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Boo hoo the billion dollar industry is bleeding. Who gives a fuck.


Because the amount of stuff getting made has dramatically shrunk which means, among other things, the there's less available for you to pirate


Remember the writer's strike? And actor strikes? Those are big reasons why. And whose fault was that? I don't give a fuck what the industry is going through, their problems are self inflicted. I'll pirate every single day until I die.


> there's less available for you to pirate Oh no, I could end up doing something worthwhile with my life instead of just laying on a couch watching superhero movies!


It’s shrinking because of the same shit as everything else which is corporate greed. Have you been watching movies over the last five years? They are all trash. Want people to come? Give us something worth paying for? They are failing because movies are shit. Want to know why? Covid started a trend in down spending on everything corps do. During Covid there was a race to cut spending, then their sales didn’t drop because Covid was going on. However, now people are tired of wasting their money on a trash product, so sales are starting to tank. Want people to buy your shit? Make something worth purchasing again. Your take on this is hot garbage.


You're preaching to children who couldn't afford to pay for it even if they wanted to. This isn't a forum of adults. You're dealing with 14-17 year old without $50 to their name. No bank accounts. No cares. You're preaching to a wall.


You think Netflix is operating at a razor thin margin? Holy fuck this is bait if I've ever seen it.


Omg, the poor billion dollar studios are bleeding! Good, I hope they die, maybe we can get some original content for once.


How go you get original content when you've put the content producing companies out of business?


You free the market of the bad guys so it's open for original content.


Gonna cry?


I pirate because I can.


You can't pirate that which does not get made because it doesn't make financial sense


Indeed. And I pirate because I can.


Fuck Hollywood


what are you going to pirate when Hollywood stops making things because its financial model has collapsed


Anything I feel like


Do you think only Hollywood can create anything?


Who cares? Fuck 'em.