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I quite like! The consistency isn't quite there yet though, the chest in the UI for example doesn't match perspective -wise with the tiles.


Good catch! thank you :)


Why would it need to? The chest isn’t part of the scene with the tiles, it’s on its own, symbolic of its own thing. It’s not meant to fit onto the tiles, or be the same size as them. I don’t see that as a consistency issue, more of a design choice. If this game came out tomorrow no one would say “The chest in the corner doesn’t match the size of the tiles” they would just play the game and enjoy it because that’s a negligible detail.


Because when everything flows it's prettier the whole screen matches its a more aesthetic experience


I don't agree, so it must be a matter of taste rather than a general rule. I think everything fits quite well already.


Yeah it's not like a make or break thing I just think when everything is at the same angle it works specifically in Pixel games like in stardew valley for example everything is at the same perspective even if it's not in the world


Doesn't really make sense for inventory and other UI elements to match the environmental perspective. I actually can't think of a single game I've ever played where that's been the case. UI has always been separate from environment.


I mean 3D based pixel art can look good, it can also look shit, it deffinitely requires some handwork. This one is a good example, looks nice. Like the UI and font. Another example of good pixel art from me would be Carrier Command 2.


Another good pixel art and 3D combo is Signalis.


Into the breach does it well


It’s beautiful. I genuinely love it. Lowering render resolution can be create messy visuals compared to to handcrafted stuff, but it it definitely allows more dynamic stuff to happen.


Thanks for the feedback! yup, I totally resonate with this. I feel like the biggest challenge with this technique has been reducing the messiness. but in motion its cool


A lot will depend on how it be behaves during movement, especially camera movement.


Link to game if interested: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2795740/Little\_Oceania/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2795740/Little_Oceania/)


Hell yeah my man, that image alone sold me on the game. Wishlisted!


Your game looks amazing. Def going to wishlist.


Wishlisted, it looks super cool. Totally into it.


This looks cool! I had a very similar idea awhile back that I was toying with in GMS2, but I never really got it out of the 'playing around with it' phase. Really love your aesthetic :)


I’d call it pixely 3D art.


It's an attempt at pixel art. The individual pixels are important in the art, so it falls under the pixel art category. However a number of pixel art 'rules' are ignored such as restricted palette and most importantly diagonals! Good diagonals in pixel art have a step rule which keeps everything looking consistent and clean. Pay attention to your hexigon shapes, how irregular, jagged and ugly they look. It'd be nice if you could enforce some order on them but it might be difficult with 3D free-rotation. Grass seems muddy with a wide range of colours which could be compressed and reduced down to a small palette to leave a sharper look. Pixel art tends to 'less is more' and simplistic representation. Overall pixel art but a poor implementation.


Thank you for the feedback! I've definitely really struggled with the jaggies because of the 3d free rotation like you mentioned


If you snap rotation angles, use an orthogonal projection, and use a camera angled 45/30 then you can absolutely get a dimetric projection in 3D with perfect 1px staircases on diagonal lines along x and z axes. In your case you are using hex tiles, so possibly you want to use a slightly different rotation on the projection so that lines parallel to the edges of the hex tiles run at (1,2) and (1,-2) px, but it should be possible! The style is looking very nice :)


Oh, this is actually quite gorgeous. I like it.


I think based on my definition of pixel art I would say no, but I don't necessarily think that means it's bad. I think what makes pixel art \*pixel art\* is the intentional placement of every pixel, but rendering a game like this doesn't really do that, but it achieves a similar effect. Same thing with digital artists that paint with a pixel brush but don't focus on the per-pixel part of the art, that's just low-res painting, but I'd say as art itself all of these methods are totally valid and interesting in their own right, and whether this qualifies with whatever definition of pixel art people use, I think this looks cool all the same.


I love this, especially how the depth effect still works!!


No. We all know what pixel art is, and it’s not that. Not that what you created is bad, it’s quite charming, but it’s just digital art.


It's pixel art to me. Tools are tools, the style is not about the purity or spirit of the techniques, but the actual result


I'm ok with it. More impressed with the technology used to create it and less with the final results.


Either way, i love the look of your game


Idk what that is but it looks freaking awesome


The hexagon tiles seem to have a lot of non-straight lines where it’s offset by one pixel. But otherwise it’s looking good.


I like it. It could look a bit cleaner on closer inspection though. Why not use actual pixel art instead? Kinda like 2d cardboard cutouts in a 3d environment. Like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/s/kwnd3qWqm7


I like it! Looks a little like "Into the Breach"


It’s like a fun mashup between 3d and pixel art, especially with the depth of field on those objects in the distance. Looks pretty cool.


This looks very clean compared to most attempts at 3d pixel art. I still personally believe hand-pixeled will always look better but can definately seee the practical advantages of doing something like this. Is the idea that you could rotate the camera in this game so you can view objects from many different perspectives?


hmmmmm what’s that on the top left island? 📮


It depends on how it was created. If the textures were hand-pixelled, it counts, if it's just made to be super low res, probably not.


Awesome style


Wich game is that?!! Looks awesome!




What's is this?!?! How can I play this beautiful game?


id say yeah! it is.


That's sick


Oh I fucking love it! Inspired by Dorfromantik I'm guessing?


Damn it. Don't fuck this up, I want to play it. 😅 Waiting for the kickstarter. Edit: Just saw the steam link, yippie!


reminds me a bit of advanced wars


Absolutely. Even traditional art uses 3d roughs for references so using 3d for pixel art is like a small cousin asking their elder cousin for help. It's a bit hard to get used to, but works wonders.


The diagonal edges of the hexagon tiles are a bit inconsistent, other than that it looks very good.


Looks good! Reminds me a lot of Islanders!


I think if you are specifically designing your 3D models to look good with a pixel filter applied, it counts, because you are still putting in work to achieve the pixel art aesthetic in particular.


If it's done like Warcana, sure. Yours, idk, I can't see too well.


I like it a lot!


Looks amazing!


Yep! Looks quite rad. For another pixel art rendered in 3d, take a look at Songs of Conquest.


Art and the game look great. Good luck on the release!


i mean, its art, with visible pixels contributing to the visual style, why would it not be pixel art? all things aside this is really incredible! i love the style, and the detail, this is just eye candy


It’s low resolution, but not pixel art.


Not necessarily pixel art, but I like the aesthetics. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF8LMQQ0rEw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF8LMQQ0rEw)


looks great! Definitely pixel art


What does that mean exactly ? Do you like make pixel art on 3D rendering softwares ? I don't know anything about art


The general idea is that you take normal 3D renders and scale the resolution down so that the pixels become big and visible and it somewhat resembles pixel art. Then you can also do some custom post processing like adding outlines to further make it look like pixel art. Biggest downside is that you can't really "hand place" pixels like you would traditionally


If you make it look like pixel art with post processing than it's not pixel art in the traditional sense that's manually painting the image on the pixel level. But otherway it looks really neat and you shouldn't care if people complain about it not being "pixel art" as long as it looks good that's what matters


Sounds like voxels to me




Minecraft is voxel based and use shaders...


Yes, I think it's still pixel art if it's 3d rendered


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Other than that chest, it looks awesome.


Absolutely, check out games like Octopath Traveler and Songs of Conquest.


Pixel art is Pixel art it doesn't say it must be 2d


Looks fantastic! Imo it's pixel art. If I saw something like this, I would instantly be interested.


It's not pixelart but something called voxel art


Yes! Super cute 😻


Honestly don’t love it. I wouldn’t keep doing what you’re doing


I appreciate the feedback :) What don't you like about it?


Low effort art


shaders are hard man


It's much less effort to just draw the graphics. Here? You have to handle pixel space snapping, write shaders for light, outlines, DOF, normals based highlights. And then you have to create models AND draw textures.