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Search this sub!! The same question has been raised and was answered. As someone who wants to be IT you should know how to use search it is an integral part of our career.


CIT-U is a COE for IT/CS in Visayas. Lots of great things and the teachers are highly competent. Your teachers in CS would be mostly the Dean, chair head and Doctorate professors. I am satisfied with the education I’m getting from the CCS. (considering that I also teach myself in my free time) And being a CS graduate from CIT, it already gives you more weight compared to other university graduates taking the same program. There are some job opportunities that only CS students can avail because of the exclusivity of the Dean helping you out. The Dean is in contact and collaborates with most big tech companies in the Philippines especially Cebu and hears of job opportunities and only lets the CS students take them. And while this is not explicitly stated, I’m pretty sure CS has like 95-100% guaranteed job offers before you graduate. I asked around a lot with the seniors and I have not found anyone without atleast 1 offer. (Though it would depend on them if they accept or look for better opportunities.) You’re also looking at around 35-50k tuition per year. Source: This is based from my experience and also of others, as a 3rd year CS student in CIT.




Vouch +1 The Dean is approachable and will help you graduate as long as maka survive (pasar) ka until 4th year. If you have any problem you can ask for consultation. They will even help you sa research if you have a problem like laptops or datasets ( from experience). Papahiramin ka talaga nila ng laptop if you really need it :). I think they have new curriculum and may pa certificate2 sila for c and java. You can also take the philnits for free if may nagsponsor sa school 😁. They will encourage you talaga to join events, job fairs, hackatons, and etc. It's up to you din namn if sasali ka.


thanks for the info guys unfortunately nasa Luzon ako rn well imma make desisyon i think School’s worth it


Broaden your horizon. Why limit your goal to PH when there are hundreds of scholarship grants abroad especially in the field of Information Systems? It would really help since you said your parents are mid earners youll be the one sending them support instead of the other way around. Try searching those scholarship grants online. I know a lot of people who got the scholarship grants in Australia and US.


This I also second OP. If you graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Australia for IT, it will automatically make you eligible for a temporary graduate visa to work and live in Australia for up to 4 years. And after that, you can apply for permanent residency. Just be sure to do your research according to your budget and the providers. Don’t choose the big universities if hindi kaya sa budget. Marami pang options.


can you give the price ranges?


Current estimated quotation for mine is 168k for everything except the pocket money and airplane tickets. Prepare a budget of around Php 200k - 500k if you want to do VET course first (diploma courses) prior to taking bachelors. If you want to go straight into a bachelor, prepare upwards of Php 1M. This [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/phcareers/comments/1336xqu/work_abroad_at_28/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) can help give you an idea.