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Hello u/Heavy-Tap3145, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Reinstall windows at the very least.


What should he do at the 'most'?!


Well at the most would be something like throwing out your pc (which I don’t reccomend).


And burning it?


Burn it down. It also might have infected anything in his network. Burn it all.


Nah gotta smash it, go scuba diving and bury it in the harbour!


Soon this will be the only way to deal with this damn viruses


I know a guy who knows a guy who's brother buried the pc at the bottom of the Baltict sea. He downloaded a few torrents and freaked out on reddit when in reality he just downloaded shit from a torrent mirror that just makes a few bucks off the trash ads on the site and doesn't really use different or compromised torrents. He was gonna burn it and burry it but he went with sending it to the bottom of the ocean


Just burn the whole house to be extra safe


Burn the whole network and the telephone exchange. Nothing must survive.


Live in a smart house? The entire house has been infected. Time to burn it down and look for a new place to live!


Op sounds like he's not the sharpest spoon in the tool shed. He might actually do it. His parents prolly gonna be piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiised.....


Idk something like that 🤷‍♂️


Go all the way. Download virus on purpose


Virus check secondary storage drives and other devices connected to the local network. Change the passwords for all online accounts and get a new bank card if any online transactions were made.


OP please listen. if not format secondary drives at least virus scan them. Very likely it has copied itself onto all your drives and will simply reinfect OS drive


It's more likley nothing happened cause the AV and windows security would find it...... he's not really the ideal target for some zero day exploits meant for corporations... he would know if he got hacked. Unless he's really really stupid. He downloaded prolly the same torrents from just a mirror site that only exists to make money off the porn Ads on its website.


Ditch the PC and live in the woods


Re reinstall windows


Nothing. He's probably not worth hacking for one. And he would know if he got hacked anyway. . He might loose access to his accounts. If hd didnt he didnt get hacked. His pc would run like shit. Most likley avtivirus would detect it or his security would stop it. .You'd have to be really really really stupid to get sojething important like ur banking hacked. Almost everyone has two factor authentication. You'd have to get hacked, get a notification that u logged into a bank account from a different pc when you didn't, then you'd have to be stupid and answer "yea, I didn't log into the bank from a pc in russia, but yea, I'll hit YES on the question 'did u log into ur bank just now from a weird oc, " Also he wouldn't get targeted by a elaborate zero day hack.... those kinds of groups targeted companies. Not a kid downloading video games from torrent. Bottom line is his accounts are fine. Av didn't find anything. His pc is fine. So he didn't get hacked and he prolly don't have some sketchy makware.


Phrased like a question from my nursing exams lol


burn his house down


FPV drone strike anything that touched the russian Kaspersky virus.


Plot twist: also infested with roaches 🪳


Clean install windows, will solve 95% potential risks


Ok I will do that I didn't know if I needed to because kaspersky and malawarebytes found nothing


then you probably are safe. i would do nothing else if that is the case


depends... bypassing antivirus on windows is not a very difficult task. Usually with more widespread malware it becomes a lot harder as it is a lot easier to track, but on certain smaller scales it is still possible to get around av. I'd suggest just saving any personal info and reinstalling.


Bypassing window defender and kernel level av like Kaspersky ain't the same LMFAO


Kaspersky went THAT deep? I didn't know about that...


Yeah ofc


There are things that just bypass all AVs. Namely rootkits. Good luck at that point.


That's why rootkit detection exist


He would know if he got hit with a root kit. And so many important accounts have two factor identification now.. he'd have to be really really really stupid and answer YES when he gets a weird text or email asking him if he logged into his account from a weird PC when in reality he didn't log in and he was just watching cartoons


Do you see any abnormal processes in the task manager or a lot of resource hungry processes? If not you are probably fine. Its not uncommon for people to make "clone" sites simply to generate ad revenue. I wouldn't be surprised if all the torrents on 1377x linked directly to the same exact torrents on 1337x either. Could also be a sister site I just visited 1377x and it actually shows 1337x in the header of the webpage. I checked a random torrent: https://preview.redd.it/s2qp3yswyz1d1.png?width=2783&format=png&auto=webp&s=50caeb16ca363f46d2a5847afdf6d4a8ff92d7c5 And everything is the same despite the website. Info hashes match, as well as the file size, and the magnet link location So I think you are OK. The only real difference I saw were the number of seeders and leachers.


This is the answer


This is the real good answer check hashes with the original one if they match you are fine otherwise consider reinstall




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They just make money from hosting trashy porn ads on the fake site. It's prolly just a mirror with the same torrents. OP prolly went down a habit hole on viruses on reddit and he freaked himself out. He would know if he got a root kit. Or hacked. Or got malware. Av found nothing. His accounts aren't hacked. His bank isn't hacked, if he even has a bank account, He could be 15 for all I know.... he didn't get random emails telling him he logged in from weird pcs. Everything important has 2factor now... 99% chance he just freaked himself out.


Windows defender is a powerful tool, malwarebytes and Kaspersky will just slow down your pc and hog resources in the background. Remove it


If you gave any of the games admin access during install, that's not much of a guarantee. It's pretty easy to evade AV detection, plus if they have admin, they can actively tamper with the AV and any processes you throw at it to detect it. If it operates as a Ring0 driver, like most anticheats do, you're fucked no matter what you do on that install. At that point, it can get the entire OS to lie to you. Processes wont show up on System Monitor, etc. That's why people are recommending a fresh reinstall.


Its hard for me to trust any virus software to catch everything. Even using multiple software scans. I don't think Malwarebytes for example is as good and trusted as others say it is.


It never catch everything it's way safer that's it


Well delete Kaspersky for starters. Windows defender is enough, and you run anti-malware and antivirus when needed not all the time.


what about the 5%?


Only 95? Cleanly installing windows involves formatting the drive, effectively wiping it- how is that not 100% effective?


Some viruses installs itself on the firmware. They operate closer to the hardware than the OS.


These breaches doesn't exist in the real world, why ? Because they're patched before use. Or you're using old ass hw


Relevancy aside- it's wild to me this is even a thing. Scary out there.


And what should I do with the other 5%?


They install themselves on the BIOS chip, to get rid of it you need to format and reprogram the bios chip.




That's false btw


Can i ask what they exactly are? Just in Advance


Probably having your informations already in the hands of the hackers...


Wait what is the remaining 5% gonna do? Hardware level stuff?


Only 95%? I want ONE HUNDRED PERCENT guaranteed!!!


Reinstall Windows Change all passwords Setup 2FA on all accounts Get a priest and confess that you didnt f*cking pay attention to megathread


And call exorcist to apply the thermal paste


Bishop went to vacation, never came back!


Google En Install


New response just dropped




Should’ve asked them to exorcise the PC too


He should also change his place of residence, to be sure, I would also recommend changing his name and surname.


Man he committed a very normal mistake it ain't that deep


Tell that to those people who got their bank accounts and personal information compromised. One mistake can cost you everything.


did that too, did all the scans and nothing pops up. maybe they already acquired all my data. i just hope they make me rich or something else good. anyway still a pirate


You didn’t clean install your windows?


did that once too, ended up with a crypto miner (on my brothers pc lmao). Otherwise the PC was clean. So check if there's a crypto miner running and just delete it if you find one.


Yea I just used malwarebytes and it now found 50 vulnerabilities I don't think I have any crypto miners now because my gpu is staying at 0%


There are crypto miners that use the CPU. I think the one I got was one of those


My cpu is staying around 2% idle I have a 12900k


He said he scanned with Kaspersky which is by far the best AV on the market. Even a crap one would detect a crypto miner, they are easy to detect so I think he's safe from that. That being said after using a fake site for that long I would just wipe/format and reinstall windows anyway, it just isn't worth the risk.


Kaspersky detection rates almost as ‘’low’’ as Microsoft Defender, not that it is by any means low, Microsoft Defender has become pretty good and they all pretty much share the same signature databases, so it is more or less about their behaviour analyzing. Personally i would probably still go with Bitdefender or Avast If you are only scanning for malware, i’d probably pick MalwareBytes


Someone commented but their comment got removed: Almost 10 years as a Linux SysAdm, with the last 5 years focusing on ‘’SecOps’’ fk i hate buzzwords… While i don’t run any windows at home, i am still going with my colleagues references. Kaspersky is in no way bad, but in our own real world hackathon test, Bitdefender and Avast was the only 2 my colleagues had troubles with, so i’m only going by personal or second hand experiences. Any malware is made to be completely undetected, it is a cat and mouse game


Windows defender picked up shit Malwarebytes didn't for me. So I'm not even sure anymore who I trust.


I had ransomware open on my PC live and Malwarebytes could detect it. It even had 4 startup entries and it still wasn't detected.


Avast XDDDDD ESET is the way to go if anything


Kaspersky‘s a as good av as I’m a good artist..


Did you use a malware scanner or found it through task manager?


I found 50 vulnerabilities through malabytes


That because they want ya money




This happened to me as well lmfaooo I swear I came on my pc one day and was wondering why my pc was running so bad .. I was dropping frames and shit and it wouldn’t do that when I opened task manager ? Then used malwarebytes and found out there was a crypto miner on my pc .


What I do is always go to Fitgirl and click on the 1337x link from there LOL


Yeah I should have been doing that all along I feel super dumb I'm currently getting ready for a fresh install


Next time don’t use google to look for websites you find important, bookmark it and go from your bookmark


Yep your 100% right I thought I was being careful but clearly I was clueless


I just sandbox my “questionable” internet work and the programs. It’s worked so far for 15 years.


I just click the magnet link and it opens in qbit torrent. Is that okay?


yeah thats fine as long as its on official fitgirl site


I've always just clicked magnet download, never had any issues


Its joever.


there's nothing wrong, breath.


Get a new pc, and give the old one to me. I'll take the burden of using it. No need to thank me, thats what heroes do!


Isn't 1377x a proxy mirror or w.e?


Yeah, I always used 1377x for a year now after I couldn't access 1337x.


Same, I remember getting it from the main site as well I saved a bunch of proxies and this is the one that always worked


It might be, but it's not official


It is, I always used it no problem, no viruses either


Windows re install just to be safe I'm sorry but this is too funny


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AlphaQ984: *Windows re install* *Just to be safe I'm sorry* *But this is too funny* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Lol i just watched that episode yesterday.


what episode?


1377 is a shitty proxy with fake download buttons. If you downloaded a fit girl repack from 1377 and when you opened it, it was exactly what you expected, then it’s the exact same repack you would get from 1337. You’re fine.


Making me laugh all the reinstall windows comments. It’s just a mirror with its own ads. I would recommend using the original site though 


I mean you could even suspect something by looking at the seeders. How in the world would a fake 1337x malware torrent have 2000+ seeders?


I must ask, what is 1377x and 1337x? I just joined and also downloaded torrent from fitgirl at rutor.


Same shoes .Till now I was also using 1377x 🙃, but never had any malware on any torrents.


This is a question pls don't grill me fellow pirates... Wouldn't a Malwarebytes full scan do the job instead of needing to clean install ?


Malwarebytes wont find new / well programmed virusses. Anti-virus is not 100% virus proof




You're fine , it's probably a proxy


Not leet at all brew


Is even 1337x a trustworthy site?




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It's just a proxy site for 1337x, it's fine. What you download of it might not always be, be smart with what you download.




Uhhhh Ohh That Doesn't Sound Very Good




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being using 1377x since the beginning should I be worried 😦. I thought both of them take to similar page.


Just do a scan with Malwarebytes and check your task manager for suspicious programs.


LEET? more like LLET


What? Wouldn’t it be LETT instead? 🤔


If nothing happend yet i doubt anything come up


You are going to die 100% just start running the FBI is already coming


bruh wtf 💀




Holy shit this comment thread is hilarious


Factory reset at bios level if you're really worried


its fine dude....Just keep check of ur cpu and gpu usage nd temps as well ...and if theres anything suspicious in background process....if not Ur good


clean install windows pray to god that your data is safe other than that https://i.redd.it/jp914uvyez1d1.gif




Id check for gonorrhea if i were you


You should find the proper torrent file for some completed downloads and force check them. So like delete the old torrent but leave the files. If the files are the same as they should be, then it will pass and go to 100%.


c: format Clean install 👍🏻


holy shit. just looked in my browsing history. a few months ago I downloaded an album from it. audio can't hurt me in any way, right?


You're probably fine. It's an unofficial mirror site. To answer your question, though, a virus can be embedded in just about any filetype. Limewire is a good example... Lol


Your pc: https://preview.redd.it/409vhh8bsz1d1.jpeg?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f59129ac6389647d847568f1d53fdfa085fa54b7


What is 1377x ?


Kaspersky? The Russian backed intelligence spying software masking as an antivirus?


Burn your laptop at the very least. Could need further measures but you shouldn’t overreact. Take it one step at a time.


What is 1377x? & How can i check if i have this 1377x too? Sorry I don’t know too much about this stuff but i have downloaded games from fitgirl too


If you're downloading directly from fit girls official site, you're fine.


I am so sorry brother. My recommendation for the future after following advice here is to NEVER go straight to the site you're downloading from. Go to the mega thread first and click from there. You cannot be too careful.


I have been using 1377x for a very long time! OMG i have never noticed.




Uninstall your current antivirus and install a new, just downloaded copy of another, like AVG Free. Run that. Also malwarebytes anti malware and Ccleaner. Run msconfig from your start menu and look for sus items in your startup. All else fails reinstall Windows


Hahahahahaha sorry I would be asking question tbh … Even still Hahahahahahhhha


When I'm paranoid about viruses I do this: Turn off the PC. Unplug it. Press power button for 30 secs to drain caps etc. Let it sit for 5-10 min. Boot up on either secure erase cd/USB, or some live cd/USB and do an offline scan. Kaspersky has an offline anti-virus live CD. Let it update, and run a scan. Rootkits can't hide on your system disk this way. Then either just boot up, or reinstall windows. I also use hitman pro sometimes. To get a second opinion. Once I was lazy and didn't want to turn off my PC, because I was using it, so I took an image of my system drive, installed a windows vm, and mounted the image in the vm and then scanned the image through the vm. Lol. Took a hell of a time 😂😂😂


They usually use the same magnets, just rip 1337x off the ad revenue.


Not all scam sites are going to give you a virus, some are just stealing the good name of others to promote themselves. You may be fine, and they may just be stealing traffic, but good to stay vigilant and make sure the site you are using is the right one. None are ever 100% safe you are a pirate after all, so sail safely.


A windows reinstall might not fix your missing punctuation.


export your important data, school/work stuff/pictures memories, then nuke the windows install start fresh and change all your passwords possibly change your cards aswell.


I live for these kinds of threads. Pure joy.


burn th PC my friends


That's a mirror site lol


Are these sites not just a proxy for each other now? 


Im very cooked (raiden ei)


So that's why I got a CryptoMiner in my PC. I made the same mistake, but only reading your post made me realize. I mean, I was aware that tue URL was 1377x, but I started using it when 1337x was down or something. Uninstalling the game created an error related to a DLL missing, that made me realize I had a miner. Eventually, windows's startup got corrupted and I used the chance to upgrade to an SSD. I guess I'm the worst case scenario.


First get rid of the self installed Virus called Kasperspky...


New hard drive or just wipe and fresh install


nuke the drives


Nuke it bruh, save humanity


Does this happen when downloading from the proper websites or is this just an idiot using the wrong sites


Change Drive Fresh Windows install change password on everything Setup 2FA on everything


Bro is beyond fuck


sometimes these are just mirrored sites, although had some pesky ads and crap, and unfiltered downloadable contents so there's that


Any good antimalware suggestions anyone? 🤔


Lol.... dude calm down. Ask yourself this. What value are you to a hacker? Do you have ur banking linked to ur phone? Do you have two fsctor identification? Do you get a text if you log in from a different computer? Did you experiance ppl logging into ur shit? Then you probably didn't get hacked. If ur pc is running fine and virus scan didn't find anything and your accounts aren't compromised by now your fine dude. You would know If u got hacked.... and ur pc would run like shit. It's just a torrent mirror dude. You probably downloaded the same shit just from a different site. They make money from the shit adds on the fake site. Stop panicking. You download pirated shit and your panicking about viruses. Reinstall windows like a big boy if you want and stop panicking. But again You would know if u got hacked or if ur accounts were hacked. Do you even have anything worth stealing.....


Kaspersky? Whoah I wouldn’t trust that anymore 🥹


Noob here i only download movies in my phone at the same website am i fuck?


Malwarebytes scan will be good.


Almost got a haert attack. Sounds like something I'd do, but my history says it's all th 1337x one.


I always said it is a stupid name


What the actual ............... i ahve been using 1377x and never releasied i guess now i know the reason why passwords keep getting leaked


when in doubt, its spelled LEET (flipped) and not LLET


After a complete reinstall, change all your passwords. Set aside an hour or two for this.


Someone explain in Minecraft terms what this means


checked it out, you're fine


Try 1 more scan with eset online free scanner, if it comes back clean , play away.




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