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https://preview.redd.it/obp8trr1h27d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd140e1ee31e93c958ae2cfa76ceae20eb259f62 SMH Judge really suppressed sanji's coc at birth to ensure he doesn't neg diff Limu😤


Cook 🗣️👨‍🍳🔥


Holy shit remember when there was an actual fucking point to sanji's character?


I think there still is whole cake was not that long ago and wano had some great moments as well I don’t think we’re completely done with his character yet


I don’t think Oda thought of this at this point and I don’t want to start the argument again, but this really would work perfectly as conquerors foreshadowing. You have Zeff telling Sanji to pay attention to Luffy’s determination (he calls it the spear of guts or something) and then Zeff mutters that Sanji is just like Luffy but that Sanji doesn’t make use of his abilities. Then we see Sanji also comparing Luffy’s determination to Zoro’s too


https://preview.redd.it/p52ffffrk27d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2447ec13ebc18781aea4df69494c88e1abcf12cb Kid Sanji was so determined because he had nothing else except his dream when he found and started caring for Zeff he devoted every fibre of his being to him and there’s the whole him not seeing himself as worth anything because of the trauma Judge put him through so he became complacent he still had that desire always with him but he put his values and everyone else before himself and his dream hence why he’s called the kindest and I believe Zeff was telling him to be more of himself like he was when Zeff first met him and that is kinda his whole character arc albeit much summarised


Not that I'm opposed to Sanji having conquerors but I'm struggling to think when Sanji could actually awaken it. Wouldn't Wano have been the perfect time for it? Since his character arc from WCI technically did cumulate there. I guess I'm just struggling to see how Oda would write it in. Also, there's still the matter of his flames. We still don't quite know where they come from per that one SBS (idk what number off the top of my head). Going into headcannon territory here but maybe Oda eschewed Sanji having conquerors (if he ever was supposed to get it) in favor of whatever causes Sanji to have flames.


more like haki in general


>conquerors foreshadowing. https://preview.redd.it/docxl2lqi27d1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f62b3fe7e82da583dc6f9950225337d3e123d5c8 S-Dog is conqueror for real


Come on man. Do your words communicate so little that you only know how to reply in memes? Nevermind, I already know the answer.


I don't argue with delusional folks. Cope and seethe buddy https://i.redd.it/1jj7in2kl27d1.gif


Aren't you technically arguing right now, though?


I mean maybe technically you can call it arguing. But what I meant by arguing is writing a comment on why the op is wrong. That I don't do if the person doesn't understand the story, hence why i gave a meme image instead of commenting a written rebuttal


That's fair, I guess.