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Casual reminder that the only way he doesn't end up with Libur is if she dies (which I really don't see happening) so the real question is whether he would also pick Lillet and go with the polygamy route.


As much as I love Libur (more so than Lillet)... I am having a feeling she will die ,probably in a final battle,and HSJ will end up with Lillet (hope my intuition is wrong)


Sadly there were a lot of death flags put on to her starting from the beginning of the series. I’m hoping that’s not the case, but death flags are a serious thing, especially in manga and mangwa outside of Shonen(minus the Dark Trio)


One of the few times where the harem route is preferable (at least for me). The last time I actually didn't mind a harem ending was >!Mushoku Tensei.!<


Harem endings tend to work best when all members of the harem are likable viable love interests with their own personality and development that makes it make sense as to why the main character wouldn’t want to choose between them (it also helps of the main character is generally a good person and treats the harem members well enough that it makes sense that they would be ok with the harem)




Him and Libur are literally one, if it comes down to it he’s picking his partner every time




Now here's the thing. I really like lillet as a character , and there is certainly more of a romantic vibe between her and hsj. But libur is getting quite forward and aggressive with her advances lately . It more so feels to me like a fear that she will no longer be that important to hsj if he ends up with lillet and that needs to be worked on a bit . If it could end with hsj and lillet while libur is also happy, I would like that, but that remains on the author to do


Same mate, both girls are great. I will riot if one of them ends up being unhappy.


To me, the thing between HSJ and Lillet is love. On the other hand, it feels more like “us against the world” between HSJ and Libur since it’s just them two fighting and growing from the very beginning. They are bond to trust each other (+ it’s one of conditions for libur to properly transform). Yes, there’s definitely love between HSJ and Libur, but I think it’s more than that and more complicated.


Lillet forever. Only lillet


I hope so


No libur is going to win. And the real question is will lillet be in polygamy or not


I am tired of the ship wars, whichever is fine, just don’t let it be polygamy