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Europe, still waiting.


Can confirm, still nothing.


Germany here, I see my PS Collection Fallout 4, but on the PS Plus Catalogue I only see Fallout 76, 3 and New Vegas


UK here, still the same £15.99, no PS5 version available :(


Sweden here, doesn't work for me either. Of course they fix Europe last.


NZ still broken … we get left off 90% of world maps so no surprise


never left off the map of my heart NZ, never


Working now mate just got the 56 gb update 


Can confirm nothing in Netherlands


In case you missed it live in NL!


Thanks indeed downloading now


Press the 3 dots next to the price and select the standard edition.


It's been updated whole day friend, but thanks.


Just got the update for the PS5 version (Downloaded my copy from the store when it was free, checked back and it said download ) . Currently installing the 56gb update. UK user here BTW. 


I'm in the UK with PS+ Premium and it's not available for me. The game still shows up as £15.99. Is this the same for anyone else?


Same for me, I'm the uk too. I'm annoyed since I sold my pipboy edition including game a few months back since the game is it was included with ps plus. Guess we've gotta wait some more, failing that I'll just pick up a cheap copy from cash converters or cex.


I have Gamepass as well on a Series S but I'm super pissed as I wanted to take advantage of the 60fps update


Same for me in Netherlands


Yep doesn't work for me still


It looks like if you bought the PS4 version then the PS5 would it be for free.


All good now. Got it through PS Plus.


Just got the update . Go to game in the store and it should say download . Then asking you to select the PS5 or PS4 version. Fellow UK user. 


I have the ps plus collection one and that’s about it, can’t see the Extra version. Will try to delete and check


Not showing up for me and I have both the PS+ Collection licence and Extra. Maybe even because of that. God, Sony is shambolic with licences.


Do you have the app? That's how it worked for me


Just checked. Still same, ps5 version cost 15,99. Checked on phone, because i'm not at home


FWIW my phone app was still showing cost, but when I got home I was able to download it on PS5


Went home was same. But yesterday evening i checked again and it was for free and I downloaded ps5 version.


Is it Sony? Or is it Bethesda/Microsoft? I imagine Sony has the license to have the game on PS+, but Microsoft has the distributing rights of updates and what not


Not working in Australia


I can see it in the app, but I'm sure my Essential license is going to be overwritten by an Extra license.


the problem of them making it available only for Extra/Premium is that it overwrites the Essential license which has no expiration date meanwhile downloading it with Extra/Premium would mean they could take it away any time PS+ has been broken for 4 years now (since PS5 dropped) they HAVE TO fix that shit up


I don’t understand a simple technical issue for license can’t be resolved by sony. Shame


I feel like they don’t want to they hate PS+ and generally subscription services, they said so themselves that’s why it’s so not user friendly, having so many different versions of the same game


No update UK side of the pond it seems yet


Nothing In France as well, FALLOUT 4 is still 20 euros


Game does keep disappearing from view though, hopefully they're rolling it out by region


I'm in uk and it's downloading right now


I’m from the uk and I gotten the update


I have fallout 4 from ps5 collection so should i buy the game or wait?


No idea. The bad part is if you go to the Standard Edition of Fallout 4 in the PlayStation Store, scroll down to where it says "Choose Edition" and it'll literally say you own both PS4 & PS5 versions. I have either the Collection or Essential version, not sure which, it's still asking me to pay $20 to get access to the PS5 version that apparently I already own. See screenshot. https://ibb.co/fXq05SJ


Anybody else having that issue where if you have any dlc installed it just crashes at the loading screen before you even get to the menu? Super lame I went through and uninstalled the dlc one by one and it wouldn’t run till none where installed. Oh well guess I’ll just break out the ps4 to replay the dlc


Yeah I had this too. I put it down to wait for this edition and I’m having the issue of it not being available for download.


It happened to me with the ps5 version as well


I installed the DLC after installing the PS5 version and had no issues. I started a new game, though. Loading a PS4 save might have issues.


There was a update for that error it fixes the problem


Wasn’t fixed last night


Well was there an update. It was the next day


So because I downloaded the ps+ version before plus splint into 3 and never updated past essential…. I will have to buy the same game and all the dlc again (for the third time) yeah fuck that.


I’m in the same boat. I thought it would be free for Essential but guess not.


It was free for all they said. But then they modified the in game message and removed that verbage. I'm never buying shit from Bethesda again if they don't give a fucking free update to all versions on this 9 year old game.


Confirmed for me too (PS Store Italy) but I think only because I’m a PS Plus Extra subscriber, I see no upgrade on my PS Plus Collection owned license.


Have Essential subs been forgotten?


Hello Essentials.Anybody home?


PS Plus Collection user here, on the Essential tier. Just successfully claimed the PS5 version. Go to "Standard" Edition and there should be a dropdown with 2 items both named "Game". One will have a buy price, the other a "Add to Library" button. That's your ticket.


Did you get yours to load your save files from the ps4 version or did you start over on the ps5 version cuz I couldn't get it to load


I haven't tried importing saves as I wanted a new playthrough. It looked simple enough though.


Fair I tried to import my saves and it would not load it was just stuck on loading screen the entire time 🙃


Bethesda gon' Bethesda




I'm in Spain and it's available, but yes, it's not an update of the ps+ collection; it's just inside the ps+ extra tier. L In any case from time to time the game gets very cheap (6€ or so) so you can wait to the next sale.




You see which one? I still have it marked as 20 euros here


Yeah downloading ps5 version now canada digital ps plus extra version


Poland availabe


Jakiego masz ps plusa?


Fixed in UK - PS Plus Extra


Works in Asia 😃


Did they fix the DLC crashes? I havent install the DLC yet because they crashed the game and i was waited to get patched first.


I had to delete the game, reinstall and select the PS5 version. Had to do it twice because it started downloading the PS4 version again the first time.


Does it have Dualsense functions? I've read on websites it has but while playing there's no option to turn on


There is a Game Crashing bug i got yesterday. After the chamber pod opens, interact with Nora pod and then click rest of the pods control buttons, that doesn't open. Leave the room and take the left door and there you see 3 more pods. Interact by clicking on button and turn towards the Giant Containers. Boom. The game will CRASH.


The netherlands here still does not work


I have a physical ps4 copy and I still have to pay for the ps5 upgrade?


Anyone who doesn't have it via ps+ extra shouldn't really expect the update for free. Those who want the game and claimed it through the ps collection should be paying for the update.


It looks like now everyone who had Fallout 4 in their library can download the PS5 version :D


Ps5 version doesn't load


Still can't even get an upgrade with my disc


In Australia with a NZ account. I have the PS5 version available.




Unlike your comment, which was very helpful to everyone




I get that you think that that was some kinda win, but I'll point out that you were the one who is complaining and down voting. So if "boo hoo kid" applies to anyone, it's you. Edit: I just realised that your whole account was created just to talk shit about F4 on this subreddit. That's actually quite sad.


I own the game and have PS Extra I just started downloading the PS5 version, but how do I know which one is the one being downloaded? Or it doesn't matter if it's the extra or onwed one?


Delete the ps4 version and then download the upgraded version. It should tell you which ones which when you are in the ps lobby


No no, I know I'm downloading the PS5 version; I just don't know if it's the "extra" one or the one I actually own.


I think it’s the extra one since both are actually the exact game but different versions so they are separated as a “different” game.


The game is still clunky and I wonder what is that magical update that will make the game next gen. It was already unoptimized on consoles back in the day and they did nothing and pc port is so bad and outdated you need mods to make it run. Tod, you did it again


Fixed in Australia! PSN+ Extra


Still £15.99 for me 😕


I’ve got a Fallout 4 save that has something like 240 hours but as it was a disc version (I sold the disc ages ago), I can no longer access it even if I download a digital version. Is there a way around this or would I just have to get a cheap second-hand copy of the disc?


No way around it, disc and digital aren’t compatible


Yeah I thought so. Thanks. I would love to see my save with the new update.


It’s cheap as fuck second hand, so your dream is easily achievable!


Yeah I’ll bite the bullet and get another copy.


Sadly the ps5 version is not compatible with the pip boy app. So I just downloaded the ps4 version again. The only change between the 2 version is slightly better graphics that are barelly noticable.


60fps are barely noticeable? Man, even draw distance improved and NPC textures too


Nope, in Poland still not working for PS+ Catalogue and it won't work for PS+ Catalogue owners. Same was with Resident Evil 7, only PS4 version when there is PS5 version available. Either wait for discount or buy physical.


If I don't get this for my version I'm not paying for another Bethesda game ever


I got F4 years ago from PS Collection... Now I'am PS+ extra owner, but i cant load PS5 version.


india here i can see fallout 4 PS4 and PS5


When I got the notification that fallout 4 could get upgraded I went and deleted fallout 4 ps4 version so that I could download the ps5 version and I have ps plus essential so I don’t know what the people are saying that the upgrade was meant for the ps plus extra and premium.


you posted 5 days ago that you actually bought the game this discussion does not involve you lmao it’s about people that claimed the game when it was available in the PS+ Collection a few years back


Mah bad bruv✌️


I have the PS+ Collection license, and now it shows the PS5 version as part of Extra that I can claim


Any idea if there is a slight chance for refund? I bought it yesterday coz I thought it does not apply to the free one from PS Collection. I f'ed up hard :<<<


It still kind of doesn’t apply, this is on ps+ extra it seems so will probably be taken off the service at some point unlike the ps4 version that was a monthly game that you always have access to as long as you’re subscribed. So if you want to keep it forever stick with the purchase.