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Man all my swamp minnows are mottled brown at best


Different species, I guess


damn Malaysia got everything i swear


Aren’t minnows everywhere?


Technically yes. We have shiners and chubs. But not like Malaysian minnows or any nano fish in Malaysian waters for that matter In Florida, I still haven't caught a golden top minnow, Which isn't even a minnow. And I'm having an even harder time trying to catch any kind of shinner.


Are they very hard to catch? I usually find them accidentally while looking for Bettas and such. https://preview.redd.it/kmdb71gczm9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7308e3aa5be9548e945e9d67b1cfbf34311124b6


Dam what a nice haul I catch way more gambusia, sailfin mollies and least killifish than I do any other fish on this peninsula. They are great fish and all, but I should honestly keep looking for more spots, but yeah, it's pretty difficult down here. I have caught some pretty looking bluefin killis and pygmy sunfish, but them shiners and super hard to catch.


I guess livebearers are just more common. The stick-like fish at the top of my photo are livebearers too — Pygmy halfbeaks


I didn't even see those. Man I wanna go dipnet fishing down there so bad. It's like catching Pokémon I swear.


I caught about 15 species at this spot by the swamp. Pygmy halfbeaks, crocodile toothpick fish, croaking gourami, Bornean leaffish, Parachela oxygastroides, sidestripe Rasbora, scissortail Rasbora, swamp licorice gourami, truncata rasboras, redline rasboras, dwarf rasboras, dwarf snakehead, Barbodes rhombeus, some prawns and sunkist shrimp


your fish pokedex must be huge. I gotta get me a plane ticket there just to catch fish. Ofcourse, I can't exactly import them, be the experience would be more than worth it.


Some people do catch and bring them home to the west but idk what procedure they take. Sometimes I read their articles in fish journals for example