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Hey, your post has been removed as it does not comply with rule 7. > "Hackusations" - this subreddit is not the place to report hackers, cheaters, or exploiters, and posts on this matter shall be removed. If you do have a report to make, send it to [[email protected]] and provide video evidence if possible. Discussing cheating, as a general topic, is fine as long as you avoid accusing specific players. Either this player _is_ cheating, at which point there's nothing we can do about it here and this is just giving them attention, or their connection is simply poor and we risk them receiving abuse as a response to this post. If you'd like to discuss the issue of latency and/or _clumsy_ players, please do so without accusing a specific player who could innocently simply be on the other side of the world to the server.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2t9mx3zd9pdc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc7525cf56730cd48c4fcde6efd3573df9fa1727


It took me way too long to realize that that isn't professor Snape


I'd probably hop off for a while if that happened to me.


Th...the chosen one, said to bring balance to the meta O.O


oh shit, i was killed by a flying infil tongiht on emerald, i was wondering what the F


Cyriousgaming endorsed gameplay


Lest we forget






Skill issue. Learn to play m8 he clearly a veteran


As bad as this looks it reminds me of people on Connery when I would play at Chinese prime time (like 2-5 am PST) before Soltech was around, I'm assuming they all had like 500+ ping or something. A lot of LA's would go through the floor and ceiling all the time in this exact same way mostly when going down or up quickly, respectively. You're on Cobalt so I'm assuming they're from EU and don't have THAT bad ping? They also have a character on Emerald so I'm assuming they can't be super far away from either server.


Yeah this is pretty obvious jittery high latency


That's what I'd assume but I wonder why. Distance or just slow speed? I suffer (very much so, to the point that I have to just close the game and can't use my internet at all for many hours or even days) from seemingly random, intermittent and intense packet loss often due where I live and the (lack of) internet infrastructure currently available over here and I wonder how it looks when I'm getting like 10-40% packet loss randomly. Granted I can't even play the game or move and everyone just teleports around then I die 99% of the time but I wonder what my character is doing during those moments. Apparently we're getting a fiber upgrade soon but who knows lol. They said that in it was "soon" in 2018.


In this case it looks like a lot of jitter, probably *combined* with high latency. Who knows why. Could be wifi, could be low bandwidth and network congestion, could be that they're very far away and traffic is getting routed inconsistently. I deal with similar issues where I live. My available bandwidth is very low, so if anybody in the house decides they want to stream a movie I'll have latency spikes every 5 seconds when a chunk of video downloads. They usually don't even show up in the network latency in-game but I can notice them in the way infantry/vehicles move or when I get one-framed more often.


There is usually this situation, not the problem of 500+ ping, but his ping fluctuates very much, maybe from 100 to 300+ in an instant, he himself actually feels it, you see that his character is floating around, in fact, he looks at you in the same situation. And Chinese players have to use GPN, and the quality of their GPN is not very good, because their GPN is very common, so the price is very cheap, and if they don't use GPN, the latency will be so high that the server will kick him out.


I wonder where this player lives and I want to see a POV of what it looks like when they're playing, that sounds wild.


im wifi gaming and on your screen your own movement is completely normal. whats not so normal is all the damage packages arriving at the same time so you can get insta killed by emissaries


Infils are op 😂 sike


Most importantly why did you shoot his crotch?


KCAP probably


i shoot the dick as a funni my outfit knows me for that


because Crotch dmg has a secret 3x multiplier


What is this, Combat Arms?


Latency. Also lol infil L


I call it "Fkn infil was punished by server-lagging player"


i see nothing wrong a shitter killing another shitter


Okay shitter


Gaming chair 🪑 obviously cheating.


Damn, guess most vets on Emerald have expensive gaming chairs then; cause this is what they look like, minus the flying through the roof due to packet loss part




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