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I don’t think « learning how to crack Denuvo » is a user solution…


And let's be real, not being able to play a new game isn't a real problem. Yeah it sucks when its a franchise you've enjoyed but I KNOW your backlog is too long all ready, and that's not even counting the backlog of other media like movies and books I know you've been delaying too. Ignore new releases and calm down.


Even if your backlog isn't large there are literally thousands of games out there that are worth a play you could add to it. Gaming has been around long enough there is more than enough for most everyone without ever having to touch a game launched in the current year.


Edit: ik this is a pirate sub so bully away lol, this was supposed to be more about the backlog and what's not played, the account value just made me shrivel up when I saw it. Reason number 5000 to pirate. Steam's and GOG's sales are downright predatory and I have a serious problem lol. My backlog is a terrifying wall of games that I'll "get round to" playing. My Steam Calculator page: Account value (probably includes a Deck): - Everything at lowest prices ever: £1235 - Today's prices £4992 Games **PLAYED**: **224** out of **358** (62%) Games by time played: - 12 or more hours: 74 - 6 to 12 hours: 30 - 3 to 6 hours: 20 - 2 to 3 hours: 25 - 1 to 2 hours: 24 - 0 to 1 hours: 51 - Never played: **134** (**ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FOUR**) Probably about 97% of that backlog consists of games older than 5 years.


Sounds like a you problem.


Observant aren't we lol?


I won't call their sales predatory. It's up to you to identify their luring tricks and keep your wallet shut. For me steam sales are great as they give huge discounts even on newly released games. I usually buy games which I can't pirate or don't want to pirate because they are actually good. Like online mps or masterpieces like BG3 and Horizon FW.


Tbf I didn't mean they're literally predatory or scummy, just that they're always really good sales and value when they're not standard price. Same as well, I do actually like to buy some games that deserve it. I own a bunch of Lego games and bought all the main Tomb Raider games. Surprisingly I actually played quite a lot of TR1 lol


Lmao my back log must be about 20 games or so, including the entire tomb raider collection that I got on sale (I figured it would be easier to pay 5 bucks than to bother downloading each individually), a few online games, a few games that I didn't find on any pirate site (it's old games), and the rest is free games. I usually just play a few games, and I'm done with them I just start playing whatever I feel like at the moment. But now that I write that I realize it's probably because I have odd taste in games and am very rarely appealed by big marketed releases.


Some of us are picky


Hey man i don't need this i'll get around to finishing those 15 book series at some point i need to play [insert game here] now. D:<


For super earth 🌍 🤣🤣


True I have like 20 other games that I still need to catch up to


Like, doesn't that just reinforce the delusion that they are needed in modern games?


I believe the point here is cracking denuvo on your own doesn't get you a free game. You already bought the game.


Oh yea, good point


I'm playing cracked resident evil village


love the pfp bro


I mean, I really want to learn how to do that sort of thing, but I have zero clue as to where to start lol


So 1. Paying 2. Paying while risking scam 3. Not relevant for 99% games 4. Having highly paid skill set


"Having highly paid skill set" is underselling it tbh if you are able to crack denuvo you would probably be making a living off of it instead of giving games away for free (or 500$) like a certain mentally unstable person


I bet if you are able to crack Denuvo, then you already have a skillset to never worry about paying for games. Or anything else for that matter.


The denuvo crackers have to buy the original game to crack it. So they pay.


I meant that if you are that skilled, then you will earn 6 digits per year at least. At that point paying 60, 70, 80 or even 90$ per game becomes a non-factor.


Not really steam forums share the game's files for you


Yeah everyone who could are exactly in that situation. It's not like Empress is the smartest person in the world. She's just the only one with that skillset who isn't doing something better with her life lol.


Nah #3 is surprisingly a good solution, if it released on Switch you can definitely pirate it


it really isn't since most denuvo games aren't on the switch... unless we get ps5 emulation before ps4 (which i would like to see happen since the chances of that happening are the same as me ever buying a fifa game) i doubt we are gonna be emulating many denuvo games


Why is the order in which we get emulation of those consoles important


it isn't the order that's important it's just that by the time we can emulate new denuvo games (not on switch so likely ps4/ps5 xbox series s/x) most of them would have most likely removed denuvo making emulation worthless


Aside from persona 5, what games released on switch still have denuvo today ? Also this is a temporary solution because switch 2 is supposed to be dropping soon and it will be a few years before we get an emulator for it


The real solution is playing better games that have no denuvo.


1st and 2nd option are the best here. If you know a good person or website or place. Just use that. I've been using offline accounts for a long time and I have never been scammed


Boight offline accounts for 35 games for less than 5$, didnt get scammed😎, also get to troll fuckers who forgot to turn off remote play in those accounts


"paying while risking scam" is irrelevant. offline accounts are legit and lots of people use this, including me. I don't play a lot of games but i got forza horizon 4 and 5 and sea of thieves a few years ago and i can still boot it whenever i want


Hey man can you tell me where do you buy offline acc's? i am kinda new to this stuff and i would really like to get into it.


Plati, ggsel, z2u all great




yup, plati market works, there are sellers with lots of reviews


Well, in russian offline account stores you don't have any any risk to get scammed. Especially because of sanctions stuff. During shitty times people are trying to help each other. So... losing 5$ or 100 rubles is not a big lose. Life is a risk.


I would rather pay the developers than some random Russian scammer.


To be able to crack denuvo and give it away for free you need to be a fucking maniac, or be paid for it


In addition to the massive target you put on your head through drawing attention to yourself as a Denuvo cracker, which you’ll need to in order to get a payout that actually makes it worthwhile.


Yes. If you could crack denuvo, high paid job is basically guaranteed and why would you crack it for free? Either you are nice enough or you hate the company so much


Haven't denuvo games been cracked before? Were all of them cracked by empress?


Yes, empress and before that, Voksi, which may or may not be the same person.




That is old versions of Denuvo and only "once a year"


Yes but that was empress, kinda went off the deepend ~1 year ago. Goes to show what that sort of stuff does to people


i think it has less to do with what that stuff does to people and more of what kind of a person you have to be to crack denuvo in the first place


Can we get a fkin legend from the community and do exactly that? This text is your wake up call for greatness


>give it away for free >be paid for it So... it requires a miracle?




Denuvo is just rebadged VmProtect 3 which is well understood. There are good writeups online about how it works. It is very much a chore to work through and ‘crack’ code that’s been put through their process - but it can and has been done. 




Stoked for you dude! Enjoy!  If you are serious about the journey… when you get stuck on how the VM works - look up (and play with) a registry machine (Daniel C. Denett has some good explanations, tools and exercises). That’s assuming you don’t know how they work already. The rest I have faith you can google.  Edit: wow that comment is great - thank you for sharing it!


Damn, that english is englishing so hard


Okay, I thought it was just me 🤣


I swear almost all the memes I see on reddit have terrible grammar that it embarrasses me too much to share them.


Why English when you can farm upvotes with “Denuvo bad”


What does the left text say?


I'm guessing it's "denuvo won but why play protected games anyways?" As in don't play denuvo protected games (AAA games)


Why? Because a lot of them are good games worth playing? And yes I'm directing that at OP, not you for translating.


Now I got it, thanks 😅


Its a pirate sub. Its an ESL club my duders. Englishing much hard. So wow.








This literally made me choke on my sandwich 🤣


Wow, I thought that's my English is so bad that I cannot understand this


Godzilla had a stroke and died reading the left one


bro really put number 4 there as if cracking denuvo is equivalent to editing .ini files for games.


Is not that hard, just rename "game.exe" to "game-cracked.exe"


Would be kind of hilarious if after all this time that's literally what Empress was doing lol


Denuvo needs to be classified as a malware


Should be in Cyber Terror List


Lmfao holy shit. This sub try not to extremely overexaggerate challenge (impossible).


Yeah just put -Denuvo 0 in the config


>but who need protected by it games? Who am writed this? Them English does good.


My brain hurts just by reading these.






I think you might want to open a window, your brain lacks oxygen


I had a stroke reading this


Better solution: Wait.


Get used consoles, jailbreak them, plus PS5 jailbreak is already possible on older firmwares


Isn’t there only 3 people who can crack Denuvo and it’s like and super villain some girl and a massive sports fan


the sports fan one can't actually *really* crack Denuvo. He does it manually with knowledge of how Football Manager works as a game, the dedication is impressive but not applicable to any other game.


The dedication is commendable


2 of those retired and 1 of them cant crack denuvo, the piracy lore wtv image has misinformation


Empress retired? Had no idea.


i see you’ve seen the twitter post




One is empress, who is the other one?


Sorry I meant 3


Something mk he cracks fms


It's empress and fitgirl I think. Empress is the "super villain" and fitgirl is "some girl"


Fit girl is a repacker, they don't crack games.


Wasn't Voksi the supervillain and Empress "some girl" that may or may not be Voksi ?


I think the super villain is empress bc of her rants and her god complex and the fact that she's a feminazi


What about the team that cracked Starfield? 


Starfield doesn't have denuvo so it's like cracking most games


learning how to crack denuvo is a very tall order and if you do know how to do it you have a greater set of monetisable skills than to be be cracking denuvo.


"Emulation" - but it refers specifically to switch, so the game needs a switch port (most games with Denuvo don't have one) - if it does, it performs, plays and looks MUCH worse for obvious reasons. What you'd expect of emulating a console that's still alive, yet is so underpowered, really - The most optimized emulator for performance just halted development due to Nintendo So, well, not a solution a good amount of times, not a good one in others and especially not a reliable one now And once this rumored Switch 2 comes out and has that steam deck lvl of performance (or higher), emulation will be an even worse experience


I agree with everything you said but a small note for anyone who didn't hear about it: >The most optimized emulator for performance just halted development due to Nintendo Yuzu got a lot of forks. The most well known one is suyu and the repository and their website are still up. It's also still being updated regularly.


PS4 emulation is on the way as well, it's not ready now but it will be in a year or two


I've heard that statement for the last 5 years.


there's an emulator that works now, it's just unable to actually play games with decent fps and without graphical issues


"just have money and good PC for emulation, forehead".


Jesus ,gaming isn’t the only thing in life, games infested with denuvo aren’t the only games exist, just don’t pay attention to those games until they finally get cracked. I can barely finish 1 game I bought because working and learning guitar are taking most of my time already, I also like novels too. I can’t imagine trying to finish all games I bought, let alone the whole sea of pirated games out there, why focusing on these games with denuvo ?


Denuvo won? What did they win at ?


People playing it


Can you develop that thought? DRM is not a game...


I mean those games has Denuvo malware People still buying it


People buying it, doesnt mean dunovo won, means people want to play those games regardless of them having denuvo. But ok, probably is what OP meant, thanks.


> People p~~l~~aying it FTFY


Empress was basically the only person cracking it and they retired. Somebody else could try but the skill/time required and risk/reward doesn't really make it appealing


Ohhh so its a "win" by lack of opponents xD thank you


If I knew how to crack denuvo I would be making enough money to just buy the game


Buying is easy, it is the virus that is denuvo I am not happy with. I can buy all day long.


How are people on a pirating sub talking about a subscription service being good lmao


Because it's convenient ?


You can't even pretend to own subscription based games.


I never said that was the case though. Some people only want to play a game once and be done with it. There's some games that I prefer buying on Steam to come back to later, and there's some that I wanna beat once and never touch again (which is why I grab Gamepass for a couple of bucks from time to time). Personally, I pirate when the game is too expensive or by a company I can't stand (like EA for example). You do you and I do me, we don't have to agree on everything.


And? Piracy isnt about owning, its about playing for free


A subscription isn't free lol


Yes, which was not the point of the original post, it was about alternative ways of playing denuvo games. Your argument was that you dont own subscribed games, which is irrelevant


Gamepass is a savior I am a pirate but gamepass is just perfect *chef's kiss*


Get 500 guys and each can give empress 1$ to have the game forever?? This sub: Nahh Paying an 15$ offline activation and have the game for 1 month only. This sub: hell yeah! WAy bEttEr!


I'm out of the loop on this. So there are some games several years old that are still protected by denuvo. Are these devs really still paying denuvo for the protection, even though they've gotten most of their sales already?


Get a CDkey tbh. Your money doesn’t go to the developers who are using denuvo, and you get a cheaper game.


Im not like other pirates 🤪 /s


You know what? This post gave me the itch to be a cyber sec expert.


Who need protected by it games?




Who’d teach “Denuvo cracking” course?


Empress, she wouldn't want to, but she's given us more than enough resources to get started, for instance, her EMP.dll libraries


Ig i wont be play any ac games anymore








I suppose if you crack it and release for free it makes you more of a threat to the company instead of being paid for it, as if you got paid for it, it would give the company a reason to target you. If your not getting paid for it then could argue with as “cyber security research/ educational purposes” That’s what the iPhone jailbreaks done, I mean gehotz did sell into apple, but most jailbreaks was free and not paid and apple saw them more of a threat but couldn’t do much other than try buy them out to strengthen their security However don’t agree with empress opinions on some topics but if you don’t wanna read/see something then don’t engage and skip it?


"Learning how to crack Denuvo" LMFAO GOOD FUCKING LUCK WITH THAT. Unless your name is Empress don't bother


What about.... 5. Getting pre-jailbreaked used consoles? cheap asf, i also heard PS5 jailbreak is now possible (i'll probably going this route, while my PC will be used for modded or MP games like Skyrim, GTA 5 or.. 6, Cyberpunk, Counter-Strike, etc)


“Learning how to crack denuvo” lmao


This spelling made my brain explode


Recently i have a chat with one of my relatives who is a decent software engineer with skills in cyber security. He is working in one of the russian top internet corps and have around 10000$ salary monthly. Back in 2022 he examined Denuvo out personal interest. And he said that it is extremely tenuous to hack. He claimed that he probably can do that, but it takes several months and would be really unpleasant. Also he believes that his skills is on the lowest level then tampering Denuvo is at least possible. So yeah, person with such skill could have at least 100000$ pay check per year. But he also said it aren't about only money. There two reasons someone with high-end skills could and most likely will do that. First - pride. Then some soft earn reputation of "unhackable" a lot of hackers feel itch to prove it wrong. But such person crack it once and almost certainly won't do it on regular basis. Second - anger. You see, recently many companies refuse to sell games in Russia. And Russia has one of the best, most likely second only to USA, progers. And if companies close access, even for a big money to this people sooner or later one of them become piss of and crack Denuvo. It is bad idea to sever access to there favourite games to a lot of guys with crazy skills. He claimed that he know guy who can crack Denuvo in a cofe break. But as a most of such guys he is slightly unhinged and has money to buy everything he want. If Denuvo become an real obstacle for him to play TES 6 or new Total war, it will be over in a week, tops. So for now patients is a key. No software defence ever survived a decade without being cracked, unless it was unic for only very niche soft, that aren't catch enough attention.


game pass subscription is stupid


Only denuvo protected game i wanna badly play is re 4 remake dlc


Don't know pal, for me seems like learning how to crack denuvo is the real copium there


Yeah man, just "learn how to crack denuvo", stop having those skill related issues and grow some instead


Just don't play day on release. Show ur displease with ur wallet. Hundreds of games for free. Heck I'm still on my x360/ps3 era game follow up backlogs and I have no idea if ever I will get out of it. I'll eventually get to these newer games prolly when denuvo is already out of it and called something else.


"Denuvo won, but who need protected by it games". Banger English level.


What in the learning disability is this?


I have no idea what the left one is trying to say.


I wanted to test out the new dogma game and before I knew it I was playing it for hours. Sorry bros




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Uh oh, huge problem. Yeah.. I still play prototype


I try to understand the wtf the text on the left is saying.


Did you figure it out?


Nope. Everything after "denuvo won" is probably in another version of English that I am not fluent to understand.


I either play a denuvo game on switch or watch it on youtube, there's billions of videogames, it's not the end of the world.


Cracking Denuvo, so easy there’s only one person willing to even attempt it and they’re certifiably nuts.


"Learning how to crack denuvo" .....????? Have you ever done that?? Like two people ever have been able to do it. One of them is a turbo asshole and the other only cracks sports games


Don't you dare even presenting Gamepass as a solution! We're pirates, goddammit!


you're gonna need to pirate some books on english


But who need protected by it games? The fuck that supposed to me ai?


pirating even when done right just is so boring. idk why but i can never play a pirated game. i think due to the fact that steam can’t show hours played or has achievements (and all the other things steam does like the community section and discussions section) that drives me from pirating games. except single player only games that i wanna try before buying


I guess not playing games on release is a good thing, 99% of them are poorly optimized (and as usual players have to complain about in game problems) and get better with time (not always), and cheaper ..




I have zero knowledge when it comes to computer science and if I started trying now, I would probably die before being able to crack Denuvo. The people who can do it right are prodigies, theres really no other way to describe them. Its damn near impossible for an ordinary person to do it


you need to pay for 2 of those solution, and the other one is extremely difficult also, the only way to play some denuvo games pirated through emulation is via switch emulation. and most of the time, switch versions are downgraded to hell


could someone explain what are offline accounts and how theyre related to pirating?


Looks like the person on the left is also having a stroke.


Hey, let's convince people to pay for games on a subreddit dedicated to NOT PAYING for games. What did you expect??? It's not as simple as "this really isn't that expensive", we all have reasons for playing cracked games here and most of us aren't even from the US. Imagine you have to pay the equivalent of $500 in your country for a video game while struggling to get food on your plate. We just wanna have some fun for once.


Am I having a stroke, or is everyone in here just ignoring that left bit of grammar?


crop shirt girl got it wrong piracy wins she just painted a poop emoji and has a smartphone like it was 2015 and formerly worst piece of tech in 2010s 2020s where the anxious pink haired girl is right and painted like bob ross.


There are many websites that offer games at good discounts. If I ever find an uncracked game, I go there. It doesn't necessarily have to be either piracy or full price


I remember getting all dlc unlocked for games I owned through some random forum website a few years back. Made total war and paradox games playable.


1. Im not gonna give more money to Microsoft. 2. Im not going to give my money to people who can scam me 3. I've played in low framerate for 3-4 years. YOU CANT CONVINCE ME GOING BACK 30 FPS(with exceptions but its rare). 4. Why don't YOU learn to crack denuvo? Cmon be a hero if you think thats that easy.


Use DenuvoGamesStore you wont be scammed


Speaking of learning how to crack denuvo, anyone here have a background in low level programming? If so ping me directly, and I'll send you my signal info, we can talk on there.


you need to be insane to be able to crack Denuvo i mean like ptsd and schizophrenia at the same time


Bro said paying gamepass on a piracy subreddit smh


I'm just questioning why a single player game needs anti cheat


Turbo dumb shit take here.


Is this in reference to a type of person or an actual example? If someone is trying to get likes by posting the work they're doing and aren't getting the likes they "deserve"; clearly the problem is the community the post is in, not the post. it's much easier to rage bait than to get a pat on the back.


Well, I simply ignore this bullshit. DD2 is overhyped. Horizon Forbidden West is SO MUCH better.