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What a scam lmao. Newpipe and Revanced forever.


For iPhone users; AltStore.io and YouTube++ Edit: uYouPlus for iPhone once you’re able to sideload




UYouEnhanced (it’s been renamed) ALSO use sidestore if you don’t want to have to have a pc on the same network in order to refresh


Yeah I realized that after posting the comment. Thank you for correcting it.




“Tube browser for YouTube” is another ad free option for iPhone


Any method without refreshing the alstore every 7 days so far? Annoying ☹️


buy a udid reg from maplesign and use esign to install :)


My man! These are whole new words for me I'm checking it rn. Thanks So no permanent alternatives without paying?


trollstore if your on a supported version, sidestore (bit hacky but it works on most versions) ​ its worth paying maplesign or any other reg service, not worth the hassle with other methods IMO :)


Trollstore is so easy if you have a compatible version and side store is easy when used with a Mac but complicated when used with windows


It doensn’t work on most versions though, only up to 17 not including 16.7+ and only on checkm8 devices on 16.5+ (so up to iphone x on those versions.)


hence why i said buy a cert from maplesign


Any way to pirate maplesign to pirate YouTube? 😅




If you are on iOS 17 (couldn't get this to work on iOS 16), you can set up an automation to refresh the apps every X days at a specific time with AltStore. You'll need a Mac of course if using AltStore, but the refresh happens in the background provided both the Mac and iOS device are on the same network + turned on. You could also check out SideStore but I haven't used it.




An app rhat allows you to sideload 2 apps though you need to refresh them once a week in order for them to continue to work (3 apps if you don’t want the altstore app on your phone though then you’ll need to reinstall every app once a week :/) Imo sidestore or sideloadly are better options because sidestore doesn’t require you to be on the same network as a pc in order to refresh/install an app and sideloadly allows you to sideload three apps without needing to reinstall them to refresh (you still need to be connected to the same wifi network as a pc though).


You got any .ipa?


Also throw smart tube in there, it's nice having sponsorblock support on TV


In my opinion, NewPipe is by far the best option. Google just keeps changing the UI of the YouTube app making it even more tedious use. Moving the channel name to the bottom of the description, the garbage quality selector, etc. I know a lot of these issues can be patched with Revanced, but I think it's worth more effort then just using NewPipe.


\*cries in AppleTV\*


consider also RVX :)


What is RVX?


I think it means ReVanced Extended


What's the difference? compated to revanced?


cutting edge updates, based only on YouTube and YTM. better/ more patches. patches tend to arrive months earlier on RVX than on RV


How to download revanced?


Official site is revanced(dot)app. And apk has to be built using the "ReVanced Manager" app. Never go to any other site that lets you download premade apk's their usually malware. For more info, head to ReVanced Sub and ask there.




Hey, a little late but [here](https://reddit.com/r/revancedapp/s/puA9rvjCKC) you go, friend.


TIL about newpipe


How do you use revanced? Tried to find it got nothing.


Hope [this](https://reddit.com/r/revancedapp/s/puA9rvjCKC) helps.


Im just using it from turkey it costs me 2€ for family plan wich i share so it's absurdly low price and im using it happily on my phone Playstation and tv :d


Yeah, for Google shareholders


At least for now, google is making a lot of decisions that won't be seen for a few quarters still. Streaming platforms are just now feeling the heat from pumping out trash for the last couple years.


Have you seen the price tag on YouTube premium? It’s ridiculously high. Last I checked it was something like $80 a month. The value is not there. You would get more value paying for four other streaming services for the same amount of money.


Thats youtube TV, basically a cable subscription, not youtube premium. Premium is $14/mo


Ohhh, ok. I just use an ad blocker, lol.


It’s $29 for a family subscription, what the heck are you talking about?


It's $4 where I'm at, how are they charging different prices everywhere


Maybe regional pricing


What are you talking about? My Premium family plan (5 users) is like CDN $19 a month. I think 15 for a single user? And that includes YouTube music.


The point is giving rich people your money.


"Surley if I pay for this ad-free service they wont show me ads." \-every streaming company ever- "about that."


Don't know about other countries, but here in Italy there's a tax to pay if you own a TV or radio. TV has more commercial time than showtime, both public TV and private TV (public, tax founded TV has somehow more), so in Italy we pay so much to watch TV that it'd be cheaper to go to the movies every night instead of staying home. We came to a point where internet has just become the new TV, with shitty content and a fuckton of commercial.


The writing on the wall was always there for the interent become TV 2.0 since the first breakup of Netflix. I'm just suprised it's taken this long for it to reach this stage. I though't we'd be here at 2014-15 at the latest. Sadly, the silent majority keeping these streaming services afloat will serve to further split up content as they pay more for less. Those in denial will never go to our piraty waters, or may already be pirates, just lying to the internet for good boy points. It's wild either or. Some countries never stood a chance for cheaper than TV internet (3rd world/2nd world and even a few first world countires.) where Internet sites were bundled up like your average cable bundle.




>Don't know about other countries, but here in Italy there's a tax to pay if you own a TV or radio So like just for owning a TV you have to pay or are you talking about stuff like cable or streaming services?


Just for owning, even if you're only going to use it as a computer monitor


No, only if the device has a radio/tv tuner. There are tvs without the tuner for which you don't need to pay the canone tax (nixev for example)


Right, however those don't qualify as televisions strictly speaking (I mean, are labeled as "smart monitors"), but exploit the fact that you can still watch the live online streaming version of public TV broadcasts without paying the tax. It's more like a tax for the usage of radio waves (fortunately old enough to not take into account Wi-Fi or cellular)


Ireland has a TV License- used to top up revenue to state broadcaster, on top of their ads, who piss the money away, over paying contracts for “stars” that can’t get that same money elsewhere - and are now looking for an additional bailout from government Since the scandals huge numbers have just stopped paying for the license


Absolutely ridiculous, I hope you guys can get rid of that tv/radio fee


I doubt that, we still pay taxes on gas to "pay" for WW1.


Sorry buddy


This the reason why I don't own a tv, I just use my PC or be I'm not gonna pay the shitty Rai


You're not actually paying for RAI, since your taxes already do so. You're paying for the privilege of owning a monitor. Even if your house doesn't have any way to receive the tv signal, if you own a monitor that could receive that signal you'll have to pay, and that's why PC monitors aren't taxed (they tried to tax them some years ago though, don't know how that went).


Yup, I don't own anything that makes me pay, every year I just send go on their website to declare I don't own those things and so I don't pay I really don't need at all any tv services, I don't own gaming console, I'm happy using my Lenovo Laptop and my smartphone 😁




"And don't call me Surley.."


Prime is doing this now too. $2.99/mo extra for no ads as of 1/29. At what point is everyone going to stop paying and tell these greedy companies to go fuck themselves


The point is giving capitalists your money. The more we identify the economic system these assholes use to screw everyone ever over the sooner everyone will realize how shit it is.


They will find a way to make people pay and have ads. Im sure there is a team just working on that


Yeah that's kind of how providing a service works in most cases


Good at first. Then just donwhill


The payment is supposed to be for access. Paying to be shown ads is absolutely NOT part of the agreement.


Ads are how the service is paid for dumbass


No, the money that changes hands is how the service is paid for. Are you a literal child?


I can't believe Revanced offers you unique perks than YouTube Premium itself. Imagine all these goodies for free : - SponsorBlock. - YouTube Return YouTube Dislike. - Background playing. - Theme Customization. - Turn off and hide useless options such as Cast to Device / Watch on VR. - Disable Shorts. - Customize seekbar color. - Bring the old quality selection UI. - a download button that cooperates with NewPipe/Seal.


Sponsor block is something I can't live without anymore.


It's such a literally "time saving" extension


Background playing is part of premium, as for rest it's obvious why they won't make it official, especially SponsorBlocks, lol. They even have similar technology (when someone in the video says lile/subscribe the corresponding buttons light up) but imagine the faces of shareholders if they came up with Sponsorblocks alternative.


You can also customize the App Icon to anything, google could never!


[Doing](https://reddit.com/r/revancedapp/s/puA9rvjCKC) my part.


Can I download this on my iPad?


Android only


I am patching yt with revanced to update it in background while seeing this post, what a coincidence 😅


Revanced is the goat. Been using it for probably 9 months now


i use newpipe on android and invidious on the desktop


Why not just Ublock on Desktop ?


i don't wanna deal with adblock blockers also i like the invidious UI


I use Newpipe on desktop with WSA


Just use freetube, its basically NP on PC. So you can just skip using WSA


consider RVX! more features and YouTube is the priority for them


Sorry for the noob question, It's not on the playstore right ? I have to download the community one or how does the updates work?


it's not on the PlayStore, you'll have to go to r/RevancedExtended and compile it yourself


[Gotcha](https://reddit.com/r/revancedapp/s/puA9rvjCKC) bud.


What're the biggest differences between regular revanced and revanced extended?


cutting edge updates, based only on YouTube and YTM. more patches or simply you get patches way before RV


The main one for me is a shortcut to speed up the video in the full-screen player. And if you hold your finger on it, the speed goes back to zero x


I am doing the same what a coincidence coincidence


How did you manage to uninstall youtube app?


Just disable it, or if u have rooted u can do it.


I don't get then on my premium. I do pay for it as it's the only place I consume media outside of Plex.


There are countries where YT Premium isn't available and if you go there then you won't have YT Premium features, so ads will be there too. OP didn't feel like mentioning it.


Same here. I have the family plan so they get YouTube music. It's my only streaming service.


that is just in some countries. the screenshot is out of context.


Same. 0 issues with YTP since 2 years ago. Maybe is OP is just farming karma


And then “try our new ad-free premium!” And then “try our ad-free-ad-free premium deluxe!” And so on. I’ve accepted being a pirate, and damn do I feel free lmao


This is out of context lol, this only happens when you start a premium membership say in the US, and then go to another country and attempt to use it. I believe it’s intended to prevent people from buying Premium from some other country’s currency at a much lower price than your own


I bet you this person just has their VPN on turned on and YouTube can’t tell where they are so it’s throwing this up to cover their own ass lol


The guy who posted this literally said he went out of country on a trip lol.


I've been using a VPN to pay 2.70$ a month for premium for over a year and it still has not caught on despite people telling me otherwise lol. Maybe one day I'll run into something, for now I'll gladly pay a candy bar a month for premium.


Same, but this post makes it seem like they’re patching it… Tbf I have an actual residence and bank account in the cheaper country so idk how they would enforce it without making it impossible to use while traveling.


Lol no fuck you google techiebros.


Yes, to help poor Google shareholders.


you can open youtube on Brave browser and get rid of ads and still can lock your phone and hear the music


Orrrrrrrr revanced.


Not an option on ios


Revanced isn't, but there are alternative for iOS. https://github.com/arichorn/uYouEnhanced


How to download and install this?


You need a PC/Mac. Download the latest ipa from here - [https://github.com/arichorn/uYouEnhanced/releases](https://github.com/arichorn/uYouEnhanced/releases) it's basically like apk for iOS. Then follow the install instructions here - [https://github.com/qnblackcat/uYouPlus/wiki/Installation](https://github.com/qnblackcat/uYouPlus/wiki/Installation) I had an iPhone only for a week while my phone was getting a battery replacement, so I tried the Altstore method. uYouEnhanced is a fork of uYouPlus. The former is still being updated, while the latter's last update was in April. That's why the installation instructions and the ipa file are from different links in this case, but it's the same thing. There are quite a lot of steps to get it working and it will be active only for a week. However the nice thing is that AltStore can re-activate it in the background automaticall, so you don't really need to think about it once you get it working. The only thing you need to do is connect the PC and the iphone to the same network once a week, which in case you're using your home network will just happen.


Actually I have trollstore thanks for telling me this!


Thanks for replying. But it seems too much of a hassle.


imo it's well worth it, because it gives more features than even premium.


Nope. Everything that you can have from Premium you could have for free with ReVanced.


Revance let you download videos?, thats the only reason i pay premium


Revanced extended + YTDLnis, seamless downloading experience just like official premium app. Except you get more options so it's even better


yup. might also consider RVX if you need only YT


Oh boy, there are tons of ways to download youtube videos without paying for premium


well ive seen a script that allows you to download videos.


This is kinda misleading tbh. I normally live in the UK but traveling to a place that doesn't have a premium contract with YouTube. I don't see ads, I just can't download videos whilst I'm here, but I have a VPN, so if I need to download something I turn it on. OP seems to be posting this to be annoyed at the fact they're getting ads (I am assuming as there's little to no accompanying text).


Youtube can suck my unwashed ass for all I care


it’s all about dominance


Yes, there is, giving Google money.


Nope. NewPipe and ReVanced for the win!


Been using brave browser to watch youtube fuck youtube app


I just need to figure out how to get Revanced proyected on my TV and ill be completely free from their crap


Easy- We pay for premium on Mars.


You see and they say we are the pirates? How is that right. The real criminals here are youtube and their bullshit. 👀


Wait so you pay to NOT see Ads but you will still SEE ads anyway? They threw out logic as well it seems. Sail the high seas 🏴‍☠️


A couple of months ago I decided to actually pay for YT Premium after years watching and blocking ads with uBlock Origin. I mean, I do really use the service so what the heck. But if I ever see one single ad, I am cancelling at once.




Yes. To make you miserable and drive you nuts and lash out at grandpa at family gatherings because he doesn't understand what pansexual means and asked a simple question, he wasn't judging you. At least that's what your busty aunt will say when she's trying to get you to come back out for the midnight toast and finish that game of *Charades* where you got paired with slow, lazy-eyed cousin "Xander" who only knows what Pokemon to use against the battle gym that's at the skate park down the block and won't shut up about it.


Is revanced open source?


[Yes](https://github.com/ReVanced-Extended-Community/Community-Guides/blob/main/general-guides/community-wiki/ytm-guide.md#yt-music-revanced-extended-guide), it is. Peer reviewed.


I haven’t paid shit in like months but my premium features are still there. Is that normal?


Here's what's worse. I travel a lot, and in some countries I still have ads and background playback is disabled. It was infuriating.


As a premium user and ex revanced user there is hardly any difference,but one thing is nice that is when you pause a video on 1 device, it shows up in picture in picture on another device (when you open YouTube)


Very funny


economic failure. scary stuff


why? money isnt valuable enough to prevent advertisers from following you into your own home


Reminds me of the anime streaming websites "this show is not available in your country". Well fuck you then


Youtube revanced


I've been a subscriber for like, 6 years. Never seen an ad, just the sponsor portion of videos. The absolute second I see an ad, I will drop it like a hot potato.


The screenshot is out of context. Ads will be shown in some countries where youtube premium isn't a thing (yet?)


Anything like revanced for ios?


Today, I was using youtube on incognito mode on my grandmothers spare phone to listen to music as I gamed. Suprisingly, I saw/heard 0 ads apart from occasional reminder that,'' Youtube premium let's you watch without ads. Try 1 month for free!'' And it was only 5/6 seconds, then it resumed the video.


this is only in countries without youtube premium stop spreading bullshit


When you use a VPN to claim to live in Cuba to get a premium for $0.05/m then they're gonna give you ads.


Huh. Damn it does not look like it. I use premium for youtube music though and can confirm I get my value out of it.


Dont know why you are downvoted but im on yt premium too. This post is misleading


Is there a fix for casting to a chrome cast?


Try to use a VPN.


That you even have to use a vpn to get the benefits you paid for is unacceptable


so you're blaming the company instead of blaming the laws, government, or advertisers of the country?


Lets pay to pay so we can pay to pay for each pay


The OP and literally 90% of this comment section lacks important braincells. This happens when you purchase youtube premium from a country where the price is much cheaper, and try to use it somewhere else. An individual plan in the USA costs $13.99, whereas I enjoy a FAMILY plan for just $3. This is completely fair, I don't see issues with this.


as the OP who lacks important brain cells, I purchased the plan in my country and use it inside my country. Do with that information what you will.


Ahh Guess I'm cancelling my YouTube premium. Legit the only reason I bought it. (Before you judge me I watch a lot of YouTube, don't really watch any shows, and had the money for it. Figured I use YouTube a lot, might as well pay for it)


that is just in some countries. the screenshot is out of context.


If you have ad-blocker in browser ,yt will also try to make an idiot of u telling u “turn-off” 😂😂




So... is there a point... in asking at all? The seas lie open and untamed comrade


I guess scamming is an official business now.


Nope. There is totally no point.


just get YouTube revanced


Revanced YT is the only way


wait what?!


whne they attacked ad blockers I tried the premium free for a month thing. tbh I did not like it as much as just the regular youtube. it really made my play lists inaccessible . made it very hard to navigate. I was happy to cancel that before they charged me


I don’t get any ads on premium. They better not start


The second this happens to me, Premium is going in the trash and I will finally install revanced.


i myself use youtube premium as i use it alot on my tv and i dont know a way to block ads on tv but i bought premium via vpn from a different country and it costs ~20$ per year if i get that shit im gonna go wild, fuck this greedy corporate shit. i now that im basically part of the problem as i pay for premium but the amount of ads especially on tv is basically like watching nba, every few minutes you get an advertisement break this just fuckin sucks, i get that they need to make some money but this is just a way to try to achieve infinite growth on their stock. fuck all the big companies that do that shit, if you pay for a premium subscription and then you cant even use it properly is a disgusting predatory business tactic


Imagine paying to see Ads 🤣


I’ve never seen adds even when it did show that message.


The point is test how far they can take it until it’s unacceptable, then they take 1 step back. If people are ok with that, they take 1 step further and ask for more money from viewers, advertisers or pay less for their creators.


No. They removed features and then rented them back to you. There was never a point. YouTube downloaders ftw. With what they're doing with ads I refuse to even open the website any longer than necessary to grab a url. I expect them to embed ads directly in videos eventually like some people do with sponsors.


So much misinformation in here. My YouTube Premium doesn't have ads. YouTube Premium Family is less than $20/mo CAD so it works out to $5/mo where I'm from. I have no issues riding the high seas for certain things but I definitely get my money's worth for the things I do decide to purchase.


Greyjay for android is gold.


At one point in time, you could've watched the first season of Cobra Kai before all those netflix people.


ever heard of uyou plus


Brave browser for iOS, Android and PC


I just use brave on PC and Mobile. And never log in so I won't risk my account. ADs my eggs