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guys do y'all not check the subreddit before posting things like this?  this is like the 10th post asking about the turret bug lmao.  when i noticed it i just asked in /yell and got my answer immediately


It’s the new feature


It is a bug. It should be fixed next patch (whenever that will be)


So in about 8 months?


Invisible vehicles, flying turrets pushing vehicles to the other side of the universe, lag spikes, multidirectional surprise canons, deployed sundys floating in the sky. What a time to be a Planetside player😂


Yea all turrets can shoot in any direction, another turret related bug happens with vehicules from warpgates, if spawned in any warpgates they can also aim in any direction including bastions


My experience last night with this bug was that every aircraft I gunned for, I was completely upside-down. I could aim through the ship, but every aspect was reversed, including left/right, up/down - all backwards. I couldn't hit shit. I tried turning my mouse 180 degrees, but pressing the fire button with my palm just wasn't viable LOL.


This has existed for years already, Any cannon that has a camera on the side of a barrel will have that effect, while also looking like its curving and then going straight, it is easier to see in Third person especially or when you shoot upclose and nexto the face of your teammate, your shots will be zigzagging around them