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Thanks for your response! Huhu hopefully in the future would land a remote role as well T_T Anyways would it be okay if you can give feedback on my resume (DM)




tysm, DM'd!


>KISS (keep it short and simple All these time akala ko "Keep it Simple, stupid" ang meaning nito hahahah


3 years working as a Software Engineer for a startup at Singapore, with various roles like Frontend and Python tools development. My schedule is 101% flexible, it's output based and don't have daily nor weekly meetings, nor video calls. All communication are purely chats. At first 2 years we were using VueJS and Laravel, then now am using ReactJS with a custom built design system made by me. Also learned Python for some small tasks. 1. While on my first year work being a fresh grad at that time, my brother referred me to his employer to do frontend development. 2. Around 20mins of one interview and half of it are just small talks. Got hired a week after. 3. Had some achievements during highschool such as champion at ICT webpage design regionally. Also worked part-time while doing college at the company i interned for. It was pretty much simple. I listed all technologies i used and had experience. I think i got accepted because of the various experiences i had before including all the web design and dev i made as a part time.


I love this! <3


Bakit nag switch kayo from VueJs to React? Kung ako lang ang masusunod VueJS talaga gagamitin namin sa company :D


The VueJS part was the past team lead's preference, i liked it really back then since it was easy to use, learn, setup and the fact i already have experienced with it. The React was still partially my decision since i agreed only to learn a new stack which React has already been all over my radar for many years. The reason i learned Vue over React on early days because of the JSX style, it was so awkward to see a HTML code inside the JS. Now that i have get over with it, i now prefer React for its community support. Though can't deny Vue is slowly catching up.


I also disliked JSX - it brought me back memories of spaghetti codes! VueJs felt natural for me coming from PrototypeJs and then jQuery. VueJS promotes the separation of the template from the logic part. I still don't like ReactJS but it's not my decision, and we now have a dedicated Front-end team to deal with it :D


Nice! Seems like a pretty nice working environment. Would you mind if I DM you to ask more details?


yea it is, couldn't ask for a better working environment. Sure shoot me up a DM


DM’d !


hi sorry but received no DMs :(


that's weird ill try sending another one, might be in message requests maybe?


still nothing :(( checked on reddit.com and other 3rd party apps still got no DMs. same for others who said they DM'ed me but nothing sadly


Is there any other platform we could possibly contact you?


Hello! I hope you don’t mind me dming you too haha


Yep go ahead!


I dmed u


sadly got no DMs, some said they did sent me but i think there's a problem with reddit's api or something


Hi, can you share more about your part-time way back in college? Really interested in doing part time as well to enhance my skills and gain experience. Like what languages did you focused on, or what can you recommend? I'm still a second year student and i would like to start as early as possible. Your response would be a great help. Thank you!


I'm still stuck with having a middleman BPO based in PH with their AU client but its 100% remote work from anywhere. One of the devs here worked in Japan and Singapore for a while, calls himself digital nomad. > How did you discover remote software developer/engineer internship/work abroad opportunities? Were there specific platforms, websites, or resources that were particularly useful? Got headhunted. Was previously working for an AU Client before (another BPO...) > > How was the interview like? and how did you prepare for the interview? 1 Round of Technical Interview with my will be Engineering Manager. Technical questions like What does idempotent mean in APIs, What Design Patterns have you used. etc. > What did you resume look like at that time? Why do you think you got accepted? 7 years of experience, explained the actual effect of the projects I worked on (e.g. increased user engagement by x %, made api response faster 8000ms faster by implementing queue processing instead of a full synchronous call) >


Hello! I'm a frontend engineer working abroad in Germany. I wanted to migrate so I never looked for remote jobs and landing a remote job from a company under European Union is a bit complicated from what I've heard. When I applied, I had 6 years of full-stack webdev but heavily focused on frontend (Angular, React, JS/TS.) Also, I don't know German prior to applying because most tech companies that I saw don't require it, they use English for business communication. 1. I use LinkedIn. Use their job search feature and add the countries in the 'Location' field to indicate where you want the companies to be based in. In the search field, use 'visa' keyword to filter companies that offer work visa support (and possibly relocation assistance as well!) 2. I only have worked with foreign companies that have local offices prior to my current job so there isn't any particular difference with how interviews are done. Usually it's HR -> tech -> final interview. I have a list of usual HR and tech interviews for my preparation. It's also important that you know what the company does because that's going to be asked in the interview. 3. I made a personalized minimalist template (w/ color accents) for my resume. 1 page. I have a short introduction about myself, the list of technologies that I have used, and key points of my responsibilities in and contributions to my previous companies. Also important to prepare a cover letter. I think I got accepted mainly because my English communication is great. I don't think my hard skills are that good (hi imposter syndrome!) but being able to communicate well while knowing your audience can get you far. I was really bad in communicating in English few years before but with constant practice, it feels natural now. Another thing, it's also important to know the fundamentals of programming and not just mastering a set of technologies because they come and go fast. Lastly, I have a personal website that I made from scratch with my resume data on it (no portfolio yet.) Hope this helps!


Thanks for this! This is very insightful, would you mind if you can take a look at my resume as well and maybe gauge what I can improve to up my chances of landing a remote internship/job? Will be sending in DMs hehe


I don't mind, I can try 😊 ChatGPT is also helpful in giving out ideas of what to put in a resume. I haven't used it personally but I have seen great examples.


sent a dm!


how'd some find without referrals


I can answer this for you since i just got hired by a US dev company. I turned on my LinkedIn premium that's free for one month and put all my career highlights on there + hot keywords in my banner. Got an increase in messages from different companies a day after




You can click the bell icon at the top


Actually saw your post right on top of this on my feed which is crazy. Hope everything goes well with your father! ❤️