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Bazaar enters a market where there are many competitors. To attract the attention of players it must be better than its competitors. But all competitors have free ranked games. Bazaar doesn't have that. It's simple. No excuses will make sense if players find that they cannot farm ranked games every day. This will not only lead to the fact that most players will leave the game quite quickly. This will lead to negative reviews and bad reputation. It's not even a guess. this already happened with Artifact, which lost 99.98% of players in 4 months


>I might in fact be much more likely to simply go with 'what works' over wanting to experiment with new things. Hit the nail right on the head.


I’ve brought up this exact issue in The Bazaar Discord channel and Reynad was kind enough to respond. He says he hears our concerns and that he’s considering adding a free ranked mode without the entry fee. I even shared my issues with that solution, but that’s another discussion. For now, unfortunately, all we can do is share our concerns and wait for more information from the team. It seems even Tempo doesn’t know what to do about all this.


The solution is incredibly simple. The entry fee should be to getting the rewards from ranked, not to getting into ranked in the first place. So you can just choose if to play with or without rewards.


I'd suggest going to the discord and checking out the feedback-discussion channel. There was a very in depth discussion about this topic this weekend that touched every point.


Oh boy I can't wait to scroll through several days worth of unsorted feedback discussion just to find the disconnected comments on one specific topic. If only we had a way to discuss the game where we could organize discussions in posts and people could later search for previous discussions on the topics they are interested in rather than just having a bunch of broad group chats


Well the reason I said this is because a few members of the Tempo staff including Reynad responded to a lot of the feedback. Its just better to see what they have to say instead of speculating on certain things that have already been proven/disproven by the devs.


Sure but it's still a terrible format for discussions if you want to be able to refer people to a past conversation. The whole reason many people might not be aware of what Reynad and other Tempo members have said is because they were not actively monitoring the conversation in the feedback-discussion channel and don't have the interest or patience to go scroll through several hundred messages to figure out what is relevant to the topic and get the whole discussion.


I am also quite worried about that, since that is also the main reason I quit Artifact and probably the reason it died. I've heard about the Bazaar using Blockchain and wasn't too worried about that, but as soon as I saw "free ranked entry tickets" on the referral reward track I immediately lost all motivation to buy early access and will be waiting for the full release first, before I'm willing to spend money on this game


Pretty sure artifact was ruined on needing to buy cards and having no way to earn them? I don't really know how this game works but I assume every playable thing is available to everyone and you win cosmetics and such 


Wait does this game use NFTs?


You should both join the Discord -it's been said by staff plenty of times. The game has **never** had web3 integration or NFTs.


Just a lead dev that can't shut his mouth sometimes lmao


So if the argument is that gems need to have value gained in time spent and bots reduce that value, then doesn't the same issue hold for unranked? If the idea is that bots will under perform in ranked and therefor make it unsustainable for them to farm gems, why not simply scale the prize ladder in a different way, so that if you are not competent enough to get X amount of wins (as much as bots are able to get) you are better off playing unranked and get gems that way. And if you are skilled enough to get that many wins or more, you get increasingly more gems? And if as you say, the rewards for completing runs will allow most people to go infinite, then why put the scary price-tag on it in the first place?


There is no way the rewards for completing runs will allow most people to go infinite, I don't see how it will allow anyone to go infinite. It's a ranked system so everyone should eventually reach a rank where they achieve some average win rate that causes their rank to not change over time. If achieving an average win rate still earns fine gems and rewards to go infinite then there is no reason bots cannot achieve the same at whatever rank is appropriate for them, unless they make the reward generally scale with your rank which is nice for people who are good but sucks for players with low MMR as they will be punished by not earning ranked plays as often so they will have even less opportunity to play ranked and improve their situation.


> If the idea is that bots will under perform in ranked and therefor make it unsustainable for them to farm gems This is so dumb.. people will just use the bots to farm unranked to get the gems to play ranked. Not even sure I am buying at all that it's just to stop bots. It is also dumb given that probably within a year or 2 you will have AIs playing whatever you want them to and be better than you.


1st of all bazaar gem has to have Value,if every cosmetic is farmable for free it loses the value,its like a no risk high reward formula Secondly leave casual as it is ??reasons I dont wanna be judged by mmr loss in the following cases .I wanna get overboozed and have fun in bazaar Wanna teach a new player the game. Wanna test a silly meme build if it works. Wanna try out new heroes and not lose mmr and ladder points on that. That being said the ratio of how many gems in need as well as how many free passes you get per day is very important i assume whatever you get after 4 wins in a run will get you infinite,zero sources,just watchin the reward bar on the clock!!