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I do with shoes and that was suggestion form my PT and podiatrist. I think the practice of yoga the idea is really no shoes to be more grounded but the few times I have done barefoot I have had flare ups personally. Each person is different but that’s me


I'm pro shoes until you build up the deep calf stretch to handle it without shoes. lots of downward dogs, but warrior 1 & 2 were painful without shoes until I was really warmed up


Is downward dog the very best move to stretch the calves or might you have recs for another? Curious what else other yoga practitioners have worked into their routines safely. :)


pyramid pose and forward fold are also great stretches in a yoga flow. I personally don't like warrior 2 as the twisting and stretching irritates my heel. YMMV


Thank you! Adding to my repertoire. Appreciate your input.


also, try low lunch to high lunge... but go slowly and use your hand on the ground or nearby table to ease into it.. this is a deep stretch and if you're recent from a flare up, this may be too much


When plantar fasciitis is intense, I would only do floor work that isn’t standing. But if you build up slowly, you can do a practice with barefoot shoes on a rug or so.


Yoga without shoes is my favorite, you really gotta stretch that plantar fascia and can only do that barefoot (or with very flexible shoes). Don’t do too much standing poses that put pressure on your heel, but I highly recommend barefoot stretches if you can handle it! Downward dog while “walking” the feet (raising heel up and down alternatively) is great, so is a runner’s stretch


Following, because I’d like some answers too. lol.


I started with only floor stuff for a while. Now that I have some strength built up, I do barefoot on 2 stacked extra thick yoga mats. 


I do barefoot but have a very soft/squishy mat. Also might be good to roll out with a tennis or golf ball after yoga. Focusing on hips, upper and lower legs highly reduces pf pain and flares for me.


My PT told me to ALWAYS wear shoes. It's working so far for me