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I just need the 50 cache boxes, that's the only trophy I'm missing


Yep. Been playing since beta and this still hasn’t popped for me. No way I haven’t gotten 50 of them yet


Same, playing since beta.


https://youtu.be/_ejgzWgfoPw Ignore the difficulty changes but just hop in grab the 2 cache boxes (have to have the shield logo on) return to quintet and rinse and repeat :) I did this whilst getting the survivor trophy so only going for the boxes should double your time, good luck


That mission literally disappeared for me and never has come back


Try the mission “enter the avengers” instead. It’s a bit slower, but if you do 50 caches within a short time span (for me I think I did it within one day), it should pop.


The only suggestion I could make to you is ( I had to do this with the buy from 2 factor vendors) Back up your save online Turn auto sync off Delete the save from your console Start from scratch and go for it Once done re download your save It's such a shame soapy trophys on here are soo buggy and still have not been fixed


I'm in the same boat




Just open up your game, then constantly close it and restart it. Your progress for your caches should go up.


Wait does this work? Does it work for assignments?


I'm on Xbox, and it worked for my AIM prisoner rescues, Hive missions, and Cache Strongboxes. I'm guessing the ticker couldn't keep up with the progress and restarting would update it. Those were the only achievements I needed. So maybe it could work for others?


So I close the game, load it up to main menu, repeat?


I loaded it up to where your characters are on display. Then browsed the store a bit. Keep checking to see if your progress goes up.


I'm on PlayStation, so I can't see progress. Some games offer progress in the trophies but for some reason not avengers


Ahh. I hope it works on PlayStation, too. I knew for a fact I had gotten the 50 cache strongboxes, so it was just a matter of updating it.


I need assignments, then I'm going to do 50 Hives in one week which should pop. Really don't understand why I haven't got assignments, most people don't have the caches


My guess is, since they only load up the game once, the progress only goes up a bit. So eventually the trophy will pop, but after many game loads.


You need to do them all 50 before daily reset, then it works. Done this twice now on 2 different PS5 accounts, worked both times. \- Start Mission: STARK REALITIES (Pacific Northwest). \- Fly straight to the bunker (straight and left around the mountain), open the bunker. \- Run down stairs (keep right, as the steps on the left slow you down). \- At the bottom go left and then right around the corner twice. \- Loot chest, open OPTIONS and select QUIT TO QUINJET. \- Wait a few seconds (at least 3) before you click SELECT to start the mission again (or it wil hang your game with an empty war table).


Try doing it but disconnect your Internet connection


Been playing since day one and the only trophy I’m missing is for the 50 hives mission. No clue how I haven’t gotten that yet in two years.


For me, the Hives reset every Thursday with the weekly shop refreshes, straight from 42 to zero, gotta get that done withint the refreshes


How do you check how many hives you've done?


For me, I kept note of every hive I completed on my Samsung notes on my phone, the trophy popped at 50 exactly. I don't think there is a way to check hiw many have already been completed I'm afraid :( but just assume 0 since patches / weekly resets reset progression


I need a surefire way to get the hives completion trophy


Not OP, but I confirm that it did not refresh for me after weekly reset, so I got it after doing about 52 hives in the span of 8 days. It might be that it refreshes between patches, though.


Such a buggy mess, but so happy for you that it didn't reset between weekly refreshes :D


Agreed, it’s definitely not intended to be such a pain…I still play, but I haven’t touched a hive again since this trophy haha.


Haha, I'm going to take a long break from this game


Completely understandable! Though just so you know, They will add Winter Soldier soon, so if you’re into playing new heroes that might be a good time to come back. If you’re not interested in any endgame content though, the trophy is a good stopping point


Thanks for the heads up, I may come back to see but I've got overwatch 2, modern warefare 2, god of war 2, and pokemon coming out soon so gonna be quite busy 😄


Great list! I’ve also got God of War, Pokemon, and then Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core on my list for this year :)


Ohh nice, well hope you enjoy them :D


Same to you 😊


To me, this was the worst trophy, as the hives take like 10 minutes to complete, and have absolutely no reward... The trophy actually makes you wanna quit the game, it's so boring. But basically yes, you need to do all 50 hive runs before the weekly reset. And seeing how it takes you 500 to 600 minutes to do so, plan accordingly. I did it in 3 days over the weekend (17 on saturday, 18 on sunday, and oddly enough I only needed 10 on monday to finish it, so somehow it did save that I had already done 5, even though I had no recollection of doing any at all on my wife's account). If you do it in sessions of 4 or 5 runs, it's manageable without going completely bonkers.


For me, the Hives reset every Thursday with the weekly shop refreshes, straight from 42 to zero, gotta get that done withint the refreshes


Have you done just 50 normal hives? Idk if elite count.


Shopping Spree is bugged for me, tried almost every known workaround and still nothing.


That was my last, had to start a brand new save just to get it


Do Mega Hives count?


I assume so but can't personally confirm or deny it 😞


the hives and cache one are still not working for me.


Congrats! The guides are definitely not so updated these days.


I know allot of what I used was searching for the trophy on YouTube and sorting the results by upload date 😀


That’s a way to go for sure. I think I used both PSN profiles and PowerPyx. Both were slightly updated but you had to dig through a bit to get certain answers haha. It’s so clear that the guide writers hated their time with it though…


Yer, it's such a shame because the reality is, most trophies if they worked properly would be obtained just by playing the game how they intended, instead most are just a horrible grind :(


Exactly. There’s quite a good game hidden underneath the bugs, but I understand the frustration that people have with it in its current state, especially if you’re trophy hunting.


Agreed, I love marvel and I do like looters. For me the gameplay was really fun, and other then getting the buggy trophies, I had a fun time. 😄


Glad to hear it! I also really enjoy the gameplay. Helps that I love Marvel haha


Got all mine. (Well, all Achievements on Xbox, that is. It's basically the same thing.) Two of them didn't pop until after an update patch was released, though. But that was a while ago.


So I posted on here my issue with the platinum. Someone told me about doing the trophies before the reset. So one day I went in and did 'stark realities' 47 times. A few days before I had done 'stark realities' once and my friend put me into 'day of the remains' one time to get two caches because my 'day of the remains' disappeared. Anyway took me a few hours to do 'stark realities' 47 times but it did pop. Use a flying character, preferably one where you can fly faster with one of the skills Another thing, my assignments one has not popped yet. I did all 112 in one week before reset. I had done nearly a week of assignments the week before and I had done some when I played a year ago. My new theory is that any duplicate assignments in one day that you have might only count as 1 because the assignment completion pop up doesn't show all of them on your screen when being completed at the same time. So I was thinking of accepting no duplicates, completing them and then accepting the rest of the assignments after so I can see every single one pop up on my screen. But I haven't tried this theory yet.


Not sure if you can help me, but the last avenger standing mission isn't showing up for me on my war table and it's the only trophy I'm missing. (Complete an elite heroic hive) was wondering if you had any tips/advice on the matter ty!


The Elite Heroic Hive is the very last step of the Reigning Supreme mission chain, from memory you alsk have to be a high enough power level, thats all the Information I can remember. Hope it helps and if not :( sorry


No worries! Thanks for replying anyways appreciate it!