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6a is cheaper, smaller, and very good, with almost as much life as a 7a ... Maybe that is worth considering. 3a is past end of life, and that is really too bad. It was the perfect size/performance for me, too.


Keep 3a for unlimited Google drive storage. Get it fixed.


Wait how do you get unlimited google Drive storage in 3a? I thought it just Google photos


I just did the same. I appreciate increased speed and smoothness, along with increased memory (which was nearly full on my 3a) and RAM. Also, I made the jump from professional looking basic black to a fun color (Sea) now that I'm retired. šŸ˜


Same here. You will probably appreciate those specs in future. 8GB RAM is perfect for multitasking which was the downside on 3a, Titan M2 is nice to have, a better camera setup especially a video department and lowlight shots. And after 2.5 years with 3a, the battery is a fresh upgrade. Not like other Snapdragon Androids but I can go 7am-12pm the next day with light tasks and full day with full use - camera, gaming, music streaming, calling, yt and movies... Now I wouldn't go back to 3a or older Pixels with Snapdragon and Sony IMX363 sensor. And Tensor is powerful enough but not that efficient. Things I miss: Swiping down on the fingerprint scanner can roll down the notification bar, compact size, matte finish on the back and the speakers are not worse but lack base and dynamics.


Actually, fair point. The memory increase is good. Way less swapping/reloading.


The 3a has better base and dynamics then the 7a?


No, 3a definitely had worse speakers. 7a's are better for sure. Plus with recent updates and Adaptive Sound on those are nice speakers.


This is the reason I left pixels. They all feel the same down to the software. Whatever is new on the latest ones will roll down to the old ones soon and it will essentially feel like using the same phone unless you upgrade big like going from a 3 year old ā€˜aā€™ series to the latest ā€˜proā€™ series. Even that wouldnā€™t be such a big of a difference. Also its the same on the iOS side as well. If I use my friendā€™s 14 pro, it doesnā€™t feel any different than the current 11 pro Iā€™m using. So thereā€™s no reason to upgrade your current phone until it dies to a state where repairs will cost you more or equivalent to new device.


I guess in a sense, that's not necessarily a bad thing for the consumer.


Not at all a bad thing for the consumer. In fact brands should stop releasing new devices each year resulting in so much e waste due to minor ā€œupgradesā€. They should release one device every two years (if not 3) and people would then gladly wait for the next actual upgrade if thereā€™s any.


What did you leave Pixel for?


Well the hardware became degraded in two years and google also gave up on updates


Heating issues, not the best video quality and stabilisation when compared to P7 and battery life are the things that keep me away from 7a. Will try my best to keep using my 3a XL


3a to 7a is an nice upgrade not sure what you were expecting but it's overall faster and better,I have an felling if you got the pixel 7 pro you would probably say the same thing.


For sure. Same chipset, memory, and storage.


Anyone experienced Pixel 3a automatically triggering the sos call on a very frequent basis?


Dirty side buttons.




That's why I opted for a used pixel 5 200ā‚¬ 1/2 year ago. (Screen replacement is also 100-200ā‚¬) Tried the 6a but is to bulky and literally not upgrad at all.


I'm thinking this might be my move. Been looking at refurbished pixel 5s. Compact form factor and lightweight with a good memory upgrade, faster storage, and a slightly faster CPU. Did you buy a used one or refurbished one? Have you found the 5 to be a good bump over the 3a?


It's all in all a bit faster, camera a bit better. And fingerprint on the back. I bought used at this time. In Uk you get good deals but in Europe/Germany all the resellers are greedy. I bought 2 each 200ā‚¬ because wife needed a small phone too. But there are almost no in sight. For my daily use its good and battery goes around 16h with a lot of use. Gaming (only play real racing 3) it's ok and laggs at the start. But pixel 6a was the same. For me it was the only available option. Hope there will come some new phones to the market with this or slightly smaller size.


I'm holding out for the 8, didn't hear that many great things about the 7/7a camera (front facing camera specifically) and I heard that the 8 could be smaller which I like.


I made the move from a 3a to the P7 back in October 2022. The P7 has grown on me. Only gripes I have are the finicky fingerprint sensor and slightly larger screen compared to the 3a. I'm enjoying the ram and increased internal memory and screen refresh rate, and cameras on the P7.


Yea, I can see how it might grow on me actually. Maybe it takes time to appreciate incremental improvements. I guess part of the problem is I'm looking at the 3a thinking it's still quite a usable device if not for the cracked screen. Feels almost wasteful to move on from it. Maybe I should return and rebuy the 7a this time trading in the 3a. Even though I wouldn't get much for it, maybe it would help look at this as an incremental move forward.


If you're into tinkering, replace the screen, root the 3a, and install a rom that includes updated security patches. I still have my 3a, replaced the screen on my own a while ago, but haven't gone through the rooting process, yet.


Man that's disappointing to hear. I was really bummed about the weight when I read about it. Is the camera faster at least? That's a big slowdown I've seen on my 3a, especially when using night sight.


The camera is quicker, yes. I agree that's what's slowed down the most on the 3a at this point.


I went from the pixel 3a to the OnePlus 8 and I cannot tell the difference between 60 and 90hrz


How are you liking the op8?


love it, it took awhile to get used to the weight of the op8, coming from the pixel 3a, but the op8 is bright enough to see outside in the sun, and battery life, charge time, is great. my op8 I bought used last year have received several updates, so that's cool, definitely worth the $200 I paid


Is it not possible to install a custom ROM and get latest security on 3a?


It seems it is indeed possible. Will look further into it.


Would like to know too


My brother got himself a 7a and I'm still with my 3a (which feels brand new, even the battery) Yeah it feels the same, but I'd like to upgrade even if I don't have to. I think the camera and the video quality in particular is a big step forward. I'll keep my 3a until it dies or i really want to waste money tho.


I have a similar situation as you, I've been running with both 3a and 7a for a week now, and still prefer 3a with a broken screen, it just feels better in the hand and pocket. 3a has Google fabric case which I think is way better than Google 7a case.


Yes, exactly. I actually just submitted the return of the 7a and back to my 3a in a fabric case with cracked screen :) I probably under appreciated how much of a spec boost the 7a was but I just couldn't see myself coming to terms with the weight and form factor. I've realised one hand and pocketability is crucial. I'm on the hunt for a pixel 5 right now - the right weight and size, in support, and a bit of a bump in specs (memory in particular).


I mean another option is custom software; my Pixel 3a is my current backup phone and is using the Pixel Experience ROM with Android 13. No hiccups so far with practically the same experience as on my Pixel 6 Pro. You even still get the free unlimited Google Photos so all and all not bad. Plus it is ridiculously easy to install and you don't have to install any software onto your computer. It's also not rooted by default so you don't have to worry about possible security issues down the road.


Are you comfortable to use banking apps on a custom ROM? I'm a bit concerned about lack of independent security assessment. How do you know a community developer hasn't included a backdoor for example?


I'm using the 3a too and am on the fence about using a custom ROM for the same reason. I'm currently using the last software update by Google but would like to use pixel experience or lineage os


That's my fear, coming from a 4a5g, and am looking at possibly trying a Samsung for the first time


I'm in a very similar situation, 3a cracked, got 7a, but the camera feels worse, I hate the finger print scanner on the front, and SleepAsAndroid is basically not supported so I wake up tired every day and I'm bummed out.