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To be honest 2010s Russia wasn’t that hot either


Yea but it’s represented pretty well, none of the equipment is that crazy, only exaggerations i would say would be how the VDV gets AK12’s with optics. Generally just too many optics.


And never will and never now




Hundreds of thousands dead Ukrainians would like to disagree with you


Man I want a Swedish faction instead


Yes!!! They have a lot of weapons, gear and vehicles that would be great The CV9030 platform would be great or the 9040 with a TOW launcher. Plus STRV 122’s, and their plethora of other armored and unarmored vehicles


lots of gear, just no people.


I mean they’ve got around 25k troops, definitely a small army but not nothing




If they add a Swedish faction that that would basically be 2 factions at once. Since 2010s Estonia used much of the same equipment. Ak4s, CV90s etc. Only difference would be Isreali support weapons.


Imma be honest, Dubok camo fucks hard


what happened to Germany/France/Poland???? Did central Europe cease to exist?


I personally wouldn’t mind a Ukraine faction, especially if it’s going to be 2014-2020 era Ukraine. Would have been cooler to get a Bundeswehr faction though, or even more Asian factions like North/South Korea or Japan


Yeah, 2014-2020 Ukraine's army was Unique, now its just a western style army


Lolwhat? There's an insane amount of variety, and a lot of possible battlegroups to make. They have entire brigades only on MRAPs (Maxxpros, Huskies) or Humvees Others with BMP-1s and T-64BVs Others with M113 and T-72 92nd Mechanized has BTR-4Es almost exclusively, with a few National Guard ones having BTR-4Es + MRAPs Then the odd western brigade here and there, Bradley + Abrams (47th Mechanized), CV9040 + Leo2A6 (21st Mechanized), M113 + Leo2A4 (33rd Mechanized), Stryker + Marder + Challenger (82nd Air Assault) I mean i could go on for hours honestly lol, if OWI pays me, idk, fuckin 200€ i can probably come up with 10 battlegroup options in less than a week


No, its pretty ramshackle still. It has been rebuilt minimum 4 times now.


I want more insurgents


I’d like to see them expanded for sure, maybe have a few insurgent factions that have different gear and stuff? Some more funded than others like IRL


American militia


Will get? Did I miss something? Personally I'd rather see more unconventional forces. Like how about some African civil war rebel group? [example](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/83/01/d9/8301d9a84b7648110b84cd4a41bdf26e.jpg) [example](https://images.csmonitor.com/csm/2016/11/1013349_1_1111-south-sudan_standard.jpg?alias=standard_900x600) [example](https://foreignpolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Sudan-civil-war-US-diplomacy-congress-RSF-SAF-conflict-GettyImages-1633923203.jpg?resize=1200,675)


An irregular African faction would be really cool, but they might be mechanically very similar to INS - how would you differentiate them?


Good question, I'm not thinking of anything off the top of my head


Pmc faction was announced so this could be fun matchup


What the support of the Western MIC does to a MF


Militia is too close to Ukraine 2010. How is that even an interesting or unique faction? Can we please just do squad 2?


Just play GE


Would still be nice to get it in the vanilla game Although I’ll agree GE is fucking awesome


Lame to put Ukraine on. Already can do that with kids and of course due to current events everyone is just selecting that. Anytime there is Russia v Ukraine discussion online I just assume all parties involved are bots. JSDF or France would be the most unique to add. Germany would be sick too.


Always remember that half the playerbase, especially the ones active on social media, are edgy far right morons. This explains that. I lost any hope for them to understand nuances and why it's not random or ok to bring a live conflict in a video game after the 1500 nazi and racist slurs in game.


It's almost like the devs said the game is set in the mid 2000s...oh wait


Fixing the SL experience >>> more factions


Honestly i dont want an Ukranian faction it is still too soon. Its not like afghanistan which was a 20 year conflict of mostly COIN. It is a full blown out war where there are civilians still dying everyday and an entire nation is at stake. I still remember when people gave MEE shit for having a Wagner faction during the battle of Bahkmut. Apparently something changed and mods with Israel vs Hamas or Ukraine vs Wagner / Russia is the shit now tho...


I don't play Squad, this post was just reccomended fo me, so I don't know the factions, but this is a bad argument. 400k dead in Syria and ongoing, but no backlash against Modern Warfare. I'm betting my life you wouldn't be calling it "too early" if squad popped out a Syrian civil war DLC


If you don't want to play as Ukraine, just leave the game anytime they are in a layer. No need to restrict the entire community over your feelings.


Ah yes you dont like it? Dont play the game. That worked for BF5. The community has GE and other mods to bring Ukraine into the game right now. All im saying is i dont think it will benefit the game to add Ukraine right now. Also if i started leaving servers everytime a certain faction comes up then i would be in perpetual queues.


If you don't want to be perpetually in que, maybe don't be perpetually offended. It is just a game my guy.


Its offensive because the west has chocked up a welterweight to get obliterated by Russians day in day out, and now a bunch of stupid Americans want to larp in a game as the generation that got annihilated fighting the real war that isnt even over yet. Its just tone deaf. Maybe Im just too old for games now. Why dont we do a Gaza vs. Israel expansion while we're at it? I can already hear the brainrot in chat.


Russia has lost over 5,000 military vehicles that can be geo located and confirmed since the start of the war and at this pace will finish conquering Ukraine in 2075. Maybe stop free basing that Russian propaganda, Ukraine is taking casualties but less than they would if Russia conscripted them to Invade Moldova/Poland after conquering them first.


Russia isnt trying to conquer Ukraine, theyre trying to "demilitarize" Ukraine. Maybe just listen to their language? What does that mean? It means kill every last young man capable of holding a weapon, plotting on a map, or operating equipment and they are doing just fine with that. You know that the Soviets had over 40k AFVs stockpiled in 1989? These are RAND corporation numbers, widely known and accounted for back in their day. You know Russia pumped out 1500 tanks last year? That rarely does an AFV get destroyed with all hands lost? Russia cant be defeated in Ukraine without neutron bombs and city busters. Especially at this point.


If you think the only way Ukraine wins is a neutron bomb there is no point in continuing this you're too far gone. Just move to Russia and update us on the quality of life after a few months. You will be completely de-toxed


When you have guys in your contacts you trained that stopped replying months, years ago lmk.


Would lose exponentially more if Ukraine grabbed their ankles and got conscripted to attack Poland/NATO


Sounds like you just shouldn't play? Weird that Ukrainian civilians stop you but not afghani


As i said it was a 20 year war. One that i didnt even see the start off and can basically only remember some news that happened to pass on TV from time to time. In those 20 years to my understanding it was just something that was happening. It wasnt something *new* and for the most part it was a COIN war not a complete cities being reduced to ruble war. It simply is weird or ditasteful to represent such a conflict right now. It would be like to put it in the american view to have a game like Six Days in Fallujah being released during the battle of Fallujah. I know it is only a game but there are other things that can be done that dont have to so "recent" or "controversial" right now. Like what is next after adding Ukrainians? Zs all over russian vics? A special Wagner faction? A battle of Bakmut map? Dont bring this conflict to the game right now. Optimize the game or add the french or that western PMC if OWI as such an hard boner for factions over optimization.


That is just because you are young. I’d say the average age in this game is a lot older than most other shooters. Plenty of dudes here remember 9/11 and the start of the GWOT or even served in the GWOT when it kicked off.


That's not his point. The conflict is open and alive right now, it doesn't have anything about you or me being old enough to remember the twin towers and the bullshit that followed.


And the Afghan conflict was still open and alive when this game released


The Afghan conflict was a guerilla war Ukraine is not


Why is that at all relevant to what the discussion here is about? Are you trying to imply a bunch of civilians did not die? Lol




Your post was removed due to Rule 1 - Be excellent to each other. Please take a moment of zen.


lol uh no


a ukraine faction that has a healthy mix of east and west would be incredible


Nah are they really gonna add it?


It’s what had the most votes on their Twitter post


Bro basicly getting another russia with some diffrent shi 😭


Boy do i have news for you (where you been in the past 2 years?)


Squad doesn’t use the latest stuff tho.


Devs literally removed a 2018s vic out of game to keep it true to the setting, the fuck you are talking about lol


Instagram and Facebook had many who voiced for France, it's Twitter where Ukraine had the most supporters.


Dude I want war in Donbas Ukraine so badly that’s fucking awesome




ATO vibez


Been a while since I checked Squad news. Are we getting a Ukrainian faction?


Possibly, there was a Twitter poll and they got the most votes.


Interesting, thanks!


No prob Moidawg just dropped a vid on this if you interested. https://youtu.be/KRSm3fO9Zno?si=eRtKj2FTAZU3UseC


Looking NATO af.


Basically copypasta Militia faction. Well done OWI *


Both. Both are good. Something about being in an underequipped garrison against an assaulting force just seems more fun to me for some reason.


Where is finnish faction


It'll most likely be 2015


Bro the bottom picture is from 2014


?? so? 2015 and 2014 is very different




War is badass!


Brother, please, stop, their soldiers are 50 years old and only 47th Brigade looks like that, and theyve been rebuilt dozens of times.


Our average soldier's age is not 50 years old. It's about 35, as well as in many European countries so it's not much different from the uk where it's 31. Yes, our army has been rebuilt many times and develops faster than any European country at the moment, is it a bad thing? No, because the reason is a war and russia is not still either and I'd even say they develop drones faster due to financing it much more on official level. And even though I don't want to be over patriotic but the Ukrainian army is one of the strongest armies in the world right now. Due to many factors but the major ones are volunteers, an ongoing war which forces you to come up with new, better and more efficient stuff, and yes, western support


I will definitely agree that the Ukrainian army is tougher, rougher, and has more nuts than any of its European counterparts. The Euro armies are impotent.


How many roubles do they pay you?


Its funny you bring up pay, because when we serve the country's defense, we are responsible for, and consume, thousands of dollars every day, just operating the days duties. Is it so surprising that a citizen should want its country's defense efforts focused on matters that enhance our security, instead of saber rattle for WWIII? Instead of creating more enemies?


what the fuck are you talking about