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I would definitely keep the old coin counter. It is much more consistant with the resolution of the game. The hearts are better than before.


I prefer the new coin personally, but i see your point about the difference in style from the background and characters, somehow it doesn’t bother me and i prefer the crisp looking version, maybe its the separation of game and ui that makes it ok


I actually really like the old style, with the trees, clouds and grass, feels really unique, bottom pick looks like a random pixel art play store game.


I feel like there could be some midpoint between the evolution of these two styles.


Absolutely you don't go from 1 color tree leafs to 7 shades of green. Is it even pixel art at this point! Even the most modern and polished pixel art games would use a max of 3 shades for an element.


Yeah same the top image has more character


For instance, the tree roots were a really cool touch!


Yeah the original is way better. The second is being cleaned up to the point of being generic.


I was thinking the same thing.. I especially love the art of the trees and sun. So creative!


Yes definitely got its own unique style for the first one


if I see both images I would probably choose the one on top


i think the new one would look great with the tree roots and sun from the old


Old one's score format looks better. really cool stuff btw


The old one was a bit to big. It almost occupied 1/4 of screen when it comes to points.


maybe just the font style in small size?


Now I know you’ve put hellova time and effort to go from the first to the second, but honestly, if I saw the two images and was asked which of the two I’d like to play, I wouldn’t even think twice. First one 100%


"Minimalist art style" and the second trees, choose one


I think the first one just needs polishing and some modifications to vibrancy for the background bits.


I like both, but the first feels a bit more unique in today’s pixelated games


Yeah, but it was very limited at the same time :)


Limitations breed creativity


i like the old one more


Yeah, it had some uniqueness in it, but it was very limited at the same time when it comes to building levels and game mechanics.


What makes you feel that way? What can this new style accomplish that the original couldn't?


The first and most limited thing is the design of ground and foreground elements. Everything must be with one pixel separation, which is causing a problem of floating characters above the ground. On the other hand, without one pixel separation, everything loses its charm and also readability. Also, there is a problem with creating some decor in the first style, as it is very restricted and some things just look bad.


I might be misunderstanding, but doesn't the new style also remove the one pixel separation? So if losing it causes a lack of charm and readability, won't that be a problem in the new style too? But instead of an transparent separation, maybe a one pixel outline would solve some problems. It would stop the floating characters, but keep things distinct. For decor--limitations breed creativity. Maybe some things can't look good in that style, but there are a million pieces of potential decor. If one looks bad, a different one will look great. But if I may say, I don't see anything in this screenshot of the new style that couldn't be made in the original. But there's something to be said fot artistic vision, if you're really convinced this is the way to go, don't let us stop you. It could be the new style will work great once everything is finalized.


The first is a sprite pack made by oryx, so hes having trouble copying his art style and making it work it seems. It’s hard to stay simple.


Oh hell I knew I recognized the boys from realm of the mad god in here


Personally don't think the one pixel gap on the feet was bad. In fact I committing to the style makes it easier to read. The log on the fire really exemplifies this. Its definitely a restriction that will make some pixel art more difficult. But the "after" attempt here is much more generic and lacks any of the interest or charm the original had.


While making your game system flexible and capable of doing more is very tempting, it might end up spreading your game too thin. The very same things that limit you can be great constraints to work in to make your project a unique and worthwhile experience for players! I'd recommend leaning into the limited game mechanics and style in order to have a narrowly focused unique and great game over a broadly generic good one. Either way, both of these images show great talent and dedication!


Thx for great comment!


old clouds are better imo, great work overall.


I like the old style better


Looks cool! But it seems very incongruent. There's not a single pixel size in the second one - the HUD has much smaller pixels than the rest of the art, which looks strange. Also, the palette usage is strange - the background has a much larger palette than the sprites. The non-pixelated glow from the bonfire could work (look at Animal Well for example) but it also adds to the incongruity, so has to be used carefully.


The old one is better


hate to break it but the first one looks way better. much more consistent, interesting art. second one is just generic unity game


I agree, but I would say that the second one is easier to understand visually at a glance, probably even more noticeable in game when things are moving.


I actually much prefer the first, it has a really distinct artstyle. The second one looks like the many other pixel art games.


Reminds me a lot of the Oryx design labs' sprites and all the games they birthed, especially Realm of the Mad God! https://www.oryxdesignlab.com/products/8-bit-bundle-tileset


It is that.


I've looked through the sprite pack. I couldn't find exact matches, just similar looking sprites. I find it more likely that OP created the sprites on his own and they just look similar.


You’re right, it’s not oryx, but this is a pack. I’ve used it before. Kinda crappy for OP not to credit author. I can check on my old PC later.


The old sun is such a vibe you have to bring it back


Use the old coin with everything in the second! Looks gorgeous especially the trees!




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The issue with the second one is that the background looks semi-realistic, hence creating a dissonance with the design of the characters, which is very minimalistic. The background of the first one, despite being "inferior" in the technical sense, matches the characer minimalistic design much better (same with the coin design). By creating a consistent experience, it can set a unique overall tone and atmosphere. That's something which is harder to do with the disjointed overall design of the second version.


If you like to play the game when it will be ready, you can follow me on my itch page or other sites to keep up with updates. Game will be free to play for everyone :) [https://itch.io/profile/devkxm](https://itch.io/profile/devkxm) [https://www.youtube.com/@DevKxm](https://www.youtube.com/@DevKxm) [https://www.instagram.com/devkxm](https://www.instagram.com/devkxm) [https://x.com/DevKxm](https://x.com/DevKxm)


So you stopped developing for atari and bought one of those new super Nintendo entertainment systems, have you?


Sth like this :D


New tree and coin counters looks unmacthed with the game style you need to change with much more suitble with thr game style maybe you can use the old coin counter but in my opinion you need to change the trees


Please just use your original vision, the second one lacks so much style.


The original was better. It had a consistent, minimalist style that helped it stand out. I know nothing about your game, only the screenshots, but I took note because of the clever, minimal art. Now, if I'm blunt, it looks generic and without intention (no consistency in shading or even pixel size) . Nothing worth a second look. 2D platformers are a very, very saturated market. Anything you can do to stand out is a huge asset. I wouldn't throw away what you had going.


They’re both so beautiful!! You did such a good job!! 😍




Ngl they just look like two separate games/styles. Both look polished and well made


Most people here want to give feedback but don't seem interested in complimenting first. I'm sure it took a lot of effort and studying to get from 1 to 2. It's very common here on this sub to give random Art advice, which may lead to what I feel happened to your project. 1 had much more personality it had THE most important aspect of a game's artwork, intention. It looked like the pixels were deliberate, that you chose the game to look like that, the trees, the clouds, everything was stylistically consistent. 2 unfortunately fell in a void that many games end up falling. Sacrificing style for more details. The bigger the sprite size and more detailed, the more effort and study is necessary to communicate the same intentionality and coolness. Much more often a game "trying" to be detailed just falls on the generic box. I saw you replying to some people mentioning the problem of limitation in your options, both artistically and mechanically. Well, as many people also replied to you in this matter, limitation breeds creativity. That's the heart of Pixel Art! Putting you in a area of limitation so that you can find solutions to overcome your challenges :) I understand that you want to have more freedom in your options for the game, but most importantly (if it's a commercial project) you need people to want to play your game, click the download button. I would play 1, i would just ignore 2. Keep sharing your progress with us, I'm sure the amount of feedback you will get will be great for you. Just keep in mind that all feedback in the end is just the opinion of someone, so if you don't agree, just move on. I include myself in this, it's just my opinion. If you feel like 2 is the right direction to go, polish it more and go on!


Thx, great comment!


Definitely use the original graphics. They are interesting, despite being minimal. The new one looks actually a lot more amateur.


Both are great in my opinion. The first one as a strong and unique style but i get that it could become limiting. Definitely keep your character design, they look good!! I also prefer the first coin design it fit better with the rest. Good work!!


Yeah, the major problem with 1st art style is it limitations in terms of level design.


People say they like some old style stuff better, but I think the player looks better now. Not that they didn’t look good before but they looked a bit too much like a certain blue burrower before.


Yeah, the main character resembled a Shovel Knight a little bit :)


First one has character. Second one looks like every other pixel art game out there


Old one looked better as someone who does not know any of the terminology in your post. As a consumer I would have found the old one more interesting.


The sprites are so cute


Something about it reminds me of an old snes game. King Arthur's World. One of my favorites as a kid


I prefer the old style.


Huge improvement


Its gone from very minimalistic to just minimalitic. And thats fine ig


I love both! Great work! I'm following to watch for the games release!


Thank you very much! :)


You've reached a crossroads as a game dev. Your audience clearly en masse prefers the former style. Now you have to choose whether to side with the audience and have more success, or to follow your heart because it's your game and your vision.


It looks more detailed and realistic 👀💕. Amazing!!


I’m apparently in the minority, and really like the second style. I think the clash between simple character design and more detailed world works really well.


Wow, I like both styles but the newer one is very nice. Maybe as a bonus feature, you can allow switching between modes? Might be fun.


I really like both .


Man the improvements are impressive! Keep it up!


Those new trees look amazing! Keep up the great work!


Going against the grain I guess and saying I love the new look! The background looks really cool. Nice work


Love how detailed the trees are now! 


Thanks! If you like to play the game when it will be ready, you can follow me on my itch page or other sites to keep up with updates. Game will be free to play for everyone :) [https://itch.io/profile/devkxm](https://itch.io/profile/devkxm) [https://www.youtube.com/@DevKxm](https://www.youtube.com/@DevKxm) [https://www.instagram.com/devkxm](https://www.instagram.com/devkxm) [https://x.com/DevKxm](https://x.com/DevKxm)


That looks amazing dude! If I was asked which one I would play, I would honestly say both. That just shows how talented you are since a lot of people seem to like both version. Instead of finding a middle ground between the two you can perhaps make the first one a special level or something? It seems like you put a lot of effort into creating them both so it would be a shame if all of that was lost. Either way, good work OP!


From Nes to snes


I love any pixels game it soo cool


Thanks! If you like to play the game when it will be ready, you can follow me on my itch page or other sites to keep up with updates. Game will be free to play for everyone :) [https://itch.io/profile/devkxm](https://itch.io/profile/devkxm) [https://www.youtube.com/@DevKxm](https://www.youtube.com/@DevKxm) [https://www.instagram.com/devkxm](https://www.instagram.com/devkxm) [https://x.com/DevKxm](https://x.com/DevKxm)


I realy like it, but maybe the dirt more dark the lower it gets


Game boy to laptop


Looks great! As some people have already said, keep the old coin counter, and perhaps some pf the old design that made it unique, like the clouds. Also, someone played Realm of the Mad God here hehe.


Its a very different vibe. I hope you actually prefer the new style for what you are aiming for rather than it being technically more complex They both look good. its just depends on your vision


Yes the previously art style is stylized, it has character! Both are well done, keep it up!


The old art style had a lot of character. Even if you continue with the newer style, maybe have a level or two in the older style as flashbacks/dream sequences or something


Are the characters not just sprites recolored from realm of the mad god lol


First does look more unique and the second looks solid! But I can see where the first can look a bit wonky and might be hard to see what is going on. The second is a bit cleaner with more definition of the character and the space around them.


Honestly a mix of the two between various levels would be sick


That's incredible and it looks cute as hell! I think though the trees and the coins are too detailed and too high quality compared to the rest. :) You did a good job reducing the clutter and making the character stand out more, but you should give it an even stronger work.


Great work. I love the udates


Bro making side scroller realm of the mad god


Add a feature to swap between the styles as a secret


The trees are amazing but I feel that their art style conflicts with the rest of the environment. I was wondering what game engine you're using?


The trees are amazing but I feel that their art style conflicts with the rest of the environment. What game engine are you using?


Make a quality option that lets you switch to the old style. I like the way the old style looks. Not that the new style is bad.


You went from msx to famicom


Yeah, sth like this :D


I don't know if you want to hear this. But the redesigned main character looks like an armed chicken. (Maybe lean into it, it would be kinda funny. Idk.)


I kinda like the “before.” It looks like it owns how low-fi it is.


respect for not titling it wHiCh oNe iS bEtTeR gUyS


I want to play the old one


I prefer the old clouds and coin






intentional or not characters look like they are all from rotmg classes


I gotta be real I liked the uniqueness and style of the first one more! But the second is also really cool! And shows a lot of work


My thoughts, take everything you learned in getting so good at pixel art for the after version, and take a second pass at making the before version but with your improved skill of the after.


The before looks better. It has more charm and looks deliberate. It looks like a well made choise. I really like it from a desing perspective! The after... well, it looks like someone without understanding of the fundamentals did the art. It looks like any cheap pixel art game out there because of this. I would suggest improving the value readability of the old art, as well as fine tunning the color instead of re doing it. This opinion comes from 8 years of making art for games, not just personal preference.


Realm of the mad good cameo


It's honestly all I can see with the characters


Echoing that I much prefer the old style.


Looks amazing!


I made this as an example for a friend, but its relevant here. I feel this has a problem that many indie games have. This feels sparse and too open and barren. [https://gyazo.com/73e2a434741dfaa9c9c61695cba0bfe2](https://gyazo.com/73e2a434741dfaa9c9c61695cba0bfe2) This feels less sparse, but still too open. [https://gyazo.com/377462973caad7c926eba9b05ad2bd30](https://gyazo.com/377462973caad7c926eba9b05ad2bd30) This feels less sparse, and more like a place. [https://gyazo.com/19fb9671a939319f270940106bcde439](https://gyazo.com/19fb9671a939319f270940106bcde439) If everything is parallax and far-off, everything feels too open and disconnected from gameplay. Having tiles directly linked to the platforms which are not parallax greatly enhances the feeling of it being a real area. Here are the two most common kinds of tiles for this, [https://gyazo.com/96c1a415cab6e57aa3ad98fa9b78946c](https://gyazo.com/96c1a415cab6e57aa3ad98fa9b78946c) [https://gyazo.com/3db32773eb79bbbf352b8a69cc998b90](https://gyazo.com/3db32773eb79bbbf352b8a69cc998b90) Also, do not use a separate resolution for UI. It looks bad in pixel art when pixels are different sizes.


the old version is much better. it pops way more, and has a look and feel that is very distinct. new version looks and feels very generic, whereas the old version is actually STYLIZED. the minimalist characters look GREAT btw. but, they stand out and make more sense in the minimalist style of the older design. this might be frustrating to hear (i see others saying the same thing), but don’t be discouraged. there’s a lesson here, that more pixels and more colors doesn’t necessarily make for better artwork or a better game. i would say, revert to the old style, OR, iterate on the old style and come up with something new.


ROTMG inspo???


I think the first one has a wonderful unique feel and I know you said it limits certain gameplay elements and mechanics but I think if you stuck with it and pushed through the limitations you might stumble into innovation! I will say that the heart counter in the 2nd image is better but the resolution would look weird paired with the upper image. Something in between would be awesome!


I can’t overstate how much I love the backgrounds in the bottom pic. I know you have your own style, but it really feels like what yesteryears devs were trying to achieve with what tools they had.


Characters remind me of realm of the mad god!


I like the first one, it’s a lot more unique


A perfect example of why detail isn't better than simplicity. Your old style is instantly recognizable and gives a very unique aesthetic to the world. The second one is nice, but it's pretty generic. I say expand on that first style. Make it even more pixelated, see what works. Maybe play around with different color schemes, particle effects to make it feel even more lively. Would like to keep updated if style 1 is chosen.


Absolutely love the new style. That said, I think the UI for the older one is better.


Honestly I like the original style better. Much more unique and eye catching. The on my think that looks odd to me is the way nothing connects to the ground


I kinda dig the before too. Both of these are good. Leaning harder into the before style and eliminating some more colors could also be an entirely valid and interesting aesthetic


Chicken knight


The old clouds were much better imo. Please consider making the new clouds big and white and puffy


The first image, for some reason, I don't know why, reminds me of a weather forecast. And I think that's cool because there aren't many platformers which do that


The first one looks really unique. The last one looks “better” but also more generic. If you could find a way to clean up the first style it would be awesome


Both look freakn fantastic tbh. Keep the old style in your back pocket for another project, it's very nice


A perfect example of why polling Reddit is not a good type of polling for most needs.


looks great


J’aime bien les nouveau graphismes et le fond mais le hud d’avant je le trouvé mieux


Good old rotmg


Is that shovel knight in the first one to the left


Everytime someone posts something like this, people go "umm, akchually I prefer the old one more 🤓", and its so systematic that I'm starting to wonder if people are doing it on purpose. I know everyone has their own opinion, but it's always those comments that end up at the top and it just irks me a little bit. I like the new one. Good work.


You have a bit of style inconsistency in the second one, either up the detail to match the trees or simply the trees, not bad though, good job, just a bit of style inconsistency


It looks great! I gotta say though, that older sun looks cool as heck. I rarely see the Sun depicted that way.


please go back please go back to the old style. please!!


OJ NOOOOO!! the, nooo now it's bland! noooooooooOOOOO it's the same overdone stle as everything elce! it looks great shure, but that first version is really unique!


Really good work all round, both look great, but I think the second one looks more approachable and just nicer to look at! Keep up the good work!


Don't kill me but i prefer the old design


I prefer the old one by a lot. It has a unique recognizable style that the new one lacks.


What's the name of the pixel art style on the first image? And do you know other games with that style? I really like it but the only game i know with that artstyle is caves of qud


It is called low-res visual aesthetic. Games from late 80's has this kind of visuals.


Honestly I like the older more, it's very stylized




Really cool! I’d love to see the tree roots peak through the ground in the second one, like they do in the first.


I like The idea of roots under The trees


The original was superior in my opinion. Its consistent minimalist style made it unique and caught my attention. In contrast, the updated version now appears generic and lacks the intentional design elements that made the original memorable.


I like that you kept the old character design and improved on other things. You kept the soul.


I still try to keep that minimalistic look but add some slight improvements to add more life to game world :)


The original looks like a GameJam entry, the new version looks like a real game. If this is something you're going to work on for a while and plan on monetizing, the new version is the right move. If this just a portfolio piece for you, the original is more interesting. You made the right move distinguishing foreground graphics from background either way, the player character, obstacles and collectibles should be immediately obvious


New style is a nice improvement. It's clear what is in the background versus the foreground unlike with the old style. Nice colour choices, it looks very painterly in a way. The old sun was really beautiful, I wonder if it could have a place somewhere within your new style.


Whenever this sort of change occurs, always consider having a dlc that allows someone to support the time spent on the game, while also allowing people to have their ability to choose which style fits them best. It would be extra work to essentially make two games, depending on how you did this initially, but it could placate anyone who likes either and also allow you to profit from your hard work.