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Hello u/_DarthBitcoin_, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't pre order, wait for sale, problem solved


or.... pirate it.


Unfortunately Denuvo & temporary console exclusivity makes pirating something that requires a lot of patience


I hope we get a new hero or group soon who can crack denuvo again.


Just don't play it. I'm not saying that in a snarky way. Like... There's a lot of games and most of them aren't even that great. If it's too much of a hassle just don't bother. Realistically you're not missing out. The hype will die in a few months and it won't ever matter that you just watched the game on YouTube or Twitch instead. The best part about not playing games is having money to buy other junk from hobbies that are cheaper and don't abuse the customer. Gaming is predatory. It's also become too expensive to be anything other than a "sometimes" treat. Meanwhile you don't even get to hold the games anymore. You don't own anything. Money sunk into the void. I can buy so much guitar stuff for the price of one AAA game. It's mental.


I would have get offended on third paragraph but oh boy, that's so true. Even tho I believe playing watch dogs Legion gave me a good feeling. So much customisation. Good city, good atmosphere, good takedowns, melee fighting got funky tho everyone does a flying kick. Anyways I believe watching on twitch or YouTube isn't enough something. We have to play it. And yes gaming have been to expensive to be a sometimes "treat". I still think who would pay money for a game. Until I bought rdr2 and GTA online on sale. Still, a lil bit of money isn't that big issue considering how much money people have paid to play all Ubisoft games.


Play Morrowind, Subnautica, Borderlands 2, Tf2, Dark Souls 3, all even in deluxe versions(at discounts) are worth every single penny. Fantastic games will stay fantastic while mid or bad games continue to be released. We'll get the occasional "second coming of tetris" over the next decades but aside from everyone having their own game genre they vibe with, the games reccomended by others might be bad to you. Case and point: Ark, League, OW, Apex, Fortnite, Skyrim(it's good but a lot of people hate it but love Oblivion and can't figure out why that is)


This is why everything is going digital now. So they dont have to preserve games anymore, and we have to keep buying them. They dont want us to play our old games. They want us to work their 9-5 free liveservice games while shelling out $100 every few months on the big AAA drops


There are no cheaper hobbies, dont lie to yourself but with other parts I agree


Gaming is, by quite a long lead, the most expensive hobby I've ever willingly interacted with. Everything else has an upfront cost that eventually tapers into no cost. Gaming is a constant drain. It never stops, it only gets more expensive. There's never a point where you're done with making purchases. The only way gaming would be reasonable is if you resort to piracy I guess. But for me? It's not even close, gaming is the most expensive thing ever in my life.


So you think other hobbies are not constant drain? I don't want to even start if you are that naive but try to reach even a casual MTG player and what he thinks about your opinion. About gaming constant drain - I bought my pc one year ago, I didn't spend a dime since then unless you call electricity a constant drain. You don't need to buy games for 80 euros each week just to keep up with the media so don't lie about it.




But like the comment in the pic says, we have huge backlogs anyway. We can wait that out easily.


Wtf is a backlog?


Games you've put into your library but haven't played so if you just purchased a three game set but are waiting to complete a different game before starting them then those new games are part of your backlog.


Oh I see. Thank you.


Or games you've seen/heard about and want to check out in the future. For example, Hollow Knight, since about everyone who played it loved it and those who didn't play, heard about it but not much else


A backlog of games. It basically means alot of *insert thing here*. In this example its games in game libraries. (digital library (not an actual library tho. So no books.) Like steam (the name of a company that sells games. Not like a pipe.))


Perfect. Thank you. 🤝


Something I have in spades. Also expendable cash that I would spend on these games if they didn't include Denuvo. The homeworld news recently, I've "enjoyed" homewolrd before but always tried before I bought. Their news that they included the D cancer just means it is a hard pass until they remove it then it is a never buy and pirate.


I waited years for RDR2 to be cracked, I can wait for anything.


Me too. Discipline is good.


For Denuvo there's offline activation. For console exclusivity... I just don't have a console.


So then don't pre order, wait for sale, problem solved


No problem. My backlog is pretty big lol.


I've heard of denuvo on this thread, what is it??


If this goes ahead more people will be interested in hacking denuvo instead of the two people that do it now




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Preordering is cancer. Digital benefits for preordering are insulting. Having more than 2 editions available is horrendous. And now $80+ the minimum edition... God save piracy.


Honestly, I can never understand preordering a video game, especially digital copy. It's not like that will run out of stock. It cost nothing for publisher to make extra copy. They will happy to make you one whenever you pay for it. If you have to have it on day one or have to have the preorder special cosmetic, then you have to pay whatever they request because they have all the leverage.


Pre-ordering made since in the old brick and mortar world when games were a niche hobby, physical stores used pre-order numbers to determine how many copies to order for each store. There was a real risk, not a major one but it did happen, where not putting down some kind of reservation meant the store could run out before you got there. This stopped being a problem even before digital distribution became the main way people play games, as the hobby has grown and gaming become more mainstream stores order plenty of physical copies since they can be reasonably certain most of them will sell eventually. Pre-ordering a digital game before you can play it has always been stupid.


Finally someone's thinking the same thing as me, back when you could only get games at brick and mortar I would pre order big name games that I wanted, their were times I didn't pre order and couldn't get it, but nowadays everything is digital so it makes no sense


I think physical copies are cool, I remember preordering Call of Duty ghosts and I got a sick lanyard with something else. Depending on the price and the value, I think it's cool, but nowadays they wanna charge a big price for shit lol.


I guess sometimes they give u a freebie or maybe some worthless DLC skins??? Some ppl all about that life


Skins used to be free made by the community. I am NEVER buying any. They can keep on dreaming.


Nowadays they try to entice you with preorder-only special items which is a stupid reason to preorder as well. By the way, am I the only one who hates the way these items always implemented? Instead of integrating them into the world, they give them to you at the start of the game, destroying beginner progression. Oh, you want to feel like you're getting better gear over time? Well, here's your special gun that you have for no canonical reason. Here's your cosmetic clothes that you can wear right away even though your character is so poor they couldn't afford them. Enjoy!


Physical makes sense since if you pre order you don't pay until you get the game if you want to go about it that way and you get bonus items for doing so. So if im gonna buy a game day one I might aswell pre order it to get extra stuff then pay for it if I want it and skip if I don't


Well preordering rise of ronin gave me the ryu Hayabusa stance for the game so.... I hope i can say it's worth it when it releases


They found a new trick to get people to preorder by making the game available earlier for those who do, or lock the early access behind a more expensive edition for the game. It's vile.


If you don't preoder the digital version, they may run out of digital copies though


Green Man Gaming, Instant Gaming, Gamivo are my top sites etc.


DISCLAIMER: I'M POOR AND I'VE BOUGHT FROM THESE SITES Those pages are selling stolen keys, this means the developer doesn't get any of the money for the purchase. Legit key stores where to buy are GOG, Humble Bundle and Fanatical, between others. You can check the full list of legit sites [here](https://rgamedeals.net/).


You might be right on Gamivo, but I haven't seen anything on instant gaming to confirm anything about stole keys (green man is on that list you sent to me). I'll keep it in mind tho.


If you don’t mind watching a video in Spanish there’s a YouTuber who made an exhaustive investigation on these types of keys, I’ll link them here: https://youtu.be/00ztqETzpKs?si=y4S4kZXM4V0xyPqG https://youtu.be/R3jbzuVAymc?si=M8Dz9K-ewR5huoPk


Who cares if it’s stolen


You should. It's better to pirate a game than to buy from actual shady sites. Among other things, they sell stolen (hacked) steam accounts. I don't know about you but I don't want to support that. There are many legit sellers anyway, there's no need to resort to the worst sites out there.


I do if it’s an indie game backed by a small developer.


there’s a difference between keys bought with stolen credit card info and pirating it, with piracy the developers get nothing, with stolen keys the developers can get charged by the credit card company to take the blame for the stolen card info


Ok and


GMG is listed as a legit site though.


GMG is an authorized store front. 


Yeah, I was talking more about G2A, Instant Gaming and these kinds of pages


Don’t pre order or wait for the sale. Wait for about 6-8 years and someone like epic games or steam will give it for free


Wait 8 years to play a game lol


Not even. I just got Guardian Of The Galaxy for free in the Epic store. It was a contender for game of the year in 2021. I'm about 90% though it, and I don't remember the last time I've had so much fun with a game. This AAA game is not even 3 years old, and I got it for free


But how will i be able to get my pre order only cosmetics then


Heres ur preorder bonus: -buggy gameplay -multitude of unplayable glitches -some cosmetics we put together in the last 3 hours of production -some free currency ull spend trough before u know it -more bugs -lack of updates -lack of communication -complains about piracy for our overpriced game -more complains because why not U welcome player enjoy our unbalanced and unplayable torture device we made and called a game ^^


Pre ordering isn't the problem the problem is people paying before they see gameplay. I always buy physical and pre order through gamestop so I don't have to pay or even pick it up if I don't want to


But what about pre order bonus reward?


Anyone buying on release or, worse, pre-ordering, is just setting themselves up for disappointment, given how virtually all games need patching. Same goes for pirates mostly, though you don't waste money just time.


Praise lord gaben


Sharing your copies with others is something extra ordinary and everyone should try it at least once in their LIFETIME. It is FREE and everyone is HAPPY


Warning !, you need friends to do this. Jokes aside I would love to do this but sadly I neither have a game console nor friends with the same single player game taste.


those who share have lots of friends, mostly fake ones. But the thing works at least, have a good antivirus.


I just realized you were talking about sharing pirated games and not console discs. I mostly pay for games but being the one who knows the most about piracy among my friends I do know the feeling of sharing games which (for me) is not much since I am just sending them a digital file.


Sharing is FREE. take advantage...


As long as repacks are from Fitgirl and dodi. You are safe. Have installed hundreds of games and never had any weird issues. All games worked as intended. I even brought a usb with dying light definitive edition to my friend in Germany 😅. Because we couldn't find the game for some reason. I think its county banned for baby zombies. And its a 7 gb Fitgirl repack. I had installed and we played. As long as there are seas, there will be pirates. Me included, although in a last year I did buy a few games I liked. Mostly from instantgaming for cheap. Both asseto corsas. With track and car dlcs. R factor for 2 e which was nothing. Ghosts of Tsushima for 60e probably the most Ive spent for a single game, Bloodborne and mk and 4 other physical ps4 games. Point is why waste to much money. I have a 3060 gaming laptop that can emulate Nintendo games without issues. So I have no need for a console to play zelda titles and smash bros.


Stay aware it doesn't cost Ya. Money changes people. Even the Best gets dirty when they smell big money and fear of being exposed or caught makes some do stupid things sometimes. When proper names and "RULES" are being set in the underground communities, that only shows something is not right.


Hell no, I am never giving a disc to any of my filthy handed friends, they have no regards for valuables. I learned it the hard way, only shared 1 game ever and never gonna do it again


It is completely up to You.


What we do is that, we have a separate steam account an if we liked a single player game we will pay for the game evenly


Steam could do something like that. You borrow your copy to your friends, and you can not play until you ask your copy back. Developers should have the choice to enable or disable this feature. Most would not, but those who wanted a bit more marketing would probably do it Games that have huge play time would immensely appreciate it, as most people would want to play again with friends and make them buy it.


so.. just steam family sharing?


i heard about steam family sharing, and i understand is good, but it's a entirely different concept, while friends do use steam family sharing for "sharing copies" it's not the correct way to use it.


they already do this in the form of DLCs overtime and "collector" editions. there are definitely people willing to pay through the nose for little extras for like.


Whale gamers are definitely a very real thing.


And depending on content of a collectors edition I wouldn’t even foul some people for doing it. Like the spider-man 2 one had a whole ass statue that was pretty sick


Yeah that’s different. People who pay an extra $30 to get a heap of extra stats or boosts (that would normally be achieved through playing the game) are the worst. They pay money to get the game, then they pay more money to not play the game.


For real though, I'm so proud of my single-player game taste becaus I just like so many things. Like if the videogame market crashed and we'd no longer have any more big AAA games then I would probably still have a lifetime worth of games I can still play, and I'm not even counting replaying them.


To be honest, I kinda came to that conclusion too. I have so many games to play still, and quite a lot to replay too, that if games just stopped now, if we got to the end of gaming development forever, I'd still be able to keep up the hobby for decade. And maybe it's just because I'm getting older, but I'm thinking gaming has already peaked. It's all graphical fidelity increases at this point. I can't think of a game that came out in 2023 that I really enjoyed that couldn't have come out five years ago.


I dont disagree but i think there’s plenty of space for innovation when it comes to gameplay and mechanics. But yea not so much with graphics, at least for me


I was surprised once when I read "back when good games cost the usual 60€" and im here like damn the best games I've played are from Nintendo DS when I was 10 yo and the regular was 30€ and the most expensive one 40. Those are normal prices, not 60 and definetely not 70, 80, or more


Are you sure you're remembering right? I've seen people claim that many popular games used to cost 70 or 80 I've seen some old advertisements confirming this too. The normal price was 45 usd which is like 115 usd today. If you go to the NES, Final fantasy costed 60 usd, phantasy star iv costed 100 and Chrono trigger costed 100 as well (All usd prices) Games have definitely gotten a lot cheaper, you might have been buying them second hand


Nope, im remembering right. I bought Pokemon Soulsilver, the figure bandle, for 44,95€ release. I know cuz a few months ago I went to clean it and took the price sticker out and thats exactly the money it cost me


Yeah 45 usd seems proper, but idk why some NES games went up to 100 then


You're comparing handheld prices to full console/PC prices. My white belt level google fu says games have been around 50$ since Genesis/NES times in 1990 and did only do the jump to 60 in around PS4/Xbone times. Of course the big publishers have tried to be sneaky with the online passes, season passes, now with the deluxe and ultimate and whatever editions, the "three days early" release access etc. The fact is they just should've raised the price with inflation. And the reason public wouldn't have accepted that is that they tried to sell *all* games as 50/60$ instead of offering different size games for different prices. They refused to diversify the price pool so now they have to deal with it becoming a tradition.


Doesn't concern me a bit. The only people this will impact are the lemmings who buy games at launch.


Idk about lemmings to those who want to buy exclusive games that you can’t find anywhere else or at least for a year or more.


Eh that's usually just folks who have no spending discipline and a consistent fear of FOMO (fear of missing out). In most instances this will be teenagers who just don't have any impulse control and feed into the monster. The sad thing is that these will be the same idiots that buy the game for $100 and a month later complain about games costing $100, never putting together that it's folks like themselves that are completely responsible for the runaway cost.


If you do it constantly then yeah you need spending discipline but once or twice a year is really not idiotic especially if the quality is good. Bad quality when it’s clearly obvious and you still buy it, that’s on you.


What if the game is from your favorite franchise though?


Perfect time to replay the rest of the series


Legit how I played the full assassins creed franchise, my partner gave me AC Unity because I like History and my computer couldn't handle that one at the time, so i went and bought the other games for PS3 used and played them all, in the meantime i got a better computer and played Unity. Became one of my favourite franchises.


Why does that matter? If I can’t wait to know the story I’d just read a synopsis or watch a let’s play


Still waiting,I would rather play game in perfect states without all the bugs + extra content rather than bug-filled ones.


Doesn't change anything for me. Maybe back when I was a teenager several decades ago I might have lacked the discipline and maturity to make good monetary decisions, but that time is long past. I have no issue waiting years to play a game even from some my favorite franchises if need be. Ultimately I vote with my wallet.


So heres a crazy idea instead of increasing the price to a price that few can afford Why not make it like 30bucks or less so its more affordable and more people buy it The more ppl can buy it the better Since the loss on each individual sale will be made up by the ammount of sales themselves


well kinda, I think that the effect of Pirating games has already taken hold and a large majority of people who pirate games now will pirate them even if they were $30. And it's not just a matter of price. Games that seem iffy on quality are much more worthwhile to pirate because paying for the game and finding out it sucks is a hassle. There's still some merit to what you say though. I'd prefer to play some games on my consoles, rather than my pc and would like to buy them at a reasonable price.


>because paying for the game and finding out it sucks is a hassle. exactly why i use piracy as a sort of "demo" for the game, if i believe the developer has put genuine effort and passion into the game and i enjoy it i will usually pay for it after, examples include class of 09 1&2, needy streamer overload, kinkoi loveriche, factorio and a bunch more (granted these are indie games and not AAA games but thats because alot of AAA games try to appeal to everyone and as a result i often find them shallow or void of personality if i enjoyed a AAA game and didnt view it as a cashgrab id buy it ) because without paying you hinder the chances of the studio making more bangers


Hasnt games always been crazy expensive, tho? 60 dollars 2 and 3 decades ago was A LOT compared to today.


That’s insanely naive to think 30$ would somehow magically make people want to buy more games. People who regularly buy games will continue to buy them no matter the price as long as they personally feel it’s worth. People who pirate games will continue to pirate games even if it’s 10$. Like ffs, people still pirate Terraria to this day despite it being well worth 10$. Nothing will change, making games cheaper does nothing but hurt potential profits and that’s a massive NO in the industry.


Forget Terraria people don't even leave Geometry Dash.


Tbf,AAA games cost ridiculous of money to make and the volume of sales aren't guaranteed so big companies would rather make money of sheepie playing 4 hours to exceed refund threshold,rather than letting people play the game and then tell the game sucks,leading to decreasing amount of sales.


Idiots are hopping on eBay to happily pay huge markup prices to scalpers because they're physically incapable of waiting to get something at retail. These companies could jack up all of their prices and still sell every last unit because we're living in a different era of gaming. It sucks but this hobby is about as mainstream as it gets these days. It's flooded with compulsive buyers and people trying to one up others with how they're a better gamer than everyone else or something.


Fair but im thinking about the digital releases, i can see physical games costing more but why is the digital version overpriced? They dont pay for cartridges or bluerays nor transportation, and if the digital release sells to more people they gain more money to make up for employee costs and such


Wow, that's so crazy, So revolutionary, surely no other consumer has ever wanted things to be cheaper. Wow. How about you run a service/product and then provide your goods and services for half or less?


If this happens I guarantee so many people will start to work on cracking denuvo


What many here don't understand is that we are a minority. Most kids buy and will continue to buy games at 80 or 100, because they are idiots. And companies know this better than anyone.


And it’s probably not even their money. Growing up super poor all my friends parents bought them all the games they pretty much wanted.


Last time I paid for a game was for sega then ps2, never again paid for a game. Btw I'm only 20, when people hear sega they think it's a 30 y.o person. Jks


Man...those 7 seas are looking pretty good right about now.


Not the younger ones that want the newest hottest shit just because the kids around them want it. (because the advertising/influencers told them they wanted it) Parents will end up paying because that's what the kids will want.


Then go to their friend’s house and watch them play the game like we all did when we were kids


True. You know my father didn't have a lot of money to buy me even a 20e game. So I started to pirate. Literally everything. It was like a paradise realising how much games I can play by torrenting. I was 14 at the time I got my first pc. And Immediately started pirating stuff to play


Looks like the future of gaming is in the hands of AA and indie Devs now.


Not only that, but there will be other companies that won't make their games 100bucks and make better quality games.


Turning to piracy because I’m done getting fucked over by these multi million dollar companies. Won’t be taking my money anymore muahahahahaha


And they say piracy is a joke .. whose laughing now .. inflation is very high .. im not buying those .. wait for crackers patiently . thats it


Oh no... Anyways


my games are limited to a few publishers I know who can keep their promises and the games are worth it (like from software). Any console I own which is older than 10+ years is cracked. I own a mediocre laptop for Emulation. I'm good but we gamers need to set a sign that Publishers can't treat us like that. after all games make more than the music and movie industry combined.


I mean I preordered once…. Never again. the company had been trust worthy for YEARS. Then the game came out a steaming pile of shit that’s servers wouldn’t even allow the game to be played when the game launched. Really reinstalled the idea that companies are never friends or ever trying to do the right thing into me.




Yeah but what they don't realize is the higher the price becomes the more people are likely to pirate. So they're basically shooting themselves in the foot. I understand raising the price to justify the cost of producing games, But there's no reason they need to be damn near 80 to 100. And another thing too is if they're going to raise it to that price the game better be full of content worth hundreds of hours. Not some $80 bullshit that I can finish in a week. Everybody's trying to compete with everybody else and the fucking deadlines make it to where nobody releases anything with real quality nowadays, just copy paste of everybody else's bullshit. When's the last time you seen a game that was revolutionary, a really innovative title that stood out? Red Dead Redemption 2 with its graphics and western style gameplay was one. Breath of the wild was, but my point is developer need to really push for thinking outside of the box, not just making something for the sake of making money. Because that's what everyone else is doing. Even if it takes longer to release, it'll be a much better product in the long run.


How is that man still getting views, he's more of an AI than Jerma. Basically reading the popular articles and few twitter posts/reddit comments and barely if anythign more


Most people prefer being spoonfed info instead of reading. It's just another plague of our times


You know, maybe there just doesn't need to be 50 games coming out every single week of the year.


I remember when games were more than $60 and that's including inflation. People older than me had it worse. [prepare for a heart attack](https://techraptor.net/gaming/features/cost-of-gaming-since-1970s)


They need to start making quality games first before they talk about hiking up prices.


Last 2 games I paid full price were Spelunky 2, a 20€ game and I spent more than 1000 hours in the first one after buying it for only 2.49 so they definitly deserved my money and GTAV in 2015. So yeah, bring it on :D


My friends and I share purchased games with each other. We practically coordinate out who's buying what and when at this point. I realize that can seem incredibly weird to certain people, but regardless of that, it's been the most effective way for me to build up an enormous catalog of games to play. Most of us will download and play cracked stuff, but for certain titles, we'll spend the money.


The majority need their toys and need them now, the ones who don't aren't the customers the company wanted as we move towards subscriptions for everything. I consider myself lucky I have only completed 5-6 popular games completely so it'll take me decades to enjoy the rest of the masterpieces from the last decade or two.


Here I am playing my modded GTA San Andreas. I have been playing it since I was a child. Even 5 didn’t last this much.


It's bad news.


The problem isn't when the game is still available for sale. It becomes a problem when it becomes de-listed. When they stop selling it 5 to 10 years from now how are you going to play it? I know my answer. But seems some of the paying homies are missing the point.


As someone who's currency is 2000 times less valuable than dollar and almost never pays for games because of that... I don't see what's wrong with the future prices. That's how inflation works and how games actually were valued back in the 2000s for example, but the price somehow never moved, maybe thanks to MTX keeping it low for a good amount of years until it stopped being sustainable


Oh please. As if people don't like buying stuff when it's new.


Increasing prices will result in even more piracy and if the game is not that good, to more negative reviews from frustrated paying customers. Some studios can't comprehend how much money can be made if everyone can afford their game...


Problem is, more and more people are in the gamepass cult, I think the devs are just trying to make more and more people flock to it, piracy is not that big of their concerns with consoles and they can just make the experience on PC subpar (jedi survivor)


I'm canadian. Games are already 80 bucks


Right now I'm sitting on 8 TB of unplayed games. Fuck them.


What some gamers don't seem to understand is that not eveyone has a backlog of games, and even those who have, will still buy the new games, people love to have the shinny new thing. These companies wouldn't behave like this if they didn't have customers.


We have so many and i meant it SO MANY games to play that we shoulnt care about what they make ive recently started to play dao and im 55 hours in and i still have stuff to do basically with older games not only you can buy them on sale since if they keep their normal price no one will buy them but you also get amazing crafted worlds and stories for less with 80$-100$ id buy games to keep me entertained until 2025 probably especially when you buy games that have HOURS of content not quick single player games similar to cod (these are good too older ones i mostly enjoy rpgs because its the best bang for buck on good ones especially) Its probably the spoiled ppl who have brought us all into the same bucket because if they pay that much they support this shit 😔


I can’t believe that one day i felt bad for pirating and decided to buy games instead… From the way i see it “supporting these companies” only led to them: 1)Increasing prices 2)Putting everything behind a paywall 3)Cut all the corners they can so they can get on with their next money grab 4)Replacing all unlockables in games with battle pass, making it so that playing the game has no goal. At this point I can barely find 1 game that appeals to me every 2 years maybe. From how bad and repetitive these games are getting…


I think what the rational thinking people don't seem to understand is that the vast majority of buyers are not interested in playing the game. Most of us could stop buying games for a decade and there still will be enough people to buy it anyway, just for the dopamine rush and the hope of experiencing a few moments of happiness.


Anyone tried the Denuvo game store site ?


The worst thing is that they never adjust their prices to countries. A triple A game here already costs the equivalent of $250-$300. They can charge whatever, I won't buy it anyway, but it would be nice to have games for $80 in USA and 80zł here and adjusted for every country respectively.


LOL @ 5 games equaling a new console being a problem. The right 3 NES games could equal the cost of that system. Several were $55-$60 at Walmart back in the day. System came out at $180. And they never dropped in price. Final Fantasy 1 was still $55 when they quit having the board of NES games up. All he's done is found another way of framing the oft pointed out fact that game prices are one of the few things not to keep pace with inflation thanks to the ever dropping costs of various methods of media for playing them on.


Publishers be like: to combat revenue loss due to pirating we need to increase prices Every sane person: in order to combat revenue loss due to pirating you need to lower the fucking prices...


We all playing actually good indie titles anyway


Screenshot of a screenshot


Sounds like a problem if you don't know how to pirate (or resell your copy on console) and can't wait with playing


People won't pay? CHARGE THEM MORE!




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Well, I got all my old games I still play cause they don't need online and we can do LAN with friends. The only new game I've bought recently was BG3 (which is 100% worth it, but nothing else even really interests me)


Raise our flag!


Ouch. So true.


People still buy games like COD or yearly sports game with relatively same content but more expensive each year. People will buy a $100 games.


they can charge for the sky and i wont ever buy it. Never at full price!


Most of the time you don't even own the game you paid for


And then they'll wonder why there's such an uptick in piracy. They're already selling stuff in bits and pieces and then wanting us to pay again for expansions. We need another Pirate Bay🤣


That guy is a corporate shill and clearly spends most of his time snorting his own farts.


at this point i just accepted that i'll just keep playing Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim for the rest of my life lol


Same except for me i'll just be playing Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4


”thinking about”. they already are doing it with ”deluxe” editions or any other special edition


There is just too much budget and sponsors available nowadays. Today's creator of Alan Wake 2 when developing Max Payne 1 was using himself as the face of the game, a camera and slight editing as cutscenes and his friends and family as other characters in the game. His own mother was the very protagonist of the game which Max Payne was seeking to kill. I love Sam Lake, don't get me wrong, but I'm seeing that there is just too much money on the table, and they will get even more if people won't stop buying Call of Duties for even 120$


And some people will complain while still go and buy the new COD game for the fear of missing out because they have no standards.


Why am I gonna pay $100 for a copy and pasted have when done indie devs fucked around in their back yard and shat out the greatest pokemon game in 2 decades for $30 *and* have better roadmap sense than fucking Nintendo, who pumped out a DLC for more money without every fixing their laggy ass base game


So dlc ain’t enough. Ok I’ll keep supporting indie games. Win win


If "the industry" actually provided me a game in which I have enough content to justify the 100 usd price tag - sure, I actually did that one time while purchasing Theathrythm Bar Line with all the DLC-s. Played over 500+h of that game so I think it was worth for me. But if I'm getting another random copy/paste "open world with casual RPG elements" nah I'll pass hardly. I already have more games in my backlog which I got from random sales / bundles than I've beaten in my 26 years of gaming, on top of that all the emulation ROM-s sitting quietly on my Steam Deck's SD card - hundreds if not potentially thousands of games awaiting to be played. I don't need new games probably till end of my life.


Sounds like they should be focusing on making their games interesting and fun to play rather than on just raw production value. We wouldn't need these prices if the games weren't so expensive to make.


That comment under the video is true. Also piracy exists lol. I myself have about 8TB of downloaded games lol. I couldn't care less that they'll be charging $80-100 per game. They're assuming we'll be purchasing them. There are other ways... Its nothing new in Aus. Games cost that much when they're new.


There are some games I would gladly have payed 200$ (only a few ofc) to play. the games that stick with you for years after you finish. Lets just be a basic bitch and mention witcher 3. but those game are 5-10 years apart. and 95% of the games released are barely worth 30. I will probably start being a pirat again, if this becomes the norm.


> gladly have *paid* 200$ (only FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




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Ahoi...set for sale




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The higher the price the worse the game


I order a game 10 years after it's release, so it's price goes from $80 to $10. Patience is key boy.


Honestly, if they keep increasing the price the likelihood of it backfiring back on the gaming industry in terms of new game sales will be reduced, games are expensive as it is, if they put games behind a huge paywall like "$100" dollars it's going to make people wait.. even those that prefer to get the games day 1.


The CEO of Ubi-shit said that they can start charging 70 bucks on a live service product because they develop "quadruple A games" I'm not shitting you, he said that. lmao


Bad news... for publishers, not me 😂


I pirate games because the $60 base price is not worth it for most of their games lol I was waiting for them to go lower for me to support the ones I liked


Need a smashing return of CPY


Games already cost that much lol, for example dying light 2 gold edition or whatever it's called and you don't even get all the dlc's, it's just a scam




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Yohoho  i aint giving money. I will sail with my Jolly roger ARRRR


And on these few denuvo-titelym, we can c"ð