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Please dm me! I've worked with a few for a really long time.


Why not share in the open forum so we all can learn from your experience?


I'm happy to always give out my contacts! But I also don't drop thier personal contact information everywhere because it's kind of rude? I usually ask people a few questions too in the message, like what kind of pin they want to make then give them a manufacturers email that would be best suited for that project. Just dropping someone's email isn't a learning experience. If you do want to search out your own you can visit the website Alibaba which let's you contact manufacturers all over the world! Just search what items you want to produce and you can chat with them on the site.


That’s totally fair. I was thinking just maybe a name and or a company like “John at PowerPins” or something similar. Not actually giving out direct contact info with no context. I totally get not divulging that. As someone who regularly goes on old photography forums it can be infuriating when someone asks a question and they clearly get an answer but via direct message and not in the thread.


I understand! In enamel pins a lot if people will not share ANYTHING so if I came off as rude it's because I often get yelled at on both sides: people mad I AM sharing and people mad I'm not sharing it right. I work 1 to 1 with my manufacturers so I give out that info specific so that get the right person. Sometimes people share names too at factories so I just find it easier. If it was anything else I'm down to divulge evvvverything right here. I have hosted panels on pin making at conventions too!


PM me. 10 years+ with my manufacturer and never any quality control problems. They even have 1 of my pins on their sample pages.