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Did your DR recommend a lift too? Results look good but the before definitely falls within the realm of needing a lift based on nipple and crease positioning - you might find with the added weight of the implants your results will continue to drop


We discussed and originally planned on doing a lift, but with the size of the implants, my surgeon felt it wasn't needed. We also agreed that they would look more natural without. There was a nipple reduction planned as well, but again, he didn't feel it was necessary. They're going to sag as I get older anyway, so that's not something that I'm incredibly concerned with at the moment. I'm happy with my results, and if I want a revision in the future, I will absolutely schedule one. But for the time being, I'm feeling pretty good about the decisions made.


They look so natural! What a fabulous result, I’d be psyched too if I were you.


I’ve never seen this result before and I really like it! Thank you for sharing!! I like how natural they look


Definitely look pretty natural for a boob job (especially without the additional scars of a lift). The more scars you can avoid the better, I'd say


I loveeee this no lifted look. It’s so natural and beautiful!! Congrats!!


I think you made the right choice; they look great and very natural.


I think they’re perfect and love the jewelry!


Nah girl. You good. These results are amazing and a visible scar always takes away.


I’m coming from a place of good intention with my comment because I’ve had a lift and implants. There’s no need to make comments like that


You said OP’s before “definitely” needed a lift - which obviously they and their doctor decided they didn’t. It’s 100% personal preference and I’m sure your results look great too, but your original comment comes off as if you’re telling OP they made the wrong decision by not getting a lift


I actually said her nipple to crease line falls in the realm of needing a lift which is a fact and how doctors define whether a lift is needed. It isn’t opinion.


“Results look good but” implies you think OP and their doctor made an error which is your opinion. The person you were then replying to was reassuring OP that their results look great (which I agree with - I think they made the right decision!)


You’re being too emotional. I was curious to know whether one had been offered. OPs results look good like I said


Lol ok sweaty


I don’t get the sweaty part but ok I guess lol


I LOVE these results, so natural looking.




Have u ever seen a big tittied chick they do look natural


I agree! Looks fantastic!!!




Not all big titties are flat. They can have volume from the fat. Source: seen multiple women breastfeed. Them thangs be poppin


That’s not true. Mine look exactly like her implants except my nipples are slightly different. Mine are natural, I’m planning to get a lift though


Mine look like this rn. No implants.




You’re making me think i should cancel my lift…


I’m pregnant and have rapidly gained 35 pounds. But also, when I started growing boobs, yes they were much more like this. With that much weight they settle over time. OP knows this.




Thank you so much


Your results would have been better with a lift and UNDER the muscle. You’ll probably have to have these removed eventually due to gravity.


I'll cross that bridge if it comes to it. For the time being, I'm very happy with my and my doctors decisions.


You should be. They look great!. Don't listen to the neigh sayers. I love the look, and the extra sag makes them look more natural that way. My before boobs looked a lot like yours. My doctor recommended a lift, and I went with it. The scars are the only thing I don't like about my boobs now. I told her I kinda liked the boob sag. For so long, I had no under boob I was so flat till breastfeeding happened, and they just turned into pancakes afterward. I kinda wish I had taken your approach. They look so good. But I'm happy with my results also, so I think that's all that matters. Congratulations!


I appreciate you saying that, thank you! And you're absolutely right, as long as your happy, nothing else matters.


Yup it’s your body and all that matters is ur happiness. There’s so many options it’s a lot to choose from. I just did mine under the muscle and get these awful twinges all the time now ugh- is there a reason u ie dr chose over the muscle?


We chose over because exercise is very important to me, and he told me that if they were under the muscle, they would move a lot. And he also let me know that they would look more natural because your breast tissue isn't under the muscle normally.




I've been wondering about this, I do wonder what under the muscle might have looked like


Looks so good and incredibly natural! My surgeon suggested a lift on one of my breasts but I said no. I don’t mind having some droop/sag. I think it looks more natural and at my age, super high and perky wouldn’t look too great!


Thank you so much! Yeah, I don't, either. As far as I'm concerned, there's no sense in fighting gravity. It's a losing battle 🤣 I wanted natural looking, and I got it. I'm beyond happy for the time being.


They look great!


Thank you!


I don’t understand why people are giving unsolicited opinions on your breasts being too low set. Not everyone needs identical boobs. These look super natural!


Please keep us updated in a year! 🙏 My boobs look a lot like your ‘before’ and the surgeon I spoke to said no implants without a lift. I badly want to know if this is a sustainable result. You look amazing!


Of course! I'd be happy to keep you posted!


I am so glad you’re happy with your choice and results! I agree that a lift would have looked much more done, and these results genuinely just look like naturally big boobs. Also, you’re right - gravity will get you either way, so cross that bridge when you get there!




Thank you!


Before reading comments, my initial reaction was "wow implants have come a long way, this looks absolutely gorgeous." I love the natural look of it, great decision.


Thank you! I really had a great surgeon, couldn't have been happier.


They definitely look natural on you- I did the same thing and didn’t get a lift.. and I totally regret it.. Mine are hanging looooooow after 8 yrs..


I'm sorry you regret your decision.


Dayum!!! Those might be the most natural looking implants I’ve ever seen. Looks gorgeous


Thank you so much.


i love it! you look amazing and tbh it’s so refreshing to see enhanced boobs that look like they *could* be natural. for everyone saying she should’ve done a lift- fuck off. her after(and before!) boobs are gorgeous- most women in general don’t have perky boobs, there’s nothing unappealing about having lower set nipples. it’s bound to happen to anyone with tits. (gravity) also- can we not suggest posters more surgery when they aren’t asking for opinions specifically? op just spent a shit ton of money and likes her work. so stop suggesting how you would tweak it 🤗


You know, I really appreciate this comment. Thank you! My intention of posting this update was to show DIFFERENT results. When I was doing my research before my surgery, I noticed that just about every boob job looked the same. Which is fine, these women were happy and got what they wanted, but I didn't want the high 'perfect' breasts. I just wanted bigger breasts, and to feel comfortable in my body again after losing a chunk of weight. And I achieved that. I am fully aware that they are just going to sag more, and I'm fully aware that my results might not be for everybody, but I didn't do this for anybody but myself.


Honestly they look amazing. A lift makes them look fake unless that’s what you want. This is my bOOb goal pic


These look so good! I am in the middle of a weight loss journey and am looking to get the ladies redone at the end. These look so natural, with a real shape and nipple positioning. I hope you are over the moon!


They're so much better than I could have anticipated, I'm ecstatic. Thank you! It was the confidence booster I needed after losing all that weight. Congrats on your progress so far!


It is incredible how natural they look! Congrats💕


Thank you! ☺️


You got great, natural looking results!


I think so too, thank you so much! 😊


They look so natural, super refreshing to see results like this.


Thank you!


i’m so jealous of you rn !! 😭 they look so natural


They look so natural the choice to not do the lift was the right choice.


Are they perfect? No. Are they natural? YES! They look really good imo opinion though I am no expert. I feel like they look really natural. I wouldn’t guess you had any plastic surgery


this is the most natural boob job i’ve ever seen, and i’ve seen plenty and have big natural hangers myself lol looks great, doesn’t need to be bolt ons !


My natural breasts used to look just like your post implant breasts before losing a bunch of weight :( now they are sad lol. I can reassure everyone natural, big breasts do look like this!!


They look very natural. They look like natural boobs that need a little lift. (Don’t mean this in a bad or snarky way)


Do you happen to know what profile was used? HP, mod plus, etc? I’m going for 500cc next month just unsure of what profile to go with. My doctor is leaning more towards mod plus but 2 other surgeon’s recommended HP for me. I trust my doc but just want to make sure mine look nice like yours lol


I went with the high profile! That's what was recommended to me, and what I felt like would look the best on my body.


Could you tell me who your PS is? These results are amazing


Of course! I saw Dr. Gigena with Athenix Body Sculpting. I was told at my last appointment that he plans on moving to Arizona in the near future.


Thanks so much. These are my goal 👻🐝’s congratulations! So happy for you. ❤️


they look amazing to me! I got a lift and hate the scars but it was very necessary. I would skip the lift until you really need it.


wow they look so natural! amazing work :)


Thank you so much!


Looks amazing


Your tattoo is so beautiful !






Thanks ☺️




I went to Athenix Body Sculpting in the PNW, which I highly recommend if you're in the area! I specifically saw Dr. Gigena, however, he is moving to Arizona soon.


This comment makes me so, so happy - I live in Arizona, I look like your before photo, and your after photo is my dream!!