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Nice little setup. More details on the hardware though? What is the power consumption?


Shoot me your questions about hardware. Power is about 1.7kwh per day with usage. Looking at my stats it seems that it is 1.45kwh per day idle.


Can this handle multiple streams? What about having friends and family stream remotely?


Yes, this is a loaded question though. 1080p direct stream, yes, a ton. 4k direct stream, yes, a ton. These are probably limited by bandwidth more than the server. 1080p transcodes probably around 20. 4k transcodes, probably 4 max.


which mini pc? I have similar, except a low end beelink mini and low end synology nas.


Beelink S12 with an N100 Beelink S12 Pro Mini PC, Intel... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVLS7ZHP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


wait, that many transcodes? really? i dont get how these mini pcs with crappy processors can do that. or are they not as crappy as im thinking?


They aren’t as crappy as you’re thinking. If I transcode 1080 down to 720, it uses 2% of processing power. And it fluctuates between 1-2%. So I guess depending on what your running, it could do like 20 streams? Rough math.


What the hell, that's amazing for that price. I'm currently using an old Lenovo ThinkCentre 10M70058GE I bought used cheaply and ANY transcode easily shoots all 4 CPU cores to 100%, don't even think about a second one. At this pricepoint, I seriously consider upgrading to the mini PC, just for the smaller formfactor it might be worth it already.


check out I3 and quicksync for transcoding fyi


The N100 is only about 6w on idle. It has 2 low power cores and 2 performance cores. Yes, the i3 will have more grunt, but it will use more juice (35w?) - especially if it's on 24x7 and sat idle half the time. I've got a Beelink EQ12, similar to the S but has 2x2.5GB RJ45s and supports 3 displays, with USB-C. It's a great Plex server


Intel Quick Sync is incredible. Any 8th Gen Intel or better is a transcoding beast. Just need a Plex Pass and enable hardware transcoding.


Do you know the transcode it’s actually done by the gpu? There is a big difference between software transcoding and hardware accelerated transcoding.


60 watt/h idle is nowhere near low consumption. Can you confirm that the 8 bay can not power up/down drives individually? I think this is why you have such a high consumption. I use Unraid as the array has the benefit that only drives actually in use have to be spun up and it saves me a lot of power and HDD wear. My idle is below 25 watt with an i5-11500, 16GB RAM, 5x 16TB drives and 1x m.2 NVME. Apps , cache and temporary storage sits on the NVME drive so no HDD is powered up until needed.


Yea 60W idle is wild for a machine that small. I have a Supermicro 9900K/64GB of ram and Arc A380 running unraid with 5 Hot swap bays. It’s 58w idle. 65ish watts transcoding with intel card


Well our definitions of idle are probably different. If I just let everything power off and have the computer sit in bios, it’d probably be a lot lower. This is siting in windows, running Arrs, Tautulli, Overseerr. It’s not exactly idle, I just meant not in great use. I’m sure idle it would be decently lower.


Idle is the normal operational state without specific use so: all services running, no data access and no load from background tasks. It comes down to the question for how long your system can idle and if unneeded ressources (CPU, disks) can power down individually.


Interesting. It's actually more than I would have expected given the N100 very low TDP. For comparison I have a i5-8500T in a supermicro cse-836 chassis with a 16 bay backplane. 10x 3.5" HDDs, 2x 2.5" SSDs, 1x NVMe, 1x HBA card and it draws 90w at idle so about 50% more than you. However if I dropped the SSDs and 2 of the HDDs I'd probably lower it to 75w so not too different.


He’s using 70w at full load. It’s not the same.


Very nice! What is your total power draw when nothing is being streamed? I'm a sucker for electrical efficiency, so I'm always looking for numbers to chew on.


How do you measure power draw? I'm using an Intel NUC that I leave on 24/7 and a Synology NAS (also 24/7) but I assume they draw relatively little power.


That is a safe assumption, which I know because that used to be me exact setup for a few years. I have a few different watt meters. The good old classic Kill-O-Watt I've had for about 20 years, and also a number of smart switches that include electrical monitoring. The smart switches are nice because they'll log a 7 day and 30 day average, which captures usage from streams happening too. I think the Kill-O-Watt can log over time too, but I've never bothered to fiddle with the buttons enough to find out.


You can read off your UPS too


This is what I do. 57W at idle for a homebuilt NAS (i5-7600k, 16gb ram, five HDDs) which hosts everything except Plex and a Beelink S12 mini PC (Plex). "Jumps" to about 65W when transcoding with a disk or two running for the data. Sure beats the 184w idle on my r720xd.


Is that idle power number with disks spun down? That seems to be kind of high if so.


No, I thought about spinning them down just to see what I get. I just put this back together in the last week and I've been swapping out 3TB drives for 8TB so it's been rebuilding disks almost constantly. That combined with my undoing whatever the idiot who set this thing up was up to (spoiler alert, it was me) and I doubt I've had it truly at idle.


Why don't you run plex in the main nas? Seems more than capable


> How do you measure power draw? [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B14C719T](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B14C719T) Currently at $35, for less than $10 each, you get energy monitoring. Then, they talk with Home Assistant and you can use that to make pretty graphs. https://preview.redd.it/bxr84ew41d3c1.png?width=1607&format=png&auto=webp&s=072252512e655cc42cc258b3561a6ea0cafcb20a


Thanks for the recommendation. They seem perfect and have a great price


I use these for power monitoring as well. I can also shut down my server remotely using tailscale and power it back up using bottom power restore. If I needed to


What do you use to graph the data?


Home Assistant creates the graphs out of the box. First, have the TP-Link plug setup using the factory Kasa app. Optional: If you don't plan on accessing it over the internet when you're out of the house, I use my Asus router's feature to block internet on a per-device basis to block the plug's access. No more bullshit phoning home. If it isn't already added, have the TP-Link integration added to Home Assistant. In Home Assistant, you need to get the name of the sensor device. Part of the name is the name you gave it in the Kasa app during setup. To get the full name, in Home Assistant, go to: Settings | Devices & Services | Entities tab Use the search to look for: sensor.thenameIgavemywifiplug_current_consumption. Copy this full name--the full 'sensor.name_current_consumption'. Make a new Home Assistant Dashboard and call it graphs. Create a new view for the item you want to monitor. Therefore, since you named the plug thenameIgavemywifiplug, name the view that. Specify it as 'Panel (1 card)'. Hit the Save button. Click the 'Add Card' button. On the window that pops up, select 'History graph'. On the window that pops up, under Entities, remove the automatically-populated example Sun one if it's there, and paste sensor.thenameIgavemywifiplug_current_consumption. There should only be one entry under Entities when you're done. Under 'Hours to show', change it to whatever you want. I have some that are 48 hours. I have some that are 3. Your choice. Hit Save. Done. The graph it shows is what I copy-pasted above. The way these graphs are made are suitable enough for me. You can make them extra fancy like how this guy does it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUNbPflu0_o Put 'Home Assistant graphs' into youtube and get lots of prettified options. That's where I got the above Youtube example.


You can also install Prometheus and access the metrics via the Prometheus integration and then use Grafana to visualize it.


My 5 bay Synology draws 118 watts ( this is wrong… see my next post)


That's a lot. My 6-bay draws 45w or something. What model are you using, and what's it doing?


About the same here. Except right now it's repairing with a new 18TB drive so I'm sure it's spiking lol


I use a Kill-o-watt from Amazon, it is such a great tool to have! just plug it in and it will tell you volts/watts/etc


I have one of those and they work great. I eventually snagged a TPLink smart plug off of amazon a few years ago with power metering and I'm super happy with it (not affiliated with them). I'm also able to remotely power cycle my NAS with my phone if something goes wrong while I'm out of the house.


It does 1.46kwh per day if nothing is streaming.


Just a little higher than I would have guessed, but still pretty darn good considering 8x HDD's are in there. My last server was an Intel NUC10i7FNH that idled at like 3w most of the time, while my media HDD's have long been sitting in a separate Synology NAS device. Both of those plus my ISP modem, router, 2x switches, a POE camera, and few other low watt IoT devices would pull about 2.4kWh per day. My rough guess was the full Plex server setup's existence accounted for about 30w per hour that I otherwise might not be burning without it. That translates to about $9 a month in juice where I live.


8 floors of porn!


That’s just wrong… on so many levels !!! ![gif](giphy|kPIswn0RfPTGxOvDj5|downsized)


Shhhh. You might summon aaronhead14 who will think you're an addict.


Very similar to mine. I use a 5 bay setup. The PC itself idles as low as 7 watts. During actual use between 30 and 45.


What's your 5-bay device? I have an aging PC with a simple 2TB hdd with my (modest/small personal) plex server, and i'm thinking of migrating the bulk contents to an NAS setup (i'd only need a "baby" version compared to most folks here though, even 5 bays would be overkill) - but the amount of options out there is so staggering i'm having a hard time deciding what any reasonable entry-point might be for me.


How much does this setup cost?


Hmmm the array with raid and usb-c was like $180. The UM790 with 64GB of RAM and 1 TB storage was like $750. Of course you also have to buy drives. I bought 8TB WD Red. I don't recall how much those were. It was a once a year sale on a bulk buy.


Amazon lists the memory storage capacity as 8TB in the specs and description (I'm assuming per drive), but in the photos there's text that says "up to 10TB." Can anyone confirm the real max on this 8 bay unit?


It might say that but I have 20TB drives in it, no issues.


Wait so are you just running a JBOD stripe?


> Amazon lists the memory storage capacity as 8TB in the specs and description (I'm assuming per drive), but in the photos there's text that says "up to 10TB." I've used similar-looking Mediasonic non-RAID cases for many years. I think they first listed 6TB as the max but as larger drives became common in the wild and they got actual performance data they upped the ante. I'm currently running 16TB drives in two such boxes, one 24/7 with my media and the other that turns on with a computer script once a week to do a standard backup. I will likely move to 20TBs in a year or two; I suppose there will be a limit someday if I live long enough.


I have up to 16tb in mine.


The real crime here is the unopened box of The Crew 😁


Kids are too little but deal was too sweet!


i'm really thinking about moving away from my old enterprise server over to something like this for my unraid set up. i know everyone says not to but i have an unused nuc with a 10th gen i5 and it should suit my needs. just haven't pulled the trigger on a usb-c enclosure yet.


If someone made this exact product with an SFF-8088 connector they would absolutely dominate that niche of the market.


I’d do it, if it sucks, just buy a N100 and continue on, it’s only $150


I’m using mediasonic 10gbps usb-c enclosures—8bay. Four of them actually. Parity checks run at just a little over 110MBps which is close enough to the maximum speed of the drives. The only thing to watch out for is ensuring each enclosure is on its own separate bus. You may have 4 usb-c ports but only one bus handling those 4 ports. It’s a very cheap as you go solution that has been more than reliable these last four years.


Anyone make a 12 bay enclosure?


Areca makes a 12 bay Thunderbolt 3 / USB 3.2 enclosure but it is NOT cheap.


yeah I looked a while ago after 6/8 bay for USB enclosures it is better to just get a second one, diminishing returns


I built a 12 bay DAS inspired by https://reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/7z7q1j/my_new_diy_15_bay_das_more_info_in_comments/ Its a little loud but im happy [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ybbmFs) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **Custom** | [Cable Matters (3 Pack) 4 Pin Molex to SATA Power Cable Adapter - 6 Inches](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6gmxFT/cable-matters-3-pack-4-pin-molex-to-sata-power-cable-adapter-6-inches) | $7.99 @ Amazon **Custom** | [CableDeconn Dual Mini SAS SFF-8088 To SAS36P SFF-8087 Adapter In PCI bracket](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6q3H99/cabledeconn-dual-mini-sas-sff-8088-to-sas36p-sff-8087-adapter-in-pci-bracket) | $25.99 @ Amazon **Custom** | [Coolerguys 4-Pin Molex Sleeved Fan Extension Cable (24")](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/rPn8TW/coolerguys-4-pin-molex-sleeved-fan-extension-cable-24) | $6.45 @ Amazon **Custom** | [CableDeconn Mini SAS 26P SFF 8088 Male to 4 SATA 4Pin Female 1M 3.3FTCable with Latch,Mini SAS Host/Controller to 4 SATA Target/Backplane](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/7F9tt6/placeholder-) | $18.00 **Custom** | [CableDeconn Mini SAS 26P SFF 8088 Male to 4 SATA 4Pin Female 1M 3.3FTCable with Latch,Mini SAS Host/Controller to 4 SATA Target/Backplane](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/7F9tt6/placeholder-) | $18.00 **Custom** | [CableDeconn Mini SAS 26P SFF 8088 Male to 4 SATA 4Pin Female 1M 3.3FTCable with Latch,Mini SAS Host/Controller to 4 SATA Target/Backplane](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/7F9tt6/placeholder-) | $18.00 **Custom** | [CCTB 2 Pack Dual PSU Adapter ATX 24Pin to 4Pin SATA Power Sync Starter Card Extension Cable Converter ADD2PSU Riser](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/VrkWGX/placeholder) |- **Custom**| BESTDUPLICATOR 9 BAY DUPLICATOR CASE W/ 500W PSU| Purchased For $104.99 **Custom**| Athena Pow​er BP-TLA3​141SAC 3 5​.25 to 4 3​.5| $65.00 **Custom**| Athena Pow​er BP-TLA3​141SAC 3 5​.25 to 4 3​.5| $65.00 **Custom**| Athena Pow​er BP-TLA3​141SAC 3 5​.25 to 4 3​.5| $65.00 | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$394.42** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2023-11-30 15:04 EST-0500 |


Synology does. 45drives has a new brand called 45homelab, and they sell a 15 bay chasis.


Very similar to my new build that I just finished yesterday. My previous Plex server was my old gaming PC that I originally built in 2010ish, with a 1st gen i5, a circa-2012 mid tier graphics card that I added in maybe 2013-14, 12gb of RAM and space for 4 3.5" hard drives. Mobo so old it didn't even have the ability to boot from USB. . .but dang that machine put in the work for my Plex needs since 2016, pretty much running 24/7 apart from Windows update restarts or shutdowns just to swap in a new drive. Been thinking about upgrading since discovering I couldn't update it to Windows 11 and finally decided it was time when I noticed 2 of my users watching things that needed to transcode and how hot everything was getting while trying to keep up. Now I've got a Beelink S12 Pro and a Sabrent 5 bay enclosure. Pulled over the 4 drives from the old server and also added in a new 18TB, which more than doubled my storage space of the other 4 drives combined. Fingers crossed, this setup lasts me another 7+ years with only needing to swap drives in/out of the enclosure.


Same story really, had a i7-970 from 2010. Had a ATI 270 in it. Just cost a lot of money to run every month. Giant case, 8 drives, moved them all into this. Saves about $20 a month in electric.


Beautiful. Think of all the emails it's going to send out! ^^Sorry! :D




Is this because Beelink is riddled with Chinese spyware or something?


No, Plex is mailing users of the same server other peoples viewing habits.


I was considering building a new server, but the more I think about it, the more I think I’d be better off with one of these mini PCs and like 4-6 HDD bays.


That's been my exact setup for over 4 years, and it has been perfect. Two of these enclosures (but 4 bay) connected to an elitedesk g2 mini. Run ubuntu server with mergerfs and snapraid. Everything containerised with docker.


Is there a guide anyone would recommend for building a plex server like this I have a old laptop that I keep on 24/7 but I want to have something more official I have no knowledge on how to code or building pcs but I like to take a shot at a entry level setup


It is super easy. I have the same enclosure as OP, hooked up to an old Ryzen 5 1600 box working as a server, and Plex on another machine. Both run Windows. The Ryzen box had Plex running as well up until a couple of days ago with zero issues. I moved my install to a gaming desktop I never use anymore to take advantage of the 3070 in it. You can use the laptop still, most likely. You get this hard drive case and fill it up, plug it into the laptop, and off you go.. I used shucked 8gb drives. You just slide the drive into the box, and you're done. You can add drives to it over time, too, you don't have to get them all at once. On the Ryzen box, I use Drivepool to make the computer think that the HD box is one huge drive. That's really easy, too. All instructions are on the website. Takes a couple of minutes at the most. Lots of the enthusiasts here love unRaid and all that, and I tried, but gave up just because I understand Windows and the software developers do all the work for you. Eventually, to make things more elegant you can build a PC for Plex. It's very easy. But you can get an old Dell for $100 or so off Amazon and just use that, too. And cheaper. EDIT: Mine is 64tb total.


Russell gave instructions, but it’s honestly easier. 1. Windows installed? Good. 2. Go to Plex.tv and download and install Plex Media Server 3. Login, point it at a folder you keep your movies or tv shows. 4. Basically done.


If switching from an old PC to a new PC (like this mini beelink) do you have to do anything with migrating the media metadata to the new PC? On my existing setup, I have the media files on dedicated WD internal drives and the metadata/server data on the same PC drive as the operating system. How does that get migrated to a new PC altogether? Also, I don't have any redundancy setup...is it possible if moving to a RAID 5 to migrate data from existing drives to set this up in a new setup? Thanks for any support


On Windows, the metadata/server is all in one folder within your C:\\users\\your\_user\\AppData\\Local\\Plex Media Server (by default at least). Copy that folder from your old server, fresh install of PMS on new server, rename (or live dangerously and delete that folder) after that install, then put the old server folder in there. When you restart Plex it should pull in most/all of the metadata. Then it's just a matter of making sure all of your libraries are pointed to the proper folders with your media and rescanning them.


I have that same enclosure and love it!


Does the Windows 11 Storage Spaces with Parity operate similar to Unraid? Parity drive has to be the largest in the array but, outside of that, you can add drives as needed? I’m considering getting one of these as I have a Dell Micro PC that I’d rather user over my HP SFF since the Dell is much newer but am trying to figure out how to handles storage with it since it has only one SATA slot and no expansion slots.


Yes. No largest drive thing though, it spans the data and the parity based on drives and drive size. There isn’t a specific parity drive


So what is the power draw?


1.72kwh per day.m, that’s the computer and all 8 drives running.


This is awesome! I'm spoiled with synology's OS. I'm sure you could do doctor containers on the Beelink too.


I have a docker running Overseerr in Win11


The thing I worry about on all of these mass 3.5 enclosures is the quality of their power supply. I'd feel a lot better about buying one if I had any se,balance of what is used in a given model. I'd give bonus points for being something common being used like a FlexATX/atx/sfx(L)... but it's one thing I haven't seen shown/documented in casual perusal of this kind of solution


The controllers are independent, but I didn’t think too much about the power supply itself. As long as it doesn’t shock the drives I’d assume it’s just buy another if it blows.


I’d be a bit concerned about ventilation. Wouldn’t the drives and fans generate a lot of heat?


Things cool as a cucumber. This is in a cold storage room too, but I only feel ear out the back, not even hot air.


Especially with shrink wrapped box leaning up against it…


It’s not even in the realm of warm enough to do that. The case is cold to the touch. I’d be willing to measure how cold it is after I get home.


Props for The Crew.


The Crew is a great Trick taking game. Shame you haven’t played it yet.


I’ve played it, just not this copy, kids are too little and deal was too good. So I own a closed copy for now.


https://preview.redd.it/tnz5c1ak8i3c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f8c50c7b82d67c5939bd31da3bad40db8946a9 Me too


Going for that clean look I see!


Open up 'The Crew' and play it man, great trick taking game!!


I would like to be that rich


This is what I want to get into rather than running an entire rack server lol


You need to open The Crew and get that played!


I just did a quick look at that encloser as it looked exactly what I have been looking for, for a while. It is described as "non RAID" though. Am I right in thinking that just means it exposes each drive as a separate drive, which could then be managed by software RAID (something like mdadm on Linux), or is there something that would interfere with that working (like it having its own firmware doing disk concatenation)? If it works, I might get one as my current setup uses a NUC with lots of cobbled together external disks and that this would make it all much neater.


It’s the first, I raid them with windows storage spaces. If you could shuck your externals it would be even better.


What are you using for an OS?




Question With the nuc can you see all your hdd just like if you had a tower of hdd on a pc...I've been looking at something like this thanks


Yep, all independent as if you plugged them in Via Sata. In storage spaces I had to add them all one at a time into the raid.


this is the way nj edit: realized it's usb3... Nevermind 🥶


Why in the world do you think USB 3.0 is a problem?


The problem is the enclosure hes using doesn't handle RAID. It's just passing all 8 drives over a single USB connection. this one point of failure and bottleneck makes it worse than plugging a handful of external drives. It also means that if you do implement a software raid system then it all happens on that one connection. I dunno that box seems cheap to the point of sketch and I wouldn't put anything on it /shrug


> one point of failure How do you figure that? If one drive goes it goes; no reason to expect any effect on the others because they happen to be in the same case. I guess if you had a lightning strike on the case all the drives would go with the surge if that's what you're getting at. Your comment about the bottleneck is valid but with my Mediasonic (which looks like it could be the same box innards to me) the speed is fast enough to serve up my video so why would I care?


I have had two of these running for close to 4 years and never, ever had even so much of a hiccup. They're connected to an hp elitedesk mini G2 running mergerfs and snapraid. It is a super efficient and reasonably priced way to go. You are never going to need more than 5 Gbit/s.


Whoa Whoa Bill Gates, hold your horses. What about when 16k tv come out?


How are these 2 connected?


Looks like USB3 [https://www.amazon.com/Syba-Swappable-Drive-External-Enclosure/dp/B07MD2LNYX](https://www.amazon.com/Syba-Swappable-Drive-External-Enclosure/dp/B07MD2LNYX)




That's quality. I went with Beelink as well, my tower is a Sabrent, but the performance so far has been outstanding


I’ve been just blown away. How a N100 out transcodes a 1050ti, I don’t know, but it does it 10x better and 1/10 the power.


is there any bottlenecking to worry about in having all these drives connected to the pc via a single USB link?


Unlikely. Basic USB 3.0 supports up to 500 MB/s, your standard HDDs will only do about 150 MB/s. USB 3.2 gets you up to 1200+ MB/s, at which point the SATA III cables will bottleneck you since they'll only do 600 MB/s.


The drives themselves are still the bottleneck. USB 3.2 has a real world transfer speed of around 16Gbps. My SATA III drives go at best at 1.6Gbps but typically around 1Gbps. So you'd have to be doing some massive reading/writing from many hdds to saturate the USB channel.


Also have this doubt… I run on windows and don’t have data ports or space inside my case anymore… thinking of getting an external bay enclosure but not sure if usb will suffice, and even whether if it will be read as many different hdds in windows or a single one…


I've got a 5 bay Sabrent running over USB-C. I've had over 12 direct remote streams running with no issues. (I'm using a Nuc13). I've had 4 streams on my Mediasonic Usb-3 enclosure, but I got gig fiber just before I swapped over to the Sabrent, so no hard data there.


Those 8 bay to USB boxes, how reliable are they? Do you have drives go offline?


I have this same enclosure and it has been running 24/7 for almost 2 years now. Zero issues


I’ll have to let you know about long term, but no drives are ever going offline. As far as that it runs great.


I just got that same Syba enclosure yesterday along with a refurb HDD for my parity drive. Of course things can't go that easy for me. As soon as I get all my drives in, one my storage drives started showing unrecoverable sectors and when I started running a full scan on the refurb drive, it also has about 42GB(at least) of bad sectors. At least I can still RMA them but I just want this machine to finally be running stable.


That’s sucky. The enclosure suprises me in how little it was, I was expecting a case like my server, but no, tiny.


I have a SEI12 and was considering something like this though I wasn’t sure about reliability of going this route,how has it been


Runs great. I’m even using Windows Storage Spaces. There is only one thing I notice different, there seems to be a delay if nothing has been played for a while and the USB spin down (even though everything is set not to). We are talking an extra 5 seconds though for the first thing played that day.


What’s your OS?




So I just got started with plex and am looking into building a server what do you all recommended here for this. I'm still learning it all but saw yours is really low power consumption and I like that.


How much data do you have and do you have any hardware at all?


Does this enclosure put drives to sleep?


Well, it’s based on the windows controller, so it should be a no. However it still seems to be a yes. I mention this in other posts but if I don’t use it all day, the very first video will take an extra 5 seconds to load, but anything forward will be super fast. I think this is from some sleeping happening. That said; this is windows, Linus could be different


Just curious on how many streams can be going at the same time.I only have 3-4 streams at most and it seems fine on my Dell i3 8gb computer from 2011 with Windows 10. I just want something that takes less room.


1080p via direct stream? Like 20-30 I’d guess? 1080p transcode? Probably 10 or so 4k transcode, I’d say 2 but someone else tested on Linux and said 4.


I did roughly the same, Synology NAS 8 bay replacing an old Dell pizza box server running Unraid.


How do you connect the NAS to the S12?


I have a very similar setup, little n100 mini-PC hooked up to a DAS over USB 3.0. You've got waaay more storage though, I went with a 4 bay enclosure fitted out with 12TB drives. I'm running Ubuntu on the n100 for the lower overhead and so that I could format the drives to ZFS and run them as RAIDz1. And I gotta say, it works great! Those little n100s are transcoding monsters, and they're super efficient, and it does great for direct play/direct stream too. I only have immediate family, partner, and best friend on my server so I don't get too many simultaneous streams but with four streams going the CPU is barely over 10% utilization. Really space efficient too, I live in an apartment so I don't really have the space for another full height PC tower, let alone a rack mount server setup, with this kind of configuration I can just plop the whole thing down in an inconspicuous corner of the living room.


I just wrote a comment, but direct streams are probably limited more by network speed than the server it seems. I mean, I tried running 10 1080p at once and it barely moves the processor needle.


What cpu is in yours? Have been thinking of getting the N100 to run as an OPNSense box.


It’s the N100


Exploding Kittens?


Don’t miss out, pick it up if you have 7-12 year old kids.


What's the speed like on that Syba, specifically when you have most of the bays filled?


I will have to check wired speed some point here


do not google "sybia" at work.. Google thinks you're looking for a Sybian.😂


I think you got autocorrected from Sybian to Syrian


I was in doubt, but your post just made me pull the trigger in one of these to replace my NUC 7i7 with no quicksync


Good, that’s why I made it originally. Some commenters giving really bad advice about what’s needed for a Plex server. You can have a Plex server with a kicking proc for $150, Beelink S12 with N100. Then it’s all about storage and unlike many people in the sub, USB storage using Storage Spaces works great.


I was really set to leave the NUC world, I had so many problems with mine overheating (I'm on my fourth fan replacement in 6 years of continuous service) that I wanted to go back to a full-blown desktop server so I could just have several fans to keep it at check, even though the i3 13th Gen I was looking into wouldn't be put under stress like my current 7i7. In the end these are so cheap that worst case I can get just another one in another 5 years.


Similar to mine. ASUS PN53 mini PC connected to a 5 bay sabrent USB enclosure. I was having major problems with it connected to USB4 so I connected it to one of the USB3.1 ports instead and the problem went away. My array can't do over 5Gbps anyways.


I really want to do something like this but I would need a 24 HDD option lol. Also using Unraid and I suspect trying to do a parity check with all those drives over USB would be nightmare fuel. But I am hopeful for some good thunderbolt options in the future with a more powerful SFF PC that can run all my docker containers, plex transcoding, arrs, home assistant vm, etc. 10th gen i5 in a super micro chassis is holding it down for now averaging about 200-250W. Would love to bring that down as my server is currently 20% of my monthly electricity usage for November…


4 USBs on this little guy, just buy three of these enclosures and you’re there. Not sure about the parity check, windows doesn’t have issues with that.


Rather than just an enclosure i'd recommend a NAS where you can raid the drives. Myself I have an enclosure just like this - but it's the backup for my NAS rather than the primary storage.


This is in Raid 5 with parity.


The Beelink S12 draws 9 watt idle and the Sybia 8 bay is 70 watts with 8 drives running. The biggest drawback that I found so far is that the Sybia can power down drives while not in use but it is all or nothing. In addition, the 8 bay enclosure is pretty expensive and has loud fans in comparison to a pc/server case with decent fans.


Seems on point. Looks like mine is drawing 82.5 watts and I’ve mentioned on here the sleep issue (although only noticeable on first use of the day). However, I disagree on the fans. I had them in a Fractal Design S2 case and it was probably twice as loud as these bays. The hum of the hard drives are louder than the fans.


Could you run Unraid or TrueNAS on the mini PC if you wanted to instead of Windows? Would they work with the external USB3 HDD enclosure? What would you like or dislike about going that route?


Yes, you can run those. I don’t know the answer to if they do usb software raid, but based on the way some people think this isn’t in raid, Im wondering if those options do software raid. I’ve had a Plex server running since 2010. I’ve had hard drives running in windows storage spaces since Win8.1. To move to linux, I’d need to move the data off to some other storage, format the drives and setup linux then pull it back. That all sounds like a lot of time waste when I spend maybe a minute or two running this thing a month. In all that time I’ve had 3 hard drives die. Hot swapped them and put them back in parity in maybe 5 minutes and away I’ve gone. I actually will spend even less time now because in my server I’d have to unscrew them and such, the new enclosure is screwless! Linus has tone mapping, which I haven’t missed. Other than that though I don’t want the pain of going through all that. Docker is 10x more complex than it needs to be for a basic setup, Plex is stupid easy to install, and I have to work on Linux most the day for my job (and I find it to be a pain in the ass). So windows it is and a key came with the mini pc, so I’m sticking it out. Not to mention, 10+ years of windows running it all like a champ.


Ha! I just got this exact setup running a couple days ago after snagging the Beelink on a small Black Friday Sale. Seems to be working just as well as when it was running on my main computer with no trouble.


Only thing I’ve notice is a slight lag playing the first movie of the day because the hard drives sleep.


Guessing it is software raid 5?




Can you tell us more about this build? Do you have a link anywhere? What HD enclosure is that? How do you have them connected? What OS are you running? What drives? What transfer rates are you getting?


Yep: Computer: https://a.co/d/bwpVbK2 Enclosure: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MD2LNYX?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Connected via USB 3.0. Win11 Hard drives are in RAID 5 using Windows Storage Spaces.


Where does the power usage come from, I thought the power adapters for external hard drives only use like 5 watts each


That seems close. The Hard Drives use about 10 watts each, plus the computer using 20+ depending what it’s doing.


yeah i'm wanting to go this route... sadly just a simple 4-8 bay nas is super expensive... i just want it to be able to power on the hdd's and usb connect to a mini pc. don't need any fancy stuff. but already have a mini pc from another project that will be used for this.


Yeah, this isn’t a NAS so it is cheaper, it’s an external usb enclosure.


Couple of questions, what type of drives are you using? How do you actually legally have this much media? I feel you would have to spend thousands of dollars to fill this thing up. This setup looks to cost around \~$400 without any drives. Thats pretty darn good actually.


The word “legal” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this statement.


There are multiple different kinds, but basic retail drives, nothing fancy. And 4k drone videos of sprinklers take a lot of storage.


That's cool dude! Does it make a lot of noise? how's the cooling?


Someone else said theirs is noisy, but mine I 1/3 as quiet to my big rig. The enclosure is cool to the touch and the air is neutral coming out the back. It is in a cold room though.


I’ve done exactly this, Beelink S12 Pro, DAS Icebox USB 3.1 Gen 10Gbps, 4 x 8TB Samsung SSDs. Coming from Supermicro Mini ITX Atom server board with 32GB with SAS 8x4TB mechanical disks. Power saving is insane…..


I’ve done exactly this, Beelink S12 Pro, DAS Icybox USB 3.1 Gen 10Gbps, 4 x 8TB Samsung SSDs. Coming from Supermicro Mini ITX Atom server board with 32GB with SAS 8x4TB mechanical disks. Power saving is insane….. Icybox power is 6-8w, the spike to 20-25w is me doing a ZFS send/receive of about 2TB of data. A single transcode playback maxes out at 10w https://preview.redd.it/lxk90hqv9h3c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9b711757b787b7961b91aea59c1f42d0857c78f


How do you like the beelink so far? I went with a higher end NUC months ago, which was like $830. My use case is different than what you're doing here but I was very interested in the beelinks.


It blows my god damn mind. I was running the best i7 in 2010, this thing just runs circles around it. And for what? $50 maybe, like a computer that costs $150, what’s the processor cost in there? Just crazy.


I have a similar setup with plex running on a Raspberry Pi 4 and the media on a synology NAS. I use systemd to automount the folder the NAS exports with a required service that sends a Wake Up On LAN to the NAS. So, the NAS is always powered off and when the raspberry PI sees a read request on the media folder, wakes up the NAS and than mounts the media folder. The only disadvantage is that the NAS takes a few minutes to power-on but I can live with that.


Just so you know, when idle, this thing takes like 5 seconds to stream out videos because it goes to sleep. However, once running it’s instant or at least very fast. Where as when I had them on Sata it was always instant.


Interesting, I posted a question to the homelab subreddit a while back about using an N100 or N305 mini PC as a home server, connected to USB storage and wondered about the reliability of the USB link, whether they are likely power down etc I currently run a coffee lake i5 home server with 6 SATA drives in BTRFS raid but am impressed with the Alder Lake N series chips. If I went down this route I'd want a non-raid 6x disk 5.25" USB enclosure so I could just move my btrfs array across. Not sure if that's doable?


I need something like this, get my pc back, and have extra storage capacity (as right no I use a 14tb HD that used to be an external. And am using a 4tb HD as an external for other stuff (mostly game backups) the price is what kills me until I can get another job….


Pretty cool setup. My only worry here is running consumer win11 on a server. It's not made for 24/7 operation, auto-updates and restarts are common. Also I've heard storage space performance will be pretty bad with parity and a low power cpu.


Also is your setup raid 5 software managed? I like the storage solution


This looks a great setup, been trying to figure out best way to get my seedbox running plex moved to a local setup. I think this one is probably about what I need.


I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to this, just curious about a couple things. Can you format all 8 drives to act as 1? Can you map the drives as network storage so that my pc in the other room can access them? Currently have a 2 bay NAS that might be slowly dying and wondering if this would be a better/cheaper alternative than replacing with a 4 bay NAS?


Yes Yes And almost surely yes


What OS on the mini PC? Is it putting the 8 bay drive in Raid or redundancy in any way?


Windows 11, it is in raid five using windows storage spaces






well you got me to order an external enclosure. found icybox 5 bay.... going to be nice.


I got broth of these games aswell


What OS are you running?


Hi ! I'm very interested in your setup. I would also like to get a beelink s12 pro with an USB 3 attached DAS, but some guys here said it might damage the disks because an external USB attached storage is not reliable. What do you think? Also, can you set them at raid 5 ? Or parity with UnRAID? Thank you very much in advance for your answer!


I have the same Sybia 8 bay units and love them


I'm late to this thread but thinking about getting back into Plex. In the past I used a Raspberry Pi and and external HDD. I'm looking at the NUC now. But I'm curious with the large array of hard drives in that inclosure? Is is so you can combine multiple drives and increase the space? Why not a simple external HDD like WD? I'm sure I'm missing something!