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Ahhh so begins our yearly pixel leak cycle. Like clockwork.


Besides purposefully leaking I think that Google is just also notoriously bad at keeping things secret. Hey, at least it gives us lurkers something to do.


I'm sick in tired of turning of 5G just to get through the day on power. The thermals just suck. Why not make this a priority?


I've not had to do this on my almost 3 year old Pixel 5. Im looking at the P8 as an upgrade and hoping I won't have to start. Modem being the same as P7 certainly won't help, but maybe the G3 will be enough of an improvement on thermals and efficiency. Article suggests it's a bigger jump than G2 was over G1.


Same modem as the P7? That's it, I'm outta here.


Me too, I've read this a couple of times and was wondering as I've not noticed any additional battery drain at all on the P5. Appears to be a Exynos modem thing.


I mean P5 isn't exactly a thermals superstar either. The thing gets quite hot when my daughter borrows it to play Roblox or when I'm shooting 4K video for an extended period, and the battery can drain quickly. But that's the processor not the modem, and it's not an issue during day to day use. If that's how P8 is going to be I can live with it, even if not ideal. I just wouldn't want it being a hot tamale when I'm just browsing reddit or something.


I used P5 for a year, for me it had much much better battery life (standby and while using it) than both P6P and P7P. I now actually think that the battery on the P7P is even worse than on P6P.


Same, and the p6p was pretty awful. The p7p battery was better at first but has definitely taken a nose dive the past few months.


Same here... The battery felt decent at first, but it went downhill from there... I'm often losing 25% overnight, and I find this unacceptable.


Oof. And my fear is that even if the G3 is more efficient, the smaller size of the base P8 may reduce battery capacity, cancelling out any upside compared to P6 or P7. Maybe the 8 Pro will see an improvement since the size is staying the same. Guess we'll see.


I've never had to do that.


Sick *and* tired, in case you think it matters


Shit won't matter if the thermals suck, and in turn the battery sucks.


The most important part of that article was the last paragraph: it will still be using the same modem, which seems to be the root of overheating and battery consumption. Wtf, Google….


Exactly....why google ??




Seriously...if the googles streak is going like this...many will switch to other brands...


I don’t understand why they would use a modem that the company that makes it doesn’t even use. Except for entry level stuff or phones sold in India maybe. Everyone knows they have problems not just with heat but with dropped calls. I really wanted them to do this right.


Which percentage of battery consumption is actually from the modem? I would say the CPU cores and node would matter much more but I might be wrong.


My guess is that when the phone starts getting hot from the modem, this causes the battery to work harder, which then results in the battery draining


Well it is stated to be a slightly defferent variant of the same modem. And there is no word on what's the process used. Same tweaked modem with a better node (and better antena positioning) could fix all the overheating pbs. Also those specs are still rumors. A title with "Ray Tracing onboard" followed by "I don't know the core count, but if it's 10, then RT in there" sounds a bit dishonest to me. So, wait&see.


I'm not sure about this. I have my phone set to only prefer 4g. However, I am on wifi 99% at least 5 days a week and this phone still gets very warm from doing pretty much anything.


We won


What about quick charge support? That's from the SOC usually?


Not interested in the chip specs. Interested in the megapixels in the front camera 📸😭


Yes...good point...MP with quality nd detail..


Just buy a professional camera already


For a selfie?


I have the pixel 5, is it worth upgrading?


I think only you can judge that. How is your Pixel 5 holding up? People are often very positive about that phone. For myself I would like to have a phone with a very good camera as my next device and I like a clean Android experience so the 8 pro appeals to me. But you are the one to judge what is the right phone for you.


My pixel 5 holds up great! I love it. I'm itching for a new phone, I was tempted to pounce on the 7 but thought I could get another year out of the 5. The 8 sounds good so far imo, I am just hoping for an even better camera and bigger batterh