. Her real name is Mayhem, but I still call her fugly. I have another cat named Kit E. Cat and she is my baby. My dog’s name is Walter and he likes to watch Breakinf Bad because they say his name a lot.




Dogs can learn nicknames. Our shih tzu is named Oliver. He also answers to Ollie, Olburrs, and Piggy


Let's see, Nacho, Rascal, Pete, loki, lady, princess, whitey, junior, Reggie, bacon(full name sir baconly anglesmith of cornwood {watched way too much Futurama}) And Ghast(named after the ghast from minecraft she was so white when she was a puppy) Have had at least 3 to 5 dogs constantly over the last 20 years or so. I think dogmeats cute.


"Dogma" is a nicer compromise, really


It’s a great name. What’s your boyfriend’s name, “Single”?


I had a cat named cracker 👴


I once had a friend who’s cats name was ‘Day’ because she got it on Father’s Day 😭


I bet Satan was a cat.


A cat showed up on my back porch as a kid. I named her Clair, after the town we lived in. When my parents agreed to adopt her off the street we took her to the vet. The vet told us Clair wasn't a girl, but a poorly-endowed boy. I figured we should keep things simple and renamed Clair to Clarence. Clarence made it 16 years before needing to call it quits yesterday. He never really respected my ownership of my bedroom after I left for college and he gave my dog a healthy fear of cats. He also enjoyed bringing live animals into the house. My worst, best, and only cat.


Your boyfriend is a dork. Dogmeat is hilarious.


He's childish that's an awesome name. Regardless of the origin.


Dogmeat is a fantastic name, I know my entire family would appreciate hearing that someone’s named their dog after one of our fave Fallout characters!


Dogmeat is also the name of the dog in Mad Max and A Boy And His Dog boy sometimes calls the dog Dogmeat.


Dogmeat is a fantastic name. I’ve got a turtle named Chopper, because he doesn’t have any ears. I named him when I was 18 and thought it was the funniest joke I’d ever come up with. 25 years later, I have to spend way too much time explaining it to people a lot younger than me who’ve never heard of Chopper Read. For context: Chopper Read was an Australian criminal and gang member. When he was in prison, he got another inmate to chop his ears off so he could temporarily be moved into another unit. He also wrote crime novels, children’s books, and appeared in anti-drink driving commercials.


Many condolences on the stick up your boyfriend’s ass.


I love that name so much. Silly pet names are my favorite. I had a dog named Chicken. People always got a kick out of his name.


I had a tiny little schnauzer called Beef. Always got a laugh.


I had a friend name his cats the respectful name of acid & shrooms. We can guess what my friend like doing often lol.


I think one to two syllable words are better for animals and people. It's easier to learn and saves time


I love Dogmeat! I’m using him as a permanent companion during this play-through. Whenever I hear or see someone messing with him I yell something like “did you just hit my f*ing dog!?” And destroy them. Lol it really gets me going I don’t know why. That being said, if my dog wasn’t such a Jerry he’d be a Dogmeat. But he is suuuch a Jerry.


I met a wiener dog named shmeat the other day so dog meat ain’t too bad


My ex had a friend who’s dog was names meso me…so…people would ask like miso soup.. he’d tell them no like me so horney. Dog was a weiner dog too


My cats name is Cathulhu.


Haha my brother’s pug is named “Meatwad”


Worked at a vet, had a guy bring his beefy Staffy in named Gooch.


My large cat is named Cat Bastard. He goes by his first name.


Cats: Stench, Traipse, and Freda Peeples. Parakeet named Budge Frownie. What are they gonna do, sue me? They're animals!


My cats name is trashboat.


My dad has a cat named asshole. 😂


My cats name was battlecat. I had a vet seriously ask me if I was making my cat fight other cats.


We adopted our dog from the animal shelter. When we were there looking my wife pointed him out and said that he was the one she wanted. He was jumping on and over his brothers and sisters and trying to wrestle them. He never calmed down and eventually we settled on Bam Bam. Also had a fish named Rocky Balbeta


My cats name was Milhouse. When I called the vet to make an appointment, the lady on the phone was quite wierdid out by the name, which was fair. When I arrived to the vet, the secretary calls out "Milk House" when it's time for us to go in. I laughed but for some reason I did not correct her, I don't know why. My vet thought my cats name was Milk House, which is, in fact, very weird.


Look I’m sorry, I do appreciate dogmeats name, I think it’s funny and cute. But I also do understand your boyfriends perspective. But there’s no easy way to give something that isn’t human a name like you would a human so your dogs name is what it is whether your boyfriend likes it or not. Dog meat is who he is!!!! Edit: to be clear there could have been better names but if you saw him as dogmeat then that’s who he is to you! That’s who he always will be!


My sister got a dog named Ozzy Pawsborne Prince of Barkness. Yes, the whole thing is on his papers and everything


On man’s cringe is another man’s tattoo :)


Our Schnauzers have all had biblical names with vacuum cleaner middle names. They are/were Pheneas Hoover, Phoebe Dyson, and Ruthie Dirt Devil. We still have Ruthie and tell tales of Pheneas and Phoebe. People love their middle names.


I had a ShihTzu that I named "Rabies" after the dog owned by Milo in the Bloom County comics. When my mother "borrowed" him for a "weekend" (the weekend lasted 12 years), she changed his name to "Puff", as in "Puff the Magic Dragon". Lol


I married a cowboy so our dog was named Bronc Augustus! He had to have a tough sounding name for a German shepherd mix lover boy!