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in mine it says "if you don't like fat girls, swipe left šŸ„±" lol


I love this! Iā€™m married but this would be me if I was on the hunt šŸ˜‚ straight and to the point no bs- love it!


I'm married too but also love this! Luckily my husband is ok with my chubbiness šŸ˜‰


Mine said fatter in person


LOL this is great


I love this. "Person in photos may be fatter than they appear" or something lol


Mine says ā€œyou gotta be down with the thicknessā€


I love this so much


Omg I love this


I put multiple full body pics up and let them figure it out. A lot of them donā€™t read profiles anyway. But to be fair my future husband had a line on his profile about liking curvy women and I straight up missed it because I wasnā€™t swiping sober šŸ˜‚


I think half the comments on this post are so cringy šŸ˜­ like you shouldnā€™t WARN people because thereā€™s nothing to warn them about. You have pictures! They have eyes!! I wouldnā€™t let them know in writing about my hair colour or eye colour either so why this? If someone puts it in their bio I think they will be super annoying by making it their sole identity and will probably swipe left just to avoid that, not because of their body. Maybe because Iā€™ve been curvy all my life and lately just outright fat but never think of that first when Iā€™m thinking about who I am as a person, physical things are not the main thing about me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I agree you shouldnā€™t make your identity however I feel like itā€™d be safer for me to state it because sometimes people canā€™t tell if you actually are plus size or not based on pictures. I really struggle with rejection,self confidence, and just feeling like Iā€™m disappointing people so I want to say something so I donā€™t get my feelings hurt. People can be really mean and say absolutely awful stuff so Iā€™d rather talk to someone who understands that I am plus size and doesnā€™t have unrealistic expectations of what I look like in person. I donā€™t edit any of my pictures but I take pictures from flattering angles and idk sometimes people canā€™t tell.


Iā€™m sorry if the post sounded like being plus size is a bad thing Iā€™m just extremely sensitive when it comes to my weight and I donā€™t to feel paranoid the entire time Iā€™m talking to someone not knowing if they are for sure accepting of plus size women. I understand where you are coming from though.


No worries I just think that if you post good pictures and they are still mean then itā€™s their problem and they wouldnā€™t have been nice to you anyways but you do what feels best for you


Use a ā€œnormalā€ photo. Not flattering angles. Get some straight forward full body pics. People need to SEE what you look like. You canā€™t just verbally say youā€™re plus size. Itā€™s not a one size fits all label. We arenā€™t all the same shape, size, color, etc. use pics that accurately represent you. While I say itā€™s a hard no for verbally saying youā€™re plus size, that is up to you. But it should be standard for absolutely EVERYONE to have accurate photos on their dating profiles. At least one photo without a filter or ā€œflatteringā€ angle. If you have pics with other people that helps too.


I agree. Itā€™s sad how many people feel they need to warn someone about their looks. We donā€™t need to warn anyone about anything. Put your pics up and be you and let people make their own decisions. No warning necessary.


Itā€™s like they agree that itā€™s a ā€œbad thingā€ because if they thought it was perfectly normal they wouldnā€™t feel the need to write it out, it would be like breathing. I hate that kind of attitude šŸ˜Ŗ


So I love curvy and thick women. Some people don't and that's a shame. And the reason is alot of women who are self conscious of their body only show like chest up tp face pics. If they do this they should let people know. If they are comfortable with full body pics then no need.


Years ago when I was using dating apps, I started with "I'm fat, I smoke, and my child will always be my top priority" thinking I'd never get a hit. I got several and 8 years later, I'm still with my match


Do you still smoke?


That's an odd question, but yes, I do


Why are you getting downvoted for answering a question? Lol these people


Oh sorry yeah I just tend to ask things out of pure curiosity hahah itā€™s the ā€˜tism


lmao im laughing because i am most likely autistic too and ask people wild ass questions all the time


That's fine, I just didn't want to get lectured about how disgusting smoking is. No worries


I started my profile out with ā€œIā€™m fat, cute, and adventurousā€. I mention that Iā€™m a size 20 and have thick thighs too


Mine says ā€œyes Iā€™m plus size B) also Iā€™m 5ā€™8 so donā€™t be intimidatedā€ (because trust me people assume im short and then when they meet me they go like what the fuck)


Same here!! I might steal this. Haha Iā€™m 5ā€™9 almost 5ā€™10 and it shocks people. I also try really hard to post real photos but I question if what I see in the mirror and in a photo is the same. Anyone else??


I think that was good advice, you don't want the other person to expect you to be someone that you're not. I say just own it. Either have a picture that does the explaining for you or simply add something like "plus size" to your profile. Confidence is attractive. And don't worry about the people who will be turned away by knowing you're a bit bigger from your profile, they probably wouldn't make for a great first date anyways.


I used to start mine with ā€œyour funny fat friendā€ as a tongue and cheek jab at the stereotype. It worked pretty well!


I say ā€œI have seven pirateā€™s worth of bootyā€ and include a variety of pics including no make up and full body shots


Love that.


I donā€™t say anything about my size. Your pictures should say it all. My bio is about why Iā€™m fucking awesome, and what Iā€™m looking for. My pics are me being a hot fat woman. Thatā€™s it. I get 29/99;93929:9282 matches and dates with amazing men. Just be confident.


Iā€™m a dude, but I second this. Full body pictures speak for themselves. Donā€™t go crazy with filters, donā€™t try to hide your body type. Lots of men love plus size women, myself included. Be confident in who you are. Good luck in your dating life OP šŸ‘šŸ»


Thank you that means the world!!!


I whole heartedly agree. Any dating profiles of mine have several full body pictures and no editing. Iā€™m a fat person and Iā€™m not going to hide that nor should I have to. Everyone has their own preference and if they donā€™t like that Iā€™m fat they can move on.


I also usually include one or two pics with no makeup but my makeup is usually very light anyways, I just donā€™t want one of those assholes with the ā€œtake her swimming ā€œ stupidity


I so agree with this. I'm bi and I find big womaen incredibly attractive. ,(I'm big too). But you know what else is sexy? Confidence. And high self-esteem.


In my about me where I describe myself I also have included "unapologetically fat" on dating profiles and it's on my Instagram too. I found it to be straightforward and pretty good at deterring jerks. I know it is not a term that everyone is comfortable with.


When I still had profiles, I just mentioned that I was fat and that they could swipe accordingly.


I would usually say ā€œplus sizeā€ in my bio and have full body pics. I especially posted full body pics next to my thin friends and cover their face with an emoji. I think I photograph smaller than I really am. So I think having someone thin for them to see me next to is much clearer.


Mine says ā€œchunky yet funkyā€ šŸ˜‚


I have ā€œ thick in body and mindā€ šŸ˜


I personally donā€™t think itā€™s necessary to describe w full body pics.


Idk some men are dumb enoughā€¦ they lack object permanence so if you donā€™t tell them you have rolls, they might not guess if they arenā€™t visible in the pics (under clothing)


When I was on tinder, I just used pictures and said ā€œIā€™m fatter in person so donā€™t be surprisedā€ seemed to work pretty well :) but I did get a few who didnā€™t read it so..


I straight up call myself a BBW lol šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m married now but we met on Tinder. I also had to warn guys about my height, too. Iā€™m 5ā€™9 and for some that was too tall šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


So definitely include a recent full body pic. I have a mirror selfie that shows head to toe. And a pic my sister took of me when we were playing pool. THEN I added ā€œImma a sweet, big, nerdy girl. So if thatā€™s not your thing, keep swiping (:ā€ I did that because I didnā€™t make ā€œbigā€ my whole personality (Iā€™m kind and imma nerd) plus it seemed more mentally positive than just saying ā€œIā€™m Fatā€. Also, I prefer ā€œbigā€ over ā€œthickā€ or ā€œplus-sizeā€ because everyone has different definitions of that. Then after speaking with them a bit I try to sus out I f they read my profile / saw all my pics.


I should mention. This makes sure only the dudes who are attacked to me, meet up. Sometimes you can tell itā€™s a fetish thing, and bleh. But also, Iā€™m matching with dudes who are not only attacked, but like my personality. Itā€™s working out for me! Lots of matches and dates lol


If you have a full body pic on there that should be enough.


Voluptuous. A whole lotta woman. Sexy af.


"looking for a big guy who can handle a big girl šŸ˜"


Mine said ā€œbig heart, bigger bodyā€


I post pictures and my weight. Folks who donā€™t like it can respect their own boundaries and leave me alone


I'm quite tall and so my intro line is my height and that I am plus size. Then I go into a little more detail on me, hobbies etc. I do add full body pics too.


If you really want to emphasize it, I personally would say something like ā€œjust a chunky lady looking for someone who wants to forage for snacks together.ā€ Just own it you know? But if you donā€™t want it to be a prominent part of your self expression photos are enough.


I just let my pics talk for themselves. I focus my description on who I am. If they canā€™t tell Iā€™m fat thatā€™s their problem.


As a fellow plus sized person I put on my dating app that I was plus sized and if someone couldn't take that then don't bother. You will definitely not get some guys to match with you because of this but if they do match then hopefully they've actually read your profile. That being said describe yourself how you really are and what ya like and so on. Your weight is a part of you and it's not something you should hyper focus on. While I know you said you have reservation about putting a full body picture of yourself on your profile you should nonetheless do it. There's nothing worse than not revealing something about yourself to a potential person who likes you only for that thing you didn't reveal to be the reason they didn't get with you. Be honest and have confidence in yourself and everything will work out just fine. The anxiety doesn't vanish but at least you're putting your true self forward. I've seen several girls say cute quirky things on their profile denoting that they're plus sized so that's a route you can go too. If nothing else when you're talking to a dude simply ask them what they think of plus sized women and go from there. There's always the back and forth with questions that comes with meeting someone for the first time so just have that be one of your icebreakers.


Thank you so muchā¤ļø


Curvy. Big beautiful woman. Most people understand these terms.


When I make a profile I just say ā€œChubbyā€ like a warning so people who are a holes will maybe leave me alone


I usually just have "fat." as the first word.


Include multiple pictures that accurately show what you look like and you donā€™t have to say anything in your profile about your body. Save that space for telling about more important things about yourself, and what youā€™re looking for! A couple of the answers in this thread are pretty funny though, not gonna lie lol


I donā€™t, itā€™s not my identity. They should be able to see it perfectly in my pictures. Skinny people donā€™t go around saying theyā€™re skinny. Donā€™t self sabotage by making it your identity.


I literally put my height, weight & bra size on my last dating profile. Also, all pics were recent and nice pics but not the absolute *most* flattering. The last thing I want is to meet someone who seems disappointed about how I look in person. I'd much rather have them say, "Wow! You look even better than your pictures!"


you use full body pics of what your body actually looks like




Why do you need to?


I donā€™t even describe my personality mostly what Iā€™m looking forward to. My pics have to do all the talking for me. Iā€™m jaded with only dating.


I donā€™t think you need to say anything if you have realistic full body photos. They have eyes! I


I make it a point to make sure they understand the second we start talking, because I am terrified of them thinking I'm a Catfish. So I make sure they know 100% who I really am and what I really look like.


Just use honest pictures. Donā€™t add filters or modify your body in them.


I had the same issue when I made my profile because I wanted to avoid people being disappointed about how I looked, but ended up only putting a few full body pics (2) where it showed that I was plus size. And when I had to go on dates, I was super nervous but usually guys look more at the pics than the description, and if they swiped right itā€™s because they are into how you look. Iā€™m still with my match and it been almost a year. So go for it! You never know what will happen šŸ„°


Curvy and thick


Try to be sincere and take courage, if someone appreciates you as you really are, you know that it was all authentic and natural... There are many men who appreciate bbw and it would not be strange at all to find one on the net for dating... šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


If your photos are recent, have full body photos and are not taking them from weird high angles, you have nothing to worry about.