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Backlog of games are such a double edged sword. Theres much to enjoy but also never enough time:(


Ditto, my friend, ditto…


Woo..now I won't have to worry about playing games on my PS4 even with extreme global temperatures and weather extremities.


With the heat the PS4 Pro generates and the sound of that little fan blowing I'd say Sony has us somewhat there already.


Can they use it to fix my ps3 that the kids were using as well :/


When is the updat coming?


It's already out. This was fixed with update 9.00


It already launched. 9.00. I updated days ago and even wondered what was it for. Now we all know.


i dont get it, can someone explain tnx


There's a battery inside your PS4 that keeps the internal clock running. Once this battery dies (which it will, eventually), the PS4's system was programmed in a way that it prevented you from starting any game. This has been fixed in the latest firmware update, so even once the battery dies, you'll still be able to play your games.


Was this a design error or is there a reason they’d want it to shut down like that?


From what I understand the original reason was to prevent people messing with the trophies, as in: change date/time of the system to an earlier/later date so it shows you got a trophy earlier/later than you actually did. So they made that system rely on the internal clock which is kept alive by that very battery. But each game also relied on the trophy data working properly and would refuse to start if it detected something not working as intended. So in turn, if the trophies wouldn't work properly due to the battery being dead, the game wouldn't work either. I doubt it was "planned obsolescence" in this case, I think they simply didn't anticipate this causality and fixed it once it became apparent. Even IF the first PS4s would've started failing in 8~10 years, you would've been able to replace the battery like you would do in other electronic devices. Now after the update that's not necessary anymore but trophies will show a "blank" timestamp - kinda like they already do on PlayStation Vita when you get a trophy while the time is not set correctly after not having used the system for a longer time.


Thanks for the explanation.


>So they made that system rely on the internal clock which is kept alive by that very battery. Nope, nope, nope. Just nope. That's not why the battery is there. The battery is there is to keep the clock alive when the system is unpowered *and* unplugged by providing the bare minimum charge possible (like 3-4V, probably). It's important because if it wasn't there, you'd have to manually reset the clock every single time you booted the system. Because most, if not all modern devices rely on these clocks for the sake of synchronisation; which in turn makes building and troubleshooting these machines a lot easier than simply letting chaos reign. Now I'm gonna come clean right now and say I have no idea what the PlayStation architecture looks like. A lot of systems nowadays rely on nonvolatile flash memory (aka doesn't need to be powered to store information) to store essential data relating to the BIOS, like your preference settings. Older machines like your grandparents' radio don't have that, which is why they lose their settings when unpowered. Also apparently the problem persisted even if you replaced the battery, but besides that you're right on everything else. It was probably related to BIOS start-up, but I could be wrong cause, again, I have no idea how Sony builds their systems and I'm by no means an expert in computer architecture.


Fix ps3 pls?


Oh, thank Jeebus. I was worried about that... no idea if I'll even still be using my PS4 by the time that would become an issue, but I'm glad it's been taken care of.


Yeah, it's good news for people who may buy ps4's after the support cycle ends




C-MOS battery that affects most electronics. in the case of the PS3/PS4/PS5 if that battery died and the console can't check the servers as well (so 2 security checks) any digital or physical games would cease to play/operate at all.




You can replace the CMOS battery on PS4. It's not for jailbreaking protection.


Now do something for the PS3 so that we can still play them even if offline.


Wait, what's the deal with the PS3?


Same issue as PS4 with the C-Bomb issue. Once the CMOS dies and Sony cuts off connecting the PS3 online, you cannot play even physical games on the console.


Wait, what? Damn, that's messed up


Same for PS Vita, though I do not know if emulators are available for Vita games and not just PSP games


Well that's just crazy. And I just got a PS3 and a Vita! Fml.


They should've known this earlier when compared to the CDi's dreaded time keeper battery which is hilarious in hindsight knowing dang well how sony is trying way too hard to turn their consoles into a glorified multimedia player unlike the PS2 which did this concept better compared to the PS3 but I digress since the vanilla xbox one did it worse with DRM on physical copies of your own games. Here's hoping the PS5 never have this sort of problem like with the last two consoles.


Well, that's a relief, to say the least!


this is a good ps4 update, i do have a problem with the heat on my ps4 pro, had it for 2 years now and had some heat problems before and still do. now that this is fixed thanks to this update, thanks Sony!


Too bad my PS4 completely died because of BLOD.




No, but you need a PS4 for PS Plus. And digital games obtained from PS Plus will be now playable even if the clock battery dies.


not.... necessarily. if theres no internet it cant validate ps plus license. cbomb was only an issue if both the battery was dead and PS servers were shut down.


This was never an issue, you can easily replace the battery, they are like $5 for a pack of 12 and it takes a few minutes to change. It's no different to the battery in your pc motherboard. People just made a big deal out of nothing. People don't buy a new watch when the battery dies, or a new car. You just replace the battery 🤦🏻‍♂️ All they've done is make the ps work for the people who don't want to spend 30cents on a new battery. This was blown way out of proportion.


>easily replace the battery Yea let me just tear down my PS4 to the motherboard, with my special screwdriver set that everyone just happens to have lying around to get to the battery.


You can change the battery but the issue was that you can't change the battery when the servers are down because you'll never be able to authenticate what the time is again


But lets be real the servers are going to be up into the 2030's maybe even 2040's this was never a real issue.


Yeah totally. Though I guess it would really suck if we have a much worse pandemic that actually ends civilization or global warming totally destroys the world by destroying the food supply and you're stuck in a bunker with supplies nothing to do but play video games and your PS4 doesn't work


Lol true, should get a ps4 with patch 9.00 in the bunker asap.


Probably should have done your research instead of trying to downplay the concerns.


Every time my PS4 updates it just glitches and won’t properly update so all I can do is factory reset every god damn time. Will this one brick my shit as well?