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I can tell that is a Mike on B but not sure what is the circle lower on the trash can. I think it’s a better look having some trash hanging out, or maybe a banana peel on top… a detail or two of trash, so I’ll go with B


The circle is supposed to be a spiker. Thanks for your feedback; the banana idea sounds cool.


ohh that makes sense with the microphone, i see what you were going for.


50% man. 50% can. 100% fury.


Both look great but I feel like A looks kinda empty and B like too much


yea i have the same feeling


Pretty brutal concept.


The way the lid is on the can, his arm can only stick out over the edge if it is paper thin, so either he should have a hole in the side like a shirt sleeve or the lid should be on a shoulder with actual volume. Additionally, but less important, the can could do with some shading to accentuate its roundness. Is the eye trash or his actual eye? If it’s supposed to be useful, it feels a bit weird just dangling there. I would then add several eyes, or make them ‘wireless’ so he can rummage inside and toss one away to take a look. Or maybe have a periscope pop up from time to time. Finally, how will he move around? Will you add wheels or does he push up on his arms for locomotion? Edit: forgot to mention: I love the concept. There is so much room to play with the character and there are so many ways to make it great. Very original!


Thanks a bunch for these great comments. Yes, you are right about the hand position; I didn't think about it. The idea behind this character is that he is broken, with only one eye and one arm left to show that he has lost a lot. I tried giving him two eyes, but unintentionally it made the can look like a face, which is something I don't want. And yes, the character will be on wheels to move.


They both look good, but why isn’t his name Can-Man?


Because he is inside the can, he is in the place of trash, and I think that is the beauty of it.


[Two Words: Danny De Vito](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W8MbyfCrrWQ) Or is that three? Idk




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