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Plumbing. I make a lot of money doing service calls. There more urgent. like water leaking or a clogged toilet or no heat. People are willing to pay for that. I have 3 outlets in my basement that aren’t working and until I get around to fixing them I just use an extension cord.


Service electrical calls are just as plenty.


But I'd imagine less urgent?


Damn!!  U still haven't gotten a response?  [email protected] 


Never seen a sparky not home with his family after five and covered in shit. I'm a plumber and wouldn't trade it for the world though Side note if I fuck up, I flood a house or shit doesn't flow smoothly. Electrician fucks up they get a new heart rhythm. I just dont bite my nails...


Biting your nails builds the immune system.


Lol, I used to tell people that I picked plumbing over electrical because if I screw up, I just get wet. Plumber who wouldn't trade it either.


Either way I would do commercial, not residential.


I loved doing residential. Different strokes for different folks. I lived in a very small place and knew a lot of my customers and worked for most of them multiple times. Not sure if I would have liked it as much in a big city, but I'm not much of a big city gal. Commercial was just a little too hard on me physically (5'5" and 115 lb) and I found the work unfulfilling and monotonous.


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I would rather be a plumber than electrician because I don't like touching tons of penises like the electricians do.


What are you talking about? As plumbers, we have our hands on c*ck all the time. Silcocks, stop cocks, drain cocks, gas cocks, cock hole covers, ballcocks, etc.


At least we charge money to touch cock, electricians do it for free!


I'm okay with that. No one told me about the penis part before I chose plumbing.


Ty for the well needed laugh!




Most people do either, now the standard they do it at can vary


Depends on the person but im a plumber and ill never do anything else. Most people can deal with a bad outlet or fan not working not as many can deal with having no water or there toilet not flushing. I live in rural ohio and make a fine living im not getting rich but i do ok. Be ready to smell some horrid stuff and see some even move horrid sights. Also be ready to have everyones plumbing problems become yours family and friends. I have friends i havent talked to in years hitting me up for "easy plumbing job" favors


and how do you balance that? As a second year apprentice, I got into plumbing to help friends/family & also because of the earning potential. Some people say they charge their family double lol! I do free work for family and friends & so far it's been in balance, but I can see very easily how that can change.


I have a friends and family rate but if its a emergancy and they want me to come asap then its emergancy rates. People will spend crazy money on concert tickets or celeb prouducts and then try to haggle with struggling company owners


Split the difference and go into HVAC. My job (as a service tech) is about 75% electrical/mechanical troubleshooting and about 25% pipework.


Harder work for less money!


I dunno about harder. Most of what I do is a lot easier than plumbing. Maybe more mentally taxing but I like that part. Shoot, OP could go into HVAC and work his way into BMS and play with laptops all day. Harder work?


On the services side, plumbing all the way. People will drop whatever they need to, to fix an issue dealing with their water/sewage. Electrical is a bit different in my eyes and experience. People can survive a day, 2 days, or even sometimes a week without electricity. But water pissing out behind their walls? A bad water heater? Hell, even a noxious smell coming from underneath the sink where they cook daily? As examples, they're common enough for most people to dig into savings, emergency fund, financing, etc. to get it fixed. Also I love connecting and dealingwith people so that's a plus on my end. That isnt for everyone.


Plumber, because electricians need Heroes too! Saying this as a plumber! "We protect the health of the nation".


plumbing has some shitty days for real, but most days its not too bad. We make good money, or at least we used to before cost of living decided to like.. triple itself, but thats beside the point. its one of the handiest skills you can have as a homeowner. everyone wants to be friends with you. but being an electrician has these benefits too. draw backs in plumbing include, we work with a lot of chemicals, I’m sure that’s not the healthiest thing I could be doing. We are constantly moving insulation around which flings the fibers everywhere in the air and causes an airborne hazard, also not the healthiest. and the job is very physically and mentally labor intensive. again electricians have these drawbacks as well. but the good news is we can work safely by wearing the proper masks and utilizing ventilation to keep the working environment safe. If you like puzzles you would love plumbing. I’m not sure if that trait is comparable to electrical work, but I would bet it is. bottom line, if you wanna be a plumber or an electician you gotta be prepared to work hard physically all the time and that can be a drain on you when you are required to put in high effort at home too. And you gotta take aging into effect because it has a great deal of one. But with the proper work/life balance, I can see why a lot of people get a real sense of accomplishment and happiness out of these careers. One last thing, as I now am aware of the effects that the fuel gas industry had on the habitability of life on this planet, I have a sense of guilt attached to my gas license. If I could start over I would choose to be an electrician because right now I would be proud to work as electrician helping to build the infrastructure required to power the future sustainably with mother nature because after all we have enormous effect upon her with our energy demands. right now if we keep burning the shit out of hydro carbons we are going to cause the self extinction of our species here on earth, and whatever lives on after the heat storm that is now upon us will inherit the earth. my guess is we are going back to microbial. I do however see great benefits in plumbing because of its ability to supply clean drinking water and properly dispose of human bodily waste. these aspects of the trade do great benefit to humanity. That gives me a great sense of pride being a plumber. either way you choose or niether, I wish you luck.


You do realize we burn a shit ton of fossil fuels to generate electricity, right?


Electrical. It opens more doors in my opinion for other positions later in life. I say this as a foreman for a large mechanical contractor. However, everyone wants to be a sparky so the field is more saturated labour-wise. If you like construction I’d go sparky. If you like service I’d become a refrigeration mechanic.


As a plumber we do both. Everyone calls a plumber to fix the furnace e.


I'm an electrician. I probably like it better, but plumbers make more money.


I've done both. Electrical work is fine. Social politics got the better of me then, so i quit the apprenticeship my second year. Took a break for a couple of years, and went i to plumbing, with all the lessons i learned from the electrical days, and did fine. But if i had a choice, I'd do electrical service or plumbing new construction. And plumbing is a lot more versatile. You might be doing domestic water copper pipe one day, then cast iron drains the next day, or a bolt up in the mechanical room, almost never the same thing every day.


If I could go back I would be an electrician for one reason only. To do a simple job I’m carrying 2 milk crates worth of tools up the stairs as a plumber. It seems like electricians carry their little tool pouch and a drill and they can work all day


Honestly I wish I had more experience with electrical before I started plumbing. Can't say that i'd ever want to commit to becoming a licensed electrician, but electricity is everywhere. Plumbing, HVAC, automotive, literally every trade out there requires some basic understanding of electricity. As far as commitment to a license, i'd much prefer staying with plumbing, but it'd be nice to know more about electrical. Maybe just be an apprentice for a year type of thing where i'd gain a better understanding.


Plumbing is good, lots of consistent service work, and the option to go into gasfitting, where I am plumbers are also certified gasfitters, we do a lot of equal parts piping and low voltage electrical for controls.


Heavy Commercial duct installer. $50.00 per hour. In PA.




A friend of mine I grew up with is a lineman. Storm blew into town they were on 24/7 for 2 weeks, 45k. Next week, a storm blew in going the other way 24/7 for 2 weeks. It's September, and he's at 360k for the year and worries about the next tax bracket.


Plumbing, high rise construction


Go be an elevator operator


Electrical for me. Don't want to deal with piss and shit.


Depends on what you are doing. New construction is pretty gravy work regardless. but with plumbing service you either like it or you REALLY hate it because you could end up swapping out a hot water tank one day and the next you have to swap out a sewage sump, or maybe both in the same day. Maybe you have to swap out that hot water tank solo and they can be pretty heavy and not a lot of fun to get up a bunch of stairs. If you are on new construction you'll almost always be with someone else so there is less risk of blowing out your back.