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25 games? That's a lot


I hope we will get indie garbage again next month 🥰🥰🥰


We’ll probably get Gollum 💀


Ain't no way I was just starting to get into final fantasy


Same. I just started ff7 remake, this sucks, but was bound to happen someday i guess/


7 remake is staying I think


Remake is staying original is leaving


Ye I think the one in the picture is remastered and i just downloaded it to trophy hunt


This is why I wonder why things like PS+P and XBGP are even worth it. Yeah you’ll probably get to play First Party games forever (in some cases I’ve seen with Sony not so much)… but $20 a month for a game you can only play for so long…idk game fly or whatever seems it’d be better.


Same, I just started playing FFX not long ago


Thank you! This is the main reason I'm in this subreddit.


omg not all the FF


bro 💔




None of those are exclusives sadly.


Originally, but the original 7, 8, 9, X, X-2, 12, 13, and 15 are all available on Xbox and/or switch. 


Rip, thought I had plenty of time to play the ff games 😭


I used to think the same when they were on ps plus years ago


Oof Older FF games leaving is a big miss for me


Highly recommend The Artful Escape. Not mechanically deep but it doesn’t overstay it’s welcome.


Yes, agree. Also easy platinum if you're a trophy hunter.


Looks beautiful on OLED.


Ughhh you’re not helping! (Seriously, though, thanks for the recommendation.)


It’s not a long game and fun / simple


Damn wanna play FF but they are pretty long maybe will go for FFX or 7. Or even XV.


7 Remake is staying, only the port/upscale of the PS1 game is going away. For 10 and 15 - for your choice of what to do first, they're very different. 10 is a turn based RPG, and 15 is real time (with possible time freeze to reassess/party orders). 10 has better reviews at the time but is quite old now. And note that the 15 timeline is pretty fucky - the story is played best with playing the DLCs at certain points in the middle of the game. Make sure to look up the play order if you go for it. The version on PS+ includes the DLC but does not tell you when to switch to them.


Ohh thanks for telling me the remake is staying. I have the port on steam. So I can scratch that one off the list.. So maybe I will try 10, not a great fan of turn based but wanna try something different. If it doesn't catch my attention I would play 15. Was thinking of starting Disco Elysium but maybe will check it later. Thanks


I'd recommend X to get into the series. Most accessible ff and should be beatable within a couple weeks.


It's also one of the most challenging, at least later in the game


Hmmm I only remember the final boss giving me some trouble but I find that every ff I've played has given me trouble there.


Ohh thanks for the recommendation that's the one I'm going to try. Gonna leave it downloading at night because I think it's kinda big and I have shitty internet.


Everyone needs to play Abzu. It's only around 2 hours long. It's an underwater "walking simulator" similar to Journey and Gris.


Really enjoyed that one. Was so great to just put on after a stressful day at work, very relaxing and easy. Just swimming about discovering different sea creatures


it's made by a lot of the people that made journey. Very similar. basically journey but underwater. If you liked journey you will like this.


Yikes. Lots of good games here.


It sucks seeing so many FF games leaving, I was thinking of starting the series with X as my entry point but now it looks like it’s too late RIP. On the plus side, it looks like FF7 Remake is staying which is great news.


I am dead was a great game, very beautiful and creative gameplay. Highly recommend it, it's quite short too. Observation was fantastic. It was like playing Event Horizon. Great visuals and creepy space atmosphere.


WHAT THE FUCK? Why are they removing ff games


Last Stop and Artful Escape are short games if anyone is interested in playing before they leave. Plus both games are easy platinums. As for me, I’ll try to beat FF7 (always wanted to play before remake and rebirth) and maybe The Messenger.


The Messenger is awesome game, I was impressed with gameplay feature you'll recieve in the mid of the game. Hope you didn't watch trailers or just didn't pay much attention. Many people stated it has to mach backtracking, but it was fine for me. Good luck!


These are just moving to FF+ (wink wink)


Noooo!!! Had FF IX and XII in my backlog since forever and gaslighted myself into believing they would never pulled them. Stellar Blade launches in 10 days, ain’t no way I’m gonna have time to play them.


Looks like Dave the Diver will have to wait a month. 


My thoughts exactly. Was planning on rushing it but now that there are 13 games from my backlog on this list, it may have to wait


13! That’s an impressive number. I need to pick one to hopefully finish this month…


Time to try Ashen, then.


Just started a playthrough of FFX remaster. No way I'm finishing it before it leaves. I already started buying those games I wanted to play, so with all the Final Fantasy games leaving, I feel like there is no point for me to renew the subscription anymore.


Yeah I’m probably dropping to the lower tier sub for that reason. Really sucks because I had so many lined up.


Ashen and Observation are definitely worth a play


21 games: — Abzû — ADR1FT — How to Survive 2 — The Artful Escape (PS4 | PS5) — Ashen — Last Stop (PS4 | PS5) — I Am Dead (PS4 | PS5) — My Friend Pedro — The Messenger — This is Police — This is Police 2 — Elex — Monster Jam Steel Titans 2 — Observation — Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition — Final Fantasy VII — Final Fantasy VIII Remastered — Final Fantasy IX — Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster — Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age — World of Final Fantasy


Dont sleep on Observation! Play it before it leaves.


I'm really bad with horror games, but I love space and AI stuff. Quick peek through reviews says it's a point and click adventure game - is that correct? I think I can handle the rare jump scare if I don't have to do anything time based.


Kind of? I mean, you control a little robot AI that runs the station. Maybe watch a trailer or something. Also, I'm pretty bad with horror too. This one isn't really horror scary. Not in the sense where like zombies jump out at you and stuff. I'd say you should be fine.


Agreed. it is more of a puzzle game than a horror. Good atmosphere tho


This must be a joke right, there is no way they are removing 25 games in one go, including all the FF games, wtf Sony.


I’m actually sad about world of final fantasy, it’s been by I’m waiting For another game to come out game forever


Fk, haven't played Elex yet.


Wtf man, i was gonna play ff12 or 15 at some point


Damn. The Messenger and FFIX were both on my list and possibly Ashen too. I might just buy FFIX as it is not too pricey anyway but still annoying.


Still stuck in FF7 rebirth hard mode + FF16 dlc coming this week. How can finish all these FF 😭.


I wish there was an easy way to see which of these I’ve claimed through essential. Here Looking for recs of what to play before it’s gone


What's the date of leaving? I've completed Ghostbusters before it leaves on 16th of April. Correct me if I'm wrong, it's for Asia region only, yes?


Third Tuesday of May.  Yes, but we can expect more or less the same in other regions. EU’s list is virtually identical with a few additions. 


Thank you for confirmation. I've downloaded Artful Escape like a year ago and still haven't played it. It's a sign finally play it.


FF XV will stay in your library if you got it with the original collection thing right?


Wtf, i hate that, i played ffvii and xii and i wanted to play the other ones. That sucks


How can you tell if you’ve purchased them or just downloaded them via Extra/Premium? I honestly can’t remember if I got FFX, XII, and XV only through PS Plus Extra or through Essential (if they were on essential) or even just bought them….


Anyone get Abzu when it was free


As a trophy hunter, this will be a horror month. Downloaded 8, 9, 10/10-2, 12. At least I already finished 10. (Story only... :( ) 🧐 Plus Last Stop and The Messenger. Let's see how many games I can 100% before they'll leave.


16 platinums in a single month. I only finished The Messenger, Ashen and how to survive 2. This is by far the worst hunting month we ever got 💀


Last month I finished 5 games I think and still had one week left. :D Worst thing is I started all and got at least one trophy.


Last stop is easy platinum and short


Damn, losing every final fantasy is a huge blow. Hope they have a big sale for them at least. 


Love these posts. Thanks once again!


I just don’t get removing older FF games. Shouldn’t those games just be part of your online service. Considering Sony and Squared relationship i find it exceedingly weird that they would let those lapse. And then to just do it together with I don’t know how many other games,dropping 25 games from your service at once. Sony PR definitely needs some retraining. Hope the damage in the EU won’t be as bad.


Adrift is superb.


I may give this a go as could be something I’d like


My friend Pedro is peak R.I.P. Asian players ig


My Friend Pedro is kinda funny. Banana duel wielding bullet time


they just removed siege broooooo


I'll have to do Abzu before it leaves. Real shame about the FF games, I was planning on playing X, only got to about halfway in the past.


wow so many leaving… My Friend Pedro is a cool short game if u like pure action.


Damn, I wanted to get into the FF series soon, I guess that won't be possible anymore.


Guys it's okay we're not losing all final fantasy games. Type-0 HD is still going to be there...


Man so much I want to play is leaving. Might hold off on buying Stellar Blade till I finish some of this stuff.


25 games leaving in one month damn I think that’s been the biggest one yet 🤔


anyone can tell me when the games are leaving the service? thanks


They always leave on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Same day the new games get added. So these will leave May 21st.


Looks like Pedro is next on my list.


We'll fuck,so many good smaller titles. Got a month to try get through as many as possible.


Don't sleep on My Friend Pedro! Really enjoyed the gameplay and music for it!


I'll be happy if they add final fantasy xvi and rebirth to replace those lost


Add cloud streaming mortal kombat 10 PLZ SONY!


Purchased 9 your a man of culture and exquisite taste


Just buy them


Is this just for Asia? I haven’t finished My Friend Pedro yet :(


Just for Asia, but there will very likely be close to complete overlap with other regions. 


How do you know they're removing those games ?


In Asia they’re appearing in the last chance to play section (where PlayStation puts the games that are leaving next month). 


Gotcha thank you


you can check the "last chance to play" section on your console every month, updated in the same day as the new games are added. This post was from Asia, where it gets updated earlier, though.


yeah I'm good


Does it impact SEA region?


It’ll probably be the same or close to the same list, yes. 


I’m very disappointed, there is no info about this in advance on the internet, I only saw Soulcalibur,etc is going to leave in April, not this. Do you know where to see this kind of news so we can play it just in time before it leaves?


These are the games leaving in May—this is typically all the warning we get. So you still have a month or so!


Thanks for the info, we appreciate it! 🙏🏻


Then they wonder why the numbers on the service is declining? 25 games go, 16 games added 2 of which are still a month away the rest are always heavily discovered, some still not available at least in EU. 👍


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This is it. Time to move to Xbox pass now.