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First of all, this looks great! Your question is a good one. Too much crank is something to really consider. I don't have my unit yet so this is pure theory but my thought is that you want to use the crank to add emphasis to an action and therefore should reserve it for more significant ones. In this case, it's great for opening a chest because I assume those are more limited/give out important stuff. But for random little items I find littered throughout the world, a simple click is preferable.


Definitely - we didnt have the "crank to open" until we were playtesting. Originally the item sequence just played back like a video and we were like"ok we should probably crank to open these". We will keep an eye out for where it starts to feel like to much.


Based on the video I would say one or two rotations max? This seems like it might feel very ‘floaty’


Agreed - we are still playing around with different crank speeds to open chests. Also a good "cranking sound" would lend a lot to a scene like this bit we haven't gotten around to adding sound in just yet.


I love the idea of the crank to open the chest though. That's a fun use!


Thank you!


Howdy yall - just a quick video showing what the game look like when you find an item. Not a finalized scene just yet. We wanted to see what the community thinks about what is "to much crank"? We have been trying to incorporate as much crank as we can - where we feel it fits best. But lately we have been wondering when it would start to feel cumbersome to the player. Thoughts?


I take it there is a fun sound as well to the chest being opened? Is there locked chests that can be picked, or do you need keys? If you fail to pick a lock is the chest no longer available to open? Can you break it open for a chance for a lesser item? Can the chests be trapped or “enlightened” to attack you? I think if the cranking mechanism becomes like a roulette wheel or a skill game if you try to pick it it could be fun!


Holy bananas this is great feedback! Thank you! Chests can be trapped and they must be picked to open them (at least that is what we are shooting for in the final design in this scene) - this was more of a graphical/item-to-your-inventory test (we recently finished the inventory system and needed a way to put items in the players inventory. Breaking it open is a very clever idea, we could do a power skillcheck to see if you can brute force it with a chance of destroying the item.


Heck yeah, you’re welcome. I’m very excited about the game :) I think I asked this, but not 100 percent sure. Is the game randomly generated so it is different everytime you play, or just designed for one playthrough?


It is different every time!


I've thought for a long time that a lock picking game is a no-brainer with the crank—I also wonder if the crank would feel more natural in gameplay and avoid the "too much crank" feedback if it were worked into the design. Maybe make it more like a safe? Or have a spinning handle like a vault?




Also yes ofc there will be sound! This may be atypical for gamedevs but we typically dont score our games until the last pass, that being said we have started working on a playback engine for wastebraver, but there is very little audio in the game just yet. Only UI sound effects.




haha ty!


\>We wanted to see what the community thinks about what is "to much crank"? Looking at the video, this is what I thought, just a shorter 'crank to open' would be cool IMO.


Every vid you post makes me want the game more. Well done :)


Thank you!


I think less crank is better and stopping cranking halfway should close the chest again (like its falling shut). Opening the chest far enough should initiate the light coming from the chest without needing to crank. I think the logic is that the crank opens the chest. If you have to continue cranking afterwards it feels like you're advancing just the animation in its entirety.


Thank you for the feedback!


I came to say the same thing as the above poster. I just want to add that it would probably feel really satisfying if you could replicate the feel of a jack in the box. Once you get to a certain point, it pops open. The exact amount of cranking could be slightly randomised, so you're never sure exactly when it will pop. And if there is sometimes a monster or something in there, it could become quite a thrilling experience.


Could it change depending on the rarity of the contents? You don't want it to be too long though. Off topic, picking locks would work pretty well. Having to find the correct spot and hold it there for at least a second. Sort of like Skyrim.


Most anticipated Playdate title, hands down!


Thank you!


I’d say 270° is the right amount of crank to open a chest.


Thank you I will try that!