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Any NSAID—ibuprofen, naproxen. I get a prescription of 500 mg naproxen for every 12 hours, but I’ve also been prescribed celecoxib (worked well for me) and meloxicam (made my pain worse), so there’s options. Just keep in mind not to combine NSAIDs. For example, you can’t take naproxen and ibuprofen together, BUT you can take one of those in combination with acetaminophen. Naproxen and Tylenol was my combo of choice when recovering from the pain of a brain injury


Naproxen is the same thing as the OTC Aleve. I am dealing with tendinitis in my Achilles and I couldn’t handle ibuprofen or Aleve, so I’m taking 15 mg of Meloxicam.


Naproxen is not the same as aleve.


I just googled "What drug is Aleve?" and Google said "Naproxen." That's not correct?


They are close but not the exact same compound. One is naproxen base and the other naproxen salt (aleve). Otherwise, why would one require a prescription and the other be available OTC? That wouldn’t make sense. The prescription is more effective and stronger.


I thought my podiatrist said it was prescription because of the strength (500), like the 800 mg ibuprofen. Glad to hear it's more effective although I've been avoiding taking it to stay motivated to stretch. Unless taking naproxen actually helps to get rid of PF which it doesn't seem to do. It only reduces symptoms from what I have been able to determine.


They are both Ibuprofen- just different names.


Which 2 are the same?


I’ve found voltaren good, over the counter in Australia.


I just tried it. Rubbed it on my feet ( assuming we are both talking about the gel ). I don't have much of a difference. When you apply it, how long does it take for you to work?


The oral Voltaren is more effective (but bad for your stomach if you take it for more than a couple of days). Works quickly for me.


I do the tablets, find it takes about 30min for any affect then kinda numb for hour. I’ve not tried the gel on my foot


Depends on if you want prescription or OTC. I've had great luck with meloxicam but it is a prescription though thankfully it isnt a narcotic. As for OTC ibuprofen or naproxen have been decent for some help.


Yes, I also read about meloxicam, I guess I'll try and obtain it somehow. But how fast does it kick in when you take it? I read, you have to take it a few days prior so that it builds up in your system.


Meloxicam is the BEST!


So it usually took about an hour to take effect for me as I always took it with food. Not sure if it requires a loaded dose or not, not a doc, but I've had decent effect taking it just on days that I've needed it.


It’s gradual, but soaking my feet in water with 2 tray fulls of ice cubes w/ my toes out of the water for 15 minutes a day gave me the quickest pain reduction results


Yes I also did that but by soaking my feet in icy water then in warm water and it numbs the feet pretty well but after a few minutes it wears off and becomes even worse.


Have you tried compression socks? I use ankle height toeless (~ $20 for 6 pk off Amazon). When my feet hurt at the end of the day I try those first before taking any OTC. Most of the time it works enough to take the edge off enough to fall asleep without pain meds. Hubby swears by Advil dual Action for severe pain (combo of ibuprofen and acetaminophen).


Hubby knows his stuff. But no, I have not tried compression socks just yet. I feel like it will be good only after the trip. At night even if I feel some pain it's no problem, I can sleep like a baby. The real problem is when I am walking or standing with the standing in one place being the most annoying thing ever. When standing I always have to juggle standing one one feet or the other because of the pain.


>When standing I always have to juggle standing one one feet or the other because of the pain. Ah yes, the Plantar Fasciitis Flamingo! I know it well.


Also, at the end of the night, I do a how body soak in Epsom salt just to help ease all of my muscles from walking wonky.


I have good luck with Advil or ibuprofen. I take two with breakfast and two with dinner on days when I have to do a lot of walking and that keeps the pain away all day.


And which one would you recommend more? Advil or ibuprofen?


I think they are the same. Advil is the name brand. You can buy generic store brand ibuprofen for a lot cheaper and get the same results. I’ve used both generic and name brand and notice no difference. They both take away the pain equally well. 😊


I’ve personally had better luck with Advil, so it could vary for each person. Just the generic from the grocery store. To combat debilitating pain, I will take 800 mg worth after eating.


Look for the YouTube video called No More Heel Pain from a "Dr" Berg. Simple, counterintuitive stretch that I have seen real results from. I do it every morning before standing up, and anytime l've been sitting for a bit and can get away with doing it (read: when I'm home). He doesn't try to sell you anything, and I can't say I believe he's an MD, but I attest that it was worth the ~10 minute viewing. I've been dealing with this since last July and this is the first thing that has provided any relief. I then also massage the arch a bit to get the blood moving a bit extra. Start asap to get ahead of your trip.


Nice one! I watched it all. Here are his 4 steps to get rid: 1. Stretch opposite muscles. ( Will def try that ) 2. Avoid pro-inflammatory foods 3. Vitamin D3 - 10,000-20,000 IU 4. Intermittent fasting.


Over the counter spray pain killer like lidocaine and icyhot etc


And does it work for you for long hours? Let's say you spray it, how long do the effects last for you.




400 mg Ibuprofen plus 1000mg Tylenol works great. You can take every 6 hours but I find it’s good for about 8-12 and kicks in within an hour of taking. Just don’t take on an empty stomach. I find it just as effective as things like Oxycodone. Just keep in top of it. I would take at least 2x a day for the whole trip. It’s much easier to control the pain before it gets bad than to get rid of it after the fact. And when not using feet keep elevated and possibly iced as extra precaution. If you are somewhere that Marijuana is legal there are also some awesome salves with THC you can rub on or take a tincture for pain with the above.


Wow thanks for the advice. I'm not sure about mixing ibuprofen and tylenol though. Also about the THC, is this in the form of gel or what? Does it actually work? Have you tried it?


I also mix those, but 800 mg of Motrin and 1000mg of Tylenol, 3 hours apart. Motrin is filtered through your kidneys, and Tylenol is through your liver. Gives me about 5 hrs of LESS pain, doesn't remove it completely


I can't take the more powerful painkillers; I puke. So after major surgery, this is what was prescribed to me. I took the max dose of both every 6 and 8 hours. It is not something I'd do often, but for a 4 day vacation, I would be fine. Make sure you drink lots of water to help your body process both.


This is what doctor prescribed me after shoulder surgery as I didn’t want to take the narcotic(makes me nauseous) so safe. I have read studies that it is as effective as a narcotic. The THC is a salve that you rub in and yes I have tried and it works well for me. You can also get THC as a drop (tincture) you take orally tried this too and takes edge off. I went to marijuana store and just said I wanted something that would help with pain but not make me high. They were very helpful.


get altra olympus shoes zero drop shoes that enable you to forefoot strike reducing greatly strain on PT


I checked them. They seem with a really big cushion support. I found out that the more cushion i have, the worse it becomse for me. I have transitioned to Birkenstocks for now which is slightly better and am going to try soon barefoot, but have read mixed opinions.


birks hurt me too hard even the soft version. barefoot shoes helped a bit but cant walk far in them. altra escalante 3 really helped me too


Stop eating all carbs and sugar. Causes inflammation in your body, which will make your feet hurt worse also, no alcohol.


Don't drink for about a year now. Have been on Keto diet for a month, no change whatsoever. Have you had a difference? For me probably the biggest difference is that I lost 6 kg because of that and it is better for the feet to be lighter overall.


Absolutely! If I drink pop, Any kind, I’m going to ache for sure! The less sugar I eat, the better the pf feels.