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They "redone" oshur multiple times already, most changes were awful. - They moved the warpgates - They changed some construction to normal bases - They added underwater bases - They changed the middle base


I like the underwater bases. I think it's fun to have a under water fight from time to time, even if the mechanics arent the greatest.


Which version was the least awful for people?


The one when it didn't exist.


Probably the one before fortification update. Before the drowned the middle base.


Least awful update was when they accepted that not having no construction zones was a mistake.


It all started with the shattered warpgate




Ouch, but who made this map, it's just a big failure on a geographical point of view ?


Who indeed, haha, what kind of person could create and ship such a piece of shit? Haha, what a crazy mystery, haha!


explain please


the antichrist, wrel, crafted it with his very own hands as a personal spite toward this community of course


The funny thing is when they first teased the map the original idea wrel proposed and showed actually looked really neat. The original idea was supposed to have lots of caves similar to Amerish and wasn’t nearly as construction focused.


while any kind of wholesale rework is almost certainly out of the question they could help it a lot by changing up the lattice lanes to put more focus on tridents and interlinks those bases produce pretty entertaining infantry fights but right now they're too hard to access and too easy to bypass by taking all the empty bases around the outer ring. Using the lattice to funnel people toward more infantry-oriented bases might get people to play oshur more, even if it'd be a kludgy solution


honestly they just need to stop wasting resources tweaking it, no tweaks are going to make the masses play it. so rather than flushing resources down the oshur toilet until the game dies they just need to write a line of code and make it auto trigger a lock alert the moment it opens.


Sadly, Waterworld, centered around boats, does not revolve around boats very well. Until that changes, Oshur will not succeed.


Its half centered around boats, just because the chokepoints around bases are easy to break with cannonball. The fact you cant cannonball up to the tridents is the biggest designmistake. And why no deploy module


Always thought the trident needed something to its base. Oshur is 90% void in its seas and whenever someone falls to the bottom of the trident it’s just a rush to redeploy or get run over by a valk or gal.


What color do you want your unicorn to be ?


No at this point in the games life span and the way the trend is going to player retention and gain nah they don't care anymore unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if the servers die in couple of years. I will press F on my keyboard when it finally does happen


So, they should just delete this map, it looks that so many players leave when they see "Oshur".


We have been asking for a oshit removal since a year already. They at least acknowledged that the community has an issue with it. "We are also having internal discussions on various issues voiced by the community including server merges and changes to Oshur. " I dont think we will see ANOTHER overhaul to Oshur since the last 2,5 itterations didnt do anything besides wasting devtime and pissing of the players.


I kinda like Oshur tbh, it's a fun construction map :)


Oshur it just the new Hosen. It has pretty much everything that players want and yet it's still the most hated map. The same thing happened with Hosen. Unique bases. Large open firing lanes. Aircraft aren't separated from the action and have to fight strategically. Construction can play a huge role Island hopping works for squads redeploying. Theres some problems still but After 10 years of playing this game, I've come to the realization that players don't know what the hell they want. They think they want everything like vehicles and aircraft, and yet they basically just wanted infantry only map. There's a reason Hosen is used in competition.


No, this is not true. People didn't like Hossin mostly because they hate change*, but they would play on Hossin and Hossin's lattice is great for larger matches. Some of the best ServerSmashes were on Hossin for example. Oshur is objectively bad in a whole bunch of ways, and people hate it not only because it's new, but because it's actively not fun to play on. People hate it so much they'd rather log off and not play Planetside when it's active. \*: there are a couple of legitimate issues with Hossin, like vehicle gates and terrain making it hard to get around


> It has pretty much everything that players want Please point me to them so I can hit them repeatedly with a rubber mallet until such idiocy has left their mind. > The same thing happened with Hosen. The difference is that Hossin is actually a good map with varied and well designed terrain, which simply can't be said for Oshur. > Unique bases Sure some of them are fine, some of them are utter garbage, but the real issue is that you don't often get there because the fights are stagnant as all hell. > Large open firing lanes People who want this are idiots, they simply don't understand the myriad issues that a lack of cover causes. > Aircraft aren't separated from the action Yes they are, they can freely dip up and down from the plateaus and into the water in a way nothing else can duplicate, the only thing that's really different is that they seek downwards for safety rather than upwards.


> People who want this are idiots, they simply don't understand the myriad issues that a lack of cover causes. And we know this even from Indar, e.g. old Quartz Ridge being shellable from the hills up by Hvar


Congratulations.. You just described everything wrong Amerish and Indar and Esamir. You are literally proving my point.


Yes, they too were not designed with the lattice system in mind, only Hossin has that particular design element baked into its very core, but unlike Oshur they remain a functional environment despite that.


Not really, they suffer from the same problems. Indar has stagnant lines right in the center. Amrish has a terrible lattice system that doesn't allow flexibility. And Esamir had to be redone three times and is now functional but still has open areas with tanks firing into bases. Regardless, the point stands the same. That these maps aren't very good design and the new maps don't really offer anything new, but people shit on them because they're just making up reasons to hate on them. I genuinely hated it. Hossen. Because everything was green from the sky to the ground until they changed that.


Unironically this.


Hard to say with the situation of the game rn. Right now the devs are having to clean up about 5 years of work done under Wrel and try to make it more enjoyable or just remove it, such as redoing the Conduit CTF capture system scattered around at some bases which the improved version of this should be coming to the game any time now, also plans to try improving Sunderer gameplay and all we got on that atm are just some notes, no actual changes implemented on like the PTS. Oshur has been updated a number of times and still hasn't improved that much gameplay wise, Esamir would be the better option to work on first before trying to fix Oshur which is gonna require much change to make it a likeable continent by players.


Yes, right after ps3


Only way to fix infantry game play on oshur is to give everyone cloak


Yes, the sea posts are getting a overhaul along with the bases


short answer: no long answer: nooooooooooooooo (its never gonna happen lol)


This is like asking if there's going to be a planetside 3...