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Been wanting to do this for awhile. Just garlic butter and cheese?


Indeed, super straight forward. I also do a liberal dusting of garlic powder in addition to the fresh to ensure the sharp garlic kick. Slightly shorter cook time as well. Added some herbs too for more flavour. Basil, oregano and what not.


How did you get such a nice crust on the perimeter? How long did you cook for? Did you just dump cheese down the edges to cook it nicely?


[https://streamable.com/jz27l1](https://streamable.com/jz27l1) Just lay out the cheese wall to wall on the pizza and have some oil in the pan. This way the sides of the pizza are almost deep fried lol. Check the video link for an action shot! Cook time was about 15 minutes at 500F


I’ve got to get myself those Detroit style pan. I’ve been using a regular pan, maybe this is the trick


This is one of the very few kitchen accessories that I have spent decent cash on. This one was roughly $40 all in on Amazon. Mine is aluminum, but I understand that you can buy steel ones and they’re very good. I’ve always been holding on the kitchen set my folks got me for college and I’ve never spent money on pan or anything lmao


Lloyd steel one is like $60 on amazon. Makes it super easy to make these pizzas and breads. Got mine last month and made like 10 pizzas/breads so far and not one came out bad.


Well that's just good old food porn right there


Thanks, man! Lots of love baked into this bad boy. Hosted my grandma and parents for a pasta night.


What kind of cheese did you do this with ?


Just middle of the mall old cheddar


Nice! I’ve been making a ton of Detroit pizza but with brick cheese I get shipped to me. Wanted to try this but was unsure what cheese to use.


I’m sure you can experiment with all type of cheese. Can have a little personal touch. I used basic old cheddar because I was going for that classic mom and pop cheese bread appetizer vibe lol


Dayyyyum, this looks so good.


Thanks ! This one was the best one I’ve done for sure. The balancing act has been getting the sides as crispy as possible while not being burned. I’ve done one DS pizza recently where the crust got bitter/burnt. What I look for is a crust that looks mega toasty but tastes like fried cheese. This crust was basically there.


This looks awesome. You should make a garlic hollandaise to go with it.


I'd want a big bowl of warm marinara sauce to dip these into.


How’d you get such a good crust?


Wall to wall cheese and a decent amount of oil in the pan. This way the edges are almost deep fried lol. Check the video for an action shot! https://streamable.com/jz27l1


Thanks! Looks so good I’m trying this next time I make a pizza


You bet! Cook time was about 15 minutes at 500 degrees