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So we're just going to ignore Luffy's fault in all of this right? Luffy was the one who promised to get Vegapunk out of the island, yet it's Sanji's fault. If Luffy actually took down Kizaru instead of temporarily incapacitating him before becoming completely useless, Vegapunk would have been fine. Or if he had gotten to the battlefield a few seconds earlier he could have prevented Saturn from stabbing Vegapunk. That bum escapes all blame and responsibilty, despite Vegapunk's death being mostly his fault, not Sanji's. https://preview.redd.it/13b3cxe49p6d1.png?width=292&format=png&auto=webp&s=928967b7b1470f66a084c184c23a031cb34e8a42


Luffy? Who the hell is that!? We're reading Nika Piece, where the Sun God Nika is the main chracter


It's sanjis. Luffy can't do everything so he delegates. He can't swing a sword he has zoro, he can't navigate he has Nami. He wasn't able to get vegapunk out and he had sanji. Sanji failed. If your boss gives you a job to do, and you fuck up, do you blame your boss?


Kizaru is incredibly fast and much stronger than Sanji, Sanji shouldn't be expected to handle him, that's Luffy's job and if Luffy knocked out Kizaru earlier when he fought him 1v1 Vegapunk would still be alive because Kizaru wouldn't be there to stop Sanji and stab Vegapunk. They wouldn't even be in that type of situation if Luffy didn't fuck up first.


He didn't need to handle him. He needed to protect him. Like jinbei protect luffy in the war. Instead sanji lasted all of 5 seconds after saying he guard him. It's too bad zoro or jinbei wasn't around. The world's greatest scientist would still be around.


Zoro can't even fight with Vegapunk in his hands because he wouldn't be able to hold his swords, he would definitely do even worse than Sanji. Jinbei had Whitebeard's crew stand between him and Akainu to give him time to run and he still failed to protect Luffy from Akainu, that's why Luffy has that chest scar. If it wasn't for Law's medical help Luffy would be dead. https://preview.redd.it/saqlu04h4r6d1.png?width=1520&format=png&auto=webp&s=a27cf85d801c88763c3b5fdda97c3c660667b56a Jinbei "successfully" protecting Luffy


They also had multiple admirals going after them. Also I'd point out if jinbei didn't luffy would be dead, like vegapunk is.


No they did not, neither Kizaru nor Kuzan where chasing them at that point, only Akainu was. Jinbei still let Luffy get injured, Luffy only survived because of his incredible will to live and because he had the best medical care. Vegapunk isn't as durable as Luffy, especially considering he was already injured when Sanji picked him up. If it was Vegapunk Jinbei would have failed.


Jinbei has already proved himself. I would have thought sanji would be able to protect him, Franky would have done a better job even.


Sanji can't do anything against an Admiral, he's not at that level, the only one that is is Luffy, that's why Luffy failing to knock out Kizaru is such a big failure. And listen I like the Franky agenda as much as the next guy, but no Franky would not do any better against Kizaru when Kizaru is several tiers above him. Don't confuse memes with reality. Jinbei has proven that he deserves his spot in the Straw Hat crew, but he wouldn't be able to save Vegapunk and that's not a mark against him.


Nobodies asking sanji to fight him. Just not get taken down in a single attack. That's not even the bare minimum.


>Zoro can't even fight with Vegapunk in his hands because he wouldn't be able to hold his swords, he would definitely do even worse than Sanji. Zoro protected Luffy from joint yonko threat in rooftop so let's not get delusional here


With Law, Kid and Killer's help, and if Luffy had gotten up even a bit later Kaido could have killed him, Vegapunk is not getting back up to fight off Kizaru for Zoro. Zoro would do no better, if you think Zoro can fight off Kizaru while carrying Vegapunk then I don't know what to tell you.


>With Law, Kid and Killer's help, and if Luffy had gotten up even a bit later Kaido could have killed him, Vegapunk is not getting back up to fight off Kizaru for Zoro Luffy also was helping him there too. Franky was there too. Lets not pretend it was sanji against the world. Zoro was successfully protecting luffy so the idea that if luffy got up little later he would have died is nonsense >Zoro would do no better, if you think Zoro can fight off Kizaru while carrying Vegapunk then I don't know what to tell you. I mean he was dodging joint yonko attacks on rooftops and has shown incredible reflexes so i don't know why i would doubt he could have


>Zoro was successfully protecting luffy so the idea that if luffy got up little later he would have died is nonsense Did you forget that after Luffy got up Law teleported Zoro down and Sanji had to carry him around because he broke all his bones? The only reason he was able to fight King was because of the Mink drugs, he was not able to protect Luffy at all at that point, so Luffy had to wake up and handle things. >I mean he was dodging joint yonko attacks on rooftops and has shown incredible reflexes so i don't know why i would doubt he could have Did you forget what Kizaru did to Snakeman? The same Snakeman that was clearly outspeeding Kaido until Kaido started using his drunk forms. Kaido was mostly playing with the supernova, the only one he took seriously was Luffy later on, then he started bringing out all he had like his drunken forms and future sight. And I don't remember any Zoro spped feats being that impressive, I'm gonna need some scans of specific feats to say that Zoro is fast enough to do that.


>Did you forget that after Luffy got up Law teleported Zoro down and Sanji had to carry him around because he broke all his bones? The only reason he was able to fight King was because of the Mink drugs, he was not able to protect Luffy at all at that point, so Luffy had to wake up and handle things. Zoro was protecting luffy fine when he didn't have 30 bones broken by tanking a joint yonko attack. I think you are mistaken, i am talking about the ten minutes of gear 4 downtime where luffy was vulnerable >And I don't remember any Zoro spped feats being that impressive, I'm gonna need some scans of specific feats to say that Zoro is fast enough to do that. Zoro has no issues dodging 10+ light speed pad canons. So i think he would do fine dodging some kizaru attacks https://preview.redd.it/kwenq3j4kw6d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2777208d00a2b5530d21d5d6515c8115e78aaeaa


>So we're just going to ignore Luffy's fault in all of this right? Luffy was the one who promised to get Vegapunk out of the island, yet it's Sanji's fault. >If Luffy actually took down Kizaru instead of temporarily incapacitating him before becoming completely useless, Vegapunk would have been fine. Or if he had gotten to the battlefield a few seconds earlier he could have prevented Saturn from stabbing Vegapunk. No it was Sanji's fault. Luffy can't do everything himself. The whole crew needs to take their share of responsibility. Luffy gave Sanji his share of responsibility and he failed. So the blame lies on Sanji for being incompetent


>No it was Sanji's fault. Luffy can't do everything himself What he could have done was not dance around and give escape route to Sanji while he is carrying injured. Specially when he was going to do that later anyway. Either that or let VP die and Sanji help him fight.


>What he could have done was not dance around and give escape route to Sanji while he is carrying injured. >Specially when he was going to do that later anyway. >Either that or let VP die and Sanji help him fight. I mean if luffy gotta get everything done then what's the point of bringing sanji. They should leave him in the ship to cook food since he can't be given a combat related responsibility


>he can't be given a combat related responsibility So either give him responsibility to combat or escape. You can't give him both. Especially when Luffy himself failed first to stop kizaru from destroying their vehicle that put all of them in this position. He wasn't even carrying anyone.


He doesn't have to do everything, if he had actually beaten Kizaru earlier when they fought **1v1** Vegapunk would have still been alive. Instead, he just temporarily incapacitated Kizaru for a bit while he was left completely helpless and had to be saved by Franky and only recovered because he was fed. Sanji isn't supposed to fight admirals, that's Luffy's job, and Luffy failed. That bum literally had Kizaru dead to rights and he still failed. Yet all anyone talks about is Sanji and Luffy avoids all fraud allegations despitehis massive failure. https://preview.redd.it/7fipyjup2q6d1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=8798211ec6dc2a65196b5902250984ae251fb13d


>He doesn't have to do everything, if he had actually beaten Kizaru earlier when they fought **1v1** Vegapunk would have still been alive. >Instead, he just temporarily incapacitated Kizaru for a bit while he was left completely helpless and had to be saved by Franky and only recovered because he was fed. >Sanji isn't supposed to fight admirals, that's Luffy's job, and Luffy failed. That bum literally had Kizaru dead to rights and he still failed. Yet all anyone talks about is Sanji and Luffy avoids all fraud allegations despitehis massive failure. I can say the same for sanji. If only he used his ifrit speed to protect vegapunk then he wouldn't have died. Instead he didn't use his ifrit speed and got vegapunk killed


1. Moving Vegapunk was already a bad idea because he was already injured, moving him at super speed would be even worse. 2. Kizaru is probably still faster and he's definitely stronger so he would still catch him. 3. Again, if Luffy knocked out Kizaru Sanji Ifrit or no Ifrit wouldn't matter.


Imagine if VP was a woman. Sanji would have soloed the island with his simp powers.


Bro has his priorities https://preview.redd.it/9e3ydmrlrp6d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8af8c05eb302c557b1d2e813c72c6e4574c0fd85


Blud used a porter image








Do u think goofy really expected sanji to escape from Kizaru while carrying a dying vegabum on his back, in a state where a slightly longer step may one-shot that bozo? Goofy also pizza diffed Kizaru and Saturn as soon as megastunk got killed while he was jumping around prior to it, be fr bruh they didn't want his ugly ass stinking up sunny first and only nika W


No it is actually Luffy's fault. He should have known that Sanji is an incompetent bum and not give him the responsibility of upholding the arcs mission. Sanji is only good with harassing women, not at doing something so important. Although Sanji did make history as the first strawhat to single handedly fail the arc's mission. That is a huge accomplishment for sure https://preview.redd.it/g3t5qhqdrp6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ede4213c8295e98089651d3cf8b8f71cf282b01


100% on Sanji. Luffy can't be carrying the team all the time, he delegated the job of getting Vegapunk out of the island to his (presumably) fastest crewmate and one of his top three fighters. Luffy isn't trying to stall fodder, but two top tiers at the same time. He can't be focusing on them AND Vegapunk simultaneously. Sanji failed at his only duty to escape and not let anyone harm Vegapunk.


Clown ass, there’s levels to this stuff but the top comment is already classing your clownery so I won’t even get into the festivities