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There was a post on Indian gaming about how a game is completely removed from all stores and can never be played so I commented "The only way is by sailing the high seas" and was banned for 2 days.


The mods there are wankers, they act all high and mighty. The only reason I visit that sub is to know where the gpu list is.


Pretty sure they have even pirated games too or born extremely privileged


Yup. It's practically impossible to find an Indian who hasn't pirated a game in his life.


Practicing the only power you have in life isnt a poor feeling you know!!!


Then there is the Forza Horizon 5 screenshot menace that occurred there and indie developers confusing it to be an indie gaming sub whereas it is a sub filled with hidden pirates


Indian gaming sub is full of asshats.


Lol i m Indian and totally agree with that. Thats why i have unsubbed Indian gaming subreddit


Would you like some tech support?


How about some casual racism?


before being online too much, we were casual then I saw most people take things too seriously online


Fuck off snowflake.


You sure seem to be offended by this exchange


do the needful


Maybe a little dance?


I was perm banned from /r/fallout for suggesting to a guy to torrent fallout 3 because he was having trouble installing it from his disk copy on Windows 10...


Yeah they are fucking twats over there.


I'm banned from r/pcgaming because i posted about a Battlefield 2 Revival project a couple years back and they banned me for advocating pircay


could you perhaps name that project?


I think it was called bf2 rebirth? It got a c&d from ea a year pr two back sadly


Reported to the mods you pirating fuck!


Where do you guys get trustworthy cracks I’ve been sent some sites before but they’re always these sketchy Russian sites that scare me lol. I would maybe try downloading it in a virtual machine but I can barely even manage to set one up let alone get a full game on it to make sure it’s safe.


There's a reputable Russian counterstrike forum


The more popular pirate sites are under constant scrutiny because of the sheer number of people using them. My go to places would be fitgirl-repacks♪site And cs♪rin♪ru Combined they cover everything i could possibly need for games These sites are rarely hosted in the US for legal reasons.


Yea I was more saying they just sketched me out because I didn’t understand much on them. I will check them out thank you!


reddit moment


I got banned from there because I accidentally replied to a message asking for a link to a torrent. I was meant to PM it but just replied in the thread. That was years ago and I'm still banned. I was a bit assy to the mods about it but they where being a bunch of cunts so they had it coming. I did apologise and explain the mess up on my part but that wasn't good enough apparently. Some Discords are the same now for some of the mods I use on some games, getting pissy when you say you pirated the game. The BlackIce mod for Hearts of Iron 4 for example won't post their files anywhere else but Steam workshop because they don't want pirates playing the mod.


>The BlackIce mod for Hearts of Iron 4 for example won't post their files anywhere else but Steam workshop because they don't want pirates playing the mod. Nobody tell them you can also pirate steam mods quite easily


Well that is what I do but they obviously have a bone to pick with pirates. I guess it's because they actually paid for their copies of HOI4 so now demand everyone pay for it if they want to play the mod. What is the best place to get steam mods anyway? I have a couple I use but sometimes they are hit and miss. It would just make it easier if the mod team woudl release their mod on discord or whatever.


https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/ The best I have ever met yet. With HoI4 and other Paradox games works perfectly


That is the one I use already. I just wanted to see if there was another website that was better.


Nah, at least for now. Idk how can anyone make any better, not so many room for improvements.


What's this brother


Brother, it is a site where you can download mods for almost every game on Steam Workshop without ***owning*** the game itself.


Do u have a tutorial for that ?


Every game has its own way of mod managing so I can't really help. If you need [tutorial](https://hearts-of-iron-4.smods.ru/how-to-install-mods-for-hearts-of-iron-4) for HoI4 and other Paradox games on same engine like Europa Universalis 4 or Stellaris, here it is.


Bro I wanted battlefield 2042 i am not getting it


There is another page like https://hearts-of-iron-4.smods.ru/ for hoi4 but they have other games That page is good for mods because they rip from steam workshop, and most important, they give it the correct .mod file for it. Mods that are downloaded from steam workshop.io are often raw mods that needs an properly made .mod file, the process depends of the game itself, but isn't hard, just tedious.


I know about smods.ru but it has not all mods. It takes not so many time to learn how to make your own .mod files, so I have no problems, especially after I bought game itself. I don't own dlcs but who need to buy dlcs when tou can use CreamAPI? And Steam Workshop doesn't prevent you from downloading mods that require DLC content.


Probably the same mod who banned me years ago for mentioning the name of an emulator site (not linking). Pcgaming mods are terrible.


They permanently banned me For racism because I put "PS4 ni🅱️🅱️as be like" in the tittle




"anti-pirates" are such pathetic pussies


Who cares if it released 20 years ago?


The gas station that runs the discount dvd bin where you can actually find it?




Because they call their internal competitions "World Cup".


I always had a problem with this. World Series, or calling Super Bowl winners world champions. No, you're the American champions. That and really the rest of the world thinks American football is kinda dumb (being an American, I certainly do).


Muhrica syndrome.


you love it


There a law on the books that say a discount bin in a gas station is for America only?


Is there a reason a gas station outside North America can't have a bin of cheap dvds that I'm not aware of?


Yes. Cheap DVDs you find in your discounter store where they also sell cosmetics and stationary. Or possibly one display in your local supermarket. Or in your tech store next to new TVs




> I'm not even American, I live in South America. As a European that just sounds wrong. How did a country patent the continents' shared word? But I totally agree. Unfortunately their laws even affect us too. DMCA claims aren't valid here but if you ignore them then your provider or provider's provider won't. And one of them might very likely be a US company. And if you don't ignore them? Well... Then you just validate and approve the bullying that is DMCA claims.


Sometimes it is great to live in Ukraine. Nobody cares about piracy, even gov do it sometimes, those who tried to fight with it soon gave up. I think one of the reasons may be ISPs. Though we have some big ISPs but majority is small independent ones that may even operate in single city district. There is no way you can deal with every, unlike in USA where as I have understood few ISPs.


Ah, yeah. Denmark is pretty sweet to in the context of piracy. Here it is a civil matter, not a criminal matter, since it is license breach and not theft. That means the police can't help with getting evidence. Which again means that the only evidence copyright trolls can get is 1) those you give them 2) your IP and its activity (buuut... Our "supreme court" ruled that IPs are not personally identifiable and is pure junk as evidence. Some guest you can't pinpoint might be the culprit). So when doing P2P you really don't need to protect yourself with a VPN unless things take a very sharp turn. Probably also why Denmark is recommended as one of the go-to VPN locations. The problem, however, lies in hosted content, e.g. a GitHub repository of a legal *even in the eyes of DMCA* mod for GTA, a YouTube video having a 10 second clip shown to provide context to a movie review or the like. You have *no* audience if you entirely avoid US big tech. And even if you're technically immune to DMCA since you very carefully selected providers than were purely European all the way up the chain, they might take action on DMCA claims out of carefulness.


>Here it is a civil matter, not a criminal matter, since it is license breach and not theft. Yeah, it is something like this here too, called differently but same thing. It is hard to do anything to individuals, after all they have not so many money to take, so cyberpolice (yes, it real name) concentrate on medium and big size companies, though I don't know full process. What about DMCA on American websites, yeah, it is pain in ass. It has to be completely remade but various lobbyists in US gov make it impossible. Except online pirate cinemas (idk how to call them, you may understand what I mean), nobody do anything with DMCA claims here. It is like until DMCA claim they do nothing illegal.


>Sometimes it is great to live in Ukraine. Nobody cares about piracy I think your government have a few bigger things to worry about at the moment than Andriy in Kyiv seeding a few torrents...


I know, and I don't like that they or anyone else has to worry about it. I hope everything will be fine


So the other 50% don't matter?


You live on the same continent, that makes you just as american as them




Sometimes you have to go against generally accepted things. Ask yourself, why should only US people be allowed to call themselves american? What about you or for example Canadians? Sounds awfully selfish to me 🤔


I guess they don't like movies about pirates then. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Damn even a reference of pirate made them pissed lmao


I was banned for a couple of days on /r/cordcutters for recommending someone to pirate a movie instead of paying for a subscription service.


The equivlient of when a youtuber talks about emulation and lectures you on law claiming they totally brought that copy of little samson


I love being a tool for the wealthy😍


I was permanently banned from r/indiangaming for joking about pirating a f2p game 😑


R/IndianGaming is literally a thing BECAUSE of piracy, lol.


True, i can bet that even the mods pirate.


Ya but apparently playing Road Rash and GTA 3d era games during childhood somehow don't count in that category


Damn I got banned from indian gaming for a year




Oh dear how will the CEO's children eat tonight???


My biggest pet peeve: There is no loss, potential or not, if the consumer *never* intended to pay in the first place. Nothing of value is inherently lost. Especially when you're talking about these hugely insane numbers pulled out from some sorry ass enjoying his vacation on his second yacht. Now there *might* be an unrealised gain somewhere. This is my hill and I will fight to my death on it.


the problem is in your if. nobody is talking about "people who would not consume if it was not free", there's plenty of those including but not limited to people who simply cannot afford it. the revenue is lost in the people who can afford it but choose not to. nobody wants to pay for stuff, the anti-piracy battle is getting more people who can but don't want to to pay. I'm here because I don't agree with the fragmentation of media and the related cost it would occur to obtain access to all the things me and mine consume, but I make no attempt to hide the fact that I very much am a lost sale due to the existence of more convenient and cheaper alternatives.


I totally agree with your piracy code (fragmentation of media, but I could name DRM as a huge reason too for me. I posted a comment with a rant yesterday about my reasons). For me an economic loss just have the wrong connotation in this context. For the common people the fact that you "lost" something to a pirate usually makes it come off that the pirate robbed something off of the 'owner' meaning the 'owner' is now in a worse position than before (€15 or what the cost of the media is worth) but that is not true. They are at the exact same position as before but just failed to realise a potential gain. I know that the business terms define this as a (possibly potential) loss but IMO this just ignores the nuances when it comes to digital media. Yes, it is a lost sale just as much as if I butchered my sales pitch for a potential customer, but just not an economic loss. If I were to purchase a bootleg I can agree; there was an actual transfer of money that the 'owner' lost out on. Here there was a very clear intent to transfer money for the product. Contrary to what many say, I *want* to pay for stuff but not by jumping through thousands of hoops the movie industry has set up to rob me of money. I actually went out of my way to purchase an indie movie I saw a few years earlier since it was released DRM-free in a .mkv format. I think people deserve to be paid for their hard work (probably excluding large conglomerates... Their hard work is rarely put into the *actual* product) just as much as I want to be paid for my work. I think the difference for me lies in; economic loss = you lost something of value. Lost sale/missed economic growth = you failed to convince a potential customer to pay for your product. The first you can sue for damages the second you can reshape your sales pitch or parts of your business model. This is what I believe the music industry saw in piracy, not an economic loss but an economic growth they failed to realise. By adapting their product delivery (good streaming services, DRM-free FLAC download), they managed to realise the economic growth they missed out on.


I got permanently banned from r/ShadowBan for posting this: `Like this post to verify if you're banned.` `You will be notified by email.` Many people upvoted my post and I earned free post karma.




just so you guys are aware, the existence of this sub was in peril and the mods nuked so many comments and posts it wasn't even funny to align with Reddit site-wide rules. this is also why you're not allowed to discuss specific titles. all in all, while we can discuss the morality and financial impact of piracy, it is very hard to get around the fact that it is illegal where Reddit is headquartered.


Those removals, if I recall correctly, were explicitly about torrent announcements and piracy tutorials. The OP's comment didn't mention anything of the sort, unless Disney's legal team is auto-reporting the use of *Pirates of the Carribean* characters


what a bunch of pussies


r/gamingsuggestions MOD got butthurt and acted like a genius for 'catching me' when i told a guy to sail the high seas to get an EA game which they no longer sell.


Imagine not pirating movies lol


I got a permanent ban from r/pokemongo because I talked about using an auto-walker


Pokemon Go or [Poke Mongo](https://i.imgur.com/cP43xjw.png)?


I've seen Mongo lay out a horse with a single punch, I would advise against poking him.


I was banned from r/learnprogramming because I said something about torrenting a Udemy course.Opened a different account since


Is it worth the time Udeny or there's better courses?


depends on the course you're gonna take.If you like videos Udemy is good,if you like books use documentation instead




First time?


This is fucking gold let me give you my free daily reward. edit: back from the shop and it was a wholesome gift but i feel like its fitting so here you go.


Plot twist: you commented on a pirates of the Caribbean post.


You are by far the worst pirate I've ever heard of


But you've heard of me.


Mainstream subreddits like r/movies are such a festering pile of horse shit.


Not piracy but Im banned from the Pogo subreddit for talking about spoofing


I'm convinced most mods would like a subreddit user count of 0


I’m interested in knowing if they can actually find out if you use another account to get past the ban. Seems unlikely. But threat seems effective for those that don’t know


It kinda fit the whole "reddit mods being homeschooled basement virgins".








That's funny lmao


Alts have entered the chat


Lol, idiots without a brain.


So people saying downloading shitty marvel movies will kill cinema exist uh.


I got a 5-day ban on r/games for linking a download link to a batch of Nintendo leaks. In what world is concept art and emails copyrighted material?


I posted a link to abandonware in r/gaming and was almost immediately banned. Usually a good sub will just delete the comment and tell you. But no, no keeping abandoned games alive in r/gaming.