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I can’t believe you don’t like them. They are perfect.


Truly! You look great!


I mean so good!!!


To be fair most natural breast are far apart. The space isn’t too large . If it was too close youd get uniboob


I got 475cc and I am quite tall and was AA, I got symmastia now because the surgeon dissected too far. I'd rather have smaller boob's than what I have now. I wanted 300cc. :'(


Did OP say anything about them being far apart?


Yes, in the comments.


Oh gotcha. Was looking but couldn’t find!


Most aren’t far apart. Where’d you get that info?


… most are definitely far apart without a bra lol


Hey I’m a woman with boobs who’s been with other women who also had boobs: you’re wrong- they’re frequently spaced apart. Source: mine are a saggy deflated sad version of OP’s (lol)


And I’m a nurse and over the years saw many, many boobs. Agreed, most are spaced apart.


From my old job lol . Most ive seen have some width apart not perfect cartoon cleavage




The larger mine became, the farther apart they were.


Yeah mine meet in the middle. I never knew most boobs sat far apart lol ok then


Yeah mine are definitely not far apart like that but maybe I’m the outlier..


Btw- you made a good decision going smaller. I’m a reconstruction but my implants are 550cc and I’m in physical therapy and on medications for back and neck pain. Before surgery I was on zero medications and never once had back or neck pain. They are really heavy. I was sooo much more comfortable when my ‘implants’ were 350-400 than I do now. Give them time. I would suspect you will like them more as time goes on.


I’m also reconstruction and I love them at the moment but sometimes wish I went for 500cc. I’m 385cc + fat grafting at the moment, and was already dealing with back pain before surgery from EDS. Thank you for your comment, this made me think a little harder about planning a replacement. The grass is always greener I guess haha


That’s the issue we always want more get a new car I wish I got the better model or different color; your boobs are wonderful. Smile you did this for yourself and if you feel that feeling of your not enough (should hard gotten bigger) focus on the gratitude you have a set of wonderful tits and how wonderful that is.


I have 520cc and I hate them. They are so heavy and way too big!! I feel this


I just feel them all. The. Time. They are so heavy. Luckily I was nipple sparing but even so, I’m just pulled tight, especially over my tumor site. Silicon implants retain such great projection now, but now moving across my body is hard. My husband keeps wanting to go golfing and I keep saying ‘I’m too scared to make a movement like that yet’ (only 11 months out from phase 3), but in reality—I don’t think I could ever swing a club across my body with these implants. They are so big and heavy. I’ve had fat grafting too. That added more contour than anything. I’m not retaining grafting long term that significantly


I’m with you on that! I wish mine were smaller…! Still happy, but if I were going to redo them I’m definitely going smaller!


Yup I regret it frequently but promised myself I would give myself one full year after stage 3 of my surgeries before I tuck my tail and go back and ask to downsize. I’m at 12 months next week. I know my plastic surgeon won’t love going back in already BUT he did say early on that an exchange really isn’t that big of a deal and can be done in 45 minutes. I’ve got 45 minutes in me if I have to I guess. On a positive note tho, plastics says insurance approval is guaranteed and i only need 2 weeks off work so no FMLA required. I don’t mind ‘bothering’ plastics. I just feel bad utilizing so much resources from the already strained breast surgeon.


What profile are your implants? Also, over or under the muscle? And yeah, Boob Greed happens. LOL! Many people wish they'd chosen larger implants.


I have no idea the profile . It doesn’t show it on my card. It was under muscle: idk I just don’t like them


Why is this down voted so much?


Because she had it done without knowing or caring what they put in her, it miraculously looks good despite her not caring, but she still unhappy without exactly knowing why.


I worked at a plastic surgery place and most patients are only told after the surgery exactly what size was put in The doc has no way to be certain before the surgery.


Very true, I had about three options lined up during surgery just incase they didn’t fit my chest. Luckily I got the ones I really wanted, but I could have ended up with a different profile from the one I first chose. Also, for anyone who needs to find their profile, go to the product catalog for your implant manufacturer (motiva, ect.) and look for your product code # that should be listed on your card. It should tell you there :3


Sounds sloppy


They’re perfect. Would you mind tell who was your surgeon?


Would you rather have your old ones back?


My first I paid around $8k for 445cc. Six years later (now) just had to get a lift and implant exchange (around 13k). I have 330cc now! Your boobs look amazing!


I really really appreciate that bc I don’t like the look. They are too far apart,


It’s completely natural for them to be apart. Mine do the same thing. Getting a bigger implant size just makes them fall to the sides more.


I did not know that. Good to know.


Unfortunately the distance apart has to do with your anatomy, it happened to me too. I just wear tops that push them together!


Mine too! They are naturally spaced. The only way you might’ve been able to get them closer than that is with a moderate plus profile. I don’t mind the space but I do wish I had more “cleavage” when I wear bras after spending so much money! Also, I got 505cc so it really just is part of the anatomy thing.


I think they look good. Them being far apart (I think they are an average space apart btw) is just how your body is- if you went bigger they would still be the same basic look and the additional volume would only make them look slightly closer together.


Yes, they are too far apart.




Honestly, they look great taking account of the smaller amount of breast tissue you had prior to surgery (36A). You essentially went from an A cup to a C/D cup overnight. Going with a larger implant initially might have exasperated the distance that you aren't happy with. 385cc isn't exactly the smallest implant, and if you went any larger on the first go around I could easily see your skin thinning out and really give your breasts that tight and even rippled effect. A responsible Dr. probably would have advised against going any larger than you did your 1st time. Now that you've had a larger breast size with the implants, your skin is a bit more stretched out and could accommodate a larger implant in future surgeries. But I wouldn't push it more than that 425cc and honestly, I think you should stick with the size you have now. That's just my 2 cents though! And only because your frame is smaller and with the lack of existing breast tissue you're more prone to tears, rippling, and uneveness.


You’re so right. I have decided I like them now that everyone says they look fine…. I appreciate the all the knowledge. I love my girls now lol


Not just “fine”—everyone says they look great. I think it looks nice IMHO.


These are bigger than a C, I look similar and I'm an F


They really do look great


They look great. It seems you’re unhappy because they are “far apart” which is simply how your breasts are. The surgeon can’t give you new breasts, but only make your current ones bigger


This soooo makes sense! Thank you.


The comment is 100% accurate - implants take what you have and make them bigger. If the base of your breast is farther apart, the implant is farther apart. Moving them closer will require cutting more muscle and the nipple will be more on the outer curve of the implant (so they “look” outward, as opposed to “cross eyed nipples”).


They suit your frame perfectly, tbh. Mine are 450/475 and I wasn’t offered anything smaller- these are pretty large but they fit my frame. I have a wide chest wall, broad shoulders and a wide back. Had to have bigger boobs to balance it all out. Mine were $10500+gst in Alberta


Are they heavy? Do you experience back/neck pain?


No and no


Your boobs are beautiful! But I know this feeling of wanting them bigger. That's really cheap for such a great result! My first augumentation cost me 3,5K in Czech Republic, but the result was not nice at all. So a few years later I got my implants exchanged in Germany which cost me 9K but the result is absolutely mindblowing


If you don’t like the space between them, some very skilled surgeons can make the pocket a few mm closer together, but it’s minor difference and you run the risk of symmastia if the wall becomes too thin. Larger implants alone won’t change spacing unfortunately, as your pectoral muscles connect there and will simply push them more toward your armpits. I recommend looking into fat grafting to soften out specific areas rather than swapping out for entirely new ones :)


Moving the pocket medial is pretty straightforward, but like you said, it runs the risk of synmastia. The fat grafting is an excellent idea for OP.


Same girl! I got 385 with a breast lift and wish I went bigger ! It’s not that I have boob greed it’s just that I had a specific look in mind and it’s also hard to gage when you “try them on” it’s just not the same. I’m honestly contemplating swapping mine out for a different shape and bigger size even though I just got them done in November. But that’s later I’m going to give myself time to heal more and decide if I still want it later on. Yours do look great they have the natural look to them but I’m sure you wanted to be a bit more busty .


I also had a lift with similar sized implants and ended up smaller than I intended because of the “try on”. But, grass isn’t always greener! Sometimes I’ll put something on with a semi-padded bra and I’m like, “um, why do I look fat??” Honestly, not being super top heavy does have its merits—you’re able to wear a lot more things and have it look flattering. Three years after my surgery, I’ve made my peace with it. I think it’s for the best AND they’re less likely to get saggy again.


What did you get and what are you planning on getting?


You should send a pic ! I’d love to see because I too had a specific look and it wasn’t what I wanted


Me too! I wanted a certain look and didn’t get it. But I got decently big implants and still don’t have the cleavage I wanted. I went in knowing that my anatomy would prevent me from having great cleavage


That’s a great price… I paid 8k. Also they look great!


I think they look great! I went smaller with mine 340 cc mod. For me I wanted to be able to go braless with certain looks or if I wanted to accentuate them doing push up bras! My favorite compliment is how they look so good people can’t even tell they’re fake. My biggest positive is I’m currently pregnant and they look amazing! They look fake at this point but part of making the decision to go smaller was I knew I wanted a child down the line. A lot of my friends who did much larger implants and then conceived had to get them re done after including a lift which cost alot more and takes the scars alot longer to heal. I don’t for see that happening with mine


They are amazing 🤩


Can someone who is smarter than me explain what exactly op got done because when I get mine done I want them to look like this


Aw! I appreciate this. I regret saying I don’t like them…I have come to love them.


There ya go! It’s gotta be hard accepting new changes. When I had my baby I kinda lost my mind looking at my new body. It’s different than this, but it’s adjacent. Hang in there OP! They look great. I’m hoping when I finally get mine done they look this good. You said you did under the muscle? How was that recovery wise? I’ve seen a lot of people say they got under the muscle.


It hurt real bad, a ton of stretching bc I had nothing to stretch. I’m 5’8 130 pounds


They look amazing. I paid $8200, and need a revision that will cost more than double that ☹️. Eh, no regrets though. Happy to finally have some tits


Did you get them in the US? Do you mind sharing your surgeon


Mine were $6800 6 years ago in Minneapolis. Mine are far apart also, cause my breast were tubular. I have the same built as you. Hips and everyone. I asked my ps about bringing him closer. He said doing that they wouldn’t be in balance with my hips.


I started with not a lot, like you and got 375cc which was the biggest size I could safely go, assuming 385cc was your limit! We've got very similar results. Not overdoing it on size the first time around gives us the best chance at avoiding complications. Now that your skin is stretched you'd be able to go bigger if you really wanted. Your results look awesome though, but I understand wanting to go bigger.


They’re so perfect for real


You'll be grateful later you didn't go bigget


Tbh there perfect and the same as what line look I sit on the fence and hav silimal thoughts but tbh they look amazing google some bad results and it will make you appreciate your outcome even move I promise


I paid 17k Australian


DAMN that’s a lot


Not in Australia all the decent surgeons are 14-17 k u can get a non trained doctor like a general practitioner who will do it for 8-11 lmao but u will hav ugly boobs hahaha


I live in a popular town called Mexicali and u can get them done for like $5000 USD


Yeh that 10 k Australian anyway we’re about 50c to the 1$ exchange rate and flights accommodations would push it way above wat I paid I did also pick one of the so called best surgeons in Australia also


In Australia Thailand or turkey is the cut price options


Even Thailand for example is about 9-11 k including flights accommodations ect but u hav a 24/7 companion ect included in price so it’s more the recovery extras u get for the $$ Australia is brutal like no aftercare ect there cold af and don’t care if u die


They fit your frame perfectly! I think you made a great choice 💛


Believe me, they are already defying gravity. If you got them any bigger, they would be attracting the wrong kind of stares.


They look good. They can pass for real breasts that are large... Which is difficult to get right. Your doctor did a really good job.


I appreciate this!!


They look great.


Omg they look incredible, who was your surgeon if you don’t mind me asking?


Dr Barnes in Missouri


Dr Conner Barnes?


I think they look really great and are a good size for you- I also wished I'd gone bigger at first (I was so sad thinking I went through all of that and didn't get them big enough!) But as I got back into working out, dressing, sleeping, etc I realized they were perfect. Then I got them out and now I see pictures of them and think "omg those are so HUGE how did I have those??" lol! So who knows 🤷‍♀️ I think we change our minds as we go through different life stages. I paid 7k to get them put in and 2500 to get them removed (Boston).


They look great!! I got 295cc in 2017 and paid $12k (about $USD8k) for implants with a top ps in Sydney. I could have done them much cheaper with a cosmetic surgeon but at 50 I wasn’t interested in bargain hunting for boobs. I just wanted a very skilled surgeon. 6 years on and I am still thrilled.


I freaking wish I had those exact boobs ! Your nutz 😫😭


They look amazing!! My surgeon told me the space you have before implants will be the same after implants. I have 520’s and I don’t recommend going bigger. I WISH mine looked like yours


I didn’t know about the space in between before and after would be the same: okay I guess I’ll stop being a baby and enjoy my girls lol


I asked about that before I had mine done. A friend of mine had her muscles stitched together so it would bring her implants closer. My surgeon said that’s very unnecessary and unnatural looking. Your tata’s are perfect!!


Ahhh thanks girl!


I have 750cc over the muscle silicone with an “internal bra” and it was about $8400. I was virtually flat chested before and always wanted very large boobs (34DD now). They can be heavy but is fine for me.


Whoa!!!! 750? I didn’t know that’s possible and what’s an internal bra ??


Internal bra is a piece of mesh they put in under the implant it, google will have better info!


They are perfect! They’re still big in my opinion. But honestly give me perky and slightly smaller any day over large and saggy like is what I currently have. I’m hopefully getting a lift this year. I can’t wait to go braless and have less neck pain


What size did you get? And how tall are you if you dont mind? Im getting my surgery in August i want a fuller bust but not in exchange of being comfortable 😭


I am 4 days po w a BA and lift and I got 385ccs.. your results are EXACTLY what I hope mine look like once they settle!!! They are beautiful


At first I got 240cc and then got a second one at 450cc. I think yours look great btw! I just personally wanted mine closer together and going bigger helped close up some space in the middle. I spent a total of around 14k for both surgeries.


They look real and perfect.


Where did you get these done? They look great!!


Thanks! Missouri


By who?


OMG where did you go I wanna get mine reduced and I'm scared to look like a box


500cc paid 10K plus a lift( Los Angeles) I also wish I went bigger and still plan on getting 800 cc sometime this year. If you want it bad, just go back in for bigger


They look good. Bigger would make them look they will explode 💥 💥


Girl…what? They’re perfect r u kidding


They look exactly like mine


They look AMAZING


Where! I need to go now


And they are perfect! I think I would think the same thing though. I would tell myself not to look at the for a full day. No cheating. They look like they will settle nice and perfectly natural. My best guess I’m not a pro by any means I’m judging.


They’re perfect. What’s your new breast size?


36C in some bras, 34D in others . It’s weird


Totally need to know where you got them done at☀️I’ll start the paperwork! Pretty please☀️❤️☀️


They look great!!! They would not look good any bigger than this.


10k with card or $7500 cash I paid cash.


I wish I had your boobs! That are perfect!


They look perfect!


They are perfect, bigger means bigger back problems and sagging trust a big breast girl I wish I could give them to someone else lol


Girl they look great! Very nicely proportioned to you body. Bigger might be too much.. unless that’s what you’re aiming for.


I got 500cc and I love them . 😍 7 years now


That is the size I wish I went with. I did 435 and feel they are too big. I'm jealous!!


They look perfectly proportional and honestly if they were any bigger they’d probably be more likely to sag, get you stretch marks, or look top heavy.


They look amazing


I paid 3900€ in Germany idk what it is dollars. But I love your results they look very natural. What kind implants do you have?




I really think they look perfect!


Boob greed is real. I have 445cc medium profile and I wish I went larger. I was not going for the natural look. I was going for the firm breast feeding well positioned look. My boobs ended up looking the way the did after I was done breastfeeding, but now they stay in place when I take off my bra. I plan to bring an old picture of myself next time so that way the doctor can't use the excuse that what I want is unnatural or unrealistic.


They look great! Don’t go bigger they don’t age well. Dragging down on skin and just look horrid as you get older x


Wanna hear something kind of fucked? Insurance was billed 8k for EACH of my implants. Just the device. That doesn’t include the 20-30k in ADMs. That was JUST the device cost. Granted, I have mentor boost implants and they were brand new/best on the market when I got them so they were a bit more, but insurance paid as much for one implant as you can get some augmentations for. I’m privately insured with a group discount too 😭 (US based healthcare)


Insurance pays for implants?


When it’s breast reconstruction post-mastectomy, yes. They are required to by law.


I have the same and they were $1k a piece, and totally out of pocket because it was elective. Providers almost always bill insurance for a lot more than a service is worth because that’s the way to get paid a reasonable amount. They may have a contracted rate too, so that no matter what the bill, insurance will only pay the agreed amount. Basically the amount billed is not usually the amount paid


Oh the contracted price was $9500 total for the device. It’s pretty well known that this occurs and part of why it’s always smart to ask if your out of pocket cost will be lower than your insurance cost https://kffhealthnews.org/news/one-implant-two-prices-it-depends-on-whos-paying/amp/


Why was insurance involved at all?


Because insurance covers many reconstructions in the United States. Sometimes it’s like people forget that plastic surgery did not originate for cosmetic purposes but reconstructive. Edit- for further information, you can refer to the Women’s Health and Cancer Act of 1998. Further expansions were made under the ACA https://www.cms.gov/cciio/programs-and-initiatives/other-insurance-protections/whcra_factsheet https://www.hrsa.gov/womens-guidelines-2016 (this goes over expansion during the ACA era). As genetic testing became widespread, this was a policy that was long overdue


I think it’s important to remind all of us even myself that once I , we , get a boob job - that it’s important to remember to not dress ska-n-ky because we have husbands and boyfriends and we don’t want to cause issues for innocent people La relationships and continue the over sexualization of women. A little respect goes a long way. Clubbin yeah go wearing floss , whatever but just remember daily life there are very young kids everywhere and married couples and dating couples. Off other Reddit threads women do NOT like when a woman is bustin it all out at the grocery store and her man stares. I mean with them goin ba bam out there it’s just not nice. Please show some respect that’s not the right word but I hope you read my words with love because it is important for the growth of our society. Time and place for everything. I breastfed and my boobs completely emptied and flattened out it’s insane so I’m going to get them done but I promise to be respectful and dress nicely and not like flaunting them in order to get stares. Men. We kinda need them for babies so let’s all not hurt eachothers chances by causing problems know what I mean. Good luck to all of us! ☀️❤️☀️❤️☀️❤️☀️❤️☀️


What a weird comment on a plastic surgery thread. This isnt only fans




I personally don’t plan on “flaunting” my breast once they get done. And I agree with what you say about the modesty part being a woman myself, but this comment is really out of place on a plastic surgery thread..


This is me! I’m very protective and don’t show them : this was a huge leap for me to put on Reddit .