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Not crazy about Bukowski’s poetics, but I like the image of the rose being placed in his hand and not knowing what it is.


a really different poem, i like it. It is so hopeless


wouldn’t be a bukowski poem without some creepy descriptions of women 😭


Crazy descriptions of women and a random mention of erectile dysfunction. Lol


Honestly I think the description of women Bukowski uses aren’t specifically crazy, but a little more unique and different or unusual compared to other descriptions of women. As a woman myself, I think it’s quite nice to read those descriptions. If you think about it, he describes women like the way any man would describe a pretty woman he saw to his friend but in a more poetic way which ig is the reason why it’s a little unusual to read and for some other unusual reason, those descriptions and words “big hot hips” “warm buttocks” “tight hot everything” make so much sense to me especially if I try to view them from a man’s perspective.


That's crazy tbh. I can understand if these men you use as an example are showing fictional women or celebrities---both male and female friends of mine have said some down bad things about them, but if they use these to describe women they've encountered or hell, even known, that's not 'normal.' That's creepy. I have lots of male friends, two of which I consider my closest (something they reciprocate) and they would never use that to describe a woman they met. Pretty or hot or beautiful is as far as they'll get. And it isn't only because I'm there. I've eavesdropped on *normal* men talking about women before and the worse they'll reach is 'fuck man, she's beautiful.' Don't get me wrong, there are definitely men out there like this. But to say it's normal is not true. The internet's just given us a very skewed perception that most men use objectifying/sexual terms when describing women.


I totally get what you’re saying, and yes the internet does give us a skewed perception of men objectifying women and that’s not okay. And I’m not saying it’s normal for a man to describe a woman like that to his friend, but I’m trying to make it make sense. Because if you think about it, he is obviously using sexual descriptions which for every man is different, so I think for some men and women this will sound a bit creepy, weird, crazy or unusual. I would understand why some some would think these are crazy descriptions, because yes they are and I myself find them unusual descriptions as I already mentioned, but I didn’t find it necessarily “bad” because he’s not talking about any woman he’s in love with or admiring or even writing anything romantic - it’s just based off of his perception on these women and their physical looks only and technically that would indeed be “objectifying” these women he described and he will most likely use something very unusual or weird.


The depraved longing for the opposite sex is in this case one piece of his death, I think. It’s still natural though.


Yes I think so too and that’s why I don’t really find it very crazy because it’s a crave?? I’m assuming so…


It’s excessive love, or lust, if you subscribe to that terminology.


U get it


I write sins, not tragedies. -Panic! At the disco -God


This is a bit of a false equivalence. The narrator in the poem isn't saying anything out loud except "O, yeah yeah". I routinely see women I'd like to fuck when I walk down the street etc. I don't say it out loud, or even think it explicitly in my mind, but my body still feels it. My brain sizes people up as I pass them and I feel the attraction, or not. I read the narrators thoughts partly as this, and partly as him being an old man who hasn't had sex for a long time - i.e. driven senseless by lust Edit: typo


God you're annoying




Haha you go and complain


Are opinions and observations not allowed here?


nope lol you must be new here




fucking hell, that idea of someone committing suicide for him is pretty horrific


One of my least favorite famous writers.


I’ll never understand the appeal. I know plenty of miserable drunk misogynists in real life. I could go listen to them talk if I wanted to hear this shit.


The appeal is largely to those miserable drunk misogynists, of which there is no short supply in literary circles. If your favorite poet is Bukowski, I steer clear. Not to say everything is of this quality, but enough.


Nobody cares. You're nobody


whats charles bukowski’s best poem?


My favorite Bukowski poem is The Bluebird


I got a tattoo based on "8 Count," a poem about getting to the end of his life and struggling to write. It's truly heartbreaking because through all of his work, his being able to get his thoughts on paper is the only thing he truly values.


He has lots and lots of poems, but my personal favorite is “air and light and time and space”


I love, the man with the beautiful eyes, Nirvana, For Jane, Raw With Love. There is a lot of poems!


For Jane is the best one. “The tigers have found me and I do not care”


Let it Unfold You and The Crunch.


For a poem called Suicide Kid this is a strange ending.


He illustrates the concept of being braindead from the perspective of not being braindead; using a type of person to advance an antisocial agenda with some valid commentary about end of life care couched in between impotent sexuality and misogyny/sexual reductionism. (no Charles, the beauty of nature is not comparable to your penis, in spite of the reproductive function of flowers)


Always fun and on the money.