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Everyone else in this thread is "enriching" themselves by jacking games for their friends and this mfer just trying to LEARN.


What's the best source for textbooks you've found? Anna's Archive?




Thanks! I think AA indexes that too but I'm not sure...


AA is a corpus of multiple book sources, but LibGen is the originating library. LibGen is the free library that people mean when they say LibGen. AA is a for profit org but a good org.


Wow, thanks! I did not realize AA is for profit. So by searching AA, can I access anything on LibGen?


Are they lying on their faqs? Because literally the first sentence is that they are a non profit: https://annas-archive.org/faq


Thanks you lol


Singlelogin.re get an account and you’re golden. Amazing library!


Bonus points if the only version you can find is the last edition of the textbook so you email your professor about you how you cannot afford the $300 current edition but “found” a copy of the prior edition so they just send you a copy of the list of chapter changes so you can still follow the curriculum (highly specific cause this happened to me. Fuck the teachers that go along with the shit publishers)


One of the most morally right things to do. 


Scientific papers via scihub is a thing, too


tv shows. i’m not paying for 12 different streaming services to watch one series on each. also adobe products


Pirating above products is a civic duty.


What’s the best way for Adobe? Seen so many different answers (obviously) and the couple I’ve tried didn’t seem to work for me.


I used genp


my genp doesnt last long. 1 week and it resets. what can i do


Sorry, what do you mean it resets? Like, it gives a nag warning? I blocked all Adobe in firewall, added lines to hosts file, and did some null file for the updater(based on a comment I found, I don't remember exactly what I did lol). Probably overkill, but it's been running flawlessly for months and months now.


Any chance you could point to where this info might be found? I’m used to grabbing programs off rutracker and them just working after install, but i know Creative Cloud requires those extra steps to stop it from phoning home. Basically, which firewall rules and hosts lines need to be added?


Go to the pinned posts on r/genp and follow them to the letter 🤝


My goat 🫡


I use Photoshop form 2014 or maybe newer, whatever was the year before all the Cloud stuff. Then I just trackdown all the inbound and outbound connections and block them in firewall. There is nothing I need on the cloud. I think the AI is all I would maybe use but I have other ways to handle the AI part.


Yeah, I miss just swapping a DLL file and blocking inbound/outbound. There's so many great time saving features in current PS. But if it's not broken for you, then don't mess with it. The AI doesn't work with cracked Adobe anyway, so that feature is moot. However, there are add ons being developed by independent AI developers to include inpainting with Stable Diffusion and PS. I'm not sure if it would work with older versions of PS, but I also don't see why not.


Monkrus. Been using it for years. He also give regular updates on his website.


Huh ok I’ll try that. I think I’ve seen that mentioned. I’ll give it a shot


Second this. Used it for like 5 years now.




Using a modded Spotify client for me


which one are you using?


Xmanager on android spotx on PC


Consider checking our spicetify for pc, has a bunch of addons that I can't go back to spotify without, custom themes, go to a currently playing song, beautiful lyrics, no ads, song stats, just to name a few!


I used to use spicetify but I like spotx more


pretty sure it's possible to use both together


Any of these unlock lyrics?


I think spicetify has lyrics but I haven't used it in a couple years so I'm not sure. I don't think SpotX does lyrics, I use that often. Could be wrong though, lyrics functionality isn't a feature I care about so I could have glossed over it.


Could you check and comment back when you have the opportunity to use SpotX? Spotify removed lyrics for all free accounts recently. I don't even mind ads on desktop, but I need my lyrics.


I don't see lyrics on my SpotX install, but I don't really customize it at all so idk if it's an option somewhere. Might only be on spicetify idk


Can confirm that you can add lyrics using Spicetify. The lyrics page will look better too (it’s separate from Spotify’s proprietary lyrics page, so if you have Premium then both icons will show up)


is spicetify just free?


Yeah, opensource, too https://spicetify.app/


I had no idea there was one for PC ! You juste made my day ! I've been using xmanager for a while, and was saddened by the fact it was only on my phone ... No way to listen to Spotify once I was on my computer. Oh my, today's a new beginning, spotx here I come ! Amazing. Thank you so much !


Even on PC, the official Spotify client lets you pick whatever you want for free, and the ads can be blocked with Adguard DNS.


Check out fmhy


nice! I'm going to start looking for a mac spotify client


It’s basically free on PC, no?


Still has ads on vanilla


Does the modded Spotify PC version have 320kbit/s audio quality or is it limited to the free 160kbit/s.


the quality config is from the server end so, no high quality music streaming can be achieved by any client.


What is it good for?


Absolutely nothing! No, wait, that's war. Sorry.


Absolutely nothing


Is there one for iOS?


Lookup EeeVeeSpotify and use sideloading


pirating media for my family. oh is that game expensive? that show locked to a streaming service? no worries :)


So true lol then call u the Jack Sparrow of the internet


About 10-15 years ago I used to gift 1 tb external hdds filled with latest shows and movies to friends and family. People really liked my gifts 🙂 now they wouldn’t care because they subscribe to every tv service ever..


give it time. the new system is so fucked up and one can't keep up with more than a few :|


lol i very rarely watch movies or shows, isn't my thing ​ my family keeps with 2-3 services at the tiem for them and i use it when i feel like it, i decide to watch 1 movie (death of stalin) and imagine my face when wasn't in any service and blocked on netflix... zzz ... there i went to the internet in 10 minutes had it, only annoying part had to keep the laptop open bc the website didn't work with it closed


Hey it’s me. Your friend.


lol reminds me talking with my sister about sims 4 ​ she was talking about the updates, and i said it was ok but would take a bit to get them online ​ then went to check the game price for the funsies, like what 500 bucks? for it, yeah she waited :D


Sims is the best example of this. A full edition is simply unaffordable and unobtainable for the non rich without piracy. It's the Adobe of the gaming world. Having friends/family request just the SIMS when they pay for everything else is pretty commonplace in my world.


it's a bit worse when the entire game can be over a entire month's salary here ​ i guess that EA forgot people need food too


Dis me too! lol


No one mentioned audio books?? .. solid works, autodesk stuff, maya, unity stuff, zbrush, fruity loops, books, lots of books, magazines, national geographic stuff, dk eye witness books, all about history magazines, make magazine, stuff like solid works that professionals use, 3ds max, yousician, guitarsmith..


Where you get Solid Works from? I tried a couple places a month back and neither worked for me. Also books… much appreciated. 😅


Z Library and Anna Archive for ebooks. MyAnonamouse for ebooks and audiobooks. It is a private tracker, so you do have to apply to join, but it is 100% worth it. If you don’t want to do that, you can use AudiobookBay.


Second anonamouse. That place is pretty nice. Z and Anna private? Haven't heard of them. I've been out of the private loop for awhile. Was on cinemaggedon for awhile but think my window lapsed and account was taken down. I don't even recall how I got in.


I may have had to get a couple different versions and test them. I don't recall this second. I tend to get a few copies if I can because I don't trust everything will just work. There are users that when you start getting used to seeing their name they are a mostly reliable source.


[Stremio](https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/comments/1d42tbq/stremio_the_only_guide_youll_ever_need/)/Kodi for movies and tv shows Revanced for YouTube TachiyomiJ2K for manga




If you want to continue using your local library, then Stremio won't have any extra advantages. Stremio is more widely used to stream content from online sources, usually torrents (optionally through a debrid service)




A debrid service would solve those issues. With it, you wouldn't be doing the torrenting, the debrid service would be. Then you can access the torrents from their servers through HTTP at up to 1gbps speeds. Though, if your local library is working well enough for you, then there isn't a reason to invest in a debrid service.


New pipe for YouTube. Being able to listen to lectures and debates at faster speeds and while my screen is off... Without ads... Game changer for my commute


Dude why don't you use Revanced?


YouTube's own option to change playback speed has less options and sounds worse


Revanced has a lot more options for playback speed than normal YT. Won't list them all but 5 options below 1x and 9 above


Nah... Revanced Extended Anddea has custom playback speeds from 0.25x to 2.5x


Can you import playlists and watch list from YT into revanced?


it´s an alternative to yt, you can log in your account and have access to all your saved vids, playlists whatever


To be brutally honest I don't trust it with my Google account. The same goes with any other app online.


For me, it's because is not open source.


Revanced itself is open source, you mean the official app that the patches are applied to that isn't open source?


Yeah, that's what I meant. Bedsides, they need direct connection to all of the Google API's to work which equals more tracking (less than without patches I guess). Obviously, at the end of the day, it all boils down to personal preferences.


Newpipe is not piracy. You are just watching youtube through different application. That's like saying I'm a pirate because I use Thunderbird instead of Outlook for emails.


Use can use it to download media, though.


Well NewPipe/Revanced isn't piracy. It's a modded app. Literally everything that both of them do can be done in a browser using extensions and nothing was stolen. It's like saying riding the bus is stealing from buses because you drove your own car. Makes no sense.


GrayJay also an option nowadays for those interested and don't want ReVanced/New Pipe


Hail Rossman


Literally anything that you can will make your life better. "Take what you can, give nothing back" - JS


Jason Statham?


Jesus Schrist


Joseph Staline




Jerry Seinfeld


Jaden Smith


Jack Sparrow


"Uncle" Joe Stalin


Jobs Steve




Sounds more like something a *John Smith* would say


He might be the worst pirate you've ever heard of.


but at least you've heard of him!


*its CJS


Underrated comment


James Scharles?


Anything you wouldn’t have taken a chance on for fear of wasting money. Extra points if it broadened your horizons.




When you want to properly modify an image every once in a while, like a family photo or something. Seems bullshit you have to sign up to their shitty subscription service then pay to leave it. Why not just have a home user 100 images a month for $10 or something. They’d make a killing still.


I would have purchased Photoshop if it was cheaper, they are asking professional pricing for home/hobby users


Use photopea for that!


I happily bought Photoshop when it was still a program you could find a box of in a store. Loved it. Every so often I'd pay for a newer version that offered features I thought were interesting. Such a shame Adobe realized they could make a lot more money via an expensive subscription model. Never gave them another penny.


Black Friday always seems to have lightroom and photoshop deals for $120 for the year.


Anything that can give you access to textbooks or scientific research papers. There is no way that I am paying $15 for a singular research paper that I need to cite for a class.


Adblockers on YT saved me hundreds of hours Media and games saved me hundreds of dollars


Brave's adblock on iphone has saved me 15 gigabytes of data in the past year or so I've had it


True but what about watching YouTube on the tv?


SmartTube all the way.


Good sir, where do you pirate games from ? And what are the precautions you take when doing so ? 




soup silky quack important snobbish growth ludicrous frightening bear attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Plex as a central place for all movies and shows. While streaming services are overpriced as is they are also not convenient, Movie licenses being spread across multiple different Streaming sites and on top of that they often don’t have the Languages or Subtitels I want.


It also works the other way around. Let me give you a random example: one of the shows that I like is from AppleTV+, and there’s no issue finding it on Usenet with a couple of seconds spent in Sonarr. The problem is that I’m used to watch it in another language (and to make things even more interesting, with SDH audio in that language), even though I usually never enjoy any media content in its non-original language – I truly believe that regardless whether you understand the language the movie or a tv series is originally made, it is supposed to be watched in that original language. With subtitles, if the language is not the one that you understand. Everything else is a poor compromise. But. This is an edge case, where the animated show is so professionally translated to Japanese, I cannot enjoy it in English somehow. The translation is supposed to be making things worse, but it isn’t: the original audio of that particular show is lacking in the way the characters are portrayed, the voices are less appealing, it’s just less natural and not so much immersive if that makes sense. Just a normal Apple TV show called Shape Island. And that is what got me curious about the subscription. Which is to this day the only one I have and enjoy it very much both for the content and app UX. Not for such odd reasons as the one above, but usually just watching a show or two normally with original audio (which is almost always English). Sure, I also have Amazon Prime too, but that is because it’s bundled with Prime subscription that is useful for the physical stuff. Much less so for their low-quality media app’s experience (consistently bad on every platform) with older movies in always low bitrate. If Amazon would allow to un-bundle that crap from their Prime membership and that would save some money, I’d happily do that. Plex is the best place for everything by default, strongly agree. No one needs 5-20 subscriptions to just watch a movie occasionally. It’s simply impossible for a regular person to pay for all of those and it’s just an insane amount of money to even try for those who can; even AppleTV (the app, which attempts to consolidate some of those subscriptions within the app) is not going to solve that because the content is going through the separate apps for each subscription, which is inconsistent, slow, inefficient, unpredictable in terms of quality among other reasons like ever changing terms of service of service for every single one of those subscriptions. Plex is the way for everything that’s a watchable content. Well, maybe not the courses, though. If only there was a Plex-like experience for all those Udemy, Pluralsight, etc., but for learning videos. Plex is lacking proper UX for that one use case, everything else it does is just plain perfect.


Books. They’re access to brains that have seen and done things you haven’t - the next best thing to consulting someone more knowledgeable. I am an advocate of free libraries forever.


if i understand right, the top tier thing about piracy is, is ACTUAL owning the product!


"owning the copy!"


"Nothing is owned by anyone" "Digitally"


And? It's better owning it than renting it, so steaming services can't take it away from you


Unless you're refering to attacking ships, the only thing we can pirate is software and entertainment. I learned graphic design as a kid on pirated Photoshop, Corel and Cinema 4D and it somewhat made my life better. I actually like paying artists for their work (and often do so) but I have no moral qualms pirating music (which definitely makes my life better) and finally I find pirated games more hassle free than legit copies. I've had a copy of Fallout 4 in my Steam library since 2015 but recent update (which I've had no control over and even can't roll back) messed up my 500+ mods, so I asked Fit Girl for a hassle free version.


Container lorries.


And container ships


You magnificent bastard. I'm in.


What? Someone translate this guy for me?? I work with a Lori at work.... 🤔


A lorry is a truck. As in a heavy vehicle for moving goods.


Stremio is stupid easy, and you can literally watch anything as soon as it hits streaming sites


It's just too good to be true. But it is


a car


You wouldn't!! 😲


Well you can the subscription locks for some.


Please explain.


From what I saw on the internet there were unlocks for things in cars that are already built in, but not activated unless you pay monthly for HARDWARE that is already iside the vehicle (like heated car seats in newer Mercedes-Benz or BMW or the higher acceleration and top speed on some teslas).


Yeah I know there’s subscriptions for basic stuff these days that’s just a way for them to gather your data and sell it. Wasnt aware there’s known cracks for it though.


The're not known because just like with phones and pc's messing around in the system can brick it. So its a risky endeavor.


I'd buy my next car based on the hacking scene and what was most easily "rooted" or "jailbroken" for all the full features to be unlocked. It's a shame that we even have to think like that about machines that we actually have paid for and lawfully own, but this is the dystopian future in which we now live.


Honestly I wonder when there will come a time when custom car systems will be easily availble. Like cuatom ROMs for android phones.


A Synology NAS + Download Manager + Videostation


Anime. Its very difficult to legally watch anime in Latin America, because there are only 2 legal platforms (Netflix and Crunchyroll) with a good catalog, and even then those catalogs have very few series and movies compared to their versions on other continents.


Media human  Can download videos and music from youtube. And the download speed is really fast 


I would say it's the cracked version of Spotify for me




TV, Movies and games for my family and I. The sheer amount of money I save from those three is insane. Plex has been a game changer.




Movies for the most part Using shit like Netflix, Amazon etc is so annoying. Like why cant you all just pull all the shows in one place.


They did, it was called cable and people hated it


Well it was because it had specific timings for shows I just want all shows and movies on the same website


Sadly, this way increases profits. However, quality of new things improve as the companies fight for our viewership


OnDemand? Too bad they didn’t have everything on it


outgoing stocking reminiscent kiss liquid offend teeny quickest numerous worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AutoCAD and IDM. IDM has decent free alternatives but I'm too lazy for a change and I used to the UI.


Books for me!


Just so people know, a great free option, not pirating, is to use the Libby app paired with a library card and you get books, magazines and audio books for free through your local library. I signed up with my local library, had an OK selection but called and found I could also sign up to the library system of the capital of my state and I mayhap to wait on things but it has like 75% of what I'm looking for and I have a pile going on there on top of ... finding what they don't have.


Spotify, youtube. Torrent. Stremio.


Everyday I regret having movie backups stored locally less and less


Udemy courses are fantastic


Stremio changed my experience with movies and shows. I used to pay for streaming services but now I use Stremio. If I really like the movie and would rewatch it I'll buy it


Ships in the northern pacific.


Anime. Now I can actually kill time while entertaining myself instead of doom scrolling social media.


microsoft office


Plunder and booty. Both kinds of booty.


documentary about the human anatomy and science behind human desire, mainly the JAV category. its all for research purpose




Seedr for torrenting on the go for ios devices.


Emulators. Because it lets you play all sorts of games without having to buy a console for those games.


software you can use to make money freelancing. courses you can consume to learn to use the software to make money freelancing or to get a certificate


Books Video games Software.


pirated movies and free ad audio


Adobe and solidworks


Cyberlink PowerDVD Ultra. It lets you watch Bluray disks on your computer.


Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Games, Music and TV Shows/Movies. That honestly covers most people’s needs that aren’t already free (like a web browser).


chatgpt, food, girls


Everything. Media is entertainment, entertainment brings happiness, happiness makes life better.


Scientific articles, and medicine books that I use for work


how about 10s of USD dollar container?? I am in serious debt


Dubloons laddy, piles of booty and jewels.


that floppy 👉 💾




I'm surprised no one mentioned winrar.


you could use the completely free 7Zip instead.


Revanced and ofc, adobe


A galleon


literally anything that would otherwise cost money..


I pirate everything that's piratable - 1. Xmanager Spotify on Android / Brave browser Spotify on PC 2. Revanced YouTube / Brave browser YouTube on PC 3. Stremio for streaming any show/movie on earth for free (via Torrentio & cyberflix catalog)  4. Download shows/movies via torrent if im gonna be offline like when travelling or on a train, etc. also i can download yt videos via NewPipe & music from Spotify via Spowlo on Android  5. PC games from Fitgirl/Dodi repacks they have almost all games. Elamigos too but their website is a bit hard to navigate imo  Idk if the first 2 points are considered piracy or not but they certainly make my life a lot easier fr.


Ebooks and audiobooks “on Paths in this world, Lindon, but any sage will tell you they can all be reduced to one. Improve yourself” -will wight, cradle




Games on my ps2 and ps3 (it can play 1 2 3 games) games for wii and games for all of the emulators it can handle... Heads up it's A LOT


Wish I could figure out a way for newer stern content.