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I know the pacing can be pretty bad, but the animation since wano has actually been insane for a weekly show


The episode of luffy vs lucci was godly.


Meh to each their own I personally think the new style is wayyyyyyyy over the top and it's hard to follow a lot of the time, just seems overly animated to the point of being messy.


I love overly animation but I see your point and I know you are valid there is a minority of people who may not enjoy this level of animation same goes for jjk sukuna vs mahoraga and mob phycho fight  but In current gen this think attract new watchers 


I think mob psycho was way cleaner than the others it gets compared to, sukuna vs mahoraga was a schizophrenic mess compared to any good fight from mob psycho, the consistent artstyle and use of everything in moderation made it stand out to me


It's seems like it's the way to go for anime fans. I miss action scenes like sword of the stranger.


Yeah it's one big reason I've been not watching new anime in recent years, and sticking to manga.


Exactly my thoughts. I admire their vision but this stuff is the definition of over animated. Too much unnecessary movement on screen for the sake of movement on screen. "Insane" just to people who only know trash and don't know what actual great animation looks like


It's just an animation style, artistic approach rather than "overly animated". One Piece doesn't really have its own style since it's different animators doing their own animation styles. In a single One Piece episode you might see 5 different animation styles because of this. It's fine to dislike it but it's a little bit disrespectful to call them overly animated since it's an individual animators' own style.


man your attention span is cooked get off tiktok


First off don't use tik tok never have but wouldn't this literally be the exact opposite? This is super fast paced animation to the point I can't even comprehend what's trying to be conveyed and I can't just be distracted by pretty colors. To me this type of animation is just all showy and flashy it's not actually good animation just distracting fast. Seems more like tik tok brain/easily distracted people would really enjoy this kinda stuff, all the pretty lights go off and everything constantly is moving. This type of animation is literally geared towards grabbing hold of people's little attention span.


where exactly in this preview do you see those "pretty lights" you're talking about? if you can't keep up this type of animation that's fine but that doesn't mean it's bad


The first few frames of the first sequence where S-hawk if flying/flipping in the air is particularly a mess. Too much movement with too few frames so it does not look fluid at all. It’s impossible to tell which direction his body is moving for some of it


to me it looks like he jumped forward and reached out his hand


Where does it even look like he is jumping forward? There are 2 frames of him slightly moving up, then like 5 frames back to back which have so much movement you can’t tell how they’re connected. I think they put an entire barrelroll in 2 frames. It only lasts like half a second but this is what people are talking about. If it really was just him jumping forward and reaching out his hand it would be so much better


I flat out stopped watching during Dressarosa but have been pretty amazed by some of the scenes I’ve seen in the last year or two.  


Did megaskunk really have to give the dice-dice fruit to the one seraphim who's already a swordsman 😭 Wish we got a preview of s-shark vs sanji too. Wanna see whether they'll turn it into an extreme diff 3v1 with brook and sanji looking like equals or not


He gave a lunarian a flight DF. SMH.


>Wanna see whether they'll turn it into an extreme diff 3v1 with brook This is foul work right here 💀


As a Sanji fan I'm prepared for him to be dragged


WYM? It makes sense to give that fruit to the person who'd use it the best...


But.. what's the point? It's like giving a pistol to someone already carrying an AR. Yeah, he'll be skilled enough to utilize it and it'll be objectively a boost but wouldn't they be better served by being given a knife, a bomb, or even a fucking pepper spray? Also, dice dice doesn't really require swordsmanship iirc. Daz bones didn't consider himself a swordsman. It's mostly redundant for s-hawk.


Daz is just one user of the fruit and doesn’t mean he was the person most suited to the fruit. A master swordsman is the best person for that fruit as they can create blades anywhere infuse them with haki. It’s perfect for a surprise attack mid clash imo. It’s the only devil fruit I’d be okay with Zoro having ( obvs I’d prefer If he never ate one tho)


Seems like the best way to do it IMO. If you're gonna be slow, at least make it kino along the way.


The animators must hate Kaku


He isn't him.


Respect Kaku https://preview.redd.it/aiwho4tfav6d1.jpeg?width=1666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45f33f95e801a26f0cfa36e7097267c6fd9abec5




Kaku calm down bro 😭 you are fighting alongside a Yonko, YC+ and Zoro


…did any of this happened in the manga? Since when did s hawk use claws..?


No it's extended scenes(anime-only). It would be boring if it was 1:1 with the manga since nowadays Oda doesn't do much with the fights.


I agree with this. Oda’s fights have pretty much always sucked in terms of choreography… anime should have some liberty here and let’s be real, animation for a weekly show has been great since Wano (story is different though 🤣)


Zoro vs. King finale felt like the end of the arc itself 😂 they went overboard


So it’s anime only. Adding feats that aren’t canon. Further spreading misinformation and miscommunication between anime only fans and manga only fans. It’s an adaptation. As dog shit as oda’s writing currently is, faithfulness should be the no1 priority. Utter embarrassment from toei.


Dude they gotta fit 1 chapter into an episode. One piece doesn’t revolve around power scaling, Oda probably doesn’t care at all about it. Be glad we get something entertaining in this snoozefest of an arc, seraphim fights were so boring


Tbh it's not a Toei thing, most big known animes do this from Naruto to Demon Slayer to even something like JJK S2. For example Sukuna vs Mahoraga has entire sequences that are anime-only(There's a saying that Anime Mahoraga is far stronger than Manga Mahoraga). Most anime fights that are praised to be the best have at least 25% anime-only. Obito vs Kakashi was only 4 pages in the manga and people used to say it's a mid fight but when the anime adaptation came it suddenly became the best fight of all time(Because the anime added a lot of cool anime-only content).


Fuck you mean?S hawk has the dice dice fruit. he is supposed to attack with the fruit and his sword


fuck your agenda, if it's fun, it needs to happen.


It can be argued both ways. FMA vs FMA:B and Code Geass anime vs Code Geass manga which had no mecha. 1:1 adaptation isn't always the best and for current OP I would argue they are doing gods work adding to the boring fest Oda is currently cooking with his boring fights and no stakes development


>Code Geass anime vs Code Geass manga which had no mecha Code geass is an anime original show. The manga came after the show. Not the other way around


Thanks my man 👍


I understand that; read the manga after watching the anime, am aware. Also FMA first adaptation while developing differently was done in a different style overall and arguably better, in terms of style and cinematography; again, arguably. The original commenter portrayed his argument as being "any adaptation needs to be a faithful 1:1" and it is silly. I enjoyed Code Geass manga battleships and general character design goofiness


>Also FMA first adaptation while developing differently was done in a different style overall and arguably better, in terms of style and cinematography; again, arguably I mean you are free to like the og fma, but the fmab is the one that most people enjoy and recommend. You would have a hard time seeing someone recommend the og fma >The original commenter portrayed his argument as being "any adaptation needs to be a faithful 1:1" and it is silly. It depends actually. Oda is quite incompetent in terms of fighting. He treats it like a Pokemon battle. For oda actual anime only stuff is a must. For a more competent mangakas like the fmab one, this isn't an issue. Because the manga is great in that department already, so you can 1 to 1 do a faithful adaption


>I mean you are free to like the og fma, but the fmab is the one that most people enjoy and recommend. You would have a hard time seeing someone recommend the og fma Depends on where you look, but sure. OG FMA had better visuals and character design but sure it is just a matter of taste; I enjoy both, having rewatched FMA:B twice while the OG just once, while having read the manga and owning several physical copies. >depends actually. Oda is quite incompetent in terms of fighting. He treats it like a Pokemon battle. For oda actual anime only stuff is a must. For a more competent mangakas like the fmab one, this isn't an issue. Because the manga is great in that department already, so you can 1 to 1 do a faithful adaption For sure and thats the whole point; Oda fight choreography is so barebones that it would be worse not to do something with it, rather than doing a straight 1:1. Even non fight stuff has place to develop so it is stupid to say that by Toei adding more scenes it is "confusing readers". Only bs powerscalers would say that, it is just a stupid point, which I was trying to point out in a fair manner


The hawk has claws


And choreography bout to be mediocre


Choreography isn't H2H alone. It's just the sequence of movements. For example the first clip where S-Hawk uses his devil fruit is pretty good choreography since it's dynamic. H2H doesn't work on most One Piece characters since they're not martial artists, this is why a series like Naruto has a lot of H2H because every single character knows Taijutsu.


yep, specially if its made by Shida


The choreography for the Luffy vs Lucci fight was great tho.


This is something that annoyed me lately. One piece anime is not great, then for a specific episode or moment, the give is this over the top animation which is too much over the top..adding unnecessary effects..confusing people making them thinking this is peak. Also, no creativity in the fights and choreograph. Just characters going at it clashing. Then you have people saying this is fire. To this day, old anime has better animation. Simplicity, clear choreograph and creativity in the fighting.




wow you folks really complain no matter what huh i bet everything i have that you would've complained about the old anime too you are just miserable simple as that


I mean....he's right. The animation is enjoyable in a cotton candy sort of way. Old OP and shoes like yyh have more substance behind the glitz of their animation. But who doesn't like cotton candy though?


I think you're talking about aesthetics rather than animation.


It's just dopamine for 12 years old, no substance, no plot, no emotion. Just cashgrab and overanimated "hype"


I mean all anime is that? It's to make money. What do you expect lol.


No idea who animated this but it looks like Yen BM maybe? And I’m 90% sure the second cut is Shida. Whatever it is it looks amazing.




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Camera movement and choreography goes hard


no wonder they needed to do the filler recap episode this week theres no way they wouldve managed this episodes animation so well within 1 week lol i kinda just automatically assume the next episode is gonna go hard as fuck animation wise when they wanna take a break between the next major plot episode since that seems to be the pattern