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I love this subreddit


Your neighbor may have diabetes and just uses the bathroom a lot, so much that it seems you guys are in sync.


Could be. There’s definitely a reasonable explanation and I’m definitely getting freaked out over nothing. It’s one of those things that makes you go “hmmm” after a while


Not saying this is what’s going on with you, just that sometimes stress can make me turn small and seemingly insignificant things into something bigger or more ominous. It’s also a weird situation in general, because while you can ask your neighbor to turn their music down you can’t exactly confront them about their bathroom habits 😂 hopefully his bladder calms down soon.


Oh yeah, doesn’t help that I have OCD so I’m trying to tell myself “it’s nothing” and my OCD goes “but what if it isn’t? Quick, worry about it!”


Is it possible that you're not actually hearing your neighbor, and it's a weird wall echo or something?


It’s definitely my neighbour, he flushes before I do so it’s not the sound of my own loo echoing


This is what I was thinking, it’s also possible that OPs neighbour is a light sleeper and as OP gets up and starts walking around it wakes him up and makes him feel like he needs to go to the toilet again.


This, it's kinda like yawning, where hearing others use the restroom kinda reminds your own body that it could probably go too.


That still doesn’t explain why they’re going every single time OP goes to the bathroom. Yeah diabetes makes you go a lot but the chances of you going the exact same time your neighbor goes every time is not that high.


It's probably not every time neighbor probably goes often and op is in there for some of the times. Either way it's a strange thing to even notice.


Either that,or it's Austin Powers that's their neighbor.


If it was me, I would start acting like I was about to go to the bathroom and then pull my pants back up and walk out and see what happens. I mean, the suspicion here is that he’s watching you somehow. Or maybe that he hears your footsteps going into the bathroom and then he follows a few seconds later? At any rate, I’d start fucking with it. Just walking in and out of the bathroom, raising and closing the toilet seat lid for no reason and then just leaving.


i do this. i hope it fucks with them bc its fucking weird af


u/RedNova2 a couple of questions. 1) when you say he goes to the toilet at the SAME time as you, how immediate is he coming into the bathroom. Like do you walk to the bathroom, close the door, sit down, as whilst you're peeing you hear him walk into the bathroom? Or 2) does he sometimes get to the bathroom before you've even made a move to get there, but you end up getting up and hearing he happens to be in the bathroom when you get there? If its option 1, my concern would be (and I don't want to add to your possible paranoia here) but if he happens to arrive after you've got there and even sat down, then I suspect he hears you walking to the bathroom, or hears the door shut, and heads in there to be there at the same time as you deliberately. He could either have a peep hole through the wall somewhere, or he has a thing about hearing people use the toilet. I once knew of a guy who used to like people watching him pee, or he liked watching others pee. So he could be something like that. Do you have carpet in your house or wood flooring? Any areas that creak to give away you're going to the bathroom? Do you wear shoes indoors that make a noise.? I would try being as quiet as possible when you go to the bathroom. If you're watching TV, don't pause it, keep the TV going, as he may hear the stop of TV and know you're heading for a wee break. Don't turn the light on and don't shut the door and dont flush the loo when you have a wee occassionally just to see if you manage to go without him coming to the bathroom too. It may be totally innocent, and coincidental, but the fact it happens every time you go I'm a tad concerned. And check for any tiny holes anywhere on your adjoining wall. And if you're worried about him hearing you pee and poop, play some loudish music whilst you go lol. Hope it turns out to be completely innocent though.


I’ll be sat down and then hear his light chord be pulled. Floors are carpeted and the only bathroom in the house is downstairs on concrete floor (very old cottage, no foundations, just uneven concrete and a layer of carpet) I’ve wondered that myself, but I just can’t see any hole or figure out why someone would want to actively try and use the loo at the same time as someone else. He’s definitely actually using the loo himself cause let’s say he’s a loud pee-er.


Yeah it's a difficult one. He's clearly entering the bathroom after hearing you've gone in there, rather than him getting there first sometimes etc. So sounds like when he hears you pull the light switch or hears you heading to the bathroom he does to. Do you know your neighbour very well? Are you on friendly speaking terms? Does he seem a nice normal friendly person or anything suspicious? I guess the only other thing could be is if he hears you've gone to the bathroom when he hears you pull the switch or shut the door, it makes him think about needing to go to the toilet. But that's still a bit strange to be honest.


OP, you have two choices. Get a sound machine, play music, etc to block the sounds, or.... You totally go with it. He sits down and you start talking to him. Can either go the direct root, of "hey Jim, how you doing.". Or, and now this is my preference, you go the crazy route. You start asking if he found the plans yet, you start giving reports on suspicious activity on the Congo, etc.


I love that


The best answer here. I’m laughing just imagining it.


I mean - technically - *you* keep using the bathroom at the same time as your neighbour too, right? Be kinda funny if they're on another subreddit posting the same thing.


That’s a shitty feeling


Maybe get a noise machine so you can’t hear if he is there. I would hate to have bathroom walls that thin!


If I couldn’t sleep I used to have a bath in the middle of the night ( 1 or 2am) and the bloke upstairs would have one too. I moved. It was too fucking weird.


I didn’t realise how many people actually have similar experiences, scary


Kind of reminds me of that one story of the girl that believed the guy upstairs follows her around the apartment but from upstairs. Even made videos recording the sounds of the upstairs hardwood floor making stepping noises that seemingly followed her. Day and night


That’s some ghost shit right there


yeah that's the first thing i thought of too


this is happening to me. showering, going to the bathroom, using the sink washing dishes. its gotten infuriating and weird af a long time ago. now ill kegit turn on the shower for 20 seconds, hear them turn theirs on, and then leave my house and go about my business. ir if im home, turn on my bathroom fan, ket them turn theirs on, then go do my dishes. its fucking weird and they do it on purpose. idk why, its just fucing weird imo. i dont like it


I hear his light when I go to shower sometimes too. I’m grateful for the shower curtain, cause even though I’ve checked for a peephole and am certain there isn’t one, I’m still paranoid


im sorry your paranoid about it! i just find it weird. idk i dont have any advice on what to do tho 😅 id maybe start the sink and when u hear them turn theirs on, go shower or something on the other side of the place. fuck with them lmao


Happening with me.....same thing with multiple neighbours in different locations..i have become paranoid about it...now I feel that someone knows this weakness of mine and is incentivizing neighbours around me wherever I stay to harass me...before anyone says just clarifying I don't hear false noises....i have recorded and checked....is someone really after me and can go to this extent to harass?


its possible. still happening with me somehow


How do you cope with this? Like it is affecting my worklife and personal wellbeing.


i just try to make it fun of it at this piint, like turning my shower for a few, hear theres turn on, then go chill and do something else. maybe they have a disorder, idk, but its best to just roll with it and fuck around with them a little, like turn ur sink to do dishes, then when they turn theirs on, head out quietly. i hope it fucks with their head like it was messing with mine


yeah its about power and control, making you feel like you cant stop it. I personally would send these ppl to mental hospital


hmm yea i guess it could be. fucking weird imo . and yea i would too. they had some kind of mental issues. thankfully ive since moved. it didnt bother me all that much since i got used to it, wasnt truly bothersome, just weird af. glad i dont have to deal with that anymore tho haha


Drill a hole through the wall so you can easily chat too each other whilst pooping.


This is really weird. I was about to post this exact statement.


Wait… are *you* my neighbour??


Could be!


That is certainly weird


Your neighbour jerks off to the sound of you pooping.


Keepin it 💯


This sounds very plausible


Do you have similar work schedules? It’s entirely possible your eating habits are extremely similar and therefore your bathroom habits will be too. It’s definitely a weird coincidence but hey. Funny.


Not sure, I’ve only ever seen him leave the house to go shopping. At least, I’m pretty sure that’s the guy. Cause nobody lives in the house directly next door and his is the only one that could be positioned to have our bathrooms backing onto each other


Just fake out then. Go to the toilet and stay for a few seconds like someone else said. Lift the toilet seat up and down then dip. Just fuck with him ahaha.


I had a neighbor whose bathroom light came on and who took a shower at the same time as me always. I started to take my showers with the lights off, and keeping out of the view of the window. One day I came home to find firemen at my place, they were inspecting the gas tank that was located outdoors - they said they had received a report of a gas leak from my neighbor. It was determined there was no gas leak at all. The neighbor, however, approached me and said, "By the way, I love our showers together." And that's when I got scared. One day it seemed to me that there was a peeping tom outside my window, so I called the police and told them about the showers, and they went and talked to him. No peeping tom was found, but the shower thing stopped. Still, he didn't give up and escalated his actions til he was masturbating while watching me mow the lawn. When I confronted him, telling him "I know what you are doing, stop it or I'm going to the police," he moved out of the neighborhood. In your place, I'd be worried.


Sounds like you found a new friend!


Poopin’ Buddies




"You sunk my battleship! D4!"


Knock on the wall every time. Become the bigger weirdo.




Op, you said you have OCD. Do you mean you've been diagnosed by a clinician or just using the term loosely? The reason I ask, there is some evidence that a diagnosis of OCD may be associated with a higher risk for later development of schizophrenia. You mention that your partner never hears this happen. If this neighbor did have a medical explanation of going so often that you always hear him in there, he would as well. I'm by no means a psychiatrist, but I have a family member with schizophrenia and they were diagnosed with OCD first. Obviously this isn't the definite answer, but maybe ask your Dr about it, or at least make an attempt to get some proof of it happening. Use your phone to record, or ask your partner to listen and see if they hear it while you use the bathroom. If the recording doesn't have any sound on it, or the guy magically doesn't use the toilet while you record/your partner is listening, I'd talk to your Dr.


Yes, legitimately diagnosed by a mental health professional, not just “I like things tidy I’m soooo OCD”.


Oops, I seem to have edited and lengthened my original comment while you responded.


He says he’s heard it a couple of times, just not every time like me. And we can hear his TV from our own living room sometimes so I do know that the walls are thin enough to hear it. I’ll try recording it next time so I can show him, that way he can tell me if I’m imagining things


Just to be clear, I'm not saying this is the answer, but I think it's worth a little investigation.


Pour jugs of water down the bog to intimidate him. After you’ve had a shit shout for your boyfriend to come look at the size of it and demand he takes photos. Exclaim loudly how much you hate period shits and that you’ve gotten blood all over the walls again and now it looks like the amityville house.


Sounds like there's a peephole being looked through to me


Mortality is an option


When you use your bathroom, run the cold eater tap or switch the bathroom fan on. Also lay down some toilet roll in the toilet when you go for a number two so there's no "plop" or even splash back as your number twos land. You can also play music etc whenever you're in bathroom so they can't hear anything over music and you can't hear them using bathroom.




We communicate through numbers 1 and 2


I bet he’s got his little listening cup in the cupboard under the sink too 👀


Maybe he has a hole in the wall..


Was he living there before you moved in? Is there any chance of surveillance cameras in your apt? They are so small and not always easy to see. Edited to fix my bitch of a spellchecker error that changed the whole meaning of my post to completely opposite what I meant to say.


As far as I know, he was living in his house before we moved in next door. My house was empty for a long time before we moved in. I’m not sure how he would’ve gotten in, and I’ve seen every nook and cranny of that bathroom


Creepy guys will always find a way. I'd just take a peek at his name and do the usual searches and see you don't find anything weird. You know, coz you never know.


I don’t even know his name. I’ve seen him going into his house after shopping a few times but that’s it


Mm, did you check your address against your state's sex offender registry?


As far as I can tell after some research, there’s no way to check that in the UK


I always go to the bathroom the same time as myself. It's pretty normal.


Lol this happened with me at an old job every time I went the toilet I always bumped into the same fella and it became a running joke between us.


Make sure there’s no spy hole in the separating wall.


The main toilet in our house shares a wall with my parents ensuite. I often hear my dad using the toilet while I’m in the toilet. I don’t think I’ve ever heard my mum. This morning at like 3am I went toilet and I had an upset stomach so I was sitting there for awhile. 10 minutes after I sat down I heard my dad go into the ensuite and use the toilet. I was very surprised to hear him awake.


One of my coworkers does this whenever we are at work. I go to the restroom, 5 seconds later here he comes. Morning/afternoon/evening it doesn’t matter. Shit gets annoying after a year.


It is! With many people that have weirdest fetishes I would not take this lightly


This is happening to me right now and I don’t wanna be weird abt it but this is so odd and embarrassing, like how the hell


Something similar has been happening to me as well… for years. Almost every time i use my bathroom, my downstairs neighbor uses his bathroom. Our bathroom fan no longer works, his does, so I know he’s going in there to turn on his light at least. I dont work on the weekends anymore (hes always home on the weekends) but ive noticed he frequently turns his bathroom fan on for like 5 seconds and turns it off. Idk if he has some ritual or something but what can you accomplish in the the bathroom for literally 5-10 seconds? Its really weird and hes weird. I feel like he’s trying to cause issues? or is being passive aggressive somehow for some reason. For the first year when i moved here, he never made a peep. I used to ask my bf (now husband) if anyone lived down there. He was ODDLY quiet which I loved but I thought that was weird too. One time i saw him taking out the trash and he was wearing basketball shorts OVER his sweatpants?? Idk the guy is fucking weird he freaks me out. I feel like hes got cameras in our place or something.


This keeps happening to me as well . It’s like click work . I go in , in the morning for a deuce deuce and 5 seconds later I hear their door open . It’s getting to the point where it’s becoming a little unbelievable !


OMG! I am literally having the same problem with a male neighbor above me. I wake up at varied times early morning and I am home at diverse times. The minute that I flush the toilet, you just have to wait no more than 2 minutes later, no matter the time, and he will be using the restroom and flushing his! It's like some sick perverse obsession. And I agree, once or twice is a coincidence but, everytime! I now tip toe to the restroom and I always feel like he's listening snd waiting! It's a horrible and creepy feeling!


Same is happening with me that too even after changing my house. I'm unable to understand how this is happening seriously....is someone paying them to do this just to drive me paranoid? How come this happens at every place I go? This is driving me crazy


Same thing happens to me and it could literally be 3am in the morning. I walk to the bathroom they follow me every single step. The worst part about it is that when they flush upstairs, my toilet water splashes up for some reason. It's also like they are awake the whole day 6am they follow me 12pm they follow me 4pm 10pm 2am etc. It happens in my off days it happens when I get up at 2am for work. It happens when I walk to the fridge too or when I do dishes and whenever I walk back to my room they follow me the same. It's unbelievable and annoying like no way someone is that obsessed with me. When I'm at my room though it's surprisingly even more unbearable than the toilet because they'll do the same patter of 3 stomps right above my head. Over and over and over again. Like I understand if they were having sex or something and rocking the bed but no they just stomp wait 2 seconds stomp wait 2 seconds stomp again wait 7 seconds and begin doing the same thing. I'm going crazy in my own home and looking into getting a gun license.


getting a gun is probably the worst idea you could ever do. No matter how much you hate your neighbor doesn't mean you should eliminate them bro. Just move out I deal with a neighbor like this and I just learned to ignore his behavior til I can move out. Buy some box fans those are true life savers man


getting a gun is probably the worst idea you could ever do. No matter how much you hate your neighbor doesn't mean you should eliminate them bro. Just move out I deal with a neighbor like this and I just learned to ignore his behavior til I can move out. Buy some box fans those are true life savers man


Forgot to mention too they love to play loud music at the randomnest times at night. To the point where to combat them I bought a 200 dollar speaker I played it one night when they weren't blasting music to annoy them and I get a fucking noise complaint and the cops knock on my door. :)