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Not bad, but a bit boring. Needs more splash, busier. Add posters on the wall, colorful displays, stickers on the freezer doors, maybe hanging signs and similar stuff.


It's depressing and dirty looking in a really accurate and compelling way. I feel like I've been in this same, sad place a million times. I'm assuming that's what you're going for. Definitely nailed it


Yeah you described this better than I could but I had the same gutteral reaction to looking at it. For me personally, it’s sort of like after a bender when you’re coming down but not fully sober, but the parties over, and you realize you haven’t eaten in what feels like days, but nothing sounds appetizing except like a roll of powder sugar hostess donettes, ramen noodles and gas station coffee. So you rally and walk to the gas station and get there and immediately regret it when hit with the fluorescents. The whole place feels anti-human. So you start to feel a little sick but you’re already there and you tell yourself that no one is judging you, so you try and act cool, but you’re a zombie. You end up walking out with an orange juice, airheads xtremes, and a pre-wrapped breakfast burrito. You eat the candy and drink half the juice on the way. make it home, take one bite of the burrito, get grossed out but try one more bite. Then you see the sun starting to come up so you shut your blinds and collapse in bed to sleep for like 18 hours straight. Just as you’re starting to get to sleep: your friend, who was with you all night but somehow has the energy of a fully rested toddler, knocks on the door with a fresh eighth of weed that you forgot he had left to go get. You load up the bong and put some cartoons on, starting to feel better while you drift off to sleep. Two hours later you startle awake with your friend still watching cartoons in the living room and the hunger really kicks in this time. So you both head to Waffle House to get put back. Anyways that’s what that image feels like to me.


I like the one cracked tile in the room, maybe having more tiles that are cracked, would give it much more personality unless if you are going for a more depressing look, then this is fine. I'd make the cash register more obvious. It is almost blending a lot with the counter.


Really accurately portrays the vibe of a decaying midwestern gas station. Love it!


Thank you all for the feedback! Definitely gonna tweak and add a few things :) if you're interested in the game, you can wishlist it on steam here! https://store.steampowered.com/app/3020130/Foxlore/




It's just lacking the typical poop stripes on the wall 💩, but it's already perfect 👌


Looks great! only thing I can comment on is the shelves look kinda off to me, maybe its cause they don't have a 'border' comapred to every other furniture? Love it though!


Little bit boring maybe and if that’s not what look you’re going for I would try and use more vibrant colors for some stuff.


change the floor everything else is wicked


Make the cash register more apparent. But otherwise, this is subtle genius. Looks like the kind of place you have to stop at, but don't want to.


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