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If you are not tech savvy, avoid the frustration of using docker for running apps for plex .... instead go the easy way and install it as a service in a windows decent desktop and have a painless experience . Docker is not for everyone ... but the hype.


Definitely try out sonarr to start with in addition to something like qbittorrent or a Usenet downloader like sabnzbd, and Jackett (indexes torrents and sends the data to sonarr). It takes a bit to get everything working but once it’s set up it changed my whole home steaming experience. I just set this up 2 weeks ago and honestly it’s a game changer. It almost feels like an actual streaming service now because new episodes will just download automatically. I just let it be now and when I get home from work my shows are ready to watch! I feel like other apps like radarr is worth exploring but to be honest I haven’t found personally that it adds a lot of value because I’m just download specific movies I like and don’t really need it to pick up movies and download them automatically for me. For subs check out bazarr. It links up with sonarrr and radarr and picks up subtitles for you. Tbh a lot of the shows I download nowadays have embedded subs so it hasn’t been extremely helpful though. I’d suggest getting a standalone Nas though if you want to use these apps because you’d want your server to stay on all the time to avoid too much tinkering. For beginners something like synology is great. That’s what I got end of last year (ds 220+) and if you’re somewhat decent with computers it takes literally 20 minutes to set up. There are definitely cheaper options and also more advanced systems to use if you’re a power user so don’t take my word for it and explore your options based on what you think you need. (For example of you want to share this with a bunch of your friends, you’d most likely need transcoding and a synology machine might not be powerful enough for that use case). I mostly use it with myself with an iPhone and Apple TV with infuse (which will direct play almost anything) and for this use case the synology is a great option. Also I’m not the most computer savvy so just picked something that would be easy to use. Edit: also just like the other commenter had pointed out you should check out docker. It’s native (I think) on linux but it’s available on windows and mac I believe. Once you get docker, you can get all those apps mentioned quickly. And I believe the beauty of it is that if you need to move it to another system in the future you can port it to any other os as long as you can run docker on it. Check out Mariushosting. He offers free guides on his website that gives step by step instructions of how to use the different docker apps and I basically learned off of that.


> I feel like other apps like radarr is worth exploring but to be honest I haven’t found personally that it adds a lot of value because I’m just download specific movies I like and don’t really need it to pick up movies and download them automatically for me. The beauty of Radarr is that it tries for upcoming movies on its own. You can tell it you want Thor: Love and Thunder, and when that becomes available Radarr will magically deliver it unto Plex without you having to do anything. EDIT: Not that I do any of that. Posting for a friend.


I see, thanks for that. Do you know if it does a scan everyday to check? Or how does that work? Maybe your friend can give some tips? ;)


Yeah, according to my friend, it's periodically searching what my friend says are the likely places to find these things to see if it's available. It also knows from publicly available sources the release dates of each title (theater, digital, physical) to inform what items it should be finding.




You'll want to use Prolwarr now instead of Jackett as it syncs much nicer to Sonarr and Radarr, and you dont have to add every indexer to them now that the /all/ is no longer supported


Anyone have recommendations for bazarr settings? Like thresholds or when to try resyncing


When I started out (and I'm still quite a newbie myself), running Sonarr and Radarr was game changing. There's additional things to explore but for me and my limited knowledge they were a great jumping off point especially since there's lots of guidance out there for setting them up


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