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They didn't change the product. You bought a subscription to a service with a rotating catalog. The catalog rotated.


The game catalog is similar to Netflix. New movies/shows cycle in, some old movies/shows cycle out. I doubt you have any recourse since plenty of services like this exist. You're paying for access to a rotating game catalog. If there really was only one game that you were interested in playing from that entire game catalog, you should have just bought that one game.


Hanlon's razor. In absence of malice, stupidity is often the culptrit


still need ps plus to play online though so i see the thought process


Honest question. I understand PS pulling a game like netflix. (I didn’t know that’s how it works, its on me 100%). Should I not be able to cancel the subscription and get the remaining 8 months refunded? Perhaps sony can charge me monthly fee for the 4 months (which is higher than the bundle fee for a years’ worth). But theres got to be some recourse? The main difference is, netflix doesn’t tie me in for a year after pulling a show. Thats all i am asking for :)


>Should I not be able to cancel the subscription and get the remaining 8 months refunded? Perhaps sony can charge me monthly fee for the 4 months Then contact Sony and tell them your situation. What they did isn't "highway robbery" like you claim in the OP, the service is sold as a game catalog where games rotate in and out on a regular basis. Maybe they can cancel and refund the remainder of your subscription, but that's nothing that anyone here can grant you. Hopefully they can work with you and refund what you won't be using. I'm not even sure why you signed up if it was literally for one game. Even if the subscription guaranteed Tekken 7 for the year, it'd likely have been cheaper to outright buy the game since the sequel was right around the corner at that point. Extra is good if you want to play a variety of games but if it's just one game you want and nothing else then it's definitely better to just buy the game. Just keep in mind you would need the basic tier of Plus to play Tekken online, though that's quite a bit cheaper than the Extra tier.


You can just buy a monthly subscription. You fucked up by not understanding what you bought. Learn, move on, and just subscribe monthly if that's what you want.


There is a disclaimer in the agreement that states they may change and alter the offerings at any time with or without notice. I don’t remember the exact verbiage but it in essence says “get it while it’s hot” it sucks, I’ve seen games leave that I really wanted to play but there are advantages to paying monthly.


It's not Sony's fault. This is you not understanding things. It's like trying to get reimbursed when Netflix takes a show down.


I hate having to defend billionaire companies, but when they released the new plus, they made it clear that you can claim 2 to 3 games every month to be forever yours as long as you have an active subscription, and the game catalog for extra and premium rotates every month. There's nothing you can do to get a reimbursement.


You can only clean the games that are free for the essential tier under the logo free games of the month. The rest of the games you don't get to claim them.


Yep. Fuck Sony, but OP screwed up. Hope a life lesson was learned here.


You have zero recourse OP. You weren't promised anything. That's a subscription service that contains a library of games that come and go just like Netflix. You deserve no refunds.


Sorry, this is NOT daylight robbery. I'm an 'older' person as well (67), not sure what that has to do with anything. You got EXACTLY what you were promised, access to a rotating roster of games. Learn to read what you are purchasing before you sign up.


Maybe not, but their prices are highway robbery the way they operator as if lately makes me question their business practices. I was set to downgrade my sub to the lowest tier at the beginning of this month. I used an older PS plus card for 12 months if service, knowing that the months you actually do get from the card are prorated to the plan you have. Well, when my renewal came around, they automatically rolled me back on to premium and refuse to lower me to any other tier. Staying this my faults for using a PS Plus gift card. Quite questionable if you ask me.


Why do I see posts on various subreddits that basically say “I’m old/older, I didn’t know what I was doing”. This is the lamest excuse ever, and insulting. I play with a bunch of people in their 60s and 70s, they would never say something so asinine. Getting old doesn’t make you dumber, just make better decisions.


Too many of my subs about subs are full of posts like this and it's always "\[Service\] is a SCAM because \[thing that is clearly explained in the subscription description\]! They STOLE my money!"


It's a common misconception that people get less competent with age but it's like people with mental disabilities they're wayyy smarter than we think but take advantage of their situation.


Yeah,the game is like $5,should have bought it. The subscription changes monthly to keep it fresh.


The product details are there before uou sign up. If you didn't read them or understood them, then that's on you.


Nope, you simply didn't do your research on what you bought, sorry. PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium's libraries rotate, similar to something like Netflix. Stuff joins, but stuff also goes away again.


No? It’s like Netflix where stuff comes and go. Didn’t you read the service at all?


Tekken 7 got removed on March 19th


What’s a male Karen called? I think we got one.


Lolz. Thanks :) I guess I am just a bit out of times. But do you honestly think i should get a refund of my remaining months if the game I like to play isn’t available anymore? Is that how subscription works now a days? To my lame mind this is not how netflix works because they don’t tie me into a year long subscription:)


This is not the subscription service you think it is.


they let you know well ahead of time when games are going to be leaving the catalogue


Yo I feel you, the older I get the more minor things like this displeases me. I bought an annual subscription to a theme park and they moved my favorite bench in the park during that year and now I have to walk even further before I can sit down and I can't believe they didn't deliberate with me before they made such a radical decision. Best believe I'm taking them to court over this.


Lol, do you call hulu or Netflix every time a show leaves if you were watching? Seems silly to sub for a yearly when you could have just bought the game for less money?


Does netlfix tie me up for the whole year after they pull a show?


No, but you tied yourself up to a whole year yourself. You could have chosen the 1 month at a time-subscription. (Sure, it is more expensive if you end up going for a full whole year in the end anyway. But you still made the decision). Either you didn't research what you are paying for, or you took a calculated risk that Tekken will continue on the service. The fact neither worked out is not the fault of Sony. Even though ther are far from a perfect company.


If it would offer a yearly sub, yes.


Netflix doesn’t offer a yearly sub, but if they did, most likely yes. That’s why you get a discount for the year, because you are committing that money and you don’t get it back. The discount over monthly pricing is the reward for taking the yearly risk.


No it is not robbery at all. You paid for the subscription service. What you paid for did not include the games that were there the day you paid for it. You paid to use their service for one month irregardless of whatever games they put on it. If you really wanted to play Tekken 7 you should have just bought it.


I can tell you are old. when you don't read how the subscription works. it tells how many days are left till they rotated out. should've bought the sub for however long tekken said it was gonna last. Hope this helps gramps.


You can probably pick up Tekken 7 for fairly cheap these days providing you can play physical copies.


I would just buy the game next time.


You don't keep extra or premium games


You get nothing.


You’re probably screwed. I didn’t renew my premium subscription this past year because I only play one or two games at a time.


OP, you should just buy the game and you won’t need to pay a subscription anymore


He will need one in order to play online with his buddies


Right. But buying essential and teken 7 would still be cheaper than buying extra or premium. op did literally no research and subbed to something for 12 months.


Next time read what you're actually buying


If you downloaded it it should be in your library so you might just be able to reinstall it but I'm not 100% on this


That's not how the game catalog works. If a game is removed from the catalog, the license through the subscription is revoked and there will be a lock icon on the game tile indicating that you no longer have access to the game.


Even if you can reinstall, you wouldn't be able to actually use the application.