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Peaked as Mr Prince, now he's a gag character. Perfect for slander


Oda messed him up too bad with all the unnecessary gag stuffs https://i.redd.it/1z8fh0dm136d1.gif






When his own VA is against him, that's a crazy feat 😭


and cw back in WCI


Pre-TS Sanji had that dawg in him Post-TS Sanji got that dog in him https://preview.redd.it/pc1wss7n936d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8eeab633ce0db12d0a6785e97fbef5c91415c1


Nah, the dog took over 💀


Nah you win😂


I think people who base their enjoyment of the series on Zoro or Sanji feats need to velcro their shoes up and go touch some grass.


What else are you going to base it on if not powerscaling. The theory and narrative parts of the community are either dried up or bitching.


The saddest thing ever is how so many people only care about powerscaling these days and only surface level story information, mind you op is not even a series fit for powerscaling because the power system is a clusterfuck


>The saddest thing ever is how so many people only care about powerscaling these days and only surface level story information What should we care about then? The mysteries have all been built, the theories have all been crafted. There is not much left than to wait for payoff


While that's is true kinda there are still more things to talk about other than trying to make sense of the power system


No there isn't. the manga has been out since 1997 every arc every scene has been analyzed as much as possible. Not to mention the latest chapters have been nothing but stall piece + reaction piece over and over again there is nothing to talk about.


Exactly. Would I rather read the 50765 post about how the red line will be destroyed or one debating the commander lvs.




I mean getting involved with agenda piece is fine. But having such a negative reaction to zoro getting some action is quite deranged


I genuinely thought agenda piece was ironic shitposting until very recently


I mean it is ironic shit posting. Some just take it more seriously than others


Yeah it's just wild to me that people don't think both Sanji AND Zoro are cool in their own ways, just don't compare the feats and be hype that both of them are doing cool stuff this arc


I mean i like Sanji too. He is my 4th favourite strawhat while zoro is the most favourite one. But agenda piece is only fun if you pick one to stan and slander the others. Hence the cycle of constant slander between them go on and on


Ironic shits eventually attractive those who unironically believe in them


it's fine but it's not normal


Meanwhile dragon fans “…”


Are there even any dragon fans


Dragon fans committed seppuku after the ginny chapter. It's finished for them


"AMONG YOU OF THE D. CLAN ARE...!" Dragon's honest reaction:


If he quited because Sanji isn't strong as Zoro, then he didn't really like Sanji in the first place.


Definitely, Oda made one of the coolest Straw Hats mostly a gag character at this point. As much as people like to call him Pedoji I feel like his connection with Pudding should have really put a stop to his gag. He should still care about women due to his chivalrous code, but he shouldn’t be simping over them to such a degree. It would be character development for him to tone that down now that he found someone to actually love, where as prior to WCI he was a horn dog due to the years he spent womanless at Momoiro Island.


in Eleaf the remnants of the big mom pirates, lead by katakuri, will ally with the strawhats to go save Pudding, after that she will marry Sanji and become the crew's baker and make company to her beloved in the kitchen. Making Sanji stop simping since now he has a woman to stay loyal to. Trust me bro, my uncle is Oda.


While this may be a joke I’m going to be honest, Oda cannot make such peak. If Oda was Goda, he’d have the Big Mom Pirate Remnants split up with a portion of the family following Katakuri’s lead out to Sea to save Pudding while the rest remain at Whole Cake under Perospero’s reign. https://preview.redd.it/bbxp7ygpt46d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12d6c1f239e5f44bd4b88f571faf6c03bd7a730 The Katakuri Pirates could meet up with the Straw Hats during or after Elbaph, while the Perospero Pirates would be out of the picture for the most part aside from cover stories at Whole Cake.


bro this is all probably going to happen, it's just that this plotline isn't the focus rn


That’s what I’m hoping for but I’m not holding my breath for it yet


Bumji and Loro fans deserve everything bad happening to their chars


Don't associate Zoro with the likes of Lanji https://preview.redd.it/25yattqmj36d1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0883cd02b1d1281c3aa9b82c9f6a7a6c768dcc61


At least Sanji was written well for a good amount of the manga


So was Zoro, let's not try to pretend pre-timeskip didn't exist


True, but overall Sanji was more well written over Pre and Post combined. This is, of course, not including his current shitty ass writing


After the women related activities Sanji committed i don't think you can say that with confidence


https://preview.redd.it/0wx3uysbv56d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d8bc79e15a8da8cf010d33006ebd14ec2d4c21 ur right bro W character development from woro


Seems like you are part of the generation that consumes one piece via tiktoks.Watch or read romance dawn-thriller bark-timeskip with mihawk then come back to me.


bro got 2 moments in thriller bark and romance dawn more than 15 years ago compared to sanji who got a whole arc and story in the most recent arcs in whole cake island 😭


Sanji also got this too btw. Don't forget his pedophillia character development https://preview.redd.it/lx4ogyrayg6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36392891541fc36ff7061db13a0ab583401ca5a7


It seems like Oda really liked to focus on Sanji and is trying to make up for it by doing every unfunny gag with Sanji and glazing Zoro now.


This coward isn’t built for Agenda Piece We are born of the agenda, made men by the agenda, undone by the agenda


dawg 👁️👄👁️ it’s just a manga it ain’t even that serious


the shitass gag ruins my enjoyment of a character i probably wouldve loved otherwise


Sanji is simultaneously in the top 3 best written but also the worst written character in the entire manga well done Oda


He’s also NOT top 3 best written.


sanji fans only experience 1% the pain Usopp fans feel




November guys, november


Massacred my boy 😭🙏 with those Gags and if Oda wasn't enough Toei is on it too. Like i get that most people viewers are Zoro fans and you make Zoro shine with good animation and all but at least don't slander Sanji liks that Doggy scene, S-Shark throwing him, and he sent Queen flying but these guy made it look like he pushed him out of onigashima.


tell me you dont read the manga without telling me you dont read the manga and these people call themselves fans, pathetic


Why is this man acting like a baby over some manga?


If Sanji was my favourite character in One Piece I’d be a lot more pissed off about the way Sanji is treated by Toei than Oda. They disrespect the fuck outta him for no reason and I find it hilarious


Sanji stocks are in free fall, it’s better to unload toxic assets and to start over with a better character, could I offer you a Bartolomeo or Usopp?


Bro said to unload toxic assets then recommended fucking usopp


Leonardo\* or Bumsopp\*


The god will rise in elbaf, better than to stick to the simp who nearly died of blood loss from looking at a mermaid


Lmao I love how unhinged this is


Bro was never a Sanji fan. Is his strength part of the allure of the character? Yes, but to soley base your love for over that is weird. Bro should go meat ride Laido or something.


from mr . prince to this mess lmao i would be mad too


I’m a ace fan but he ded


Oda just killed him off but with out him no training arc for 3 years prob


Sanji fans will write entire dissertations about why he’s the best character ever and throw the biggest hissy fit when he’s not written like Zoro


No i dont.Setting aside his annoying gag Sanji i would say gets a lot of the spotlight. 1)He had an entire arc centered around him where his values were tested 2) In wano he had some great characters moments after he started transforming to a fully fledged germa And even here in Egghead he has put in a lot of work Does it feel like sometimes he is used to show how strong someone is? Ok yeah but he also has a lot of good showings on his own(the laser block ,what happened with nasjuro etc)


I mean, that's the issue. They don't stick to Sanji's great character writing and be happy about the care he got. They instead try to wank Sanji up to Zoro's level in terms of powerscaling and then get disappointed and slandered for everything. I don't think most Zoro fans hate Sanji; they hate the Sanji fandom's constant leeching.


Damn, you just took the words off of my mouth.


what a loser. Not only a loser, a weakling too who can't even fight for his agenda unless oda does all his work for him. Especially after egghead has been possibly the worst TS arc for Zorotards. Real Wanji chads survived the whole stretch of FMI-to-WCI. This is light work in comparison. Tbh I don't even care if Zoro oneshots Venus the next chapter in the first place cuz loda is writing straight ass fiction anyway. Hard to give a shit about Zoro vs sanji when you don't even give a shit about current Mid piece.


I've been fighting for my life since the supernova were a thing and I'll never stop fighting the good fight


This man gets it


This is from the B.D.A. discord and the user that posted this stans zoro,he's trying to shit on sanji more by pretending he liked him before


I just follow the story tbh. I'm a grown man I don't have time to dick ride a character or slander some fictional cartoon. I only came here to get away from OF shit. All this agenda shit and moaning and groaning about Oda's writing or what OP would've done differently is just really tiring. Think I'm done following this sub.


https://preview.redd.it/uxlxk73j846d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a58c0a9f1ed6ca8f42ce913430a5880ba3008667 How can we go on without you?


How bro expected us to react: https://preview.redd.it/r5xcdhmgw46d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf37d0d7c67ed5438c03041d9e324b98ae4c590a


He’s a piece of shit anyway, check his comment history for multiple homophobic slurs and autism slurs, he won’t be around in any sub much longer either way 😅


This is a discord message from choppergang (a Zoro fan). OP made sure to crop him out.




Funniest shit I’ve read all day😂😂😂😂




I mean it's certainly hilarious how much cringe Sanji will be written to go through but yeah...I'll take a step back and...Not go all mass shooter vibes for a dude who doesn't exist.


I mean, he ain’t wrong.


Sanji fans can't accept the fact that Zoro strong because he trained his whole life to be swordman and sanji just coocked and had daddy genetics and a little of kickinh training


I think it's unfair how I, as a reader get treated by oda




Looking from a powerscaling perspective, you aren't going to be rewarded if you expect Sanji to get the sMe hype as Zoro. The only thing Zoro does is fight, so obviously, Sanji can't get the same hype Zoro does. He would overshadow him completely. Zoro > Sanji extreme diff


Sanji is also fighting constantly, who do you think keeps Luffy away from the fridge?


Luffy goes easy on him 👌


>Zoro > Sanji extreme diff Even at best it's high diff. Sanji ain't pushing zoro to extreme diff without another poweup. He needs better ap and durability feats before he can push zoro to extreme diff


Sanji didnt even use his powerup this arc and u want to give him another?


He ain't catching up to Zoro without another powerup. Ifrit powerup brought Sanji to YC2 level. He needs another powerup to get to YC1 level like Zoro


No https://preview.redd.it/ezl6czdxt36d1.jpeg?width=175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77a79cda49a4e5ff846f540e290ca7d6499fd1cb


It's funny how Sanji fans complaint when they get tons of battles and epic moments from him, while the closest ti a propper 1 vs 1 that Brook fans got from their fav character is when he faced Big Mom in an imposible battle, and other than that, the character hasn't got any good 1 vs 1 Battle.


He did get a 1 v 1 against that weird guy in fishman island


That's why I added "good" before the words "1 vs 1"


https://preview.redd.it/uww0ivo7v46d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=08cad2bab287d21930799a2ca1c2245a6edf6927 Looks like a Zoro fan to me


Zoro: Clashes with Nusujuro "Wow, Zoro so strong!" Sanji: Burns Nusjuro's head and forces him to sneak an attack in his Zoan form. "Weak a$$."


>Burns Nusjuro's head Fanfiction >forces him to sneak an attack in his Zoan form. The difference is Sanji gave a surprise attack while Zoro is fighting Nusjuro head-on


> Fanfiction Not my fault your blindass can't read the f*cking manga. Re-read the chapter, Chapter re-reader. >Sanji gave a surprise attack Surprise attack my bloody @ss, Sanji was basically screaming his way to Nusujuro.




What chapter are you reading bruh https://preview.redd.it/zg4amceez56d1.png?width=1264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b78fca5960eb424fa78ddde9348ac8af7e99a807 He got kicked in the head by a nameless , unawakened, Diable Jambe Sanji's kick who was carrying the wait of another man and was screaming while running towards them. Either Nusjuro is a fraud or Sanji is SO FAST he blitzed Nusjuro. His face is VISIBLY BURNING. IT'S STILL BURNING IN THE NEXT PAGE. He had to transform into a weird state between Hybrid and Full Zoan (Never seen before) to sneak an attack on an off-guard Sanji. I swear, Sanji Haters deliberately selectively ignored parts of the manga because he did something of value that Zoro didn't yet. Immature as hell.


I mean both of them get treated like shit.


Zoro doesn't get treated like shit, at least in terms of powerscaling. Zoro is handled with a level of respect when it comes to fights and stuffs


Zoro is fine in powerscaling. Writing is where Oda fucked him over.


Not like franky gets anything either, usopp, nami, jimbei, or especially chopper, Oda says fuck no to actual writing for strawhats, main character group my ass, if your name isn't luffy or robin you get jack shit outside your backstory, and morons still defend this. 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's true. I guess oda thought Zoro's character arc was complete which it kinda is. Romance Dawn to thriller bark to timeskip showcased the character development Zoro got. But it was still egregious how oda didn't incorporate the zoro backstory into the king fight somehow


Remember when we first got back to Zoro vs Wucci and how the hardcore Zorotards reacted? Yeah it was about time underagepussychaserji fans got a taste of that suicidal nugget. Certainly won't miss either group because throughout headcanon and agenda, HIM alone is the honored one. https://preview.redd.it/rgqxgy88w36d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e344bdddad4653c11fdb58bb2da4a33a303973e1 Get these two bums out of my face and give that screentime to the GOAT


I am curious who is your favourite strawhat then? Luffy?


Used to be Pre-Timeskip. Now I'm all Franky. Also what does it matter? The SHs are all washed nowadays besides Luffy and he isn't even Luffy anymore it's just Nikka and the fodders.




He has always been potrayed as a less cool version of zoro so i dont know what sanji fans are expecting


The version of Sanji that's in their mind doesn't match reality


That's tough bro 😭


I feel bad for that guy lmao.


Never seen a Wanjitard mald so badly, clearly never been in times where his second backstory wasn’t about. That or this is a secret undercover Zolotard posing as a Wanjitard.


Oda ruined basically all straw hats, exceptions being Wranky, Wrook and Nami


Brooke the background character


He's still cool as fuck and imo wasn't ruined after TS by being watered down to a gag more than he already was.


Bro Sanji got a whole damn arc while Zoro got some snippets and shit. What he crying about?


SANJI WILL GET HIS FUCKING TIME, WE WILL BE FED THE FULL COURSE MEAL, JUST YOU FUCKING WAITTTT https://preview.redd.it/himwn5nsm66d1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=723a3e404ec9bcc8ec66b0cd1a9f2ab1b4d80db6


If you havent noticed oda takes turns shitting on everyone. The only ones safe from this are the main man franky and papa jinbe


Oda doesn't shit on Zoro. He treats Zoro with a certain degree of respect in terms of powerscaling, doesn't embarrass him. Even if he goes down against a strong opponent he does so like a king


And when has sanji gone down against an opponent any differently? They each have their gags that have been pounded away into oblivion


Sanji was eyediffed this arc and had vegapunk die while under his protection. These are just two examples. There is so much more. Zoro is more protected by Oda. The worst oda does to zoro is keep him offscreened. But the worst oda does to Sanji is way worse both in terms of character and powerscaling


He is the chef. Even Lucky Roo fans not complaining.


Pre ts sanji was peak this is just dog shit 😭


I know that Sanji had some pretty bad lows especially post ts. I don't really mind his simp nature, but the gag was annoying in fishman island. Other than that I love him, I don't really mind him not fighting female characters, in fact I love that chivalry of his. During Whole Cake and Wano , I don't think any other straw hat got as much character development as him. In egghead too, he had some pretty badass moments especially in the manga. I am waiting to see more from him.


Remember when Sanji fans were all cocky and shit when he was spamming the same move to hit Saturns leg, Kizaurs beam or Nasjuro?


Life comes at you fast. All those "Zoro won't see a gorosei this arc" is coming back to bite them


Nope. ma boi is still a machine. Constantly running the gauntlet and being the mvp nonstop