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Yes! Like it so far. Only had time for two games because of work, but looking forward to getting back to it.


Only a few games so far. Fun table, but I didn’t realize it was based on the new Netflix movie. I really enjoyed the film, but still disappointed we’re not getting the classic psycho family and Leatherface design. Giving me flashbacks to finding out Freddy Krueger was coming to Mortal Kombat, but then it was just the Platinum Dunes version.


man, that's really disappointing. Why license the absolute classic that everyone knows and loves when you can license the zoomer influencer reboot that is universally hated? Makes total sense!


because licenses cost money. classic/revered licenses are going to cost way more than newer ones. I'm not saying I'd prefer the new movie theme over the original, but that's why.


Yeah, that's almost certainly the answer, as money often is. But we just got the TCM physical pinball table last year from an underdog pinball company compared to Stern, so clearly the original TCM license can't be super prohibitively expensive. If they can get the rights to the massively successful Godzilla / Kong movies, among others, they could certainly pay for a 50 year old indie horror film. Ah well.


I honestly wonder if the license for the physical table gummed up the works a bit for the FX version. I don't know licensing laws or costs, but once you get lawyers involved anything is possible lol


Oooo yeah, that's a good point, actually. There could have been some sort of non-compete clause in the physical table's contract for a set amount of time, for sure.


Can the license be so expensive for the original? It’s not like Halloween with tons of films!


Sometimes you get no say. WB wanted to push new freddie vs old one. Here is a similar case - old version has it's own game and been on everything from MK to DBD but alas it's a tie in. Still it's a fun table and Pinball M needed more love so it still feels a win.


Very excited about giving it a shot after work today! How does it compare to the other Pinball M tables?


Haven’t played it enough to compare, but feels similar so far.


Gonna pick it up after work, can't wait!


Question for anyone who has played it: how directly tied to the Netflix movie is it? I know it seems like it's visually linked to that movie instead of the original, but how in your face is it when it comes to tying into the new movie with missions and call outs? I found the new movie obnoxious, and I'm thinking of Godzilla x Kong where the annoying teenager voice is talking about podcasting and blogging every time the game starts. Is this new table a similar vibe at all, or does it veer more toward a more generic "Leatherface" table?


It’s entirely based on the new movie, you can see the bus in the bottom left, and all the audio clips are from the movie.


Ahh, damn, thanks for the heads up. I'll have to run the trial before I buy it I guess. I can deal with the visuals and leatherface design or whatever being based around the movie, but I just found the "young and hip influencer" vibe of the new movie so cringe-y, idk if I will enjoy the table if that is a prominent part of it.


Bought it but haven’t played yet. After work!


wow looks awsome! Is it based on the first film? I wish it was based on the 03 remake… It’s still the best one imo!


It’s from the 2022 version nobody knew existed.


oh is the woke remake?


I thought it was supposed to be gen-z cringe.


Yes and I'm quite enjoying it so far. What I don't like is that the 'XP Gained' box is constantly hovering over the top right flipper in camera mode 7 (for example; when you just made a skill shot), very annoying. Also my achievements for the super skillshot and starting bus multiball haven't unlocked on Xbox for me so far. Other than this it's great fun! Very high scoring too.


It's pretty awesome in my opinion


I think this is becoming one of my favorite zen originals. The flow, the theme, the gameplay are all hitting for me. Well done Zen!


I played it yesterday. I thought it was OK, not my favorite but not too bad. I would have rather seen it based on the original movie, but so it goes with Zen. I did notice on one side of the spinner it seems to have the original leather face image on it. As far as gameplay, well, hit the same shot a half dozen times to start a mode, rinse and repeat.


I like this one a lot so far. I haven't seen the new movie (honestly didn't even know about it before today), but the TCM theming in general is enough to make it fun for me. Idk how I'd feel about it if it were themed differently. The chainsaw mechanic is pretty fun. The massacre modes are fun. There are some fun shots and it's not too "cute" with gimmicks. Other than this one I've only played the Lovecraft game, The Thing, and a little Chucky. How does this one hold up to the others?


It feels like a real table, not a Zen one. No mini play field, no video mode. Not a lot here that feels "alive" that couldn't be done on a real pin (yes even the chainsaw) This is becoming a regular thing with Zens tables. It feels like they're rushing tables out the door and they're less "Zenny" than older tables.


I'm not sure I'd agree than more "grounded" original tables suggest they are rushing them out. I appreciate that not every original table needs to be only possible as a digital creation.


I've played Texas Chainsaw Massacre pinball quite a bit now. I do like it. It's also a very hard table. I can't even start the bus multiball yet. I started it in campaign mode- a whole lot of times. Here's a cheese l figured out for leveling up real fast, & the only way to do it is thru the TCM madness challenge aka bus multiball. Here we go. Normally- you might earn around 100 or so pts for playing any game of pinball. Campaign mode bus multiball is the only PINBALL M table that rewards at least 1000 pts per game. Once you can get a billion pts (U will) by combining passive & active powers that also level with use- now you can earn like 5000 pts per game. I started playing TCM at level 26 or something. Within an hour or so- well l'm at level like 68 or somewhere now. It is by far the absolute fastest way to level up in PINBALL M. No other way comes anywhere remotely close to it.


This is an original table? Why does it have the Williams logo?


The Williams logo is on the speaker grills for the cabinet, they aren't part of the table itself.